Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Presenting Statistical Results for Decision Making

PLEASE PLEASE read the instructions to this assignment prior to bidding. This assignment has been completed and the grade I received was a 66%, I have attached what needs to be brought up from basic & non-proficient. There are 6 criteria’s. All need to be at a proficient level. I have also attached the original instructions of this particular assignment. PLEASE PLEASE review the grades for this assignment per criteria attachment. It will guide you on what needs to be fixed and what needs to be added.*******This is my final chance to submit this assignment with a passing grade*************

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Develop a client termination summary.
To prepare:
Identify a client who may be ready to terminate therapy.
    For guidance on writing a client termination summary, review pages 693712 of Wheeler (2014).
To complete:
With the client you selected in mind, address in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:
    Identifying information of client (e.g., hypothetical name and age)
    Date the client initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
    Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
    Whether termination was planned or unplanned
    Presenting problem
    Major psychosocial issues
    Types of services rendered (e.g., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy)
    Overview of treatment process
    Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
    Treatment limitations (if any)
    Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
    Follow-up plan (if indicated)
    Instructions for future contact
Include a clear purpose statement.
Integrates specific information from 1 credible outside resource and 2-3 course resources to support major points and point of view.
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer
    Chapter 20, Termination and Outcome Evaluation (pp. 693712)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Describe a child and adolescent group you are counseling.
    Describe a client from the group who you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes. Note: Do not use the clients actual name.
    Explain your therapeutic approach with the group, including your perceived effectiveness of your approach with the client you identified.
    Identify any additional information about this group and/or client that may potentially impact expected outcomes.

U.S. Economy and Its Impact on Transportation and Logistics Management.

Using the outline I have provide, add more detail to each part of the essay and add more references. The paper should be looking like the outline below,


APA cover page

Abstract (1/2- 1 page)

2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement

3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic

4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem

5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem

6. Conclusion


This reading synthesis should be based on two readings that you choose from all available readings and should include three sections:
(1) citation, keywords, and summary for article #1,
(2) citation, keywords, and summary for article #2, and
(3) your reflections on how the two papers relate to one another.
The citation should be in APA format.
. The keywords should be a list of 3-5 words or phrases related to the main content of the reading (e.g. pest control, bee diversity, cover crop management).
The summary can be written in bullet points or full sentences, should be page long, and should include items like research questions, location, methods, and management recommendations.
The reflection should (a) comment on how the two articles relate to one another in terms of content and methodology, (b) include questions or ideas the readings sparked for you, and (c) be ~1 page long.
Your reading synthesis should be about 2 pages total, double spaced, and should have your name at the top of the page.
Reading syntheses will be graded based on completeness of the summaries and thoughtfulness of the reflection section.

Effects of the decline in production on sales in the automotive industry due to the corona crisis

By this I mean a semi-scientific treatise on the topic, since published scientific data is likely to be rare and most of the data is based on extrapolations or estimates by experts. On the one hand, I would briefly discuss the general decline in production in the automotive industry for years and support it with scientific data, then the bridge can be quickly built on the Corona crisis, and more recent data in a global comparison, and from Germany in particular, be used. Since this is all about sales, the corresponding numbers are shown in tables or diagrams, of course with a mention of the reputable source.

Contemporary Issue Journal Entry #1

The instruction is attached, and the course reading is also attached. Below are the three videos that we have been watched.

3 Evils of Society: Racism, Economic Exploitation, Militarism – MLK 1967

Eisenhower Farewell Address — Military Industrial Complex

Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth

Strategic Plan

This assignment aligns with the following objective:

Devise a strategic plan for your organization

Based on your analysis of the industry and competitive dynamics for the same companywhich is Ebay that you examined in your Case Study, please recommend a new strategy for the company to adopt.

In your essay, please address the following questions:

1. Using the different evaluation frameworks that you have learned (e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, 5 Forces), describe the current situation and environment that the organization is in, including direct and potential competitors. Identify the internal and external factors that are most critical to the organization.
2. Identify the most appropriate strategic frameworks and strategic approach(es) (e.g. Strengths/Opportunities, Weaknesses/Threats, etc.), and justify why those frameworks and approaches are appropriate.
3. Describe the recommended strategy and its path to implementation.
4. Describe how analytics could be employed:
        To better understand the strategic environment;
        To select a strategy; and
        To evaluate the performance of the strategy
5. Describe what might happen in the course of implementing the strategy that would cause changes to some of its elements and what those changes might be. Please consider as many factors as possible, e.g. competitive, environmental, economic etc.

In your essay, you should reference at least 3 new sources from your own independent research in addition to any course readings and lecture material you cite.  Please use APA format for all citations.

Here attached previous case work and rubric for this paper

See instruction section

Assignment: How Illnesses and Injuries Affect the Mind
Health complications can be stressful, especially in more vulnerable populations like young children and the elderly. With stress and loss of function often come depression and other psychological manifestations. As a nurse, part of your job is to recognize and educate patients and caregivers on how to deal with the psychological complications of a health crisis.

In this Assignment, you will educate either a caregiver of an elderly patient or a caregiver of a young child patient on ways to prevent and manage psychological manifestations. Review the Learning Resources dealing with injuries and depression and anxiety.

The Assignment:

Develop a teaching plan for treating the potential psychological issues that may result from health crises in either the elderly or young children. You will use PowerPoint to present your teaching plan. Some considerations to make include:

In what ways does mental health need to be considered across the illness/injury continuum?
How can nurses help both patients and caregivers work through mental blocks and depression associated with an illness or injury?
Although treatment will take place in a medical facility, how can non-medical treatments be used as a supplement?
Support your idea with a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature attached below and other references.If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional Web sites, in addition to the literature references.

Include the main elements of your presentation to a group of parents or elderly or their caregivers. This PowerPoint presentation should include between 810 slides.

Victimology / Homework 14


Go to
In one page, comment on how this website accords with chapter 14 of your text.  Formality is less important than your commentary.  Write in your usual style of communicating. 
Fun fact: You’ll notice McGruff the Crime Dog ( on their site.  He’s been providing crime prevention tips since the 1980s.

***Chapter 14 from the textbook (Attached PDF file)

-TITLE of Textbook: Introduction to Victimology: Contemporary Theory, Research, and Practice 1st Edition by Bonnie S. Fisher, Bradford W. Reyns, John J. Sloan


Double spaced
Use a standard font and size such as 12-point font in Times New Roman
Due on iLearn on Monday, April 20 at 2 pm
Worth up to 15 points