Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Teaching Plan project

The instructions are labeled in the folder as Teaching Plan project instructions. Also, the M2 is the Module 2  thing being talked about in the instructions is attached as M2 Course Project Blog. The subject is within kinesiology (aka exercise science, sports science, Human movement). Classes that can be taught range. Exercise physiology talks about the Krebs cycle and lactate threshold, vo2 max testing, how the body burns fuel and uses it, Altaduded and its impact on performance and training.

Read: (2019). Overview of learning styles. Retrieved from

Lane, C. (2015). Multiple intelligences: What does the research say? Retrieved from

Giannoukos, G., Besas, G., Galiropoulos, C., & Hioctour, V. (2015). The andragogy, the social change and the transformative learning educational approaches in adult education. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(10), 46-50. Retrieved from

Ozuah, P. O. (2005). First, there was pedagogy and then came andragogy. The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine, 21(2), 83-87. Retrieved from uah83.pdf

Wright, G. B. (2011). Student-centered learning in higher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 92-97. Retrieved from

Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (2000). From andragogy to heutagogy. Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia. Retrieved from wb/20010220130000/

Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (2007). Heutagogy: A child of complexity theory. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 4(1), 111-118. Retrieved from php/complicity/article/view/8766/7086

Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4, 193-212. Retrieved from tother/Learning%20Styles%20&%20Learning%20Spaces.pdf

Slavich, G. M., & Zimbardo, P. G. (2012, July 24). Transformational teaching: Theoretical underpinnings, basic principles, and core methods. Educational Psychology Review, 24(4), 569-608. Retrieved from

Vanderbilt University. (n.d.). Motivating students. Retrieved from students/

Stanford University. (n.d.) Designing effective discussion questions. Retrieved from discussion-questions

Orlando, J. (2014). Online discussion questions that work. Retrieved from

Rhode, J. (n.d.). How to write engaging questions for online forums. Retrieved from

Gerstein, J. [User Generated Education]. (2013, May 13). Education 3.0 and the pedagogy (andragogy, heutagogy) of mobile learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Scott, C. L. (2015). The futures of learning 3: What kind of pedagogies for the 21st century? Retrieved from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: df

Baran, E. (2013). Connect, participate, and learn: Transforming pedagogies in higher education. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, 15(1), 9 -12 Retrieved from .edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Flaherty, C. (2016). Professors can learn to be more effective instructors. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from demonstrable-impact-student-learning

Johns Hopkins University. (n.d.) The Innovative Instructor Blog. Retrieved from

TeachThought Staff. (2018). 10 innovative learning strategies for modern pedagogy. Retrieved from

Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace

Task:      Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic.

Length:  At least 2000 words

Sources: Minimum of 6. At least 3 of these must be from scholarly journals, and all sources should be selected based on reliability, currency, and level of information/analysis. The UMUC library will be very useful in helping you find appropriate sources. You can, but do not have to, include all of the sources from your annotated bibliography.

Due date and revision: The first draft of the research paper is due by the end of Week 5. Submit your draft as an attachment (Microsoft Word is preferred) to this assignment folder. This should be as complete a draft as possible, in order to receive the most helpful feedback. In working on your draft, you may want to look at the rubric that will ultimately be used to grade your final paper. You can see it when viewing these instructions through the Assignments area of the classroom.

During Week 6, you will receive feedback on your draft.

You will then revise your paper and submit it by the end of Week 7 to the folder “Assignment 3: Research Paper, revised draft.” This version will be graded using the rubric and will count for 30% of your course grade.

Your instructor may or may not complete the rubric for your first draft, but only the grade on your revised paper will count toward your course grade.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:

Use research to write a paper that will inform or persuade an audience (Course outcome 1)
Form unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs in support of the thesis statement (Course outcome 2)
Select sources, use them to inform and support your writing, and document them in APA style (Course outcome 4)
Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)
Participate in the process of receiving feedback and revising your writing (Course outcome 1)

This paper is the culmination of your research project, in which you are examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. Before drafting your paper, you will have chosen a topic, developed a research question, and identified several potential sources in an annotated bibliography. You should write on the same topic for this paper, unless your professor has asked you to make changes to your topic.

Organizing and supporting your paper

As you write your paper, be sure to include the following:

an engaging introductory paragraph that includes an effective and clear thesis statement
any definition of terms or background information that your reader is likely to need to understand your paper
focused body paragraphs that begin with topic sentences and use effective transitions. This is where you will support the thesis using arguments and evidence.
a concluding paragraph that reiterates the thesis, summarizes key points of the paper, and leaves the reader with the “So what?”
Research is a key element of this paper. Take care to support your claims with research throughout the paper. Include APA in-text citations whenever you use sources, whether through quote, paraphrase, or summary. An APA reference list at the end of the paper should list all of the sources cited in the text of the paper.

Point of view

This paper will be written in an academic style. Use third person point of view. Do not use “I” or “you.”

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

Use one-inch margins.
Double space.
Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school.

The General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule Contract”

Research and analyze an example of a GSA contract. What are the specific details of your example that make it GSA compliant? 
Based on your analysis, are the requirements regarding winning GSA contracts as outlined in the reading too onerous? Select at least two (2) areas that you believe could be improved and explain why.

World Christian class summary

Please follow the instructions, use the syllabus to write me a good summary for this religious course.

Also, please make sure you only cite from the textbook I attached, no other sources are allowed.

Please follow all the instructions listed for this writing assignment.

Extra Credit COVID-19

Write an essay about COVID-19 epidemiology, virology, transmission and clinical features. You should include the following points in your essay:

In your epidemiology section, mention when and where it was diagnosed for the first time and how does it progress worldwide, prevalence, incidence and death rate in the US?
In your virology section, include the type of the virus, some structural information and how does it go inside the human cells?
Methods of transmission.
Briefly describe the clinical presentations, and the diagnostic test that is used for detection of the virus.
Note: write one paragraph for each section. The total assignment is two pages, so give brief answers to cover the main points.

Introductory Speech Outline

Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech.
o Topic A: Elevator Pitch | Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your
professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job
o Topic B: Dream Career | Discuss your dream career.
2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
o Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 1.1 section
located in Week 2 of your course.
o Focus your speech on 2-3 main points so you’ll stay within the 2-minute time
3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from
your speech/self-review).
4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only
required to submit an outline.

Dream job: Project Manager

Country Project of Macroeconomics

The Country Project consists of two parts: (i) Data Analysis and (ii) Policy Recommendation.
Part One: Data Analysis
1. You will use data from the IMFs World Economic Outlook (WEO) database. Currently, the
latest edition is October 2019. To access the dataset, go to
Alternatively, follow the path:
IMF web page ( Data
World Economic Outlook (WEO)
World Economic Outlook Database October 2019
Download WEO data: By countries (country-level data)
2. Select one of the Advanced Economies or one of the Emerging and Developing
Economies. Collect available data series for the 5-year period 2014-2018. Analyze the data for
5 or 6 major macroeconomic variables, such as real GDP growth, inflation, unemployment,
government budget, current account, etc. Make sure you generate graphs (or charts, time plots,
etc) and briefly discuss each of the series (one to two sentences each).

Part Two: Policy Recommendation
1. Identify one macroeconomic problem that you think is the most pressing (i.e., low growth,
high inflation, a large deficit, etc) for the country of your choice.
2. Suggest fiscal or monetary policies that can address this problem. Use the IS/LM/FE and/or
the AD/AS models to derive the short-run and long-run effects of these policies on the identified
problem and on the rest of the macroeconomy


Hi Friend this is different Courses but its one order. I am ordering two pages. One course per page.


Patho DB 4
You have a patient present to the clinic for heart palpitations.  She has a history of hyperthyroid disease. While talking to the patient you discover that she is not sleeping well and does not want to leave her home. You discuss a diagnosis of anxiety with the patient, but she and her husband are resistant to a mental health diagnosis.  How would you discuss this with the patient and family to assist the patient in getting the care that she needs?

Pharmacology DB 4
Treatment of HIV infection generally calls for multiple drug therapy. Name the classes of drug recommended and an example of each class.

Juvy court system

A 12-year-old boy was caught in the act of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old female acquaintance by the victim’s 16-year-old brother, who had arrived home and observed the juveniles in the act. The 12-year-old juvenile suspect, in addition to sexually assaulting the victim, had beaten her with the heel of a shoe that was nearby. The victim was almost unconscious when the police arrived.

Following the incident, the juvenile was arrested and detained by local police on the following charges:

Attempted sexual assault of a minor
Aggravated assault
Minor in possession of an alcoholic beverage
Unlawful possession of a controlled substance (marijuana)
The juvenile suspect was a latchkey kid (a child who returns from school to an empty home) from a single-parent home. His mother works from 2 p.m.11 p.m. Monday through Friday, so the juvenile is often alone for hours upon his return from school.

After a preliminary examination, the juvenile suspect explained that the victim purchased the marijuana and the alcohol earlier that same day. The juvenile explained that the victim had invited him to her house because they had “been liking each other” for a long time. Further, the juvenile explained that the alcohol and drugs were in the home when he arrived. He said that he and the victim began by smoking marijuana and drinking beer before they began kissing and fondling one another. Next, according to the juvenile suspect, they started to have what he described as consensual sex. After a short while, they were interrupted by the victim’s brother, who had come home from work. The victims brother then called the police to report the incident.

The juvenile had prior detentions for violation of curfew, truancy, and attempted sexual battery. No further explanations are given.

Write an essay of 750800 words, divided into 3 sections: the perspectives of the police officer, the state’s attorney, and the judge. Do each of these components of the criminal justice system see the offender as a status offender for any of the charges? Discuss your opinion of the status offender from the perspective of each criminal justice component (law enforcement, state’s attorney, and the judge). Are the charges viewed by each of the criminal justice components listed below as delinquent acts? Include the following:

From the perspective of the police officer
What typically happens to this juvenile before he even goes to juvenile court? How does law enforcement process the incident?
From the perspective of the state’s attorney
Make suggestions to the court on how the boy should be punished or sentenced.
From the perspective of the judge
Based on the facts of the case and the procedures of the juvenile justice system, what would be the most appropriate finding of the court? What options does the judge have in this incident?

Taking Sides Research Assigments

Taking Sides Research Assignments.

The goal of this task is to investigate a social issue or problem such as deviance, poverty, pollution, etc. Students will write a paper on controversial social issues based on a topic of their choice. Students can choose their topics from media such as the New York Times. Students may include their life experiences, as they relate to their studies. Students will write at least two pages summary (double-spaced) of the research topic and a separate page of references.

1. Develop your research questions:
a. What is the problem?
b. Where can I find information to help me solve the problem?
c. Why is solving this problem important?
2. Provide the reasons for your choice of topic and research questions.
3. Provide a list of information sources and works cited in the references.