Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Strategy management – Starbucks company – analyze

This is Strategy management – Starbucks company – analyze
This is a group term project, the PDF is the requirement which shows what should to be write, and the DOC is what my team remembers have been done. Please check the PDF first and then check the DOC to see what they’ve been write.
And my part is:
1. the value chain
2. and the last bullet point about if Starbucks is sustainable.

Please let me know if you are familiar with the business field.

Module 2 Project Scope Management

Module 2 SLP continues with Kathy Schwalbes case study reviewed in SLP 1. For convenience, the case study is repeated here.

This project is for a company called Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) The company is starting a project called the Recreation and Wellness Intranet project and they have assigned Tony Prince as the project manager. MYH is allowing six months to complete the project with a budget of $200,000.

Tony has managed other projects and has some experience with systems analysis. He is also a sports fan, so he is considered to be a good fit for the project. One of the first tasks is to assemble a project team to do user surveys, then put the requirements together with an eye toward user-friendliness. It has already been determined that the system must address the following requirements:

Company-sponsored program registration (e.g., softball, swimming, etc.).
Company-sponsored health class registration (e.g., stress reduction, smoking cessation, etc.),
Tracking of participation in programs and classes.
Incentives for participation and doing well in programs and classes.
Project must not require additional hardware or software.

I will upload what I submitted for module 2

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this project, you will research a solution to address the recent threat to the security of an e-commerce operation that you defined in Research Project 1 in Week 3. This is the continuation of your Week 3 project, and your revised Week 3 work will be included with the submission of this project. You will provide appropriate policies, procedures, products, and services that will effectively mitigate the risk of the e-commerce threat.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that this threat must be related to e-commerce, which, with very few exceptions, is now a web-based operation.

Research: You are expected to use credible sources upon which to base your report. In cases when the source is necessary, but credibility is not assured, you must address this issue in the text of your paper. You are required to use APA style for both in-text citations and the Reference section at the end of your paper. You can learn more about APA-style references by clicking the APA tutorial link near the bottom of the Syllabus. You must use a minimum of four sources.
Originality: Although you will be using outside sources for this project–and using citations to indicate where ideas have come from within the sources–all writing must be in your own words. No direct quotations of outside sources are allowed.

Required Elements
Cover page
Table of contents
Presentation of the threat including how the threat was identified, the technical features that characterize the threat, how it works, vulnerabilities it exploits, and so forth
Diagram depicting the mechanism of attack and exploitation
Potential or actual consequences including damage to hardware, software, data, personnel, financial losses, and so forth: You should identify the nature of the security compromise (i.e., data confidentiality, integrity, availability).
Risk assessment based on the concepts presented in the Week 3 Lecture
Deliverables: The minimum length of the paper–not counting the cover page, table of contents, and references–is four double-spaced pages. The maximum length is six pages. Do not submit papers that have less or more pages than specified here.


Read the Mini-Case Study: Closing Projects at Global Green Books Publishing and prepare a PPT or infographics summary answering the questions below.

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: Closing Projects at Global Green Books Publishing. Retrieved from

Comment on the following aspects of the case study.

What are some of the reasons why it is important to close out a project? What can project managers accomplish in closing out a project?
Why should projects capture lessons learned? What are some ways that the project team members, project managers and the organization can use lessons learned?
What benefits come from celebrating project accomplishments? Do you believe that rewards and recognition can serve as motivators for staff?
Explain what a Pareto chart is. Why would you use this technique to identify and prioritize problem areas? Are there some limitations on interpreting the results of a Pareto analysis?
If you were the Project Manager looking at this Pareto analysis, what recommendations might you make to address the three key problem areas in eBook projects that this analysis identified?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Choose one of the following options for your summary:

PowerPoint Presentation (10-12 slides) with notes
Infographic (save as PDF) using any MS Office product or products from free sites. Multiple pages may be required to fulfill the assignment requirements.
You will be particularly assessed on:

Your incorporation of concepts from the module.
Your critical thinking and analysis.
Your application of professional project management terminology.
Your use of references in proper APA format to support your work

Background Information

Chapters 17-23 in:
Project Management Open Sources and TAP-a-PM. (2012). Project management skills for all careers. Creative Commons Attribution Unported 3.0 CC BY 2011

PM. (2016). Real world project management fundamentals. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2017). Positive vs. Negative Risks on Projects. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2013). Project Communication Plan: Key To Effective Communication In Projects. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2013). Improving Your Project Management Communication. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2017). How to Create a Project Budget – Project Management Training. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2013). What To Do When Your Project Is Over Budget. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

Learning About Quality. (2017). Learning Pareto chart. Retrieved from

Jutte, B. (2016). 10 golden rules of project risk management. In Projectsmart. Retrieved from

Tapping, J. (2012). Project risk management handbook: A scalable approach. In California Department of Transportation. Retrieved from

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: The Back to School Crunch at Global Green Books Publishing and answer the project questions on concept and strategy. Retrieved from

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: Closing Projects at Global Green Books Publishing. Retrieved from

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For SLP 3, the assignment is to play a simulation entitled Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, and Schedule.

The simulation is an abbreviated demonstration of Harvard University, and it runs for three weeks or three cycles; however, you can play it many times as long as you login after three cycles. The simulation has three main tasks under tabs: prepare, analyze, and decide. It is recommended to view the introductory video and navigate project objectives and how to play before attempting the assignment.

Use the word user as the loging ID and password.

Forio. (2017). Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, Schedule. Retrieved from

Answer the following questions about the simulation experience.

Reflect on whether you met the project success criteria for the simulation project
In terms of managing the project what are the main lessons you learned from this exercise?
What went well during the simulation game?
How many times did you continue playing?
What would you do differently on the next time you play the simulation based on your experience this time around?
What parameters did you change to improve productivity and team morale?
Include screenshots in a Word document showing the results of improved productivity and team morale. 
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 2-4 pages, not including cover sheet and references, and to the point.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your incorporation of concepts from the module.
Your critical thinking and analysis.
Your application of professional project management terminology.
Your use of references in proper APA format to support your work.

Background References
Chapters 12-16 in:
Project Management Open Sources and TAP-a-PM. (2012). Project management skills for all careers. Creative Commons Attribution Unported 3.0 CC BY 2011

PM. (2017). Top 3 KPIs for project Managers. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2017). 3 New Tips for Managing Remote Teams – Project Management [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2017).How to Improve Your Team’s Efficiency – Project Management Training. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2013).Conflict Resolution Training: How To Manage Team Conflict In Under 6 Minutes! [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2014).What Is Change Management In Project Management Terms? [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

PM. (2012). How to Motivate Your Project Management Team. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from

Forio. (2017). Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, Schedule. Retrieved from

Project Management Skills. (2017). Project cost management. Retrieved from

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: Project Management at Global Green Books Publishing. Retrieved from

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Importance of TIGER in nursing

The “TIGER-based Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies (TANIC) survey” consists of three main areas where you will analyze your skills in computer competencies: The first is basic computer competencies, the second area is information literacy competencies and the third and final area is information management competencies).
Complete the TIGER-based Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies (TANIC) survey
Reflect on the answers you provided within your survey.
Consider how you could improve your skills in these areas, and identify resources within your organization as well as external resources that could be used to develop nursing informatics competencies.

Find one scholarly resource to inform your self-evaluation and/or plan.

Submit a 2-3-page, double-spaced paper that addresses the following:
Provide a brief overview of the TANIC tool, and your strengths and weaknesses as outlined in your self-assessment.

future goals in which you need to strengthen your abilities for each of the three main areas (basic computer competencies, information literacy competencies, and information management competencies).
Outline a brief plan for developing these competencies. In your plan, identify resources that can assist and are available to you within your organization or one with which you are familiar. Identify any external resources, and explain how these resources are relevant to your current practice and/or future goals.
Analyze how developing nursing informatics competencies contributes to your effectiveness as a nurse

Business – Strategy management assignment – discussion board

Hi, this is a Business – Strategy management assignment.
It’s about discussion board work, it required one meaningful paragraph for each one, go to the file to see the context. It should be five paragraph in total.
Let me know if the timing is ok or not.
Thank you.


Please research a Private & Florida’s State institution to complete this assignment.

At a minimum, a 3-5 page paper the compares and contrasts a private prison with a
state prison.
Please do not copy and paste any information(this should reflect both sides)
*This is to include the costs of running each type of facility, as well as
*the types of inmates that are housed in these facilities. You are to also include
* historical information on a private companies that run these institution
prisons how many inmates they supervise
*how long they have been in business, reasons for running this prisons,
*how many facilities do they manage and where they are and how many inmates do
they supervise.
*list how many facilities they have in the state
*Then, you need to compare the requirements for a correctional officer in
both the private and the state prisons with their starting salaries.

Netflix Report

Report on the current status of Netflix in early November 2019, including its status in the industry.
Netflix Report Assignment: Review the case Netflixs Strategy in 2018: Does the Company Have Sufficient Competitive Strength to Fight Off Aggressive Rivals? Update information in the case to late April 2020, focusing on one of the following topics: 1. How strong are the competitive forces in the streaming video industry? (Text Figure 3.4) 2. Who are the major competitors in this industry? How are they different? 3. What forces are driving change in this this industry? (Text Figure 3.3) 4. How would you characterize the current strategy of Netflix based on at least one of the frameworks from Chapters 5, 6 or 7? Identify the framework, what evidence do you have? 5. What does a SWOT analysis of Netflix reveal about the overall attractiveness of its situation? 6. What is your appraisal of Netflixs current operating and financial performance? 7. Another topic from your study of business strategy. For the topic you have chosen, what is currently the top priority issue (or two) that Netflix management needs to address in this topic area? What recommendations would you make to the CEO of Netflix to address this issue? (To be current you need to look at current company materials and current media reports.) Submit to the D2L Netflix Report Assignment. The report should be about 1000 words long (roughly three double spaced typed pages), plus any diagrams, graphs, charts and APA style references for all sources used.

chinese philosophy

Write 800-1,000 words answering the following questions based on the week’s reading.

1. What is the main philosophical point in the following passage? Explain your reasoning.
Everything has its “that,” everything has its “this.” From the point of view of “that” you cannot see it, but through understanding you can know it. So I say, “that” comes out of “this” and “this” depends on “that” – which is to say that “this” and “that” give birth to each other. But where there is birth there must be death; where there is death there must be birth. Where there is acceptability there must be unacceptability; where there is unacceptability there must be acceptability. Where there is recognition of right there must be recognition of wrong; where there is recognition of wrong there must be recognition of right. Therefore the sage does not proceed in such a way, but illuminates all in the light of Heaven.6 He too recognizes a “this,” but a “this” which is also “that,” a “that” which is also “this.” His “that” has both a right and a wrong in it; his “this” too has both a right and a wrong in it. So, in fact, does he still have a “this” and “that”? Or does he in fact no longer have a “this” and “that”? A state in which “this” and “that” no longer find their opposites is called the hinge of the Way. When the hinge is fitted into the socket, it can respond endlessly. Its right then is a single endlessness and its wrong too is a single endlessness. So, I say, the best thing to use is clarity.

To use an attribute to show that attributes are not attributes is not as good as using a non-attribute to show that attributes are not attributes. To use a horse to show that a horse is not a horse is not as good as using a non-horse to show that a horse is not a horse,7 Heaven and earth are one attribute; the ten thousand things are one horse.

What is acceptable we call acceptable; what is unacceptable we call unacceptable. A road is made by people walking on it; things are so because they are called so. What makes them so? Making them so makes them so. What makes them not so? Making them not so makes them not so. Things all must have that which is so; things all must have that which is acceptable. There is nothing that is not so, nothing that is not acceptable.

For this reason, whether you point to a little stalk or a great pillar, a leper or the beautiful Hsi-shih, things ribald and shady or things grotesque and strange, the Way makes them all into one. Their dividedness is their completeness; their completeness is their impairment. No thing is either complete or impaired, but all are made into one again. Only the man of far reaching vision knows how to make them into one. So he has no use [for categories], but relegates all to the constant. The constant is the useful; the useful is the passable; the passable is the successful; and with success, all is accomplished. He relies upon this alone, relies upon it and does not know he is doing so. This is called the Way.

But to wear out your brain trying to make things into one without realizing that they are all the same – this is called “three in the morning.” What do I mean by “three in the morning”? When the monkey trainer was handing out acorns, he said, “You get three in the morning and four at night.” This made all the monkeys furious. “Well, then,” he said, “you get four in the morning and three at night.” The monkeys were all delighted. There was no change in the reality behind the words, and yet the monkeys responded with joy and anger. Let them, if they want to. So the sage harmonizes with both right and wrong and rests in Heaven the Equalizer. This is called walking two roads.

2. Give an interpretation of this passage – perhaps the most famous in Zhuangzi. What is the philosophical point he is making?
Once Chuang Chou dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn’t know he was Chuang Chou. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Chuang Chou. But he didn’t know if he was Chuang Chou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Chuang Chou. Between Chuang Chou and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things.

3. What is Schwitzgebel’s argument in section ii. of his paper? What is his conclusion in this section? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

4. What is Schwitzgebel’s interpretation of oneness in Zhuangzi in section v? How does this compare to the view of oneness in the Daodejing? 

5. Schwitzgebel claims that there are always three versions of Zhuangzi – a radical version “death is the same as life,”, a moderate version “it’s better to live a long life but people make too big a fuss about it,” and a skeptical version “maybe death is better than life.” The idea is that Zhuangzi is not coherent in his views. What is a view that you are not coherent about? What are the three versions of your view?

6. Do you think coherence is a good thing for a philosophical view? Why? Do you view the incoherence in Zhuangzi as a strength or a weakness?

7. Do you think you are the philosopher dreaming you are a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming you are a philosopher? Does the answer matter?

here is other resource for the essay. and you have to read section two for it :