Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Scenario #1 – A potential client walks in…..he explains to you that he is the seller of a house in the City. The purchaser is suing him for the max at Small Claims for issues that were discovered after the purchase and sale of the house closed. The potential client tells you that during one of the purchasers viewings, they pointed out 3 issues. 1) the garage door needs to be replaced, 2) the insulation in the crawl space above the house needs to be replaced, and 3) the basement needs to have a full kitchen installed. The potential client tells you that the purchasers requirements were put into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) as conditions to be satisfied before closing. At closing the parties signed the APS to indicate that the conditions were met but upon moving in, the purchaser discovers that conditions 1 and 2 were not met and was done poorly leading to a burst water pipe that flooded the basement. Create an opinion letter outlining your potential client’s options and the possible hurdles they might run into. Also take a look at the Legal Doctrine of Merger and determine whether it can support or go against your client.

Scenario #2 – A potential client walks in….she explains that she is the purchaser of a house in the City. She wishes to sue for the max at Small Claims. She explains that the APS closed on June 1, 2017 and ten days after moving in the basement floods. She attempts to contact the seller who tells her to pound dirt and she’s now suffered damages. She informs you that since the seller is unwilling to help her, she goes and looks for an expert on her own to repair and waterproof the foundation. On November 10, 2019, during one of the appointments, the expert advises her that he had been to her property in the past and had examined an issue with the foundation. He indicates exactly where the issue is locates and points out a 1.5 inch hole leading directly into the foundation of the house. Create an opinion letter outlining your potential client’s options and the possible hurdles they might run into. Examine the concept of Patent and Latent Defects how that might play a role at trial. Also keep the relevant dates in mind, if the client wants to start a claim today, would there be a potential limitation period to contend with?

course work, make sure you provide the 2 responses

Every day we engage in arguments. This is another instance where defining our words is important. When we talk about critical thinking, the “arguments” we refer to are not the conflicts or squabbles we have with others in daily interactions. In critical thinking, arguments are acts of persuading others about the value of an action or point of view. Whether we want to convince someone to join our view, or they want us to agree with them, the exchange, or argument, is a place where the use of critical thinking is beneficial.

After completing the Learning Activities for the week, please respond to all the questions below. Your response should be a minimum of 175 words total (approx. 50 words per question).

Describe two factors we should consider when evaluating an argument (discussed in Ch. 6 of THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life.) Why are they important?
After reading Ch. 7 and 8 in THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life, how would you describe, in your own words, the differences between inductive and deductive arguments?
Reflect on the learning activities, concepts, ideas, and topics covered this week. What is the most interesting activity or concept you learned this week? Mention any concepts that are still a bit confusing to you or that you have questions on.


For this assignment, you MUST read the short essay, Ethics and Extra Credit, by Nathan Nobis
evaluate the arguments provided against offering extra credit (2) provide an analysis of whether we can extrapolate from arguments against extra credit during normal times to our current COVID-19 reality, and (3) with respect to your evaluation of the extra credit arguments, argue whether all students should have their current grades apocalypse-adjusted, and (4) what a fair way of doing that would entail. For example, if you intend to argue that everyone should get As for this semester, make sure you address whether and/or how that is fair to students who have already earned As. Conversely, if you intend to argue that there should be no apocalypse-adjustment, make sure you address whether and/or how that is fair to students who have been severely impacted by the virus.

Preparing a Business Case

Assignment Overview:

For this assignment, you will drafting a critical document that initiates a project which is the business case. that are often part of initiating a project.  This document provide decision-makers with the information they need to make an informed decision about whether to approve a project or not.

Learning Connection:

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course syllabus:

Preparing or working with a business case
In addition to these key learning outcomes, you will also have the opportunity to evidence the following skills through completing this assignment:

Critical thinking
Professional writing
Problem solving
Quantitative analysis
Assignment Instructions:

For this assignment, you be using the attached case study (see attached Case Study) to prepare a business case. A specific template, with instructions has been provided for this document (see attached PJM6000_Wk2_AssignmentTemplate). Here are a few notes:

Case Study:

The case study is fairly straightforward. You are part of a team that is trying to decide whether to use internal or external resources for a training project. As part of this case study, you will be preparing the business case which justifies the creation of the project. All the information you need is within the case study, but you will be required to draw reasonable conclusion from the case study, as every detail is not present. Please pay particular attention to the financial details provided, as well as, the considerations at the end of the case study, as it provides you with some ‘hints’ about how to consider various items. In a case study such as this, there are a range of good answers. So don’t think that you have to select one option or the other. The key is to accurately analyze the case, and then provide a recommendation that is based on evidence you provide within the business case.

Assignment Template:

The assignment template contains various sections and can be leveraged for this assignment.

Business Case
The business case has eight sections that lead you through an analysis of the case study. Instructions are provided within each section, along with sample questions, which act as prompts. The key to doing a good business case is drawing logical conclusions from the information provided. Take the time to read the case study carefully, allowing for reasonable assumptions on your part to complete the business case template. If this is your first time completing something of this nature, make sure to allow yourself sufficient time.

Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in writing the paper. Think of this short list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.

Each section of template is fully completed
Calculation supporting conclusions are performed accurately, making use of the financial background data provided
A clear recommendation is made and supported as part of the business case
Paper is free of grammatical errors

Data Visualization related to COVID19

Analysis the interactive data visualization related to COVID-19 online from!/vizhome/COVID-19_15852394154580/COVID-19inEngland-Overview
Important: Open this website and analyze the data visualization in it related to COVID-19!!!!
Summarise and describe the visualisation and your takeaways from the data.
Analyse the visuals and reflect on the frameworks/models (Details in instruction)
Critically reflect on the visuals based on Designing Effective Visualisations. Find at least three examples of good practice and three examples of areas for improvements. Explain your rational in details.
Discuss the potential ethical implication of the visualisation.
Discuss any potential data quality issues that relate to the source data used in
the visualisation.

Gangs, criminal justice

Critical Writing Assignment: Final Paper

The Critical Writing Assignment has two (2) components; the Outline and the Final Paper.  An Outline is a vital element as it lays the groundwork and guides you to success in building your Final Paper.  The full details for this assignment can be found in your syllabus for this class.

You must receive approval for your topic and complete your Outline prior to beginning your paper.

Final Paper:  For the writing assignment in this course, you should select one the following topics to write a 4-6 page essay in which you critically review the literature related to one aspect of your chosen topic using no fewer than 4 (FOUR) additional scholarly journal articles from the TWU Library website for a total of 5 (FIVE) sources. You may use readings from this course as part of your essay, but you must use the four additional scholarly sources in addition to whichever course readings you wish to include.

The Final paper will be due no later than 11:59 p.m. on 4/19/2020.

Critical analysis refers to a specific style of writing that tends to avoid summarization. Instead, you could compare ideas across readings, relate concepts between two seemingly different situations, address bias or evidence problems, argue a counterpoint, discuss implications of the authors arguments, emphasize points of importance, debate theoretical positions, emphasize incongruity you find while reading, relate the concept or topic to another scholarly source, ask questions the original author ignored, and so forth.

Literature reviews are not just recycled summarizations of existing literature. Instead, you should attempt to find themes or issues that cut across the research, find gaps in the existing literature, or collect literature that explains or helps us understand a specific aspect of the topic that is not addressed at length in the course. The topic is only a general direction for your paper, and most of the topics could be applied to multiple situations. The key will be finding enough literature on your specific topic to fulfill this assignment. If you have a question about your topic, please email me at your earliest convenience and we can discuss the feasibility of your topic for this assignment.  In order to facilitate your critical writing assignment, please refer to the course calendar on Canvas for all due dates.

General Instructions:

All essays must use ASA formatting for in-text citations and reference list and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced, Times Roman 12-point font. Your essay should be between 1,000 – 1,300 words (about 4-6 pages) words in length, with one-inch margins on all sides and page numbers.  Please do not vary your font, font size, spacing, or punctuation in an effort to overcome the length requirement.  Refer to your syllabus for further details.

3113 CWA Rubric
3113 CWA Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic
10.0 to >7.0 pts
Topic was clearly identified, specific, and appropriate.
7.0 to >5.0 pts
Topic was identified.
5.0 to >2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Topic was unclear or didn’t relate very well to the rest of the paper.
2.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Topic was not identified or did not match the rest of the paper.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
60.0 to >46.0 pts
Content was clearly relevant to the topic. No opinion statements.
46.0 to >30.0 pts
Content was relevant to the topic. Limited use of opinion statements.
30.0 to >10.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Content was not always relevant to the topic. Multiple instances of opinion statements.
10.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Content was not relevant to the topic. Used opinion statements throughout.
60.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
30.0 to >23.0 pts
Paragraphs and sentences were formatted well. Topic was logically presented. Paper was organized as topical rather than article-by-article and written as literature review not annotated bibliography
23.0 to >15.0 pts
Paragraphs and sentences were mostly formatted well. Topic was mostly logically presented. Made several thematic/topical connections between articles for the chosen topic.
15.0 to >9.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Paragraphs and sentences had formatting issues. Topic was not presented in logical order. Some themes were developed, but overall essay was written as annotated bibliography not literature review
9.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Paragraphs and sentences were not organized. Topic was presented without a logical order or each article was presented separately without connecting themes (annotated bibliography instead of literature review)
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Length
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Paper was of required or greater length.
8.0 to >5.0 pts
Paper was just short of minimum length requirements.
5.0 to >2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Paper length was significantly less than required.
2.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Paper length was very short.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA/ASA
20.0 to >15.0 pts
Paper was of required or greater length.
15.0 to >10.0 pts
Paper was just short of minimum length requirements.
10.0 to >5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Paper length was significantly less than required.
5.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Paper length was very short.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Spelling
20.0 to >15.0 pts
No grammatical or spelling errors (or very minor).
15.0 to >10.0 pts
Several minor grammatical or spelling errors.
10.0 to >5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Significant errors that interfere with meaning.
5.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Errors interfere with meaning throughout.
20.0 pts
Total Points: 150.0

Discussion Board

Conduct a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in your practice setting to determine the measures for your practice problem of faulty technique of blood pressure measuring and associated challenges impacting measurement for your practice problem (include confidentiality, anonymity, access issues, etc.). Perform a literature review on your practice problem that elicits how this problem is measured across the country.

By Day 4
Post a description of the measures identified from the interviews, the challenges to obtaining the data that were discussed, and a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in the literature. Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this data. Be sure to support your practice problem with the literature that indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice. Provide evidence from practice and data that is available.


Although congestion adds to logistics cost in huge dollars, I feel it is true that the issue does not have much that can be done about it in the short run.”( In a few words, can you present some real world compelling statistics as applied to this logistics cost associated with congestion)?

You are the critic

You are the critic. Choose a film to critique. (Try to choose a film you can view multiple times.)
In essay form, answer the following:
1. Name of the movie, director, and year it was produced.
2. Is the style used to create this film unique to the art form? (Remember, film is an art of choices; name and describe one or two interesting directorial choices in this movie.)
3. Do the characters have complex inner lives? (Name two of the leading characters, and describe their context.)
4. Are the actions on the screen relevant to the times? (Does the theme of this film speak to our era of time? What is the theme? How is this appropriate for this generation?)
5. Is the integrity of the audience respected?
Please write AT LEAST one paragraph for questions 2 4. Use good grammar and mechanics, and proper citation of sources. Do not use filler words such as “I think,” “In my opinion,” or “I feel.”
You do not have to follow the order of these questions in your essay. You will find more discourse on these questions at the back of our cinema chapter.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

respond of 100 or more words to following 3 discussion separately on  (While the causes of congestion might be understood the solutions may not be. Do you agree or disagree? State your views in terms of transportation geography. (Note: Carefully explore what the term ‘congestion’ means before you answer.) Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

1. When you drive on a highway in any state within the United States, there will be congestion at some point during the day. Congestion is when there are excess vehicles on the road at the same time. Bicycles, Buses, Cars, Motorcycles, and Trucks all have to share the road. The leaders within a state and a city must do things to improve the congestion in their area.
One of the things that leaders can do to improve congestion is build a bicycle lane for bike. This will prevent bike from getting in the way of other vehicles. Another thing that leaders can do is creates a bus system that travels all over the city. Some people would use the bus system instead of driving in that congested area . The best way to get some of the vehicles off the road is to build a subway. The subway is not using the highway, so there will be less traffic on the road.  But, sometimes cities don’t have the ability to build a subway.
The last way that state and city leaders could reduce congestion on a highway is to  made the highways wider. Making the highways wider would give vehicles more room. Improving congestion on highways would improve everyone way of life. People would spend less time on the roadway and this would speedup the flow of traffic. Companies that are moving their products from one location to the next, could move their product faster with good flowing traffic. We should all be able to use a highway and not sit in congested traffic for a hour.

2. Transport geography is a sub-discipline of geography concerned about the mobility of people, freight and information and its spatial organization considering attributes and constraints related to the origin, destination, extent, nature, and purpose of movements (Rodrigue et al., 2020, Chap 1).  Concerning congestion, transportation geography covers more than just road traffic congestion that many people would naturally assume.
Therefore, I disagree that the causes of congestion are generally understood, nor the recommend solutions to solve it.
Congestion arises when a mean surpasses the designed capacity, which occurs during peak hours (Rodrigue et al., 2020, Chap 8).
I live about 45 minutes north of Seattle, WA, and there is a significant issue of the mobility of people and freight because it is  geographically limited by the water mass and rolling terrain.  As more people gravitate to the area because of the career opportunities with multiple-million dollar corporations,  housing developers have flattened many forest areas to construct additional homes to handle the housing demand.
According to Vimala, limited land, construction materials, water equates to more significant challenges of congestion (Vimala, 2006).  Countless homes are demolished and rebuilt to fit the new needs of families, but we still relying on the same roads built decades ago.
Additionally, the transportation network in my area is geared towards independent vehicle transportation.  There are very few sideways for pedestrians to travel or bike lanes to ride.
Washington Department of Transportation’s attempt to handle the congestion issue is to allow vehile divers to utilize the highway should lanes during peak hours.  I think that is a great and inexpensive fix to the problem, but I would make the shoulder lane available only public transportation vehicles.
If there was a way to change the perception of mass transit, where it can be viewed as beneficial, I believe many people might consider using it.

3.With the consideration of transportation geography one can have a sound perspective in regards to eliminating congestion, and playing a pivotal role in conjuring a sound solution. Considering congestion in the transportation world, there are many considerations to take into play, such as weather, lack of infrastructure (gateways or hubs), or routes. As stated by Rodrigue, J., & Comtois, C. (2013) Congestion is spatially bound. It takes place in specific locations with impacts at a multitude of scales, from a particular highway intersection that may delay traffic over a few hundred meters, to blockage in a port that may disrupt the flow of goods over half a continent. When road conditions are bad such as iced roads, traffic jams or construction blockage, and gateways or hubs are limited, then space is consumed allowing for insurmountable traffic to overwhelm that particular element. When these complications arise, the rate at which goods are delivered is directly hindered and therefore other solutions need to be considered in order to effectively mitigate further ramifications.
In order to render a sound solution that can be understood, one needs to look at transportation geography from a Geographical Information System perspective. GIS can help alleviate congestion, by bridging that gap in regards to establishing comprehensive locations, logical and geometric relationships. This can be done by identifying pathways, hubs and routes which can be utilized for efficiency purposes. The main impact of GIS on transportation economics in regards to costs is that it allows transportation economics to identify the relationships between the operational features of a transportation network, and can be used to investigate the influence of infrastructure failure and its impact on traffic conditions (Sinha, K. C., & Labi, S. (2007) p.489).
GIS can have a very positive impact on future projects, and render solutions for congestion problems. For instance, if a city wants to incorporate further, road infrastructures (i.e. bridges, overpasses, and highways) that provides for ease of access for transportation vehicular modes to move back and forth and reduce congestion, then GIS could play that pivotal role. It would allow for the city transportation managers to effectively review the citys overlay, and see where these infrastructures can be placed, that will provided improved visual impact, reduced lead-times for vehicles to get in out of traffic and constant efficiency throughout. In the end, GIS allows for a transportation manager to effectively analyze a projects potential impact and implement performance measures that will improve it for before being brought to fruition.