Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Create an Experiment recording the effects of different independent variables on the growth rates on plants

Use this format to ccreate an Experiment recording the effects of different independent variables on the growth rates on plants. You are to create everything, experimental design, control, dependent variable, independent variable, a hypothesis etc. (Also create the data and results from you experiment).
Each experiment should include at least one graph, and one data table.

Rational Choice Theory

I have provided the start of the paper and have the references that need to be used listed in the attachment. Do not use any other sources except the ones I have provided.

I need a writer who can add to what I have started so that it sounds like it came from me.

Rational Choice Theory:
The section of the paper I left off at what rational choice theory. In this section you need to explain the crime I chose from a rational choice perspective. Explain how rational choice played a part in the criminal act, be detailed.

The next section needs to be a proposed policy based on rational choice theory that would help resolve that specific crime I chose from happening again, be detailed.

This section will focus on explaining the downfalls of using rational choice theory to explaining the specific crime I chose and crime in general.

Lastly, a strong conclusion that summarizes all the main points of the paper.

Stresses and Strains

Stresses and Strains

Chapter 10 discusses the various strains and stressors on a relationship. They are pitfalls and stumbling blocks that most couples experience across the span of their relationship. Miller suggests that hurt feelings, ostracism, jealousy, deception and lying, betrayal, forgiveness all cause wear and tear on relationships.

As he suggests though, although these incidents are commonplace they are not inconsequential.

Using Millers stresses and strains listed in the paragraph above, write a paper that discusses how ONE of these factors contribute to relationship distress and dissolution .Please  list and apply a theory of treatment that you feel is relevant to your topic.  Please select ONE and do a deep dive into he topic. Please do not do a cursory summary of all the topics.

Your paper should include:

Factual research not simply subjective opinion
This is not a personal experience paper. Do not use actual people or stories to demonstrate a point.

Paper requirements:

The writing assignment is expected to be of high quality, including well-thought out ideas, clear expression of these ideas, and correct grammar and spelling. Grading will take the following into consideration:

Format: Writing Assignments must be typed double-spaced/ 12pt font, times new roman, 1 margins)
A minimum of seven peer reviewed reference materials other than the class text are to be cited within the paper and referenced at the end of the paper. Please include a title page with running head. Please note that the materials are to be either published peer reviewed journals or academic books or published works. Blogs, web pages and assorted internet are not acceptable.

APA Style is expected: Correct citations and references. For assistance with proper citations and referencing: 560/02/

The length for each writing assignment is NOT to exceed 8-10 pages Total

( including Title/Cover Page and references).

HIV & the aging population

Final Submission: Presentation  8 slides With speakers notes/

In Module Seven, you will submit a presentation. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project.

The audience for your presentation is the community
stakeholder group you selected, and the goal of your presentation is to educate that audience on the specific health issue you selected, soliciting their support
and involvement in addressing the issue. Your presentation will be informed by research and data from the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website, in
addition to other relevant resources.

It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.

Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should contain approximately 810 slides and use Prezi, PowerPoint, or another comparable presentation tool.

Make sure that you include speaker notes so that your instructor knows what you would say if you were to actually give the presentation. Include at least seven
references cited in APA format.

I submitted the last two papers I wrote about (this is the information the slides would need. you would have to make slide on it with speakers notes.

Social Performance of Organizations

According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor. Be sure to check the list before you begin.

Write a four to six (46) page paper in which you:
Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of your company, and identify two (2) key factors in the organizations external environment that can affect its success. Provide an explanation to support the rationale.
Suggest five (5) ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organizations financial performance. Provide support for the response.
Specify one (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with your company.
Submit a reference page with at least four (4) quality references that you have used for this paper. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the relationship between business and society, and the ways in which they are part of an interactive system.
Recommend ways stakeholders can influence the destiny of both business and society.
Analyze the various primary and secondary stakeholder groups, their roles, and relationships.
Compare and contrast the concepts of corporate social responsibility and citizenship.
Analyze ways ethical challenges affect the multiple functions of the business.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society.
Write clearly and concisely about business and society using proper writing mechanics.

I want to do this paper on delta airlines


Write 700-1000 words about the topic description located below these instructions (you may go over by a few hundred words if you want and not be penalized, but if possible try to edit longer essays down to not much more than 1000 words). Your name, titles, date and page numbers do not count for your total word count.
Submit your document in the “Concluding essay dropbox located in the Concluding Essay section of our course Contents tab (it is also accessible via the “Dropbox” section located inside the “Assessments” tab of d2l).
Document should be MS Word, Plain Text, or PDF format, so if you use something like iWork Pages, please export the document into one of those formats. Note: The title of the document being uploaded to d2l can only contain numbers and letters; please call the d2l help line if you are having problems or have questions about uploading your document.
There is no right or wrong answer, the only wrong answer is if you do not follow the directions or answer the questions coherently, or if the essay does not reflect adequate learning in this course. We will deduct points if your essay falls below the word count, so use the word count function in your word processor to check this.

Concluding essay topic

For your concluding essay, think about the most likely or significant area of your life where you think you will have some form of intercultural interactions (example: doing business, travel, in the workplace, charity work, relations with people where you live, friendships, etc.). Then, select and write about the two most important topics (concept, exercise, an article, an image or video) from this course that will have a positive impact on those future intercultural interactions.

You must structure your essay as follows and include the part numbers/letters in your essay:

Part 1- In one short introductory paragraph, describe the circumstance where you anticipate you will have those intercultural interactions, characterize what type of cultural difference you expect to encounter, and describe what potential challenges you might encounter (stereotypes, communication issues, etc.) and why you selected that particular circumstance. Note: If you anticipate encountering intercultural difference in several areas of life, focus on just one area. If you already encounter this scenario (for example, if you travel a lot already) you can use that scenario if you anticipate that you will continue encountering this scenario in the future. If you seriously do not anticipate having intercultural encounters or really have no plans to come into contact with culturally different people, then you could write about coming into contact with another culture on a dream vacation that you win as a prize and that would take you to any desired location in the world.
Part 2- Briefly introduce and describe the two very specific topics from this course that you chose to write about here and why you chose them. Important suggestion: Although there is no right or wrong topic, in most cases, try to strike a balance between too general (e.g. choosing a general concept like culture or “stereotype”) or too specific (e.g. simply describing the video about saying no in Japan without explaining its broader significance to your situation). Examples of appropriately specific topics might be things like, “Bennett’s stages of intercultural awareness”, or “rules for forming accurate generalizations rather than stereotypes”. Focus on picking topics  that you can clearly see yourself using as tools to improve your intercultural interactions. This can include topics that improve your intercultural understandings, attitudes, or behaviors. You may have to select a variety of topics, and start writing a bit before you decide what your best two choices are.
Part 3 – For the first of the two topics you select, write a paragraph or two with the following structure:
Part 3A. Number and name the topic using all capital letters (e.g. 1. LEVELS OF CULTURE) and cite its source (example: Module 3: Part 1: Definitions of Culture, section subtitled Levels of Culture”). In most cases, you will write a better essay if you do not pick something too general such as culture or stereotypes instead, youd want levels of culture or media based stereotypes. Or instead of choosing cautions about culture which refers to a long list, say culture is contextual which is one of the cautions about culture we mentioned.
Part 3B. Write 2 to 3 sentence summary or description of what this topic is about and say whether the topic is explained with text, audio, video or images in the module.
Part 3C. The rest of the paragraph explains how this concept relates to the intercultural interaction scenario you anticipate encountering..
Part 4: Do the same thing as describe above in Part 3 but for your second topic. Remember to include part 4A, 4B, and 4C.
Part 5: After youve done the above for the two topics, write one concluding paragraph where you summarize what you wrote about and its significance, and whether you would change/improve how you teach about these topics (for example, if the module covered the topic using text and you feel a short video clip would be better).


Write 700-1000 words about the topic description located below these instructions (you may go over by a few hundred words if you want and not be penalized, but if possible try to edit longer essays down to not much more than 1000 words). Your name, titles, date and page numbers do not count for your total word count.
Submit your document in the “Concluding essay dropbox located in the Concluding Essay section of our course Contents tab (it is also accessible via the “Dropbox” section located inside the “Assessments” tab of d2l).
Document should be MS Word, Plain Text, or PDF format, so if you use something like iWork Pages, please export the document into one of those formats. Note: The title of the document being uploaded to d2l can only contain numbers and letters; please call the d2l help line if you are having problems or have questions about uploading your document.
There is no right or wrong answer, the only wrong answer is if you do not follow the directions or answer the questions coherently, or if the essay does not reflect adequate learning in this course. We will deduct points if your essay falls below the word count, so use the word count function in your word processor to check this.
Concluding essay topic

For your concluding essay, think about the most likely or significant area of your life where you think you will have some form of intercultural interactions (example: doing business, travel, in the workplace, charity work, relations with people where you live, friendships, etc.). Then, select and write about the two most important topics (concept, exercise, an article, an image or video) from this course that will have a positive impact on those future intercultural interactions.

You must structure your essay as follows and include the part numbers/letters in your essay:

Part 1- In one short introductory paragraph, describe the circumstance where you anticipate you will have those intercultural interactions, characterize what type of cultural difference you expect to encounter, and describe what potential challenges you might encounter (stereotypes, communication issues, etc.) and why you selected that particular circumstance. Note: If you anticipate encountering intercultural difference in several areas of life, focus on just one area. If you already encounter this scenario (for example, if you travel a lot already) you can use that scenario if you anticipate that you will continue encountering this scenario in the future. If you seriously do not anticipate having intercultural encounters or really have no plans to come into contact with culturally different people, then you could write about coming into contact with another culture on a dream vacation that you win as a prize and that would take you to any desired location in the world.
Part 2- Briefly introduce and describe the two very specific topics from this course that you chose to write about here and why you chose them. Important suggestion: Although there is no right or wrong topic, in most cases, try to strike a balance between too general (e.g. choosing a general concept like culture or “stereotype”) or too specific (e.g. simply describing the video about saying no in Japan without explaining its broader significance to your situation). Examples of appropriately specific topics might be things like, “Bennett’s stages of intercultural awareness”, or “rules for forming accurate generalizations rather than stereotypes”. Focus on picking topics  that you can clearly see yourself using as tools to improve your intercultural interactions. This can include topics that improve your intercultural understandings, attitudes, or behaviors. You may have to select a variety of topics, and start writing a bit before you decide what your best two choices are.
Part 3 – For the first of the two topics you select, write a paragraph or two with the following structure:
Part 3A. Number and name the topic using all capital letters (e.g. 1. LEVELS OF CULTURE) and cite its source (example: Module 3: Part 1: Definitions of Culture, section subtitled Levels of Culture”). In most cases, you will write a better essay if you do not pick something too general such as culture or stereotypes instead, youd want levels of culture or media based stereotypes. Or instead of choosing cautions about culture which refers to a long list, say culture is contextual which is one of the cautions about culture we mentioned.
Part 3B. Write 2 to 3 sentence summary or description of what this topic is about and say whether the topic is explained with text, audio, video or images in the module.
Part 3C. The rest of the paragraph explains how this concept relates to the intercultural interaction scenario you anticipate encountering..
Part 4: Do the same thing as describe above in Part 3 but for your second topic. Remember to include part 4A, 4B, and 4C.
Part 5: After youve done the above for the two topics, write one concluding paragraph where you summarize what you wrote about and its significance, and whether you would change/improve how you teach about these topics (for example, if the module covered the topic using text and you feel a short video clip would be better).

speech review

Listen to 3 speeches submitted by your peers.
Write a 300-400-word response to each speech. Include all three responses in one word file and submit.
The thesis statement of your response must be a claim about the overall quality of the speech. This may include, but is not limited to: your overall appraisal of the speech, clarity of the speakers argument, quality of the support, and how well the speaker dealt with potential rebuttals, etc.
In developing your response, considering the following questions:

–      What particular topic(s) did the speaker discuss?

–      What can you say about the quality of the arguments presented in the speech?

–      Did you have a position on the issue before you attended the event? What was it?

–      Has your position been changed (either altered or reinforced) in any way after you heard the speech?

–      What aspect of the speech changed your position on the issue?

Has social media positively impacted the lives of teenagers around the world?

Devise a 5 Paragraph Essay, articulating your stance on the topic “Has social media positively impacted the lives of teenagers around the world?”

Essay should encapsulate an optimal balance between opinion and fact.

Ensure transitions between paragraph are fluid, to ensure cohesion of ideas.

An organizer has been attached, which articulates further info pertaining to the structure and format that must be adhered to.

( introduction paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion)

When formulating the paper, ensure to give a strong opinion, and devise a captivating introduction, with adequate detail to ensure the utmost quality of work.

Will elaborate further on my ‘vision’ in chat.

Financial article project

Select one topic from the Online Articles with Real World Examples from Page 376.  Find at least 2 articles (which will be your sources) on the topic you selected.  Refer to Baker Library as well as this textbook for guidance and resources.  Provide a 2 page paper on your findings.  The paper should be in APA format. Note: you must select a different top from Financial Article Project I.

These are the articles on page 376

Find a recent practical article available online that describes a real-world example regarding a specific financial institution or financial market that reinforces one or more concepts covered in this chapter.
If your class has an online component, your pro- fessor may ask you to post your summary of the arti- cle there and provide a link to the article so that other students can access it. If your class is live, your professor may ask you to summarize your appli- cation of the article in class. Your professor may assign specific students to complete this assignment or may allow any students to do the assignment on a volunteer basis.
For recent online articles and real-world examples related to this chapter, consider using the following search terms (be sure to include the prevailing year as
a search term to ensure that the online articles are recent):
1.    interest rate futures AND investment
2.    interest rate futures AND gains
3.    interest rate futures AND losses
4.    interest rate futures AND speculators
5.    interest rate futures AND hedge
6. stock index futures AND gains
7.    stock index futures AND losses
8.    stock index futures AND speculators
9. stock index futures AND hedge
10.    futures AND risk