Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Integrated Research Paper

A six-page (minimum) research paper is due Week 8, Day 2 of the course. The purpose of the paper is to integrate at least three humanities disciplines in the study of a particular era or movement, or in the study of a particular ruler, artist, composer, philosopher, etc., within the context of his/her time, or in comparing two different eras and/or cultures covered in the course. The paper must integrate at least three of the following humanities disciplines: philosophy, history, art, architecture, music, dance, drama, religion, literature and social structure/government.

The paper must begin with a thesis statement and then present facts and concepts to support the thesis, referencing materials from research sources; at least five (5) outside sources are required. Acceptable sources include articles published in reputable journals, books published by academic/reputable publishers, and government publications. Only two articles from newspapers, magazines or the Web (unless they are electronic versions of peer-reviewed journals or government publications) count toward the five required sources. Fiero’s text does not count toward one of the five required sources, though it may be consulted in the paper. Do not reference Wikipedia, and other general or non-specialized encyclopedias do not count toward the five sources. If you are in doubt about the suitability of a source, check with the instructor. The CBU Library Web site has extensive links to online publications and databases.

The final paper must be typed, double-spaced, with 1″ margins all around, and must be at least six pages in length (not counting the title page). Include a bibliography, which is not part of the six-page minimum. Visual examples of an artists work also do not count toward the page total.

Citation style and format must follow the guidelines of the MLA or APA formats. Papers will be judged on the basis of both content and the quality of writing; a grading rubric will be utilized. Every student is welcome to discuss with the instructor any ideas for the paper, especially if a student is uncertain about the topics suitability or has difficulty choosing a topic.

Fiero, Gloria K. (2015). The humanistic tradition, volume 1: Prehistory to the early modern world (7th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259360664

Stone Age
Writing and Civilization
Ancient Mesopotamia
Africa and Americas
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Judaism
Aegean Civilizations
Early Christianity
Middle Ages
Late Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance

I have class powerpoints once you decide the areas you want to discuss I can attach the PowerPoint associated.

History of Sprituality

Read Webbers book on the worship calendar (Ancient-Future Time) and write a ca. 5 page paper summarizing the major points that Webber makes about the sacred space and time of worship (the significance of the church calendar) and also addressing how much importance you feel should be attached to this. Spend about four pages summarizing the book and a full page evaluating it (see letter A above for more specific instructions). Due 4/16 (by 6:00 PM before class time).

care coordination and ethics

the assignment is to make a powerpoint and to narrate it with the 4-5 page paper, if you just write the paper and power point portion I will do the speaking/recording part of it. I have a MacBook so if using Keynote is an option that is great, if not that’s okay, thanks!


Students will write a contextual theology Things Fall Apart (1959) by Chinua Achebe. Do not simply summarize the ethnographic
data. This is a theological essay that should address various levels of contextualization.
Draw on the readings, class sessions and ethnography on the tribe to show how you
would communicate the gospel and establish churches among these people. Cite your
sources carefully.
a. Half the paper should outline the cultural themes in the society.
b. The rest of the paper should address the following issues:
i. a contextual form of communicating the gospel (formal, informal, direct,
indirect) with specific examples
ii. the use and style of worship / rituals
iii. Church organizational structure and style of leadership.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


After reading What Security Executives Should Know about Ethics by Mario Moussa, explain why security directors must have a keen understanding of the role ethics plays in an organizations plan to protect assets and discuss the fundamental challenges confronting these security operatives, including the ethical demands resulting from the changing business environment in which they operate.


1.  Explain why security directors must have a keen understanding of the role ethics plays in an organizations plan to protect assets

2.  Discuss the fundamental challenges confronting these security operatives,

a.  including the ethical demands resulting from the changing business environment in which they operate.

Be sure to cite your sources from both the Learning Materials and outside research.

Please post your initial Discussion response by Thursday.  Respond to the posts of two or more of your fellow students in a cogent and respectfully manner.


Moussa, M. (2007, January 8). What Security Executives Should Know about Ethics. Retrieved January 30, 2020, from

In a study conducted by Rick Ruddell, Matthew O. Thomas, and Ryan Patten entitled, Examining the Roles of the Police and Private Security Officers in Urban Social Control, the authors state, in part, this study sheds light on the relationships between the police and private security, especially in regard to the formal and quasi-formal social control of urban areas. We find that the actions of private security officers augment the activities of the police, and it is likely that they will become a more important force in the future as the line between private and public policing becomes increasingly indistinct (2010, p. 66). 

Engaging the Private Sector to Promote Homeland Security by Andrew Morabito and Sheldon Greenberg in 2005 essentially make a similar assertion with regard to the future role private security must play in augmenting the activities of law enforcement in protecting the nation from terrorism. The authors concede there are obstacles to overcome, but the benefits of law enforcement private security partnerships are many and must be explored and implemented to enhance our security plan.

As your last discussion topic for this course, identify and discuss in general terms the primary obstacles that must be addressed before private security-law enforcement partnerships can be fully operational and the significant benefits each of these entities could gain from each other. Also, as a security operative for a Fortune 1000 company, regardless of the risk for a terrorism event directed at your facility, explain how you would go about establishing or enhancing a partnership with law enforcement to protect your companys assets and the assets of the larger community.


1.  Identify and discuss in general terms the primary obstacles that must be addressed before private security-law enforcement partnerships can be fully operational

2.  The significant benefits each of these entities could gain from each other.

3.  Also, as a security operative for a Fortune 1000 company, regardless of the risk for a terrorism event directed at your facility, explain how you would go about establishing or enhancing a partnership with law enforcement to protect your companys assets and the assets of the larger community.

Be sure to cite your sources from both the Learning Materials and outside research.

Please post your initial Discussion response by Thursday.  Respond to the posts of two or more of your fellow students in a cogent and respectfully manner.


Ruddell, R., Thomas, M, Patten, R. (n.d.). Examining The Roles Of The Police And Private Security Officers In Urban Social Control. Retrieved January 30, 2020, from

Morabito, A., & Greenberg, S. (2005, September). Engaging the Private Sector to Promote Homeland Security: Law Enforcement-Private Security Relationships. Retrieved January 20, 2020,  from 


2 page paper => compare and contrast how  DWIGHT L. MOODY and SREN KIERKEGAARD explain “healing” “Heal” in their work .

your reflection must include at least one quote from DWIGHT L. MOODY and SREN KIERKEGAARD  where they explain the concept of  “healing”. the quotes must come from the links provided. be sure to analyze the quotes and compare and contrast the thoughts and ideas of the different writers.


Moody, D (1873) Moodys Anecdotal and Illustrations: Believe. You Know Me, Moody Retrieved from:


Kierkegaard, S. (1844). Preparation for a Christian life. III.  The Invitation and the Inviter. Retrieved from

Biblical Images of Salvation

The student will complete a theological essay that will address the relationship of human sinfulness to an aspect of the doctrine of salvation. Students will examine one of the biblical images of salvation (adoption, conversion, regeneration, redemption, reconciliation, justification, election, sanctification, or glorification) and define and describe the doctrine with its biblical, historical and theological contours as well as discuss how this image of salvation relates to and addresses the problem of sin. Finally, the student will apply the implications of this doctrine to the Christian life and for the students chosen vocation. The essay will be 800-1,000 words. Refer to the “Course Policies” in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course. This assignment aligns with MLOs A-D and the following FSLOs: Christianity and Contexts 2-4, Communication and Information Literacy 1-5, Critical Thinking 1, 2.


Use of the concept “healing” in modern nursing literature and research

look at studies that have been done on “healing” and healthcare. make sure you take note of the type of study; how many people and what people were included in the study. that were the results of the studies? critic their research method. you will need two different studies.

use your own research in reading about “healing” in a specific faith tradition to illustrate theuse of your concept in modern nursing.

Business Idea: Tourer

I will be including the slides that needs editing I only need 4 slides to be edited out of the full project. I will also be including the full project in word document so you can take information from the word document for every topic in the slides only take from the parts needed please no more no less don’t take information from other parts.

I want you to edit the slides and have speaker notes for every slide. make the slides with bullet points and speaker notes detailed.
Please make it as perfect as you can as it is our graduation project.
I will be including the presentation and the full report please only use information from the report do not include anything out of the report do not change the ideas or anything.

Please try to do your best as I don’t have time for revision our deadline is tomorrow midnight. Thank you so much and I wish you the best of luck.


The reading is Chapter 6:  Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Frankfort-Nachmias and Leon-Guerrero (2018) noted that the precision of a confidence interval can be enhanced by increasing the sample size.

Confidence Intervals

Q1. Write a 275- to 300-word response to the following:

What is the role of sample size in the calculation of confidence intervals?
What factors might determine the size of an ideal sample in your dissertation study?

Reference: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Estimation Errors
Q2. Write a 275- to 300-word response to the following:
    How can estimation errors threaten the validity of a study? Cite specific examples from your experience to support your response.