Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Knowledge Management

Please write a concise (one page) position statement identifying current issues with respect to how an organization manages knowledge and how that impacts work and processes?  How do people learn in an organization?  How are processes communicated?  What are the challenges?

double spaced, 12 font, 1 or 2 citation is fine.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay- Advertisement

This week, you will complete the three-to-four-page (750-1000 words) Rhetorical Analysis Essay you began working on in Week 3. Draw upon the Week 3 and Week 4 discussions, the lessons, and textbook readings to help you understand and meet the requirements for the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. Other than finding your chosen ad online, do not conduct any outside research.
At the end of your Rhetorical Analysis Essay, provide an end reference to the advertisement in APA style. Include the title of the ad, the original date of publication, and the web address.
Successful assignments will:
* be focused on analyzing an advertisement, current or vintage, thats appropriate for a college-level audience;
* include a thesis statement at the end of the introduction that conveys the overall effectiveness of the chosen ad;
* include details to establish the visual description and context of the ad;
* identify the various ways rhetorical appeals are used;
* be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.docx), with 12-point font
* include an APA cover page
* be three to four double-spaced pages (750-1000 words), not including the title page; and
* be submitted for grading.

Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded

Canvas: Metacognition: How Thinking About Thinking Can Help Kids:

Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded


his discussion gives you a chance to present your CPP to other students.This discussion should introduce your CPP, explain why you selected this project, discuss your selected organization, and provide your proposed solution. Be sure to include:

Introduction to your CPP with QSEN competency.
Discussion related to how your selected organization (Not the facility where you implemented your project, the one you discussed in the templates which supported your project with references or resource information) supports your project.
Areas for further research.
Proposed solution.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”

Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.
Words Limits


Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded

Video Link for Discussion #7:

Forum Responses

Response posts: Reply to both forum posts. The file contains 2 forum posts. This order is to respond to each of them.

The primary goal is to extensively discuss posts and respond by offering comments, critiques, and suggestions for improvement in order to create a better final response.  You must address at least 1 strength and 1 weakness. The reply must reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, and include 1 biblical integration. Use APA formatting.

Replies must be 135 words PER REPLY


Please answer: How was bullying handled within your high school? What were the typical characteristics of the bullies?  What were the typical characteristics of those who were bullied?  How do you think bullies should be handled? Please use examples from the text to support your answer!

human resource management

NFC Food Limited is the largest manufacturer in private sector in Saudi Arabia and the best company in Asia in terms of Quality & Technology, with food production of 1.2 million tons per annum. This company has brand Al Arabia denotes Creativity and Healthy Eating.
Create delicious meals is the Al Arabia brand message which best describes their products and encourage their consumers to eat healthy and be prosperous and have better lifestyle. Consumer delight is their core business functions. It strives to bring joy to the lives of customers, shoppers and consumers. They believe in the principle of Healthy Eating and Healthy Living. They attempt to bring products that are of the highest quality and international standards.
This company is an ISO 22000:2005 certified company (which is inclusive of ISO 9001:2008 certification & HACCP compliance). It has 1700 employees, this company hired several top executives and requested them to develop the following action plan for the company.

Create an action plan for employees career planning and Development
Create an employee motivation strategy to ensure participative management in the organization
Develop the employees empowerment plan at each level.
Being a Human Resource head develop an organizational knowledge creation strategy in the company
What should be the Information Management strategy of the company so that company have information Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity.
Develop a strategic virtual learning plan to manage organizational human resource capital
Describe the various HR information technology innovative methods and devices to implement in the organizations
What strategies to be adopted to incorporate International HRM trends to develop blended workforce in the organization.

Discussion Post

Discussion Posts
Throughout the quarter, you will be graded on posts to our Canvas online discussion boards.
Use your discussion posts as an opportunity to reflect critically on and ask questions about the
readings, make connections between readings and class sessions, and begin to formulate ideas
and language that you can use and adapt for your papers. Occasionally, your discussion posts
may be guided by a specific prompt that I will provide during the previous class and post to our
Canvas website. See details below:
You are expected to make seven posts throughout the quarter
o Up to three of these posts can be thoughtful replies to a classmates post
o You can only be graded for one post per discussion board (i.e., each post you make
must be about a different class/topic), so make sure you plan ahead!
Your post will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2 points
o In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading (e.g.,
question you have about it, connections with previous class content, etc.). Summaries of
the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit
Discussion board posts are due at 5:00pm the day before each class (Monday or Wednesday)
o You should post about the upcoming readings for a class
Ex: On Discussion Board #3 (due Wednesday 4/8), you post about the readings
for the Prenatal Development class (occurring Thursday 4/9)
o Late posts will not be graded

Video Link for Discussion #6: