Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Volunteer Summary Notes

Completed 50 hours: Volunteer Summary Field Notes
You are required to have a minimum of 5  field note entries for credit. Each field note is required to be a minimum of 300 words, and demonstrate an in depth reflection of your progression into a human service professional. Some helpful questions to ask yourself include but are not limited to:

1. What have you learned this week about human service practice, interventions, service delivery or any other area of human services.

2. Describe any thoughts and feelings experienced while engaging in this week’s field experience

3. Any notable client experiences?

4. What impact does this week have on your perception of human services?

5. Discuss some areas of of human service practice or skills you need to continue to grow in

6. Discuss some knowledge, skills or other important things learned in your human service program that has been vital to your field experience

I need 5 separate journal entries, 330 per entry. I volunteered at a foodbank and then viturally online collecting donations for a food bank and campaigned for them. for the first two talk about what it is like to work at a food bank and the other 3 what it was like to fundraise. the first two should focus on food bank of southeastern virignia and then the final 3 on hand maidens ministries.

and example is attached below


How many assets should we invest today to be able to pay out the future pensions as scheduled in the file liability.xlsx with a probability of running out of money of less than 5%?
– What sort of a strategic asset allocation should we set up to achieve this objective?
What kind of a portfolio would you recommend?
– How did you arrive at such a proposal?
– What is the recommended asset size for this scheme to invest today into the above
– What is the probability of running out of money?
– What kind of risk management and monitoring would you implement?
– If this is not an achievable objective given the constraints, suggest which constraints they
should loosen.

Impact of a crisis on the events sector (focus on Coronavirus)

So this essay is quite easy. The plan is already below, with the word count needed for all different parts. The essay should look at the impact of the coronavirus on the events sector. The events that I want you to look at are already in the plan.
Please only use sources from online websites that I can find easily. This could be articles from newspapers etc.

Research is key, therefore we will need to have much back up information from online resources.

This is the Plan: (please follow it)

Introduction (400 words)

Canceled events: (500 words)
–    Sports 
Tokyo 2020
F1 (Cancellation of Bahrain and Monaco, Postpone races)
Tennis (Wimbledon, Rolex Maters Monaco, US Open)
–    Cultural
Cannes Film Festival
Met Gala
Dubai Expo

Financial impact (700 words)
–    Loss in revenue for event organizers.
–    Loss in revenue for the hospitality sector.
–    Loss of jobs for Workers.

(Use examples for each, try and use examples from the canceled events which were talked about earlier in the essay)

Issues after recovery (300 words)
–    Will people want to go out?
–    How will we deal with social distancing etc.

Recommendations (800 words)
–    Insurance (look at the Wimbledon pandemic insurance)
–    Virtual reality (video conference, VR glasses etc)
–    Closed doors sport events 
–    Providing masks and gel at events?

Conclusion (200 words)

Differences between complementary, alternative and integrative health practices

Discuss the differences between complementary, alternative and integrative health practices and how they impact patient care. Describe one example of each.  Discuss, with rationale, whether you would consider using any of these interventions in your advanced nursing role.


Initial Post:

    Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm EST
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Clinical Case Study

Post your answers to the 6 questions corresponding to this weeks content on primary care medication management. Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high level evidence. (See Post Expectations)

    Your patient is peri-menopausal and would like to use an herbal product, what do you recommend?
    Which natural product helps to prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract and bladder wall?
    Which herbal product is used in OTC cold prevention preparations?
    Which herbal product can be effective in treating depression and why?
    Your patient is taking a megadose of Vitamin A, why is this dangerous?
    Your patient asks which vaccine will be given at birth, what is your response?


Initial Post:

    Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm EST
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Understanding the Importance of Cultural, Spiritual and vulnerable populations in Health care

Assignment Prompt

Discuss the most meaningful aspects of the advance practice nursing course on Cultural, Spiritual and Vulnerable Populations Care to you as the Advanced Practice Nurse. Include the topics of culture, spirituality, vulnerable populations; religious diversity and complementary, alternative and integrative health practices. Describe how this course content will be beneficial to you in your future advanced nursing role.


    Due: Monday, 11:59 pm EST
    Length: Two to three pages (excluding title and reference page)
    Format: APA 6th ed.
    References: A minimum of two, recent, scholarly reference citations

follow prompt

Grooming: The Truth Behind Sexual Exploitation 15 minView the following videos and answer each question for a total of 500 words.  All submissions must be in full APA format 

Grooming: The Truth Behind Sexual Exploitation  15 min

What % of girls are sexually exploited?
What % of boys are sexually exploited?
What are the average age children are exposed to porn?
Now stop, pause, reflect and make notes of thoughts.

homeland security intelligence

Provide an examination of the various elements that comprise the intelligence community from local law enforcement to national agencies and how each of those entities contributes to the development of homeland security intelligence. In crafting your response, it would be good to remember the lessons learned from the 9/11 Commission on intelligence sharing and analyze how those lessons/recommendations are being addressed. Lastly, your examination of the question should include the issue of domestic versus foreign intelligence.

Homeland Security and Homeland Defense

In your readings you have been provided a variety of definitions for the term homeland security. Additionally, the national strategies and readings have talked to the difference between homeland security and homeland defense.

Drawing upon your readings and other class materials, craft two columns; one labeled Homeland Security and the other Homeland Defense. Under the headers of each column list those missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, operations, etc. which are identified from the national policies, strategies and readings. Some tasks may be listed under both columns. Where this occurs, be sure to identify if there is any element of that item that is specific to either homeland security or homeland defense. Lastly, drawing upon the list you developed, provide a definition of homeland security.

Critical infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan as Systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment, or any combination of these matters, across any Federal, State, regional, territorial, or local jurisdiction (DHS, 2009, p. 109). From this definition, one can reasonably presume that protection of these assets is vital to the well-being of the United States and as such is an essential element of homeland security. Drawing upon the readings provide your assessment of the capability of the nations infrastructure protection program to ensure the survivability of its critical infrastructure.