Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


 Identify  those  companies Boeing VS T-mobile communication

Explain the business strategy, goal, methodology, infrastructure, communications, benefits, and governance of these companies. Discuss how these companies are using projects and the degree to which they are successful.

Explain  comparative analysis of TWO (2) Companies and how they are applying Portfolio and Program and Project Management.

how have these companies deployed Portfolio and Program Management Methodology?

Provide some analysis about the success or probable success of the program, the expected challenges and risks they face, and the program strategy in use.  What is their success or failure? 

What are your recommendations? 

Which company would you choose to lead the PMO, and why?


Alfred, G. W. (2010). Strategic analysis and choice: A structured approach. New York, NY: Business Expert Press. 

Martinelli, R., Waddell, J., & Rahschulte, T. (2014). Program management for improved business results (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Project Management Institute (2013). The standard for portfolio management (3rd ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. 

Project Management Institute (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK Guide (6th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. 

Gender Communication

Use the presentation attached below to write 4 essays.

Each paper should have roughly 3-4 pages, show fully understanding of the topic.

You are free to use any outside resources if it is properly cited. (PS. Please complete the essay in a male’s view, since I am a man)

research method

You are required to produce a report exploring how you would use Research Methods to effectively study a chosen research question.

Please note you are not required to gather primary data for this report.  You are being asked to examine how you would plan a piece of data gathering and analysis.

The assignment should contain the following sections and cover the points within each section. Please use these subheadings as a basic structure for your assignment.

1.    Introduction 200 words
a)    What is the purpose of the report?
b)    What is the chosen research question/s?
c)    What is to be covered in the main body of the report?

2.    Research Method 500 words
a.    Identify the research method that will be used to structure the research project
b.    Explain why this approach is the most suitable for the particular research question selected.

3.    Research Methods Tools and Techniques 1300 words
a.    Identify which research tools would be used to conduct the data gathering and analysis.  Issues such as Sampling need to be considered.
b.    Clearly explain why these methods have been selected to complete the particular research project
c.    Critically explore the potential challenges in using the chosen tools and techniques effectively?
4.    Conclusion 500 words
a.    Provide a clear summary of the main points covered in the report

5.    References
a.    You will have a minimum of 20 references for this assignment, (preferably from peer reviewed books and journals, see the rating list of adequate sources below)
b.    APA format
c.    Rating of adequate sources
    Journal articles
    Company Reports
    News articles

Strategies for Academic Portfolios

In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a companys products.
Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This Modules Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.
To Prepare:
    Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
    Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.
Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional portfolio.

Romeo and Juliet

1. Romeo and Juliet are dynamic characters,
characters who changes during the course of
the play.
2. A. Describe how Romeo has changed in this Act.
B. Describe how Juliet has changed in this Act.
C. Identify and explain at least one hard lesson
about love they have learned.
Must have a clear thesis
Must have evidence from Act III
Must give good commentary
Must have a conclusion sentence

beta cell physiology

This is a very specific research paper. The topic is about the PHYSIOLOGICAL aspect of beta cells and how they are made in the pancreas/secrete insulin and affect glucose levels.

Must have 5 PRIMARY resources (has materials and methods) from 2015-Present

Instructions are attached below

Times New Roman size 12

Social media and young kids

For this assignment you will be essentially writing how you how you will answer the research question you posed for your topic proposal, and that you looked for previous research on in your literature review.  In an actual research article, the methodology would be the section after your literature review, so you can think of this assignment as an extension of the literature review assignment.  As such, you do not need to have an introduction section for this assignment.  However, you may include an introduction if you would like.  Here your goal is basically to provide as much detail as possible about how you will collect and analyze data to answer your research question.  Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words, and you should make sure address all of following sections:

Methodology: This section highlights the proposed methods to be used in this study (Use subheading: METHODOLOGY).  It may also be helpful to read the methodology section of articles that you found for your literature review. The information that is provided in the methodology sections of scholarly articles is similar to what I am looking for in your research proposal.

Some things to highlight include:

Whom or what will you study in order to collect data? (Population and sample).
How will you actually collect the data for your study? (Research method/design, sampling method, units of analysis, units of observation) What is your desired sample size?  Why?
What are the key variables in your study (x and y)? How will you define and measure them. Organize it by dependent variables, independent variables, and control variables.
How will you ensure reliability and validity with your variables?
How will you ensure that you follow the ethical principles of social science research?
YOU MUST CONCEPTULIZE AND OPERTIONALIZE YOUR VARIABLES.  If you are doing an exploratory project, you may not have be able to identify independent and dependent variables, but you should still be able to clearly describe the variables or concepts you are interested in looking at, and how you will measure them.

Societal Implications/Applicability:

Describe the bigger picture that your two variables/concepts belong to.
Studying X and Y is important because they tell us more about __________.
Describe this connection in some detail, using as many citations as you can.
You can make the case for your research in two ways:
If a LOT of research has been done connecting X and Y, you can say that it is already established as an important topic of study.
If there is very LITTLE research connecting X and Y (or even in the area, with other similar concepts), you can make the case by quoting government statistics, newspaper articles, etc. that illustrate the problem. Then you can talk about the wide gaps in scholarly literature about the problem (do this by discussing several studies and stating some of the problems they DONT address).
Suggest two ways that activists, social workers, government policymakers, school administrations, or others could use your research to help fix the societal problem your research question addresses. Spend more time on this if the literature you cite focuses on the activist component or if this is especially applicable to your topic. 
This is an opportunity to be creative. Think about the knowledge youre creating the information your proposed study is generating, and then think about who could use that information to help solve the problem.


Briefly restate your research topic, and fit it into the literature you outlined in previous literature review assignment. How will your research contribute to what has been done in the past?
Recap the methods youll use to address this research question.
Briefly restate the societal implications of your research project.

Finally, your paper should have a works cited page (bibliography) as well as in-text citations for any sources you draw on. Please make sure that you follow a standard reference format (e.g. APA, MLA, ASA, etc.).  I am not concerned with which reference style, but you must use it correctly, and use the same style consistently throughout the semester.  Your paper should be a MINIMUM of 1750 words. Remember, this paper will be revised and become part of your final portfolio.

Binge drinking

Choose a medical or health term that is not commonly understood, is commonly misunderstood, or (due to recent advances or to changes in perspective) is now differently understood. Write an extended definition for that term for a non-expert audience, using a minimum of 3 sources. For each assignment, a different term must be chosen, while a different audience (government agencies, non-profit organizations, and public policymakers, to patients and their families, and to media) & a different venue (an entry in a newsletter, an extended memo, etc.) is strongly encouraged. Consider why the audience would want/need to read this definition, in what situation or setting your definition would appear, and what you hope the audience will gain by reading and understanding your term. Each assignment will be accompanied by a 250-word memo that explains why this audience, why this venue, & what strategies you used & why.

Target audience: Policymakers
Venue: Newspaper, billboards, news , social media

Use statistics


As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 virus, it’s easy to feel anxious or overwhelmed.  However, it’s also important to recognize the extraordinary efforts of first responders, grocery store workers, healthcare professionals and many others who are putting their personal safety at risk to ensure that we remain safe.

Given that COMM 280 is a class that focuses on technology, I would like you to find examples where technology companies have shifted their focus to provide assistance with the ongoing battle against COVID-19.  We have discussed a number of companies this semester and you are welcome to highlight their efforts.  However, you are also welcome to highlight other companies who have made a difference in battling this horrible virus.

Search the web for reputable articles and/or websites that report on the efforts of technology companies to help in the battle against COVID-19. Please add a new page to your WordPress site and name it 4/17 Activity.  On your 4/17 Activity page, please provide the following:

1.List the actions that have been taken by 3 technology companies who have provided assistance in the battle against COVID-19.
2.Provide links to the articles and/or websites that highlight the actions taken by the 3 companies referenced in Step 1.
3.Describe how the actions taken by the 3 companies listed in Step 1 have helped you during this health crisis.
4.Of the 3 companies listed in Step 1, which single company has had the greatest positive impact on you?
5.For the company listed in Step 4, did you have a positive perception of them before the COVID-19 crisis?  If not, have their actions changed your perception and are you now more inclined to use their products/services?

Project Management Online Doctor APP

Write a Stakeholder Management Plan

The individual project management plans should accurately reflect content included in previous phases of the team project, including the Written Report. Grades for the Written Report and the individual project management plans will reflect the degree of integration and agreement.

Your plan should include the information listed below:

Introduction Describe what the plan is and which project it is for.
Goals Describe the purpose of the plan
Objectives Describe how you will achieve the goals of the plan.
Roles and Responsibilities List the hypothetical roles which will be involved in creating and executing the plan (Just focus on the roles with respect to activities related to the knowledge area the plan is expected to cover here nothing else.). The other usual rules apply: You may describe them as abstract roles or invent the names of people who will fill those roles. For each role, a list of the responsibilities attached to that role should also be provided.
Deliverables What, if any, materials and outputs will be created by this plan? List and describe them. Remember: you are considering this from the vantage point of being at the planning stage, NOT actually executing the project.
For each planning process associated with the knowledge area covered by your plan (as described in class and PMBOK), describe how the process will be handled for the project. You should also list and describe the inputs, tools and techniques and outputs of the process.
Your plan should be written in a narrative format, providing ample description within each section. It is not sufficient to simply provide a series of bulleted lists of materials! There is no length constraint, but plans do not have to be long!

All plans should include a cover page listing the project name and plan name. It should also include the name of your team, the course name, and the date submitted.
Students should strive to make their plans a professional-caliber document in terms of its language, formatting and presentation of information.
Students will find sample plans which were submitted in past course sections in the Some of these plans were based on an earlier edition of PMBOK! Yours must be aligned with PMBOKs 6th edition!

The Knowledge area of this assignment is Stakeholder Management Plan. I will also upload samples for you to use. The project Charter of my project will be upload.