Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

recreational therapy

Each journal entry should be thorough and have a minimum of 2 pages double space (Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1 margins).
One journal entry should be made per module.
This journal entry should include:
Summary of information learned in module (again, make sure it is thorough).
Reflection as to how this information can be used to change a behavior in your personal life.
Reflection as to how you will use this information with a future client.

List and discuss key challenges (For example, physical, psychological, or social) related to sexuality that people face in later life. What steps can be taken to promote the sexual health of people in the later stages of life?

There are two essay assignments, each worth 40% of the total grade (Due during Sessions 7 & 13). For each essay assignment, you must choose one of the essay topics, which are provided below. Essays should be 5 to 6 typed, double-spaced, pages in length not including the title and references pages. Students are required to use course materials such as the textbook, course modules, and recommended module readings as the main references in their essays. See the course announcement for how to reference course modules in your essay.


analyzes the future impact of a social problem of your choice – note: you must use a DIFFERENT social problem from the one you used in your first assignment. In this assignment, you will cover:

1.    The scope of this social problem over the last 30-50 years. (Note: you will need to use historical data to articulate the scope of this problem.)

2.    Your own original analysis of how you think addressing the social problem could be improved. In this analysis, please mention what you think should be done to solve this social problem. Use your own viewpoint and voice, as a sociologist, rather than relying heavily on sources for this section.

3.    Define four concepts from our readings/materials that relate to your chosen social problem and analyze how these concepts help us better understand the social problem you are discussing. Concepts include ideas such as stratification, ethnicity, sexism, and others as mentioned in our readings and materials (NOTE: these are just examples of concepts – they may NOT apply to your topic – you need to select concepts that apply to your own topic).

4.    Define one sociological theory from our readings/materials that relates to your chosen social problem and analyze how this theory helps us better understand the social problem you are discussing. Sociological theories include functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism, and others as mentioned in our readings and materials.

Note – you may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements).

Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia,,, and similar. Use our course materials, peer-reviewed journal articles from the library, and other scholarly sources.

Your paper should utilize sound critical thought and it should include appropriate APA in-text citations and full APA references at the end.

The Association Between Sleep Disturbance and Depressive symptoms

I conducted a survey looking for the association between sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms. It will first ask for your age and sex. It will then use the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD-R) to assess the presence of depressive symptoms, which consists of 20 questions. You will then complete the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess sleep quality, which consists of 19 individual questions that create 7 components. Participants will complete the study by clicking on the appropriate answer of the measurement used.

Since Im not a liberty to suggest who has depression or not infer to people with higher scores on the CESD-R as (still healthy) individuals that may have a greater tendency to depression.

The report should be around 7500 words and all data analysis should only be through SPSS.

The writer should also provide (on a separate document)
-SPSS output (usually only quantitative)
– SPSS data files (usually only quantitative)

I have attached the outline and guidelines the writer needs to follow for the report. (The declaration, acknowledgement and appendix section is not needed)

In the attachments below I have attached my proposal so the writer can get a clearer idea of what the study is about. As well as the raw SPSS data which needs to be analysed.

This was a tip from my supervisor for the analysis section
“You could include sleep disturbance as a potential predictor in a MLR model that you could run using a survey.”

Appraising Legal Issues Related to Cyber Crime Investigations

The syllabus for the Georgia v. Randolph (2006) case contains a summary of the case and the primary legal issues that were discussed in the case. Be sure you have read the entire syllabus, paying particular attention to the consent legal issues at hand. Using the syllabus, your text, the internet, and other academic sources, explain how the Randolph ruling might apply to cases involving computers and/or other devices that contain digital evidence. In the absence of consent, what other exceptions to the search warrant might apply to computers or other high-tech evidence, and to what extent? In a 3- to 5-page paper, articulate your answer and provide at least two practical examples.

Note: This Assignment requires outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the online Library, the internet, the textbook, other course materials, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper in-text citations and references in APA style.

Research Project on the debate concerning the possible torture of military detainees

This is a research project that requires you to research the controversy concerning the torture of the United States Detainees at Guantanamo. To familiarize yourself with the issues, a good place to start is at the Human Rights web page at:

Gang Violence

Juvenile gangs have become a serious and growing problem in many areas throughout the U.S. Gang involvement means a commitment to law violations as well as antisocial behaviors.

There are many reasons as to why a juvenile might choose or is pushed to join a gang. Some of the behaviors that are seen in those involved in juvenile gangs can be described as anti-social behavior. As a juvenile justice professional, how would you work to stop these types of behaviors and stem the growth of these juvenile gangs?

Write a 23 page essay describing the nature and scope of juvenile antisocial behavior as it relates to organized gangs.

Include the following components in your essay:

In one to two paragraphs, create a real-world scenario that would explain the reasoning behind why a juvenile would choose or be pushed to join an organized gang.
Describe three of the most common forms of antisocial behavior in organized gangs.
Describe three proactive solutions to gang violence.
Note: This assignment requires research. Use at least three credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

Learning Concept

Write a thematic integration of faith and learning concept paper using a well-rounded approach to the concepts found in Northouse textbook and current scholarly literature. This paper must be submitted in compliance with the instructions found in the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper Grading Rubric.

The paper must contain the following components:

1.    A 23-page overview that defines the course (Leadership Theory) as an academic field of study (significance of the course to business).
2.    A 34-page discussion of the top 58 concepts you believe are critical in order to demonstrate that a student who completes this course can synthesize the key concepts in leadership theory and make real-world applications. 
3.    A 23-page discussion that integrates the concepts from the Northouse and Merida texts along with the Bible and other sources to present a cohesive biblical understanding of leadership theory.
4.    A minimum of 10 scholarly journal references; each reference must be less than 10 years old.

Choose one aspect of the text: the role of women and discuss how two of the writers(Beauviorand Adichie) you’ve encountered this semester would read it.

In Things Fall Apart,   Achebe presents an entire world — with its own culture, political system, world view, and social interactions.  Choose one aspect of the text: the role of women and discuss how two of the writers(Beauvior and Adichie) you’ve encountered this semester would read it.  

Are motorycle helmets proven safe?

You should have built the research project throughout the semester, working on each component in various stages and drafts.

The final research paper will include the following sections:

Abstract: Brief summary of the purpose, methods, and results of your study.
Introduction: situate the community, the research question, and the necessary background
Review of Literature: Synthesize the existing conversation using the source material youve been working with throughout the semester
Analysis of Primary Research: analyze observation and survey/interview materials in context with the review of literature
Conclusion: explain what can be concluded about your research question, the community of study, and how fellow researchers might move forward with their work
References: only cite the references you have used in your paper; do not include annotations (citations only on the reference page). A minimum of five sources must be included in your final paper.

Report Length: 2500 words, Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt Font
Report Structure: APA Format in 4 sections: (Background, Method, Result, Conclusion for each report)