Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Theoretical analysis

Hello, my friend asked you for the same topic two days ago. He recommended me to come here. We need to check the duplicate of this assignment. Please help me write an article different from my friend’s. I’d like to choose to analyze on the article one. The main focus of the assignment is about theoretical analysis. For example, the social -conflict theories by Karl Marx; the symbolic-interaction theory by Max Weber, and the structural functionalism. The details of the assignment is attached below.  Thanks!

Expressive Therapy

TOPIC: Evaluating the Impact of Storytelling and Music on Individuals dealing with Addiction

CHAPTER 1:  Introduction

Provide a brief description of the issue you plan to address. (Evaluating the Impact of Storytelling and Music on Individuals dealing with Addiction)  Be sure to use at least one source and cite it in this section.]

[The Topics] Social Significance
Address these questions: How widespread is your topic? Who is impacted by it? What are the costs and benefits? Describe the need/opportunitys social significance. Be sure to use at least two sources by paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotes in this section. Cite your sources in the APA
Some resources will be provided for the writer to utilize

Emergency Preparedness Plan

After learning about emergency preparedness and engaging in module content, you will now develop an Emergency Preparedness plan for your program. The exact requirements and components of an emergency preparedness plan vary by state, program type, and participation in certain programs (CCDF, PTQ, etc.) For this assignment, you will be focusing on five (5) emergency situations most common in Indiana. Use Module 4 content and the attached rubric to help you complete this assignment. 
Each of the five (5) sections includes what will happen BEFORE the emergency including: how the emergency will be announced, by whom and to whom, how children will be prepared (learning activities, guest speakers, drills,) and how often drills will be conducted. Drills must be conducted, at a minimum, as required by state licensing.

Cost Accounting

Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page. The paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font, which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least three sources in APA format.
In this paper, please discuss the three costing methods of job order costing, process costing, and activity-based costing.
    Define each method and explain when it is best suited to be used.
    Compare and contrast the methods and consider their benefits and shortfalls.
    Use the information provided to propose which cost method should be used to allocate costs.


Wet Suit World is a company that manufactures wet suits for use with water sports such as snorkeling and scuba diving. The suits are made in sizes small through 3x extra large with levels of insulation layers of 2 millimeters, 5 millimeters, and 7 millimeters. They come in black with the Wet Suit World logo imprinted across the chest. The materials are the same for all of the suits, though they vary in thickness. All suits undergo the same production and quality inspection processes.

There is no one correct answer to the proposed cost allocation method as long as the answer is well-supported based on the weeks learning.
Superior papers will include the following when responding to the assignment question:
    Define the three costing methods.
    Explain when each is most appropriately used.
    Compare and contrast the methods, considering both benefits and shortfalls.
    Provide a well-supported proposal for the cost method Wet Suit World should use.

– Correctly defines the three costing methods and explains when each is most appropriately used
–  Effectively compares and contrasts the methods, considering both benefits and shortfalls
– Provides a well-supported proposal for the cost method Wet Suit World should use. (Note – there is no “right” or “wrong” answer as long as the proposal is well supported and based on relevant information as presented in the unit).
–  APA Formatting
–  Writing Clarity and Quality 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion 16.1: Critical Critique of a Website

In practice many times you search the internet for material to share with patients. Find a website (The ) on a topic of your interest that you would share with patients to provide patient education or as a resource.

Select one credible website(The ) you would direct your adult or geriatric patient for information about the treatment and prevention of a disease.
Document it on the discussion board and explain why you chose this website.

Go to the NIH’s How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet right below
to the Questions and Answers which explains how to CRITICALLY CRITIQUE a health website. Use this tool to critique the website you have chosen and discuss in your post.


**The Website that I have chosen is the which is the The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Foundations public education portal, providing older adults and caregivers with up-to-date information on health and agingThe AGS is a nationwide, not-for-profit society of geriatrics healthcare professionals dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of older people.

The website provide easy to follow information for the older adult population and caregivers. In Working with the Veteran Population this website provides many resources for the health and well-being of older adults.

Both Sides of an Argument

youll begin by visiting this website:

Select one of the sets of data that demonstrate a correlation. Take a screenshot of that set of data. Next, create a PowerPoint presentation with that screenshot as your first slide and argue for the correlation as a false conclusion. Create three more slides and use them to make an argument that the correlated information in the set you picked is truly related. (Minimum of 10 slides.) These slides must show:

Part 1: In the first 4 slides, convince your audience that your evidence is either empirical, anecdotal, or logical. Describe how the correlation supports your false argument.

Part 2: In the rest of the slides, disprove your argument. Find real data that the correlation is supposed to represent. How does the data you found disprove the original argument?

Create a references slide to include your sources


Group Presentation
Group Presentation
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConformity to Accounting Theory
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConformity to the simulation with convincing interpretation
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThorough analysis
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIncorporating best practices in presentation accuracy (error free, comprehensive, realistic)
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall impression (organisation, presentation, illustration)
20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

Business communication

I’ve submit a Task 1 which has all of the information that you’ll need to write. My focus on this task will be to apply for an accounting job or a finance job in private sector or a bank.
let me know what else I can provide.

Thank you.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The ethical dilemmas that would exist with the introduction of technology such as telehealth are many. Dilemmas such as the knowledge of technology, the patient-doctor relationship, the security measures that must be taken when using the telehealth to access patient information and the security one needs to take with dealing with patient information, along with informed consent and data confidentiality (Langarizadeh, M., Moghbeli, F., & Aliabadi, A., 2017). These are all concerns and could be dilemmas that can exist when using telehealth technology.

For example, the primary care physician would want to ensure they are taking the protocols to keep their patients information confidential, along with making sure the patient is tech savvy to be able to understand the data and properly using the technology if not then this would not be the best patient care for the patient.

I personally do not feel that technology would replace human practitioners, but actually enhance them. I feel that the technology would make the practitioners job much easier . There will always be a need for human practitioners because although technology can constantly be enhanced it can only do the job that it was created to do. It is unable to take other measures into consideration to be able to know if something needs to be altered, or have a second look. For example, when my son has his TB test done they always come back positive. However, it’s actually a false positive and due to his doctor knowing this he always provides him with a chest x-ray that reflects a negative result. So therefore, we still need human practitioners to be able to decipher certain situations that machines or technology will never be able to do.


Langarizadeh, M., Moghbeli, F., & Aliabadi, A. (2017). Application of Ethics for Providing Telemedicine Services and Information Technology. Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 71(5), 351355.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

pick a company (manufacturer or retailer), find their annual report, calculate the following ratios, and comment on each one.  By Saturday, respond to another post by comparing and contrasting two or three of your ratios with the other company.

Current Ratio
Average Sale Period
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Net Profit Margin Percentage
Dividend Yield Ratio
Post a link to the annual report you are using (including page numbers, if applicable.). Put the company name in the header of your post.  Each student should pick a different company.