Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Leadership behavior

A political campaign’s key responsibility involves facilitating the emergence of the desired collective behavior of “voting for the candidate of interest.” Using the Natural Selection Model  (variation, selection, and retention), analyze how Donald Trump was able to win the 2016 presidential election. It is important to carefully conduct research and identify critical elements that influenced people’s selection of their desired candidate as well as reasons that led them to retain their choice. The three phases of natural selection (variation, selection, and retention) must be evident in your analysis. You can organize your paper using the following outline:

Research findings
Analysis: Use the Natural Selection Model as an analytical framework to analyze and justify how the the desired collective behavior of voting was selected and retained.
Conclusion: In this section, you must place great emphasis on implications for organizational managers. 

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database, the University’s online databases, the Nexis Uni database, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a four- to six-page paper in which you do the following:
Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. 
Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. 
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and locate at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Use the Assignment 1 Template [DOCX] to ensure that your assignment meets the above requirements.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is the following:
Determine the impact of globalization and technology changes, strategic models, vision and mission statements, and stakeholders on a corporation’s success.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic and organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the scoring rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Why is the writing process important?
2.What is wide reading? Why are wide reading and repeated reading so important to transitional readers?
3. Why is it important for teachers to write and model writing for their students?
4.What are the different parts to a RAFT paper?
5.How do graphic organizers help skillful learners increase their vocabulary?
6.What is the role of assessment in Response to Intervention

Childhood Development

I have attached the essay instructions below named “Life course essay assignment instructions” in addition to all presentations provided throughout the term. Ignore the due dates on the assignment sheet, these have changed. I doubt most of the presentations/slides are necessary but I’ve added them just in case.

This essay is about the development of an individual given certain life circumstances. Infancy and childhood is the specific age range. Everyone is given a baby and all provided details about the child and their upbringing are listed below. The “wildcard” which is mentioned a few times in the assignment sheet is Low IQ. I have section 1 completed with all given information.

Section 1 Background Information:
Birth: Male, 7 lbs. 14 oz. Japanese Mom and White American Dad. Both work and Zachary will be cared for by Dads sister, who is raising her own twin daughters. Some respiratory distress at birth, but doctors are optimistic.
Childhood:  Low IQ. 

The assignment sheet asks in one or two sections “what does the book say?”.  I can be contacted by email or on here and answer those questions or whatever other questions.

This essay is for a college developmental psychology class taken as an elective.

Art History Paper

Please perform art research on this piece and the time period ” Joseph Paxton, Crystal Palace, Great Exhibition, London, 1851″

—-Introduce their artwork (making sure to include the artist and title (if known), date of creation, size, artistic medium, original location, current location (if applicable) and any other pertinent information)

—-Define their thesis statement (i.e. the purpose of your paper or argument)
Explain the socio-economic and culture context of their piece (i.e. what is going on in the world at this time) and how those conditions influenced the creation of this image/object
Argue why this specific work of art is emblematic (i.e. a good example) of its civilization, style or time-period (i.e. your thesis statement)

—–Use at least four credible sources (ideally a combination of scholarly journals, news articles, textbooks/e-books, primary sources, etc.) to provide information and support your argument. (Note: do NOT use Wikipedia, online blogs, or other questionable sites.)

—-Include parenthetical (i.e. in-text) citation and MLA style Works Cited page as well as an image of the artwork with a MLA style caption.

Translating Evidence-Based Knowledge into Clinical Practice

Creating a Culture for EBP

This week APA paper will focus on two areas…but it is only one paper.

Please use level one headings to separate the two parts of the assignment.

As we review the EBP process, please notice each student has already begun his or her own journey on the EBP Process.

Each one has already created a PICOT question, searched for evidence and practiced evaluating the evidence.

From this point, Nurses need to learn how to implement the information/evidence for his or her PICOT question into their Clinical setting. (See chart 9.3)


    What barriers might you face in implementing a new practice to address your research topic (as identified in Module 1)?
    Describe strategies that could be used to increase success including overcoming barriers.


Then for the second part, one will:

Describe six sources of internal evidence that could be used in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes for your change project. (see pages 227-228)

Suggested Headings:

Steps Integrating EBP Clinically

Steps (Individually; Discuss each of the 8 steps of integrating an EBP change into the clinical setting)

Barriers and Strategies

Sources of Internal Evidence


Four Generations

This week, you will consider your own diverse cultural and generational background and how it impacts the care you provide to your patients
1.Define and describe the four generations – name, timeframe, and a description of that groups characteristics.
2.Choose the group to which you belong. Explain how you think that you fit with this assessment of that generation.
3.Select any other group to which you do not belong. Explain how those from your group can learn from that group, and explain how that group could learn from yours

see generation document for requirements

human resource management

its a case study about a company that is looking for HRM plan covering all bases i studied in my lectures, the case study is basic and need straight forward answers regarding each of the 8 questions that are about planning for employee career planning and development along with some strategies. these 8 questions can be answered using any resources available but all need be referenced, books, links, videos, etc.


Assignment 1 (1 page)
1. Search for scholarly articles and identify one (1) article that employs the qualitative research method AND one (1) that employs the quantitative research method.
2. Give the title of the article, the research method and state what was the problem area and research question(s) are
3. Provide a very brief summary (for each article) describing how it used the research method to conduct the study.
Make sure to include sources for your post. You should be using proper APA and ONLY using scholarly sources

Assignment 2 (1 page)
1. using the library databases, identify an article using the experimental design.
2. Identify a hypothesis, research questions, sampling method and primary tests for analyzing the results of the experiment.
3. What are your thoughts on this type of research design?
Make sure to include sources for your post. You should be using proper APA and ONLY using scholarly sources.

Assignment 3 (1 page)
1. What is the research method you are using for your study?
2. Cite a source that explains the research method you are using
3. Have you noticed any common patterns and themes in your literature review?
Make sure to include sources for your post. You should be using proper APA and ONLY using scholarly sources. Do not use Wikipedia, newspaper or magazine articles. Search library databases for credible sources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a research paper The paper is a qualitative research paper. I want a critique of the article  attached below and here is the instruction and requirement of the paper
B.    Critique
Identification of report elements. Evaluate objectively, then explain how these elements from the chosen study meet (or do not meet) the expected definition and purpose of each element
1.    Descriptive Vividness
2.    Documentation of Participants
3.    Methodological Congruence
4.    Ethical Standards
5.    Auditability