Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Please integrate the different forms of activism you see happening in the world right now in the time of Corona to Indicate how technology and activism are connected.

Include one direct quote from one of these videos.

current event

Find a news story about a U.S. company that is changing its balance sheet in some way that we have covered in this course. For example, the company might be issuing or repurchasing debt or common stock, increasing or cutting its dividends, changing its pension plan or stock-based compensation plan, modifying its lease terms, or asking its suppliers to alter their payment terms.

Write a short essay — under two pages — on the following:

Describe the transaction.
What reasons does the company give for conducting the transaction?

How will the transaction affect the company’s balance sheet?

Besides the reasons the company discloses for conducting the transaction, what additional reasons might the company have for conducting the transaction? In particular, what benefits is the company trying to get and/or what risks is the company trying to lessen?

Please submit your essay as a Microsoft Word document. You must provide a complete citation of the article (author, title, publication date, periodical name) and upload a PDF of the news article. The news article must come from either The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, or Bloomberg News / BusinessWeek.

HR Managment

Five years ago you joined a global mid-size unionized manufacturing firm as an HR manager. The role was one of managing a traditional HR department; in other words, the HR department was seen as primarily a staffing and administrative function.

At the time you were hired, your Board of Directors asked you to inform them as to what strategic human resource management is all about and how you saw your HR department (and its functions and subsequent activities) transforming to such a new role as a strategic partner.  Your company decided to transform the HR role from a traditionalist function to that of a strategic partner in the organization.

It has been five years since you began that transformation and the HR department is now seen as a strategic business partner to the organization. The Board of Directors, at an upcoming meeting, has asked you to describe how you have adapted to this role of strategic HR manager and what are the business implications?  You have 5 minutes to present your information so you decide to focus on your top priorities and their success. Include in your response to the discussion:

What two HR functions did you address and why? For example, HR function might include reduced voluntary turnover of key talent, such as expatriates, by the development of training for expatriates and their families, etc.
How did you measure the success of your work? What documentation would you provide to them to demonstrate your success (Hint: what specific metrics would you use to demonstrate your success)? in the case of an expat, consider the cost of training and the cost to replace an expat.

COVID 19 Pandemic Resources to Stay Informed

Assignment 4 _COVID 19 Pandemic Resources to Stay Informed
Develop a one-page handout of resources for nurses about COVID-19 Pandemic

This handout will serve a quick reference tool to keep up to date about the Pandemic

List contact information websites and other resources from reputable public and private health organizations

Register for American Nurses Association upcoming webinar on COVID 19.

Visit the links below for more information

fine art

1. Choose one specific work of fine art from the Classical period – Greece or Rome (800 BC-500 AD).

2. Conduct research on this artwork.

3. Write the response paper – How does the work reflect the culture and period of origin? Also, include your opinions. Do you like the work? Is it still important? Why? Proper citations and bibliography are required. If appropriate, please include a picture of the work you are discussing. 3-5 pages Word document.

Heading of your paper

        – Your name

– Identify the work

– The artist (if possible)

– The date the art was created (as close as possible)

– Where it is currently located

COVID-19 What Clinicians Need to Know

Assignment 3_COVID-19 What Clinicians Need to Know
Watch the following video from Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA)

Write a Reflective Journal about essential information for clinicians

Share critical information for clinicians



Summary of the Issue

Effects on the Pandemic

Opinions on the COVID-19

Strategies to Stop the Pandemic


Paper must utilize APA format (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, running head).

The title may appear on the first page of the document.

The body should have correct citations, format (APA)

References should appear at the end of the paper

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Base line -is what was her risk factor 3 to 5 days
Intervention- me talking to her how many minutes is the conversation did she feel ok. Rate her 1 to 8
Choose one goal to focus on at this time.
          Choose an intervention strategy that you and your client will use to attain the stated goal?
          How will you and the client assess (measure) the clients progress toward the stated goal? Standardized measurement, self-report, etc.
          Establish the timetable for evaluating the intervention:
            Take a baseline measure prior to introducing the intervention.
            Continue to assess the clients progress at regularly defined intervals.
            Evaluate the intervention in collaboration with the client.
For your paper:

including goals and intervention plan, and the specific goal and intervention chosen for evaluation.
          Summarize the intervention strategy and process you have had with the client.  How did you and the client choose the specific goal and intervention to focus on? How did the client respond/react?  How did your activities change over the course of the intervention?  What changes did you notice in the client?  What changes did the client note?
          Include a graph documenting the baseline measure and the subsequent measures of the clients progress.

Innovation in the Arts White Paper

You are in your first job at an arts consulting company.  Your supervisor has asked you to write a white paper on innovation in the arts.  The paper will end up on the companies website to show that the company is a thought leader in this field.

You will be evaluated on the following:

Demonstration of understanding of innovation and how innovation is achieved in the arts.
Depth of your understanding of the innovation.
Use of multiple sources (people, books, articles, blogs, podcasts etc.)
Watch these videos:

Innovation Paper (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates an understanding of innovation and how innovation is achieved.        20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of your understanding of the innovation in the organization you choose.        20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of research and use of multiple sources (people, books, articles, blogs, podcasts etc.).    20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNovelty.  20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat.    20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

COVID-19 Social Distancing

Assignment 2 _COVID-19 Social Distancing
Students will recommend communication resources to inform the public about the importance of health protection strategies.

Design a PowerPoint presentation with key recommendations and essential concepts about social distancing.  You may select a specific population for this presentation.

Use communication resources in the following links

Limit your presentation to 5 slides

Use graphics and images so that the information shared is user-friendly

COVID-19 Social Distancing

Assignment 2 _COVID-19 Social Distancing
Students will recommend communication resources to inform the public about the importance of health protection strategies.

Design a PowerPoint presentation with key recommendations and essential concepts about social distancing.  You may select a specific population for this presentation.

Use communication resources in the following links

Limit your presentation to 5 slides

Use graphics and images so that the information shared is user-friendly