Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


On the basis of my article, add some company introductions that compete with Zara in the same industry. It’s better to have a former competitor who is now in decline. It’s just an introduction, so you don’t need to introduce the company’s supply chain in detail, just mention it a little

MOD 4 Assessing your eating habits

Part 1: For this assignment, you will analyze the foods that make up a meal you eat at home on a regular basis (a minimum of 3 items).
Perform an Internet search to find the “USDA Dietary Guidelines” that apply to you (age, gender, calorie count). This information should be readily available in a variety of locations including
For the three (3) items you selected above, list the ingredients and nutritional information from each food label and then compare them to the USDA Daily Recommended guidelines.
Now that you have compared your sample meal to the USDA recommendations, write a short reflection describing how your eating habits compare to these recommendations.
Present Part 1 in a 1-2 page paper written in APA format.

Part 2: Create a flyer, pamphlet, or brochure that could be handed-out at a grocery store. It should reflect and incorporate information you have learned about Health Education/Promotion. The document can be created using a variety of Microsoft tools including: Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher. (If you would like to use a different tool, please discuss it with your instructor before proceeding.)
Your document should:
take a clear position
support the position with accurate information
show awareness of the audience
demonstrate passion/conviction
Please submit a References page in APA format.
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as one of the following:
Microsoft Word document (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.)

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (Mac users, please remember to append the “.pptx” extension to the filename.)

Unit 9

Health care providers, managers, and administrators are faced with a variety of ethical issues. These issues range from right to life and abortion to right to die and physician assisted suicide. For this Assignment you will write an APA style paper addressing common ethical issues found in health care. Your paper should clearly identify a minimum of three ethical issues. Using the ethical decision making process analyze each of the ethical issues you have identified.

3 pages in length (not including cover and reference pages)
A minimum of three outside resources
Your paper should be formatted according to APA, include a proper introduction, appropriate headings, and conclusion.

Pandamic business solutions

A business plan solution for a diversified  company in the automotive industry, banking and realestate  on an action plan to survive the coronavirus pandemic and cutting costs for the company. What business opportunity or commodities or stocks should the company invest in.

for example: online car selling,
cutting employees bonuses or costs.

critical Infrastructure Protection in Cybersecurity, Unit III Scholarly Activity

Critical Infrastructure Protection
Begin by researching and identifying a critical infrastructure sector or component (there are 18 of them to choose from) such as power, finance and banking, or municipal services. Perform an analysis of the selected component, identifying its vulnerabilities. After conducting your research, either in the CSU Online Library or on the Internet, propose improvements in the protection of that component. Your paper must contain the following elements.
An introduction to describe your chosen critical infrastructure sector or component
An analysis and assessment of the critical infrastructure importance and vulnerabilities of the infrastructure, plus strategies to deal with the threats and vulnerabilities
A section to identify any interdependencies with other sectors
A proposal with strategies for improvements to enhance the protection and reduce the vulnerability of the infrastructure or component
A comprehensive listing of the references consulted in conducting the evaluation
Your paper should be a minimum of three pages in length and in APA format. You may use your textbook as source material for your assignment. You must also use three outside sources that can come from the Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Human Resources

Outcome measurement:

Describe the economic value that employee offer to an organization.

During this unit, you had the chance to study the economic value that employees bring to an organization.  For this final unit activity, you will have the chance to list the major variables that impact the economic value of employees to an organization

Overview of a Concept Map:
Review how to create a concept Map:

Feel free to utilize the following concept map application or choose one of your liking:


Part 1: For this concept map you will list the factors for human capital and employee economic value.  Document terms and link these terms in clusters.  Feel free to utilize the following concept map application or choose one of your liking

Part 2: Provide an oral presentation of your concept, explaining why you linked the terms together and created the clusters the way you did.

(I will record the oral presentation based on your explanation)

I am including the last order from you that you created for me as well.

Social media has a positive impact on the businesses marketing

I need a research argument paper supporting my topic “Effects of social media on business marketing” -“Social media has a positive impact on the businesses marketing”.I have the exact instructions and I will attach them with my annotated bibliography. where you can find. the sources, feel free to use other reliable journal articles that support my topic.NO PLAGIARISM PLS.  I will also attach a sample of how the essay should look like.

War on Povertyeapons Of Mass Destruction, Unit II Assessment

QUESTION 1: An international terrorist organization has established operations in Mexico and has purchased a well-known crop dusting franchise located in Tamaulipas, Mexico. The purpose of the purchase is to enable the organization to unleash chemical agents against specific targets in the United States. Can the small planes cross the U.S. border undetected as well as penetrate the unsuspecting targets without fear of attack from U.S. defensive measures? What impact would such actions have on future defensive measures by the United States or any other country?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

QUESTION 2: Terrorist organizations in Afghanistan want to systematically eliminate United Nations forces from each location in Afghanistan and know that small arms fire and high explosives, although effective, will fall short of forcing enemy troops to leave; however, they have tons of sarin gas that could, if properly placed and activated, based on the prevailing winds, effectively destroy the troop concentrations in each location; especially if simultaneous attacks were unleashed across the country.

How can we mitigate such attacks and develop strategies to prevent such attacks or at least properly respond to diminish the effects of the gas?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Each question is separate, it is not a paper.

Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Unit III Assessment

QUESTION 1: Throughout the history of global and civil wars military forces have relied on various forms of chemicals to enhance the probability of successfully defeating the enemy, even at the risk of incurring casualty and deaths within allied forces. Name one toxic industrial chemical that has been employed during wartime efforts and describe the impact of that chemical, as well as the resulting Chemical Weapon Conventions that have been imposed to regulate the future use of such chemicals.

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

QUESTION 2: According to your textbook, ammonia is one primary ingredient included in fertilizers for agricultural products throughout the United States as well as globally. Various fertilizers may be mixed with other chemicals to create a high explosive such as the one used against the Oklahoma Federal Building. How are those chemicals used to create a weapons of mass destruction, and how is access controlled by the federal government to diminish the probability of such attacks in the future?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

QUESTION 3: What is white phosphorous, and what are the commercial applications of this chemical? Why is this a typical weapon used in military operations? What are the effects of the chemical on the human body? Is white phosphorous still an effective weapon today?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Each Question is separate, it is not a paper.

Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Unit III Case Study


Impact of Toxic Industrial Chemicals/Materials (TICs/TIMs)

Many forms of TICs have been used during combat operations in wars throughout the world. One of the more memorable uses of a TIC is the use of Agent Orange, a defoliant including dioxin as well as numerous other chemicals, during the Vietnam War with an impact that spans across the past 50 years. The U.S. government and manufacturers of the deadly chemical allegedly sprayed and otherwise disbursed it from planes and helicopters indiscriminately for the express purpose of destroying the jungle vegetation that served as a camouflage for the North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops opposing the U.S. military. One could easily reason that any chemical that would completely defoliate a 40-foott-tall jungle canopy could equally destroy any other lifeform as well. The Veterans Administration, the U.S. federal government, and manufacturers have begun actions to accept some responsibility for the health issues left in the wake of this deadly chemical on Vietnamese people and Vietnam War combat veterans still suffering today.

Research Agent Orange, and the possibility that the chemical has been responsible for the death and health issues of millions of people during and since the Vietnam War. Based on prior scientific research by the facilities developing and producing this product, what scientific information existed to warn users that the chemical was a hazard to human and animal life either through direct contact, consumption of food products that were contaminated by indiscriminate spraying of the chemical, or through mishandling during manufacture, storage, or distribution of this chemical? Was the chemical intentionally, indiscriminately, disbursed knowing that immediate and long-term effects would impact any human and animal life coming in contact with the chemical?

Even in the war in Afghanistan today, our military and political leaders must consider the immediate and long-term impact of collateral damage as well as justification of any weapon of mass destruction, chemical or otherwise. Did such scientific research during the creation of Agent Orange provide any level of risk analysis that provided our military leaders with a projected percentage of collateral damage, which equated to acceptable losses of human or animal life directly or indirectly related to the aerial disbursement of this chemical? If such risk analysis did exist, did it include long-term impact projections? What effort has the United States government provided to compensate and care for those whose lives have been destroyed by this chemical within the U.S. and the country of Vietnam? Are such chemicals still used in military operations? What should be done for the millions of families across the globe who suffer from the debilitating effects of this chemical? Is blatant abuse of the distribution of industrial toxic chemicals relevant today?
Write a minimum three-page, double-spaced paper summarizing the effects of the use of Agent Orange not only on the victims, but also on the families and communities in which victims live as well as the citizens of Vietnam.

Your paper should discuss:

signs and symptoms;
time span between exposure and symptom expression;
mode of exposure (injection, inhalation, cutaneous, etc.), prevention, and treatment with statistical data;
locality impacts (weather, location, population, etc.);
sociological impacts;
scientific data and research techniques;
technology and development; and
counteraction strategies.
Your case study must fully comply with APA requirements, which means that the case study must include an APA formatted cover page with the APA running head, APA headings (Introductory heading, intermediate headings, and a conclusion), APA formatted in-text citations for all direct quotes and paraphrased information, and an APA formatted reference section with the heading, references, centered above that reference section on a separate last page. The cover and reference pages do not count toward the total page requirement.