Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

How human activities contributes to habitat loss and animal extinction?

title the paper.
. Include an introduction that states the research question you were investigating and its significance.
. In the body of your paper, incorporate at least five of the articles you found in your research
. Use summary, paraphrase, quotes, and reflection.
. Your paper should not consist of more than 20% direct quotes.

Effects of Disaster on Children and Adolescents

To date, the effects of disaster events have been introduced through our course materials as well as the ways to interact with survivors of these disaster events. At particular risk for negative reaction in disaster situations, natural or man-made, are children and adolescents. Dependent upon the childs/adolescents stage of development, responses to disaster events can vary significantly. Our course materials provide excellent guidance for those charged with aiding children and adolescents in disaster events.

After review of the course materials, share your understanding of assessing and providing appropriate disaster behavioral health care for children and adolescents.
Outlining how the process differs from that of disaster behavioral health with typical adult populations, note any significant factors you feel contribute to or hinder the recovery process with children and adolescents.

The role of lithium in electric batteries for cars

A research about the role of the material lithium for the electric car batteries should be carried out. Solid scientific references are needed!

The following structure should be followed:

– Information about the element lithium itselves e.g. (chemical properties, mechanical properties etc.)
– General use of lithium in industrial applications (e.g. consumer electronics, energy sector, general applications in engineering for example alloys etc.)
– Where lithium is found and where it can be sourced? (buzzword: lithium triangle in South America)
– Analysis of the lithium market and its future development (supply and demand, pricing, future supply risks etc.)
– Environmental issues of lithium mining and sourcing, focus on sustainability in regards of the “green” battery technology –  a critical judgement is needed here
– Exploitation of workforce, animals and nature in general for lithium raw material sourcing should be discussed (buzzword lithium triangle in South America)

Final Reflection Post 4

Scripture: Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Phil 4:4

Pause and give thanks. You have completed one more course toward the completion of your degree. How are you feeling? (Beside rejoicingI am sure!) Is there a scripture that comes to mind? Is there a quote you are pondering?  Write your final reflection.

Human Capital and HR Systems Analysis Paper

Final Assignment:

Human Capital and HR Systems Analysis Paper

Length of paper is approximately 6 – 8 pages. The outcome of this paper is to illustrate a detailed set of recommendations that could be discussed and potentially implemented in an organization. The paper should be 12-pt, double spaced, beginning with an APA coversheet and a reference page (both these pages should not be included in the page count). This paper will contain the following elements:

1. Overview: This section includes a general overview of the importance of an effective Human Resource Capital system which is integrated with the strategic and financial plans of the organization. This overview will include the importance of designing and implementing Human Capital processes and systems to optimize the use of talents (individual and team) to impact organizational performance.

2. Analyze the organizations Human Capital and HR processes through one of the following areas 1) Performance Management 2) Training and Development or 3) Career Development. For the system that you select as the focus of your analysis, you will begin with a general overview of the area (using the information from the textbook, articles and our class exercises/discussions. You will then describe how the organization currently uses the system to impact business/organizational performance and the engagement of people.

3. Based on the analysis you conducted on the organizations processes and systems (in #2 above), you will provide three specific recommendations on how to expand, improve and/or redesign the Human Capital process to fill the gaps you identified.

Required Text:
Hardback, Paperback or Digital formats are acceptable for the books.
Human Resource Management 6th Edition 2013 H. John Bernardin and Joyce E.A. Russell McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN-13: 978-0077602963
ISBN-10: 9780077602963
If students have the 5th Edition, that is acceptable.

KFC market share in us

please write about the kfc market share in us, and advise on how possible kfc would take back on the market.

1.  You need to argue that the problem is serious enough (or the opportunity is important enough) to motivate your readers to act now. 2.  You need to argue that your solution is the most feasible one (i.e., it is the most suitable for solving the problem, the most cost-effective, the most ethical). 3.  You need to argue that you or your company are the best qualified to make the proposal work.

Business Law Memo

I need help with my paper. Business law is not my major, just a required class, and I am struggling. I already turned this in, but have a chance to rewrite and not get a failing grade. Just need some help please. If this paper is beyond saving, I am not opposed to starting over.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There is a common phrase in business: “Cash is king.” Even a profitable firm can run into financial difficulties if it fails to manage its cash flows effectively. Yet, companies often take risks that could potentially jeopardize their cash flow (e.g., new projects, growth, capital budgeting, etc.). Assume you are the CFO of a struggling company. While you do have a positive cash flow, it is minimal at best. If something does not change soon, the company will go under. Fortunately, your product development team has just created a new product that will not only save the company from financial demise but will also revolutionize how the industry does business. The problem is that the product is still 2 years away from being able to be sold to the public, and you will run out of cash within the next 6 months. How would you propose obtaining the funds needed to keep the company alive and thriving for the next 2 years until you are able to see a return on the product development? How would you keep the stakeholders happy.


Presentations must be approximately 3 – 5 minutes, with at least 2 scholarly resources (peer-reviewed, journal articles), in addition to the textbook and the Bible. Please post the link to your Adobe Spark in this forum


Lawsuits and criminal charges against senior managers, the boards of directors, and the auditors were inevitable as a way of punishing guilty individuals and recovering any damages proven to have been caused by the accounting misstatements.

By developing ethical corporate cultures based codes of conduct in place to provide guidance, training to provide awareness, and understanding, monitoring to assure compliance, and rewards or sanctions to reinforce the desired behavior.  Also, the top executives should set the best example possible.

Four things the CEO and other member of top management can do to emphasize the importance of integrity and ethical values among all personnel are (1) setting the tone by example, (2) communicate to all employees that the same is expected of them, (3) provide moral guidance to employees who may be ignorant regarding what is right and wrong, and (4) reduce or eliminate incentives and temptations that might lead individuals to engage in dishonest, illegal, or unethical acts.

QUESTION 1: Should executives and directors be sent to jail for the acts of their corporations employees?

QUESTION 2: Why is it important for the clients of professional accountants to be ethical?

QUESTION 3: How can corporations ensure that their employees behave ethically?


Skylar Daniels was recently promoted to Senior Auditor in the accounting department. One of his primary responsibilities is to assist with the training of the accounting interns that only had minimal accounting education/experience at this point in their careers. As part of the training curriculum, the interns are required to go through the months transactions and manually book them, rather than using the computerized accounting software. This is intended to give them a better understanding of the mechanics behind the system.

During his review of one of the interns work, he discovered that an accountant was entering transactions without any supporting documentation.

Another intern was erroneously reversing all of the entries related to cash, by debiting it for decreases and crediting it for increases. When asked why he was doing this, he mentioned that his personal checking account register showed a debit for decreases/withdrawals and a credit for increases/deposits.

A third intern questioned the need to have two separate entries for every transaction, claiming that it duplicates the work for no apparent reason. If we are paying a bill, why cant we just show the cash decrease?, he asked.

Discuss the following:

How would you respond to the first intern regarding the need for supporting documentation?
How would you respond to the second intern regarding the increases and decreases to cash? Is he correct?
How would you respond to the third intern regarding the need for multiple entries for each transaction?