Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Healthcare Operations Management

Option #1:  Designing Quality Measures
After reviewing the information within this module, and watching this brief overview on how to get quality aspects right in a project (Links to an external site.)describe what quality healthcare means to you as a customer? As a healthcare leader? If you were the CEO of a healthcare organization, how would you design quality measures so they were assessable?

Your paper must meet the following requirements:

2-3 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Be clear and well-written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise. Be logical. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Tools for Effective Writing at the CSU-Global Library, accessible from the Librarys homepage.
Support your paper by using a minimum of two or three scholarly sources. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these resources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We’re looking at Disney as an example of the more general messages that pervade our culture and instruct girls and women (and boys and men) about normative gender.  Disney is interesting not because it CAUSES normative femininity, but because it is one of the many places where we can actively SEE gender norms being reinforced and see social sanctions being levied for gender nonconformity.  We could substitute Disney for G.I.Joe or Cabbage Patch Kids or for virtually any other childhood icon and the messages would be the same: the power of pervasive gender socialization is that the norms are reinforced so thoroughly that they become invisible to us… we just couldn’t imagine a world that looks any different from the one that we live in.

What meanings are transferred to children when Disney movies present strong, sexually-mature women as frustrated, maniacal, blood-thirsty demons and witches?  Is it all in good fun to show princesses rewarded for being kind, graceful, good-natured, beautiful, musical, innocent young girls?  Is there a connection between these fictional depictions and the ways we see girls and women in society today? How so?

Do Disneys historical princesses and villainesses reflect and perpetuate certain assumptions about femininity. in society that persist even today?  Are these themes echoed in other aspect of our culture? Where? Are current animated movies moving beyond these conventional notions of gender, or is it more of the same? 

Consider using the readings this week to do a deeper analysis of a particular Disney movie and connect your analysis back to the weekly readings and some of the general themes we’ve been discussing (gender roles, inequality, activism, social norms, etc.)
your goal is to demonstrate mastery of the content and to build a compelling argument using at least 1 link and 1 image as your evidence. 

(Approx 750 words & 2 direct quotes & 1 weblink & 1 image)

microbiology/ Papillomavirus (HPV)- Cervical cancer

BIOS242 Week 7 Assignment
BIOS242 Week 7 Assignment
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle Summary
10.0 pts
Article is accurately summarized with all details captured in the paper.
9.0 pts
Article is well summarized, but a few details may be missing in the paper.
8.0 pts
Article is summarized but is either missing details or inaccurately summarized.
7.0 pts
Article is poorly summarized with only a few details correctly captured from the article.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Information/Integration of Sources
30.0 pts
All of the following criteria are met: 1) Paper includes supporting details and/or examples from lecture material and/or text 2) The following should be included: a) morphology, cellular characteristics, and gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, b) susceptibility to antibiotics, c) host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, d) how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s), e) interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected, f) symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, g) diagnosis and therapeutic intervention needed. 3) Connection to the health/nursing field made.
27.0 pts
One of the following criteria is missing. 1) Paper includes supporting details and/or examples from lecture material and/or text 2) The following should be included: a) morphology, cellular characteristics, and gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, b) susceptibility to antibiotics, c) host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, d) how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s), e) interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected, f) symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, g) diagnosis and therapeutic intervention needed. 3) Connection to the health/nursing field made.
24.0 pts
Two of the criteria are missing. 1) Paper includes supporting details and/or examples from lecture material and/or text 2) The following should be included: a) morphology, cellular characteristics, and gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, b) susceptibility to antibiotics, c) host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, d) how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s), e) interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected, f) symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, g) diagnosis and therapeutic intervention needed. 3) Connection to the health/nursing field made.
21.0 pts
Most of the quality criteria have not been sufficiently met.
0.0 pts
No effort
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource and Citation Requirements
5.0 pts
All of the following criteria are met: 1) Minimum of two scholarly sources used (your newspaper article/publication will count as one of these sources). 2) Article was published within the last years 3) In-text citations are used in paper and there are corresponding citations on the reference page in APA format 4) Sources were accurately cited in the reference page in APA format.
4.0 pts
One of the criteria is missing. 1) Minimum of two scholarly sources used (your newspaper article/publication will count as one of these sources). 2) Article was published within the last years 3) In-text citations are used in paper and there are corresponding citations on the reference page in APA format 4) Sources were accurately cited in the reference page in APA format.
3.0 pts
Two of the criteria are missing. 1) Minimum of two scholarly sources used (your newspaper article/publication will count as one of these sources). 2) Article was published within the last years 3) In-text citations are used in paper and there are corresponding citations on the reference page in APA format 4) Sources were accurately cited in the reference page in APA format.
2.0 pts
More than two criteria are missing. 1) Minimum of two scholarly sources used (your newspaper article/publication will count as one of these sources). 2) Article was published within the last years 3) In-text citations are used in paper and there are corresponding citations on the reference page in APA format 4) Sources were accurately cited in the reference page in APA format.
0.0 pts
No effort
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/ spelling
5.0 pts
There are none or minimal errors in grammar or spelling.
4.0 pts
There are a few grammar or spelling errors (up to 3).
3.0 pts
There are several grammar or spelling errors (4 to 7).
2.0 pts
There are more than 7 grammar or spelling errors.
0.0 pts
No effort
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

Strategies for Beijing’s Sustainable Transportation Development(STD) and how STD boosts economic growth)

Write a 825 essay on the topic “Strategies for Beijing’s Sustainable Transportation Development(STD) and how STD boosts economic growth).”

Content requirement: please include two main parts

1.    Strategies for Beijing’s Sustainable Transportation Development
–    Economic Prosperity
–    Environmental Quality
–    Equity

2.    How STD boosts economic growth
–    Assume Chinas economic growth will NOT contradict sustainable development

At least 15 references needed. Thank you!


This is the last SLP. I have uploaded SLP 1-3 in this order for your reference.

Your learning objectives:

Examine the increasing role of adjunct faculty in higher education.
Interpret the issues related to adjunct faculty treatment in higher education.
Select a leadership approach to address the issue of adjunct faculty treatment in higher education.

Brennan, J., & Magness, P. (2018). Are adjunct faculty exploited: Some Grounds for skepticism. Journal of Business Ethics, 152(1), 53-71.

Compose a 2 page paper with the following components:

Briefly discuss the issue of adjunct faculty in higher education
As a current or future education leader, how would you approach this issue?
What is your recommendation?
What are the potential challenges to implement your recommendation?
Who needs to be involved to implement the recommendation?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your work should be written with the following points in mind.

This paper should be at least 2 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.
A clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content, and the main points discussed should be provided.
A well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph should be included.
A concise conclusion that summarizes the whole essay should also be included.
Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.
The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. Follow the APA Style format; see
At least one in-text citation must be provided for each reference.
A reference page which follows APA requirements should be included.
The essay should be organized in a clear and coherent manner.
The paper should be double spaced with font size of 12.
Your writing should:
Be clear, logical, and precise
Have breadth and depth
Show critical-thinking skills

The impact Of partnerships and involvement in Early Childhood Settings

Please include a bibliography of all references used in standard APA format.

Questions to guide your research and should be answer in the research paper.

1) What is the importance of partnering with families in a preschool setting and beyond?

2) What is the impact that parent involvement has on a childs overall success?

3) What are some of the barriers that keep parents from becoming involved?

4) What are the best practices or effective strategies that early childhood schools/classrooms implement to successfully partner with families to achieve student success?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Attached is the study guide for Unit 3 and also a worksheet with questions which will serve as your Unit 3 test.  As stated on the worksheet, most of the answers are in your study guide, but the test also requires that you research on your own and synthesize information.  In grading, I am looking to see if you have understood the material and concepts in the study guide.  So, while most answers can be brief, also insure that they communicate your understanding of the material.

Please submit the worksheet in a WORD document, uploaded to Blackboard by the deadline of April 17.  You can save the document I provided and write in your answers.

dis 3

A brief description of the current estimating practices primarily employed at your organization on projects (if you do not know the approach or no formal approach is used, then use this response as an opportunity to state an approach based on what you have learned in the lectures and reading)
List at least two strengths and weaknesses of the approach used
If you prefer the current method, then discuss how the process might be improved
If you dont prefer the current estimating method, then provide a justification of why the method should be changed.
Again, if you dont know what method is used, then use this section to argue and justify the approach you think would be best.
How can this be applied to the work we are doing on the capstone project?  Or, what other suggestions could you offer?
If you are currently not working in a professional environment, then please answer these questions in light of the case study we are using in the course. You will have to make some assumptions to do this, but you should be able to do so based on the case study and the assigned reading.

Digital Communication

You stated Intranet, as the first digital communication method, can benefit companies as they obtain the opportunity of sharing information and resources among its workers through accessible communication and collaboration.  Good take.  However Internet which Internetwork of computers and servers provide the platform for digital communication to happen. E-mail, teleconference and video conferencing all happen on the Internet.  Picking Internet is broad and should be specified.  Apart from teleconference and video conferencing you have to specify another digital communication?  What is it?  And discuss

question NOT AN ESSAY

presidential library. One is positive, in support of a digital library, and one is negative, raising doubts about it. Then respond to the following question from the standpoint of a historical researcher:
Do you think that archival documents should be stored in a digital or paper format? Explain your stance and identify one positive benefit of digital archives as well as one possible disadvantage of digital archives.

Read both articles linked above, which are about the future Obama Presidential Librarys use of digital records instead of traditional paper records. One article is positive, in support of a digital library, and one is negative, raising doubts about it. After reading, response to the following question from the standpoint of a historical researcher

Do you think that archival documents should be stores in a digital or paper format? Explain your stance and then identify one positive benefit of digital archives as well as one possible disadvantage of digital archives.