Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Introduction to sociology

Step One

Mass media has a great effect on society, especially on teens and young adults. How has the use of mass media played a significant role in shaping our thoughts
Step Two

Our lives are shaped by several social factors, such as:

The time period in which we live
Our social location and neighborhood
Our social class, gender, and race
Your second task is to list the demographics discussed in the article. Are specific nationalities targeted? What is the average age of those affected? What is that significance of these elements?

Step Three

Your third task is to relay the regions of the world this issue is taking place. Where, geographically, does the article suggest this issue is sooner taking place? If the article discusses the United States and the problem exists everywhere in the US, is there a kind of geographical location associated with the discussion, specifically, sections of a given state, neighborhoods, etc.

Introduction to sociology


Define human nature and factors that affect human nature
Describe sociological interactions in everyday life and the factors that affect them
Review the information in the lesson on socialization and nature versus nurture.  Chose the side of the debate that you believe has the greatest effect on human nature. Do some research online to support your opinion.

Is there a lot of information to support your side of the debate?
Is there more or less information to support the other side?
Write a paper in which you support the nature or nurture side of the debate.

Do innate qualities or socialization ultimately shape who we become?
What information did you find which best supports your theory?
Use information and terminology from the lesson to support your claim as well.

Spirituality Assessment Project

Answer the following questions: Given what you have readings regarding spirituality and your own knowledge and experiences with diversity and different religious and nonreligious spiritual traditions, respond to the following:

        To which spiritual perspectives do you have the most positive reactions, for example, you are in the most agreement with feel appreciation or attraction toward, are the most comfortable with finding it easiest to keep an open mind and heart about? What is it about you that contributes to these reactions? (e.g. knowledge, personal experiences, messages from family or larger culture?

        Consider how the following concepts are represented in the event: culture, cultural values, cultural ideology, cultural symbols, language, cultural norms, subcultures
        To which perspective do you have the most negative reactions what about you contribute to these reactions?

        Select one of the questions from Exhibit 6.5 in the Hutchinson textbook Chapter 6 and identify one question you would be comfortable asking a client. Now identify a question you might be uncomfortable asking a client. What factors may be contributing to your comfort and discomfort?

        Select one of the cases at the beginning of the Hutchison chapter 6 apply either Fowlers stages of faith development or Wilbers integral theory of consciousness. Discuss how the framework can be used to understand a persons spiritual development. How would this information help you work with him or her as a social worker?


        In 1-2 pages provide responses for the assignment above
        Use APA reference
        Use the readings to support your arguments


Guiding Questions

        How are spirituality and religion defined?
        What is the premise of Fowler’s and Wilber’s theories on human spirituality?
        What role does a client’s religious or spiritual history play on their well-being?


        Textbook: Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment
            Chapter 6

        Article 1: Killing the Messenger: Religious Black Gay Mens Neutralization of Anti-Gay Religious Messages
        Article 2: Experiences of Muslims in Four Western Countries Post-9/11
        Textbook: Handbook of Child Psychology, By Oser, Scarlett, and Bucher, Pages 942-998

Individual SWOT analysis with a personal plan

Write a 3-page paper excluding references and cover-sheet answering the question below. Provide specific examples by researching trainings, certifications, and resources that you will use to manage your career brand.

Imagine yourself as _____ 3 years from now. To achieve that role, perform your own SWOT analysis. Identify and prioritize specific SMART objectives and explain why these would help you reach your goal.


In this non-graded activity, you will begin working on your submission for Project 2. This activity will serve as a valuable opportunity for you to explore the prompt, identify any questions you might have, and reach out to your instructor for clarification and assistance.

At the end of Module Six, you developed a chart in which you examined the impact of culture on your chosen artifact and reflected on how individual assumptions and values can affect understanding of that artifact. Return to that assignment and review the responses you captured in the artifact chart, as well as any feedback your instructor shared. Then, read the instructions for Project 2 (found below) carefully. Remember that you are not writing an essay but answering the individual questions as three separate responses. Some suggested approaches to answering these questions are provided after each prompt. Begin assembling notes and bullet points to support your more comprehensive written responses to the Project 2 short answer prompts.

Before the end of this week, you will complete and submit Project 2. Take this opportunity to review the different elements of this assignment and the valuable tips and tricks captured in the suggested approach write-ups as you begin to compile notes and bullet points to support your written response. Be sure to reach out to your instructor as soon as possible with any questions you have on this assignment.

Section I:
Your Artifact Suggested Approach: As you work to address this prompt, refer back to course content. Also consider revisiting Section III and Section V of your Project 1 Artifact Chart. In these sections, you explored the purpose of your selected artifact and how creative expression impacts and is impacted by the people and situations that surround it. Also, consider the questions you posed in Section VI of Project 1 related to expression. In answering this prompt, consider expanding on the initial insights you gained about your artifact to explain the larger human need to express.
This Course Suggested approach: A.) Consider Modules One and Two, which contain a list and discussion of reasons why artifacts are created, and Modules One through Four on the big questions. Modules Five and Six give some examples of these reasons for creative expression during various time periods, naming a number of famous creators in the humanities, all of which might contribute to the discussion of your artifact. Modules Seven and Eight talk more specifically about some powerful motives for creating in the humanities as well. Consider applying these concepts here. For instance, in the sample of All Shook Up by Otis Blackwell and Elvis Presley in Module Four, the motives of making money, achieving fame, and entertaining were mentioned, among others. Be sure to refer back to course concepts in your response.

Section II Suggested Approach: In addition to thinking about your artifact and reviewing the overall course content, consider especially the definition and discussion of culture and how artifacts change as cultures evolve; the numerous examples of cultures throughout time, and the contemporary examples used. Also, review the responses you captured in the artifact chart submitted in Module Six. Does your previous work help inform your thoughts around how creative expression impacts and is impacted by culture? For instance, in the resources related to All Shook Up by Otis Blackwell and Elvis Presley at the end of Module Four, World War II and the unique cultural mix of America were mentioned as having impacted the creation of the artifact, while the song itself influenced American pop culture as a larger part of rock and roll. Check the responses for your own artifact in your chart and extend the insights you gained to explain the broader cultural impacts on creative expression as well as how humanistic artifacts impact the culture they are a part of.
Section III Suggested Approach: In addition to reviewing the overall course content, consider what the humanities have to do with us and the impact of the humanities on contemporary issues. Guided by the topics in Modules Seven and Eight, determine what some key issues are today. Think about the connections your chosen artifact might have to contemporary issues, and expand the insights you gain to explore how artifacts in general can have an impact on current concerns.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What factors influence the choices women make when they choose what clothes to wear?/How do social expectations and institutional norms (such as workplace and school dress codes) influence the choices women make when they choose to wear clothes? And how do women’s choices about their appearance influence social expectations and norms? Remember to discuss how race and class can lead to different expectations for different populations.


Review their schools recommendations to initiate this discussion. If the institution does not provide this information, consider recommendations from other schools (Princeton University; Emory University).

Womens networking groups such as Girls Lounge have emerged as a way for professional women to support and guide younger professional women. This New York Times interview with Girls Lounge founder Shelley Zalis addresses business-sector influence on feminine appearance. You may consider the impact of women-lead organizations on changing norms of professional attire.

Review the natural hair issue raised in this weeks lecture. Reflect on the hairstyles of your teachers, doctors, and other professional women you have encountered. How did these women wear their hair? Did they notice any differences based on profession, race, or ethnicity?

I would like to see a topic sentence that expresses your point of view about the chosen topic, either at the beginning, middle or the end of your response. Personally, I prefer to see your point of view at the beginning just because it is straightforward that way, however, you are free to choose what would be the best for your writing. Wherever you choose to put your topic sentence, please do articulate your point of view in one to two clear sentences. Then, use details (examples, data, etc) to support your argument.

Statement of Professional Goals

Statement of Professional Goals- Submit a written statement of 2-3 pages that outlines how your educational and career goals match Saint Leo University’s program. I have a bachelor’s degree in Human Services and want to enter the Master’s Program in Human Service Administration. APA Format and 12 Times New Roman Font.

Personal & Prof. Dev. for Mgmt & Fin.

The two topics I chose were time management and stress management.
Please illustrate in the article. If you have any questions, please communicate with me in time.There are three more examples in the file. Thank you very much.Here are the teacher’s requirements.

Dear All,

It seems there’s a bit of confusion regarding what you need to do in your portfolio. So see below what you are expected to do.

1) in your actual portfolio – you need to choose just two areas/topics and demonstrate how you have developed in relation to your choices. You can use an activity from the workshop as a starting point to demonstrate what you discovered about yourself, etc

2) the self development template is where I am expecting students to complete one for each workshop/topic where possible and this would go in your Appendix.

3) you can decide to include worksheets from a workshop if you deem it necessary.

4) The past submissions on CANVAS are just to give you an idea of how to write a portfolio BUT what requirements over the years are never the same.


I am not sure why some of you are still confused over the assessment guidelines. Please see below a breakdown of what I am expecting you to do in simple terms.

1) The whole document that you producing is known as your portfolio.

2) The 2500 word part is about your self development – which should focus on any two topics covered on the module. If in your write up, you want to describe an activity, try to do this in no more than 250 words as you might end of using up your word count just describing an in class activity without giving you an opportunity to fully discuss /show how you have developed  and critique the theory.

3) The self development template should cover all the topics covered on the module – 1 for each workshop and this should be in the Appendix as part of your whole portfolio.

Hope the above clears up any confusion.

Fukushima Daiichi Disaster

You are required to complete a design project on an approved topic. An 8 to 12-page paper (single sided, single spaced, 12 pt font) should provide the details of your design.  It should be clear that you know the subject matter.  Do not write the paper by simply clipping and pasting professional heavy language.  All the references and sources used to write the paper should be clearly identified. Ensure direct quotations are properly annotated.

topic: the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster. what went wrong and how it couldve been avoided.

you can use more than one source but this source has to be used as well

informative speech 2

During this session, you will be creating an informative speech on a topic of your choice. Open the Session 3 Informative Speech folder link above for additional details for each component of this assignment and their submission links.

Topic Selection

First, you will need to select the topic of your informative speech. The topic should be something that interests both you and your audience, personally or professionally.


Next you will create an outline of your speech. Your reading assignment for this session explains the importance of outlining and provides an example of what the outline should look like.

The outline should be comprehensive in all areas to include APA format in-text citation of sources where applied and a complete references list at the bottom.  You must use and cite (using oral citations in your speech) at least two published references to support your key ideas.


You will deliver a five to seven (5-7) minute speech.  You must use and cite (using oral citations in your speech) at least two published references to support your key ideas.