Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

confidence intervals

Create confidence intervals related to the interval and ratio-level data you collected.

1. What is the best estimate of the population mean
2. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. Develop a 90% confidence interval for the population mean. Develop a 98% confidence interval for the population mean.
3. Interpret the confidence interval.

Create an individual Excel document for each of the required items.

week 1 E-marketing in the 21st Century

The Director of Marketing has promoted you to head up the Digital Marketing Team for the company General Motors. The board of directors requires an update on the digital marketing environment that the company is facing. The Director of Marketing asked you to provide an overview for the board of directors but reminded you that the board members do not have a background in E-marketing.
The overview should only be a couple pages in length, but needs to explain to the board of directors why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is going to be vital in the coming years. They need to have broad understanding of why Google Algorithms needs to be considered as well as SEO ranking. Finally, you need to review some of the possible pitfalls that companies get into with black hat techniques.
Your report should address the items below as they apply to your selected organization: General Motors
1.    Brief history of Search Engine Marketing (SEO)
2.    Black-Hat SEO Techniques and why avoid them
3.    Google Algorithms and why they change
4.    SEO Ranking Factors
Remember, each of these points should be considered from the perspective of the organization. You should also provide brief suggestions explaining to the board members how the organization should use this information.
Your report should be 3-4 pages in length, written with professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar. If references are used, they must be cited and listed in APA format on a reference page at the end of the report.

Statistics of dog euthanasia and why they are euthanized including two charts/graghs with writtings

Statistics of dog euthanasia in the US, and why dogs are euthanized, two charts/graphs explaining the statistical research are needed. Sources for written data must have links to internet and a referance page and charts/graphs in an appendix, graphs must be one per page with explanation of graph

Deliverable 3 – Tracking Platforms

You are currently an assistant to the national director of online marketing in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation.
Next week there is a department meeting scheduled to review the current tracking tools being used, and what impact they have on measurement.
The director, Rowan Jones, has asked you to supplement what they are going to be discussing in the meeting by creating a brief presentation on tracking systems and options that are available.
Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.
Create a presentation for Rowan Jones and the marketing department that includes the following 7 slides:
    Explain what tracking systems are, and why they are vital in digital marketing.
    Define and explain use of key performance indicators.
    Identify where and how tags are used with tracking.
    Review how conversion tracking functions.
    Determine black hat considerations for the company.
    Having a good set of speaker notes for each of your slides helps ensure you cover everything necessary.

Deliverable 2 – Cultural Competence Checklist

Evaluate the interdependence of paid and organic traffic strategies and their placement in the sales funnel.
You are currently an assistant to the national director of online marketing in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation.
The online marketing department is still relatively new. It has only been working as its own department for 6 months. Previously, the sales department handled all online marketing.
The national director, Rowan Jones, indicated that an understanding of the current sales funnel for the company would be useful for analysis. Rowan thinks it would assist in evaluating current marketing strategies being used.
Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.
Prepare an executive summary for Rowan Jones and the online marketing department personnel, which demonstrates where various digital marketing strategies fit in the sales funnel and how each works in tandem with others.
Be sure to include:
    A definition of what a sales funnel is and how it functions
    An explanation of the company sales funnel
    Identify distinct aspects of the organizations web presence (i.e. Website, blog, social ads, email autoresponders)
    Discuss how paid and organic traffic strategies play a role in the sales funnel
    Detail how each aspect will potentially have a positive impact on the sales funnel process
    Provide a specific recommendation for a paid traffic strategy
    Provide a specific recommendation for an organic traffic strategy

Deliverable 1 – Credibility Markers

Deliverable 1 – Credibility Markers

Distinguish the relevance and credibility of various digital marketing information sources.
You are currently an assistant to the print advertising director in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation. The position of assistant to national director of online marketing has opened, and you have applied, interviewed, and been selected as one of the top three candidates for the position. Part of the internal search process is demonstration their understanding of digital marketing.
Rowan Jones, the national director, has asked you to prepare a presentation demonstrating understanding of what impact credibility markers could have on a digital marketing campaign. Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.

Create a presentation 7 slides that details credibility markers. Include:
    A brief summary of why credibility markers are important for an organization to consider
    Select credibility markers an organization should review.
o    Detail the importance of each one.
o    Indicate the potential impact on website.
o    Rank these in order of importance to the company.
    Identify credible sources to be added to the website.
    Prove why the credibility markers are trustworthy and how they would possibly connect to the target audience for the company.
    Having a good set of speaker notes for each of your slides helps ensure you cover everything necessary.

Managed Care

For this activity, you will write about the following topic:

-Define managed care and discuss the four major goals of managed care and how they play a role in the health care system.

Your module essay should be 2-3 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font.

Policy brief

The paper is a POLICY BRIEF on the HOUSE BILL43

Please follow the guidelines of the PDF attachment and instructions below.


1) Title
a.) No more than 12 words total b). Appearing at the top of the first page of the policy brief in some fashion 

2) Executive Summary
a.) Provided as the first paragraph on the first page of the policy brief b.) Consisting of at least 100 and no more than 150 words total 

3) Introduction Section
a). A thorough statement of the issue/problem that the selected piece of legislation seeks to address b) The narrative in this section should be supported by the academic and/or public media sources consulted** 

4) Message Section
a.) A thorough description and critique of existing policies or programs including if they are or are not working to address the issue/problem b.) A statement as to why the selected piece of legislation should be supported/defeated/amended supporting material for the introduction c.) The narrative in this section should also be supported by the academic and/or public media sources consulted 

5) Policy Implications
a.) A brief discussion of alternative options, their effects, pros and cons, etc. 

6) Recommendations
a). A direct statement of how you would like the intended reader to act in response to your position on the selected piece of legislation 

NOTES: Additional material such as boxes & sidebars, case studies, tables, graphics, etc. may be added as deemed necessary as long as they are illustrative of the problem/issue the selected piece of legislation intends to address or if the additional material supports the students selected position. DO NOT add extra material solely for the sake of aesthetics or to take up space! 

Must include three (3) peer-reviewed academic references (journal articles) and three (3) public media (newspaper articles, op-ed pieces, etc.) that support their position. The references do not need to be cited altogether as in a literature review section. Rather, the references should be used as appropriate and properly cited according to APA format throughout the policy brief to support the students chosen position. The reference list does not need to be double-spaced. A reference list should be provided toward the end of the policy brief though not on a separate page. The formatting of references in the reference list should be properly formatted according to APA style with the exception being that the list does not need to be double-spaced. 

Develope a model/program for genocide prevention

Develop a model/program for genocide prevention. Include an analysis of genocide through a theoretical framework, as well as poosible solutions to the issue. Please use to read format without using big words (in laymen’s terns).Five sources needed with active links attached to internet sources. Refer to complete direction in attachment.

outer space

    Is outer space travel a reality?
    What company if any is testing the idea?
    What would the cost be?
    Which planet would be habitable?
    What are the qualifications?
    What will be done on the excursion?
What if any obstacles