Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Homeland Security – Legal and Ethical Issues

Prepare a 3-page critical analysis of the article (attached).  A critical analysis includes:

An Introduction introduce the thesis
Summary provide the main idea
Analysis critically state the positive and negative points of the article and assess if the intended goal of the author was met
Conclusion summarize the main ideas
Include at least 2 additional references as part of your critique (to support your analysis).

Technical Requirements:

Length: 3 pages, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References:  You must use the APA style for this assignment

Marketing Project

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate the feasibility of new products and services and predict their profitability for the organization. For this task, you will select a business that would like to develop new products and services in order to attain a competitive advantage in the global market. You will first consider the products and services the company currently offers and recommend new products and services that have the most potential for profitability based on your evaluation. You will then identify the target market and consider how you would reach that market using traditional mass media and social media for the launch and beyond.

For example, a natural foods company may need to begin offering an online ordering system to remain competitive. If you discover a market exists for a new natural food product that is desired in other countries but not readily available there, this might be a good product to recommend adding, but you should first determine whether it is feasible.

Select a business from one of the industries listed below:


Note: Please choose a business that can be adapted to a global market. Any information that would be considered confidential, proprietary, or personal in nature should not be included in the actual task submission to University. Do not include the actual names of people, suppliers, the organization(s), or other identifiable information. Fictional names should be used. Also, organization-specific data, including financial information, should not be included but should be addressed in a general fashion as appropriate. Work performed for a client or an employer is their property and should not be used without written permission.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: Assessment should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

A.  Develop a proposal for your chosen businesss global strategic marketing plan in which you do the following:

1.  Identify two new products and/or services that the company can sell or offer to a global market.

a.  Discuss three different methods you used to determine that there is both a need as well as an existing global market for these products and/or services.

b.  Explain one competitive advantage that the company will gain by offering these new products and/or services to a global market.

c.  Discuss two inherent risks associated with launching the new products and/or services to a global market and how to minimize these risks.

2.  Discuss the customer relationship management (CRM) software system you prescribe to track product and/or service inquiries and sales.

a.  Explain how the information generated by the CRM software will be used to continue to drive CRM practices and track sales in a global market.

3.  Discuss at least  one distribution channel for the two new products and/or services.

a.  Analyze key considerations for entering a global market (e.g., regional trade alliances, agreements, environmental forces).

b.  Analyze how the global supply chain may affect the product or service.

4.  Discuss a major pricing strategy (i.e., cost plus pricing, competition-based pricing, break-even-based pricing, penetration-based pricing, premium pricing) aligned to your products and/or services position within the overall market strategy of the global marketplace.

a.  Identify costs associated with developing and launching the new products and/or services.

b.  Evaluate consumer acceptance of the price set for the new products and/or services.

c.  Evaluate competitor prices for similar products and/or services.

5.  Discuss the promotional strategy you will use to promote your products and/or services in a global market.

a.  Identify two mass media and two social media channels you would use to promote your new products and/or services in a global market.

i.  Justify why you chose these channels based on market segmentation (e.g., demographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics)

b.  Discuss two sales promotion activities (e.g., coupons, games, contests, sweepstakes) you would use to promote your new products and/or services in a global market.

B.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


Part 1
Identify an artifact that embodies or refers to ethical values, and write one to two paragraphs stating what the ethical connection is. Examples of such artifacts are provided in the resources this week, but they may also be found in literature, other forms of music, live performing arts such as theater, and other visual arts.

Part 2 I will upload the instructions with the worksheet

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Web Project 4: Digital Publishing
E-readers, tablets, and smartphones all provide ways to read digitally published works. Conduct a web search for electronic devices that are replacing books. Write a brief report that includes the features, future outlook, pricing, etc. of three of these electronic devices. Follow your instructors directions for proper formatting of your research.

Suggested Keywords
best e-reader, e-reader options, online textbook options, future of digital publishing, digital reading
Suggested Websites

Report on Gen Y employees

Many managers today are realizing that there really is something distinctive about “Gen Y,” or “Millennial,” employees (the children of “baby boomers” – who were themselves children of the World War II generation). Find a real client or invent a realistic company to use as your client. Then review the literature on Gen Y employees and write your client a report in which you describe the distinctive traits of this segment of the workforce and recommend ways to recruit, manage, and retain them.

Government Regulation or Antitrust Measures

For Week 8 you will find two topics. Select one topic, then post and concisely defend your view. You may post to both topics, but are required to only select one for your initial post. Be careful to identify the positive reasons for your normative position. Read and respond to your fellow student’s postings at will. The topics to choose from are:

Select a Government Regulation. Identify a particular government regulation of your choosing that in your opinion has either been successful or a failure. Briefly state the original purpose of this regulation and whether it has changed over time. Then, concisely defend your view on whether you favor the expansion or reduction of the enforcing regulatory agency.
Anti-trust Measures. Identify a particular market that has experienced government anti-trust efforts or you think should have antitrust efforts. Analyze what type of market structure was in existence at the time of the anti-trust measures or is in currently. Then justify whether the market justified(s) the intervention.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a bank & pull its UBPR from: the data you find in this report calculate and interpret the following 11 ratios -1 ROE2 ROA3 Equity multiplier4 Profit margin5 Asset utilization6 Net interest margin7 Spread8 Overhead efficiency 9 Interest expense ratio10 Provision for loan loss ratio11 Noninterest expense ratioI posted two spreadsheets on canvas in the modules section with the financials & ratios for Bank of America & Heartland Bank, you can find them here -Open either spreadsheet & on the first tab (12.1 – 12.7 exhibits) you will find the financials & the calculated ratios, use this page to help with the calculations you will make. Examine the trend over time for the bank. Feel free to compare your bank to Bank of America or Heartland Bank. Put the ratios in a table & comment on the trends over time — is your bank becoming more or less profitable? Does risk appear to be increasing or decreasing? Are they becoming more or less efficient? Plan on 1/2 page for the ratios & a 1.5 – 2 page summary. Then search for recent articles on your bank & comment on how the pandemic is impacting the financial performance of your bank. Write a page or two on what you find.

International Business

Explain company analysis techniques that precede strategy selection to determine the appropriate organizational structure for its strategic plans.  Outline the key issues behind the selection of organizational structure. Explain various international structures and types of work teams.  Companies rarely remain static and thrive; describe a scenario in which a company might need to modify its strategy and, by extension, its structure.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Letter Report in which you present your findings about the career outlook for the occupation you have chosen to research. You should include the following information, in addition to any other relevant material you find in your research:

Employment prospects
Typical jobs
Advancement opportunities
Salary range
Career advantages/disadvantages
Typical responsibilities
Your recommendation (see below for more information about this important section)

M8 assessment

Using the template from last week’s assignment, write an appropriate assessment for each course competency you created.
Ensure at least 1-2 of the assessments are problem-based and there is variety and/or choice in assessment types.
The assessment you select must be a culminating assessment that assesses the competency to the level described in the course competency. For example, if the course competency was to the “apply” level, the course may include assessment as the “knowledge” and “comprehension” level before the student can “apply the knowledge.” Only the final, culminating assessment at the “apply” level would be designated in this example.
Make sure the assessment aligns with the course competency in both taxonomic level and specificity of content. For example, if your competency is “students will be able to identify origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb,” an assessment of “matching quiz” is not specific enough. Make sure the content matches as well (e.g., students will take a quiz in which they will match the origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb).
After selecting these assessments, address the following:
Describe how and why this assessment aligns with the course competency, in terms of both using the appropriate taxonomy level to meet the specified course competency and being appropriate for course level being taught (undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior or senior levels, or graduate education).
Explain how you varied your assessments and/or provided choice of assessments.
Explain why some of the assessments are problem-based.

Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center. (n.d.). Why should assessments, learning objectives and instructional strategies be aligned? Retrieved from ent.html (Links to an external site.)
Genareo, V. R., & Lyons, R. (2015, November 30). Problem-based learning: Six steps to implement and assess. Faculty Focus. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Olgy Gary. (2014, October 20). QM understanding alignment of course components [Video file]. Retrieved from
QM Understanding alignment of course components