Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)



Students will complete a weekly case study paper, which requires that they apply the concepts they are learning from the class textbooks to a hypothetical scenario between fictional employees. In each paper, students will need to demonstrate the ability to apply a thorough understanding of the nature of conflict, conflict management, and negotiation strategies to a fictional case.

Each paper NEEDS TO HAVE at least two academic sources (i.e., academic textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles) beyond the class textbook will be required for each paper. No website citations will be allowed.

Include in your narrative response answers to the following questions:

1. What are your options? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option for you and your employer?

2. What risks do you face if you give the kickback?

3. What risks do you face if you speak up?

4. What is the risk of doing nothing?

5. What would you do in this situation?

6. Consider the Christian worldview approach to this situation. Provide a Biblical scripture that would reinforce or support a preferred behavior to resolving this situation ethically, and describe how it might be applied in this case.

Effectively apply the concepts from the class textbooks to the hypothetical scenario between fictional employees.

DeMarr. Negotiations & Dispute Resolution,  2nd Edition. Chicago Business Press, 2018-02-01. VitalBook file.


What topic in General Psychology would you like to investigate in more depth? The paper is to be developed in the following ways:

You will need to conduct a review of the published research literature and write a concise summary and evaluation of the research that is related to your area of interest. The review should contain a description of information with research citations related to the topic of interest.

All completed papers must be in APA format.

The complete paper should contain a minimum of 6 pages of content. The paper should have a minimum of eight scientifically recognized references (consult the online library research data bases). The paper should be double-spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font. In addition to the content pages, there should be a title page at the beginning of the paper containing the title of your paper, your name, the course number and name, and the term and year. Text should begin on the next page. Your paper should have a one-inch margin all around the text.

The grade for the paper is worth 200 points and will be based upon the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightfulness of the coverage of the topic, correct usage of the APA format, correct spelling and grammar, and correct sentence and paragraph format. (ALWAYS spell check your paper.)


Gangs have become increasingly more violent over time and have increased their drug activity and other illegal activities to support themselves and to help recruit new gang members, often from U.S. middle and high schools. In this scenario, you have been asked to begin a gang initiative within a community that has suffered an increase in gang activity over time.

Your police department closely follows the community policing paradigm, meaning that it has realized the importance of working with the community as a whole to resolve long-term problems that have often stymied efforts led only by the police in the past. Recently, one of these community groups came to you, the Police Chief, and asked that you respond to what it feels is an increasingly dangerous gang problem in the community. There have been several serious incidents of violence and drive-by shootings, along with an increase in drug traffic and attempts to gain new gang members in the local middle and high schools.

You recognize that increasing patrols and arrests in the area will only solve the problem short term or perhaps just displace the problem, so you want to seek a more long-term solution.

For this assignment, your police department has picked you to write an action plan of at least 1,000 words (4 pages) that addresses this problem in the community. Your action plan should include, but is not limited to, the following:

Several initiatives that will assist in rectifying the problems, including the following:
Educational initiatives
Local initiatives
How can the negative effects of violence on children be lessened?
Do you believe that there should be a limitation on the violent video games that children are permitted to play?
What type of assistance will you ask for from the community as a whole?
What role will the department itself take?
How will you measure the effectiveness of your plan?

Critical Assignment- ORG512

The Critical Assignment will be a paper of your learning from the course (PLEASE USE THE BOOK ATTACHED FOR THIS PAPER) (READ ALL NECESSARY CHAPTERS), blended with the experiences you have had in your work life.

Sections to address include (you may use these following phrases as headings):

1. strategies for negotiation and dispute resolution, including: (this will be 2 paragraphs framing the need for negotiation and dispute resolution)

2. distributive and integrative negotiations, (describe and define)
Students must accurately and effectively describe strategies for negotiation and dispute resolution, including distributive and integrative negotiations.

3. the roles of self-awareness, communication and persuasion in relationships to successful negotiated outcomes and dispute resolution, (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the roles of self-awareness, communication and persuasion in relationships to successful negotiated outcomes and dispute resolution.

4. the unique considerations necessary for successful cross cultural and international negotiations, (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the unique considerations necessary for successful cross cultural and international negotiations.

5. the common challenges of team, multiparty, and workplace negotiations, the benefits of using strategies from Getting to “Yes” in negotiating with organized labor (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the common challenges of team, multiparty, and workplace negotiations.
Students must effectively and accurately describe the benefits of using strategies from Getting to Yes in negotiating with organized labor.

6. (Ethics and Christian Worldview will be included in this analysis).
(describe and define) Include Christian bible Scriptures.

Students  must effectively and accurately utilize the APA conventions for academic papers, demonstrate correct grammar and spelling, and present masters level writing.

Critique/Summary Paper “The Martian.” by Andy Weir or directed by Ridley Scott.

Critique/Summary Paper
Instructions for Critique/Summary Paper

Instructions for Summary Paper:
1. Cover page
2. Content page
3. Bibliography
You will be writing a paper critique of a story/book/movie.

The body of the paper needs to be 2 complete pages and no more than 3 pages (minimum 600 words) double-spaced typing; in lieu of direct quotes use in-text citations at the end of every paragraph revering to the information you pulled from the book/movie; must include a reference and title page in APA style (no abstract is needed, though), running head, header, and page numbers.

NO direct quotes; This is your Critique, not someone else.  This is not what was said and done in the story but a critique of what you think was accomplished.  You must write in your own words!  Do Not re-write a book or dialog in your own words.  Write about what the author accomplished not the character, you may make a point by summarizing what they said or did that was interesting or added to our knowledge and reference (cite) that paragraph with eg… “(John Doe, 2018)” at the end of the paragraph like this. (John Doe, 2018)

NOTE: It is critical for you to understand this is NOT a paper on how well you can copy and paste. You will fail this paper if you directly copy and paste sentences (and paragraphs) from a book critique or article. This is cheating and stealing other’s ideas, which will not be tolerated for this paper assignment. You must write in your own words (summarize) what you are reading, seeing or thinking. Please note it is not enough to change-out two or three words and call it your own sentence. Also, do NOT use any direct quotes.  And finally, this is a critique of someone else’s work and should not include your political or social beliefs you are however giving your opinion about the “Authors” work. 

things to consider in your critique, not necessarily in this order:

1. Does the book or film accurately portray scientific exploration?  You should be able to say “yes… but…” or “Not exactly because…”
2. What is the main ecological points(s) the author and filmmakers are trying to make? Point 1, point 2 etc.
3. What would you do if you were in the position of the main character?  (His broad situation)
4. In what way is extinction involved in this story?
5. Conclusions.  Taking into account what you already know, and what you have read and learned from the course text, did the author and filmmakers make their scientific point(s) clear?

post and reply

1. post and reply, but make post longer and reply shorter. Post should be around 200 words and reply should be around 100 words.
2. The PDF called Solomon is the one that I picked.
3. The quotation from the text just use this “” and add the page number of where the quote is in () after.(just like the response that I send to you)

Here is the post by others, reply it.
Throughout the story, the grandmother is not exactly a morally “good” person. This is seen when she does not want to own up to her mistake when she realizes she gave the wrong directions for the house in Tennessee. Rather, she hopes that she would be injured so that Bailey would not be angry at her. She believes that if she is injured, Bailey would not get mad at her out of goodness. Her manipulative way of protecting herself is also seen when she encounters the Misfit, where she says “You wouldn’t shoot a lady, would you?” (18).  She also continues to tell the Misfit that he is a good person and using religion to get him to reflect on his actions. This is related to the just-world fallacy because as McRaney states, “The Just-World Fallacy can also lead to a false sense of security. You want to feel in control, so you assume as long as you avoid bad behavior, you wont be harmed” (108). The grandmother is a dishonest and selfish person, but starts acting like a good person when she is in danger. She tries to use her definition of a good person to defend herself from Misfit, however it does not work. Her definition of a good person is flimsy, as she believes a good person is someone who shares the same values with her that she can relate to. When she is dead, the Misfit remarks that “She would of been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life” (21), telling us that she has committed the just-world fallacy thinking that if she acted good, she would not be harmed.

The grandmother’s morals do not exactly line up with the Misfit because he follows his own moral code of “no pleasure but meanness”. He never stated that he wouldn’t shoot a lady, just that he would not like to. However, his moral code may change after the conversation he had with the grandmother about religion. The Misfit shows some religious belief in the conversation, where he says: “I wisht I had of been there, he said, hitting the ground with his fist. It aint right I wasnt there because if I had of been there I would of known. Listen lady, he said in a high voice, if I had of been there I would of known and wouldnt be like I am now” (21). After his encounter with the grandmother, he starts to question his belief and realizes that there is no pleasure in life due to the crimes that he has committed. This is seen when Bobby Lee is told to shut up, where the Misfit says “It’s no real pleasure in life” (22). The Misfit may have the possibility to change now that he realizes that killing does not bring him happiness in life.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Research Project Outline-Section Subheadings
Topic:  A link between mental health and child obesity?

Sections should include the following areas written in paragraph form with subheadings:

Short introduction of the proposal (2-3 sentences)
Statement of the Problem (1-2 sentences)
Purpose of the Study (2-3 sentences)
Limitations (about 1 sentence per limitation)
Hypothesis(es) (1 sentence per hypothesis)
Definition of Terms (1 sentence per term)
Significance of the Study (or Need for the Study) (1 paragraph)
Literature Review-a. Introduction (1 paragraph) b. Review of the Literature (2-3 paragraphs) c. Summary (1 paragraph)
III.      Methods and Procedures

Participants (2-3 sentences)
Research Design (2-3 sentences)
Instruments (subheadings for more than one) (1-2 sentences per instrument)
Procedures (1-2 paragraphs)
Proposed Statistical Analysis (1 paragraph)
Implications of results and future research (1-2 paragraphs)

Reaction paper (Persuasive) What does cognitive research on music perception tell us? Is music theory a good cognitive theory, in that it predicts outcomes of cognitive psychology experiments?

The reaction paper will test your ability to think, generate hypotheses, and, in general, apply psychological science. The task will be to take a position in a current debate in cognitive science. You will then have to support your position by drawing on the data that are available on the topic. The goal is to convince readers that the position you take is correct by presenting the relevant data on the topic.  Writing that both positions are correct will automatically result in a deduction of points.  Think of this as a debate in which your job is to argue one of the positions. This paper will require you to go beyond Matlin’s textbook. You will need to refer to journal articles, book chapters, and, if you must, websites. Each student must read journal articles for the paper. At least three journal articles must be referenced. If you use websites, you are responsible for any misinformation you get from the website (the best websites to use are those of the researchers themselves). Your view in the reaction paper must be supported by psychological science (including neuroscience, social psychology, neurobiology). Your feelings and impressions are not relevant in this paper; rather it is scientific data that you must draw upon. You do not have to be balanced.

Choose arguments that support your position, and refute arguments that may support the other position. You will be graded on your ability to do both. You may email me questions on how best to do this. APA style is encouraged but not required. Choose one topic from the list below. If the topic is pre-approved by your professor (that is, from the list below), you do not require the professors pre-approval. However, if you wish to pursue a topic not on the list below, please obtain your professors permission first. This is to insure that the topic is appropriate for cognitive psychology. Approval cannot occur after the paper has been handed in. You must also answer the question in approximately 1,000 words (about 3 pages). You must craft your arguments to fit into the word limit. The word limit refers to the body of your paper and does not include title page, references, and any supplementary material you add.

Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded

Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded

Canvas Link for Discussion #11: