Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)



Go to
In one page, comment on how this website accords with chapter 14 of your text.  Formality is less important than your commentary.  Write in your usual style of communicating. 
Fun fact: You’ll notice McGruff the Crime Dog ( on their site.  He’s been providing crime prevention tips since the 1980s.

**Chapter 14 of the textbook (Introduction to Victimology: Contemporary Theory, Research, and Practice 1st Edition by Bonnie S. Fisher (Author), Bradford W. Reyns (Author), John J. Sloan (Author)


Double spaced
Use a standard font and size such as 12-point font in Times New Roman or 10-point font in Arial
Accepted submission formats: .pdf, .doc, and .docx
At top of the page place this course’s identifier (Criminology 380)
Due on iLearn on Monday, April 20 at 2 pm
Worth up to 15 points

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The project control process starts with establishing a baseline plan that shows how the project scope will be accomplished on schedule and within budget. Write a two-page APA-formatted paper giving examples of challenges that might face the project manager and how he/she can overcome them.

Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control
Assignment: Please read the material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) and use the book to answers all questions as followed.
Note: Some questions are from Exercise and Problem of Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement.

Question 1 (Chapter 4):
A local hospital estimates that the number of patients admitted daily to the emergency room has a Poisson probability distribution with a mean of 4.0. What is the probability that on a given day
a) only 3 patients will be admitted?
b) at most 8 patients will be admitted?
c) no one will be admitted?
d) For each patient admitted, the expected daily operational expenses to the hospital are $600. If the hospital wants to be 94.1% sure of meeting daily expenses, how much money should it retain for operational expenses daily?
Question 2 (Chapter 4):
The specifications for the thickness of nonferrous washers are 1.0 +/- 0.04 mm. From the process data, the distribution of the washer thickness is estimated to be normal with a mean of 0.97 mm and a standard deviation of 0.02 mm. The unit cost of rework is $0.10, and the unit cost of scrap is $0.15. For a daily production of 10,000 items:
a) What proportion of the washers is conforming? What is the total daily cost of rework and scrap?
b) In its study of constant improvement, the manufacturer changes the mean setting of the machine to 1.0 mm. If the standard deviation is the same as before, what is the total daily cost of rework and scrap?
c) The manufacturer is trying to further improve on the process and reduces its standard deviation to 0.015 mm. If
the process mean is maintained at 1.0 mm, what is the percent decrease in the total daily cost of rework and scrap compared to that of part (a)?
Question 3 (Chapter 4):
The time to repair an equipment is known to be exponentially distributed with a mean of 45min.
(a) What is the probability of the machine being repaired within half an hour?
(b) If the machine breaks down at 3P.M. and a repairman is available immediately, what is the probability of the machine being available for production by the start of the next day? Assume that the repairman is available until 5P.M.
(c) If there are two machines being repaired, what is the probability that both machines will not be available within the next 50 minutes?
Question 4 (Chapter 4, exercise 4-4):
Explain the difference between accuracy and precision of measurements. How do you control for accuracy? What can you do about precision?
Question 2 (Chapter 4, exercise 4-11):
Consider the price of homes in a large metropolitan area. What kind of distribution would you expect in terms of skewness and kurtosis? As an index, would the mean or median price be representative? What would the interquartile range indicate?

Inclusion in regards to English Language Learners in Early Childhood Education.

Objective: Apply fundamental theories and concepts by focusing on Inclusion in regards to English Language Learners in Early Childhood Education. NAEYC Standards: 2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 6d

Research the definition, history, benefits, and challenges of inclusion. Focus on English Language Learners.
Include the following in your paper
1) State your chosen population and the reasons for your selection.
2) Define central concepts underlying inclusion and IDEA. Demonstrate how IDEA
affects the inclusion of your chosen population. (5b) State the federal guidelines mandated within IDEA.
3) Describe different inclusion models including advantages and disadvantages. Include
the value of positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of an
inclusion model. (4a)
4) Describe effective strategies and tools for early education, include appropriate uses of
technology. (4b)
For example: For children with special needs, present different disabilities and explain
how you would use an inclusion model to support their needs.
What are the federal guidelines to make a facility accessible to those with
5) Specify at least two concrete ways you, as an educator, would partner with families to
best support childrens optimal learning, growth and success. (2a)
6) Cite and discuss research from two sources about your chosen population with regard
to a critical perspective related to early education. (If this information is not found
within the three resources I listed below, then use additional resources.). (6d)

I have chosen three sources to use, please use these sources among any other sources you may find helpful. I have uploaded two out of three sources, please follow the link for the UNESCO reference.

DEC/NAEYC. (2009). Early childhood inclusion: A joint position statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2009). Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education [Policy brief]. Retrieved from UNESCO website:

Hardin, B., Lower, J. ., Smallwood, G., Chakravarthi, S., Li, L., & Jordan, C. (2010). Teachers, Families, and Communities Supporting English Language Learners in Inclusive Pre-Kindergartens: An Evaluation of a Professional Development Model. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31(1), 2036. Retrieved from

Integrated experiential learning-XN Project: Pros & Cons Paper

XN Project: Pros & Cons Paper
Sponsor: Viacom
Company name:  Viacom
Project title:  Visualization for Audience Performance
Project Description:  Some background- as a media and entertainment company Viacom creates content, and creates content on behalf of client advertisers, which we distribute to our various platforms, one being our social handles. On our social handles we target many different types of audiences. For this project we hope to understand which audiences have been most successful for us in the past, and using this knowledge can we understand which audiences will be most valuable for us in the future. Audiences on social come in all shapes and sizes, some may be very niche and specific, for example all tennis-players above 65, and some may be much more broad, for example anyone living in the US above 18. Each audience will have a unique behavioral profile that we wish to understand. We want to students to strategize, given the performance and delivery data that we have on our social audiences, what types of audiences should we focus our resources on given various objectives.  First, we want to understand the performance of our content across the various audience types. For example, how many impressions, video views, engagements have these audiences accrued, how many times have the audiences been targeted for various ad campaigns, and how much does it cost to target them. We also want to understand the size of the audiences and how that may relate to performance of given ad campaigns. The objectives we want to optimize for are total impressions, total reach (unique impressions), total video views, total engagements, engagement rate (engagements/impressions), high video retention, and low cost. We’re looking for understanding on which audiences should be used given the objective, and can we understand attributes of an audience may contribute to good performance in a given objective.

Goal:  Students will be expected to create visualizations of the performance of the audiences; these may include average number of impressions delivered per ad, average cpm per ad etc. Also, which audiences or group of audiences would be most suitable for a given objective and what are audience attributes that contribute strongly to performing well in a given objective. Students are expected to summarize their results in a powerpoint presentation.  Students will help Viacom understand if they are reaching the right audience on their social media channels by analyzing the performance of various ad campaigns that target various audiences. Students will develop an analysis using real-world data to understand what drives success in reaching the right audience for the right objective. Finally, students will gain experience in summarizing their results using visualizations and presentations.

Assignment: XN Pros & Cons Paper
Requirement: 500 words. Pros & Cons of Data as it relates to Viacom Business Performance Impact APA formatting – Title page, reference page, headers, citing references within the body, etc

Any topic (writer’s choice)

health promotion
Team states 3 areas where health promotion is needed for their patient. Provides more than three specific examples of how they gave patient education. Clearly described how their health promotions fall in line with the Healthy People 2020 Objectives.

ClarithromycinWhy/How patient take medications this medication List >most common side effects & symptom(s) to report – Address ALL patient medication related concerns.

reflection 1

1. Define the issue?
2. What are the two perspectives?
3. What did the lecture add to your understanding of the topic?
4. How do you position yourself on the issue?
a. Font 12 Times New Roman
b. Double spaced
c. Standard margins
d. 1 Page in length

not decided

Game Theory & Behavioral Economics

Game theory is in play in almost every situation that we see in life. Provide an example of a game that happens in life and provide insight into if the results are efficient if not how can we make it efficient.

What type of behavioral economic errors are people making in their decision making if applicable? How do news, marketing, and misinformation contribute to these errors?

Transgender and Nonconforming Populations

Write a brief paper using APA format about the topic ( Transgender and Nonconforming Populations). Explain how the topic relates to this course (Health disparities) and health disparities in the US. The entire paper should be double-spaced, use Times Roman Font Size 10 or 12 and add page numbers.

Social Learning Theory: Mini Case Study

Apply Banduras Social Learning Theory to a student situation. Read the case study below. Respond to the questions that follow the case study. Formulate a heading from each question and use these headings to organize your paper. Write a narrative that addresses each heading / question. 

Within the paper there should be a brief description of Bandura’s theory and the salient elements of the theory. You may use outside resources in addition to the texts, but you must include the information from the Slavin text and coursework for primary sources about Bandura’s theory. For full credit, you must identify the four phases of observational learning as described in the Slavin text. You will describe Annie’s dilemma in the context of these four phases and you will apply the four phases in the section about using social-cognitive theory for increasing Annie’s confidence and success.

Be sure to address whether or not you think there are any atypical development issues involved and whether you think additional services are needed.

Your paper must follow APA form and style. The body of the paper should be 2-3 pages long. The Cover Page and Reference List are not part of the 2-3 pages required. Grammar and spelling must be correct. Be sure to proof your work. Use professional language. Be specific and use citations from your texts and other ITL406/606 sources to support your idea. Also include an Introduction and a Summary.