Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Hurricane Recovery Plan

Writing a disaster recovery plan for Apple  Company  and assuming the disaster is hurricane.
This disaster recovery plan should contain: Risk Mitigation Strategy, Employee contact information(Employee contact information, crisis management team, emergency response team).The basic disaster plan information is in the ‘Apple Project” document.  Using the ‘DR PLAN TEMplate’  as a template.

Disadvantages of excessive mobile phone usage on children

Write an annotated bibliography based on this research question: What are the disadvantages of excessive mobile phone usage on children? 7 different credible sources should be used. I prefer these sources come from the document I have provided below. However, if you cannot gain access to some, you can find another academic reference to use. A powerpoint presentation on how to create this bibliography is also provided.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Please strictly follow the instruction of the paper I provided.

2. Article title should be selected from a list of instructions.

3. Please use at least 6 valid references to support the thesis, and list all sources at the end of the paper.

Discussion 9

In order to prepare for this discussion forum:

Review and identify relevant sections of Chapter 26 to support your discussion.
In 2005 a group of historians held a mock trial-Hiroshima: Truman on Trial.
After you have completed your readings post your answers to only ONE of the following questions.
What are the explanations that have been offered in support of dropping the atomic bomb? What is your response to these explanations? Make sure that you provide specific support from your readings.
What are the arguments that have been presented against using the atomic bomb? What is your response to these arguments? Make sure that you provide specific support from your readings.
Review the trial and cast your verdict. How do you find President Truman? Guilty or Not Guilty?  Discuss why you reached that decision.


You previously completed this assignment for me. Could you please break it down to each of these area’s. I will be uploading the assignment and the template for the assignment.


In your five paragraph essay using this Writing Guide, use the Schultz class text and at least two of the other sources provided for the topic you chose. Note, you need to include a list of Sources at the end (next page below); also you must cite each of those sources in the body of your paper with short in-text citations. Be sure to review the instruction sheet for Assignment 1.  Also, see the help sheet called Sources and Tips for Assignment 1.  That help sheet also explains about length and provides other tips. 
In your introduction section, be concise but include the information listed by the two bullets below. Your introduction should be one paragraph in length:
    Identify the two different approaches that you will discussincluding people, organizations, and strategies.
    Describe what you will cover in the paper.

In two paragraphs, describe briefly the development of each view or strategy, any key people or events, and any success either side had in seeing that view come to pass.

In your comparison paragraph, evaluate what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each view, and the impact of each in that period of history. Explain which approach you favor and why.

In your conclusion paragraph, identify similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.


Discussion 8

Discussion #8:  Where should we place the blame?
Where should we place the blame?  Economists believe the Great Depression was caused by the weaknesses in the 1920s economy, but the person whose name will be forever linked to the depression is President Herbert Hoover.  Personally blaming him for the crisis, Americans started to call the shantytowns set up by unemployed people “Hoovervilles.”
In order to prepare for this discussion forum: line-height:
Review and identify the relevant sections of Chapter 25 that address these topics and support your discussion.
Read the linked essay DEBATING THE PAST:  CAUSES OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Where Historians Disagree
Read America’s Great Depression:
Read Digital History: Sections Why it Happened to President Hoover
After you have completed your readings post your response to only ONE of the following questions.
Hoover’s presidency will be forever shadowed by the Great Depression.  Is it fair to blame Hoover’s actions or inaction for the Great Depression?
Should we compare Presidents Hoover and President Roosevelt’s attempts to deal with the depression?

AMH Writing 3a

Additional Sources:
Debating the Past- Where Historians Disagree: Causes of the Great Depression 
WPA: The African-American Mosaic
The New Deal for African Americans
The New Deal and the Negro: A look at Facts
Will the New Deal be a Square Deal for the Negro?
New Deal Network
Great Myths of the Great Depression
Women and the Great Depression
Eyewitness to History: The Great Depression
Library of Congress: Race Relations in the 1930s and 1940s
Utah’s Paiute Indians during the Great Depression
John Collier-Native Americans and the Great Depression
Onda Latina: Mexican Americans During the Great Depression-audio program
Digital History: Mexican Repatriation during the Great Depression

Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 700 words (but not limited to), including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources, in which you analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question:
Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal. As part of your analysis and discussion, you must address the long-term legacies of the New Deal and major historical assessments that have been made of it, and if you agree or disagree with these assessments.


BUS 475


Respond to at least one of your classmates. How do you think the chosen company your classmate selected acted responsibly or how could it improve its CSR?

How I define CSR the practice with a business to establish a commitment to build a better society outside of the business.
One company that has a strong corporate social responsibility is Dawn the dish detergent. They use the campaign Dawns Help Save Wildlife. The animals include otters, ducks, and birds, Dawn uses its sensitive yet powerful detergent to help clean the animals that have been affected by oil spills so that they can survive. This allows for our animals to remain safe and preserving their life. This makes my family support the company more because we know that Dawn truly cares about the environment by using their product to help preserve our animals.

HIS 105


Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market introduced new problems by the American Industrial Revolution by engaging in practices to ensure greater control of the market. Whatever it took is what they did.

One that stood out the most was John D. Rockefeller, an American business mogul ad philanthropist. He is considered one of the wealthiest Americans of all times, and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was smart because he knew how to create essential control of the products wholesale distribution and retail marketing. Because of his wealth he established outlets that were able to drive other competitors out of business making it able for him to set prices and demand of products in his market. This caused the great test for the government to put limits on business of how much control they would have.
Today I think Google is undoubtedly one of the largest monopolies in the world. The company controls several markets in the search and advertising. Google can be considered a monopoly because its profitability with more than 60% of its market share. Although Bing is its closest search competitor, they cannot compete because they dont have the user data Google has.

Child marriage in South Asia

Students must complete one long research paper of approximately 6-8 pages length and utilizing 3-5 academicsources on some issue involving topics related to the course. In the term paper, students will be graded on clarity, style, and the use of appropriate evidence to defend a clearly-articulated argument. Purely narrative papers- whichtell a story rather than analyzing an issue- will receive poor grades.

I want a research paper discussing gender issues in South Asia such as prostitutes , patriarchy , women role in politics , etc .. But main theme should be about child marriage and the evolution / impact of cultural and social atmosphere on it . Please use relevant sources and base it on solid arguments . It should mostly be historic not present issues . Also mention Sati , Jauhar and other traditions practiced at the time . 

Forum 2

Consider the following situation: A teacher in a new elementary school struggles with whether or not a family’s disciplinary choices constitute abuse. In addition to bruises the child tries to hide, the 6 year old student often reports being alone for several hours in the afternoons. Furthermore, the teacher fears that involving CPS may actually cause more stress in the child’s life.

After considering the above scenario, write an essay of at least 300 words in response to these questions:

What state laws and guidelines should the teacher be considering in this case? Use your home state as a reference.

Does the teacher have an obligation to report concerns? Why or why not?
If the teacher chooses not to file a report, what are the potential short and long term consequences in the life of the child?

An excellent initial thread will address all prompts using support from course material, state resources, and scripture. I will provide a annotated bibliography that I have written that has the sources for the state of Louisiana. Please use this for your references.