Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Who killed Martin Luther King?

Write about either the FBI committed the murder or James Earl Rae committed the murder, make sure to only pick one. I also need a bullet pointed list of the undisputed facts, if any (you will need to cite this information). Create an APA bibliography as you work – every time you find information fill in the citations list. Google is a search engine so do not include it. One perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable. A second perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable. Your conclusion from the evidence you have found, what is your opinion on this issue and why?
You can use the sources that I have used that I have linked, Thanks!


Introduction: Introduce the topic and explain the purpose of the paper.
Thesis: refer to September 11 and the Taliban is funded by drugs. similar to Narco-terrorism.
Issue Identification:  Identify the Problem
Background: Provide a short factual overview
Analysis: A reasoned discussion of the problem
Conclusion:  The students conclusion after evaluating the problem

Creating Group Policies

Creating Group Policy written policies for EOS project and configuration procedure. Creating and giving permissions to specific users. Company have the same computer background. Password expiration. Naming conventions for users. What OU’s and permission do you give each user. Base it of the previous paper you wrote please.

informatics in nursing

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics:
Most people remember the story below that made national headlines. As most Americans have smart phones, tablets, and computers the utilization of social media is common place.
Finley, T. (2017, Sept. 20). Navy hospital removes staffers for calling babies mini Satans on social media. Parenting.
If you were writing a hospital policy on smart phone and social media usage, what should be included in the policy?
What potential ethical and legal liabilities are there for the hospital and employees in the case presented above?

Discuss the relationship between accreditation decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, informatics.


Each student will select a health policy issue for further research. Develop a list of questions you think are important to assess your issue with respect to the role of government agencies, regulation, legal, ethical, and economic perspectives of the policy issue. Conduct a literature review and identify articles/studies that address your questions. Briefly summarize how the articles/studies address your questions, did they do so to your satisfaction, and justify your statements.

I went ahead and created an outline on the topic with the information that should be covered.

AB InBev analysis

1.Provide a value chain analysis (primary and support activities) for the company (AB InBev) and then explain the type of generic strategy this supports(i.e., differentiation, cost leadership, focus, blue-ocean strategy).(1)Create a value chain model and attach it the end of the paper. (2)In  your  paper,  discuss  the  most  notable  inputs  to  the  value  chain  and  how  this  relates  the  generic strategy that they employ.

2.Explain the current corporate strategy for the company (AB InBev) including their use of vertical integration, diversification, strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions.


so just to give you a clue about my self care i put down that i would like to eat healthier, started doing yoga and just doing things that are out of my comfort zone. your able to add anything else but just giving you a hint of things i do.

please answer accordingly with the material that was provided.

please see instructions

Please answer the following questions after reading the attached files:
1. How did this style of theatre (interview-based) impact you vs. a “traditional” script? 
2. What might this style of theatre allow for?
3. Was there a particular storyline or character you were drawn to in this script?
4. How did the play make you feel?

Sports Biography

Write a 5-page paper about sports involvement and how it has shaped you.

Follow the “Sportography Assignment” and Rubric guidelines.

Attached is a copy of my free-writing experienc of the sports that I played/pariticpated in when I was younger. You can work off that.



BUS 475


Respond to at least one of your classmates. How do you think the chosen company your classmate selected acted responsibly or how could it improve its CSR?

How I define CSR the practice with a business to establish a commitment to build a better society outside of the business.
One company that has a strong corporate social responsibility is Dawn the dish detergent. They use the campaign Dawns Help Save Wildlife. The animals include otters, ducks, and birds, Dawn uses its sensitive yet powerful detergent to help clean the animals that have been affected by oil spills so that they can survive. This allows for our animals to remain safe and preserving their life. This makes my family support the company more because we know that Dawn truly cares about the environment by using their product to help preserve our animals.


“Regulatory Agencies”  Please respond to the following:

    Describe an action a regulatory agency took against a business in the past 6 months. Post a link to your source. Do you agree or disagree with the action? Explain your reasoning and support it with the materials from this week.
    Respond to at least one of your fellow classmates. Do you agree with their position? State at least one reason why or why not. Describe the effect the regulatory agency they have referenced has on the business environment.


HIS 105


Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market introduced new problems by the American Industrial Revolution by engaging in practices to ensure greater control of the market. Whatever it took is what they did.

One that stood out the most was John D. Rockefeller, an American business mogul ad philanthropist. He is considered one of the wealthiest Americans of all times, and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was smart because he knew how to create essential control of the products wholesale distribution and retail marketing. Because of his wealth he established outlets that were able to drive other competitors out of business making it able for him to set prices and demand of products in his market. This caused the great test for the government to put limits on business of how much control they would have.
Today I think Google is undoubtedly one of the largest monopolies in the world. The company controls several markets in the search and advertising. Google can be considered a monopoly because its profitability with more than 60% of its market share. Although Bing is its closest search competitor, they cannot compete because they dont have the user data Google has.


Part 1: Post a Response

Various reform groups with various causes developed in the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s; these are loosely called Progressives as they aimed to use government policies or science to improve and advance society. Also, this period was a time when the US started as a major player in international conflictsfirst in the Spanish American War and then in World War I. There were deep isolationist sentiments about such overseas entanglements, and President Wilson first has one position and then the other.
Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the late 1800s and early 1900s.

1.    In the Progressive Era (roughly 18901920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. Discuss here the muckrakers and Taylors scientific management.
o    Explain briefly the approach and aim of the muckrakers and that of F. W. Taylor.
o    Compare their approaches and describe your feelings about them, and relate some modern situation that reminds you of one of these approaches and reform causes.
o    Identify the source(s) where you read about the reform cause.

2.    From the text, Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan (He kept us out of war).
o    Explain with some specifics why Wilson became pro-war. Describe your own feelings on that issue when you look back at it, and whether he was right to change.
o    Briefly, identify a similar international consideration todayor of the last 20 years, and what lesson might be drawn from the example in Wilsons time.
o    Identify the source(s) where you read about Wilson.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material
Week 4 Learn materials
Chapters 19 and 20