Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Consider what effective group leadership skills look like. Describe at least three skills and how they are demonstrated in the group setting. For example, you may review active listening, interpreting, and linking. Also refer to Rubel and Kline’s 2008 article, “An Exploratory Study of Expert Group Leadership.”

Hypothesis Testing

Frankfort-Nachmias and Leon-Guerrero (2018) explain that several assumptions are required in statistical hypothesis testing.
Q 1.) Write a 275-word response to the following:
    Explain what this means in your own words.
    What assumptions might be present in your dissertation study work?
Reference: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
2.) Write a 275-word response to the following:
    Reflect on your learning. How will you apply what youve learned in this course to your personal, professional, or research work?

3.) Write a 700 word reflective essay about your experience applying quantitative analysis methods and the knowledge you have gained from this course. This should be a professional paper with citations to support your work.


Case one:
Identify a hematology disorder.


Give the etiology of the disorder.

What exam, studies you would order.

Specific assessment related to the disorder.

Develop a plan of care for the patient with the specific disorder.
If you refer to hematology to evaluate and help manage this condition, how are you going to work with the hematologist in a co-management of this patient with a chronic hematologic problem?

Identify a neurologic disorder.

Cerebral palsy

1.    Give the etiology of the disorder.
2.    What exam, studies you would order.
3.    Specific assessment related to the disorder.
4.    Develop a plan of care for the patient with the specific disorder.
5.    If you refer to neurologist to evaluate and help manage this condition, how are you going to work with the neurologist in a co-management of this patient with a chronic neurologic problem?


Consider Mat Min and Abu Baker’s 2015 article, “Therapeutic Factors in Group Counselling Promotes Self Development,” on therapeutic factors and Young, Dollarhide, and Baughman’s 2015 article, “The Voices of School Counselors: Essential Characteristics of School Counselor Leaders,” on leadership skills used for group counseling. Describe some of your personal characteristics that will enable you to be an effective counselor. For example, you might discuss presence, genuineness, and an awareness of subtle cultural issues.

The Voices of School Counselors: Essential Characteristics of School Counselor Leaders.
Young, Anita1
Dollarhide, Colette T.2
Baughman, Amber3
Professional School Counseling. 2015, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p36-45. 10p.

Business idea: Tourer

I want you to edit the slides and have speaker notes for every slide. make the slides with bullet points and speaker notes detailed.
Please make it as perfect as you can as it is our graduation project.
I will be including the presentation and the full report please only use information from the report do not include anything out of the report do not change the ideas or anything.
Please try to do your best as I don’t have time for revision our deadline is tomorrow midnight. Thank you so much and I wish you the best of luck.

school need

Using the intermediate, middle, and elementary assessment examples that you reviewed in the unit readings, write one paragraph for a specific school level, describing what you recognize as a need and how you can address it. This is an opportunity for creativity. You get to decide which area you would like to address and pretend that it came up in the needs assessment. Think about how you might approach the topic from a strengths-based social justice or coordination role and what you might propose to do as a school counselor.

For example:

I might pretend that in my middle school needs assessment, it became clear that the students really wanted information about study skills. After reflecting on my role as a school counselor, and the possible courses of action, I decide that implementing a schoolwide study-skills curriculum would be additive. Based on the ASCA School Counselor Competencies (Dollarhide & Saginak, 2017, p. 14), I might describe how I would deliver the program (via classroom delivery of the school counseling core curriculum), manage the program (ensuring every student receives the program, integrated into their seventh grade math class based on that week’s math lesson), and how I would monitor and evaluate the program (provide a pre- and post-study skills assessment, and also look at the exam results in the math class pre and post the study skills lesson).
As an aside, I really did this when working as a middle school counselor. The math teacher consulted with me and asked for some help. He thought the students just did not know how to memorize the information. We worked together to create a targeted lesson that would address that math topic, teaching them the study skills. It was effective and the students performed better after learning how to learn.

DB4 replies

Write replies to 2 other students’ threads (file will be uploaded) which must be at least 140 words (each reply) and use 1 scholarly source for each reply. You are encouraged to read each post on the Discussion Board Forums. Make sure to use correct spelling and grammar for all Discussion Board Forum postings. NOTE: Scholarly sources can be books, journal articles, law review articles, etc. While you may use the textbook, the Bible, cases, and statutes; they will not count toward the minimum number of sources. Responding to a classmates thread requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon the thread to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced. As such, replies that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous thread(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.

Module 3 Project Planning and Scheduling Management

For SLP 3, the assignment is to play a simulation entitled Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, and Schedule.

The simulation is an abbreviated demonstration of Harvard University, and it runs for three weeks or three cycles; however, you can play it many times as long as you login after three cycles. The simulation has three main tasks under tabs: prepare, analyze, and decide. It is recommended to view the introductory video and navigate project objectives and how to play before attempting the assignment.

Forio. (2017). Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, Schedule. Retrieved from

Answer the following questions about the simulation experience.

Reflect on whether you met the project success criteria for the simulation project
In terms of managing the project what are the main lessons you learned from this exercise?
What went well during the simulation game?
How many times did you continue playing?
What would you do differently on the next time you play the simulation based on your experience this time around?
What parameters did you change to improve productivity and team morale?
Include screenshots in a Word document showing the results of improved productivity and team morale. 
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 2-4 pages, not including cover sheet and references, and to the point.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your incorporation of concepts from the module.
Your critical thinking and analysis.
Your application of professional project management terminology.
Your use of references in proper APA format to support your work.

Great Western Schism

Title of Source + Bibliographic Citation: This simply indicates the title of the source you will be using AND also provides a bibliographic citation.  You MUST include a proper citation here.  You can use whatever citation format you are comfortable with (for example, Chicago, APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.).  Also, you are selecting from any of the documents available for the unit you are working on.  YOU CANNOT CHOOSE SOURCES THAT ARE NOT IN THE UNIT’S DOCUMENTS FOLDER.
Brief Summary/Description of Source: This should be a fairly brief summary/description of your source.  It should let the reader know what the source is about, who wrote it, as well as indicate the contents of the source.  For this section, think about how you would describe the source for someone who has not read it. 
Historical Context: For this section, you should relate what you read in the source to the other material in the class (i.e. other assignments and especially what you read in the textbook).  Here you are placing the source in its wider historical context.  Think about what general information the reader should know in order to understand the source.  For example, if you were writing about the Code of Hammurabi as your source, you should mention Hammurabi’s dates and what you read about him in the textbook.
Analysis: This is the part of the post that you should spend the most time on.  Overall, your analysis of the source should indicate what this source reveals about the topic or time period and why this is significant.  In this section, think about answering some of these questions for your source to get at a deeper and rich analysis:
How does what you read in the document/website tie into what you read in the textbook?  Does it illuminate a particular topic, contradict the textbook, open up the topic in a new direction, etc?
What does it tell us about society or culture at this time?  What did these people value or not value?
Does this show us important aspects about government, religion, politics, class, economics, etc?
Is there any bias to the source?  What audience might the author have been writing for?
What is the main theme or message?
Other Remarks: This last section of the post is an area where you can insert your own opinions, thoughts, etc.  Here you might explain what you found fascinating, troubling, or remarkable about the source.  If you want to compare the source to the present, this is the area to do it.

Bipolar Disorder

Find at least six scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years, including a minimum of two original research studies that discuss your selected neuropsychological disorder, which you selected for the Week 1 assignment. For further information, please review the Original Research Study Tipsheet (Links to an external site.).

Plan on using these sources in this assignment, as well as your Week 3 assignment and your Final Project (Week 5 assignment).

This will allow you to select, read, and summarize your sources to determine how you will use them in your Final Project, and will also allow your instructor to provide feedback on your selection and understanding of these sources.

You may reuse the references you used in completing your Week 1 assignment. You may use the DSM-5 as one of your resources.

With the exception of the DSM-5, you may cite and reference course materials such as the textbook, required or recommended reading, or multimedia, but these will not fulfill the source requirement.

Include a full reference citation in APA format for each resource.
Summarize each resource in a paragraph (do not copy the articles abstractthis summary should be in your own words).

You will need to rewrite the outline sample attached in a separate order so please consider using these two source below in addition to 4 of your own sources for the annotated bibliography

Describe how you plan to use this source in your Week 3 outline that you will write next week.

Please include these sources (Preshlock, S., Tredwell, M., & Gouverneur, V. (2016). 18F-Labeling of arenes and heteroarenes for applications in positron emission tomography. Chemical Reviews, 116(2), 719-766. Wilson, J. F. (2013). The biological basis of behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.)