Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you will investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization. Some examples of platforms are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube. The organizations can be national or local to your area.
In this assignment, you will need to include the following components:
Provide information about the social media platform.
Provide information about the organization and its campaign.
Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson. (Is it effective? What, if anything, can the organization do to improve PR through social media?)
You will need to reference at least two academic sources. Web pages provided by a company or organization (e.g., an About Us page) will be accepted for this assignment as a valid, academic source.
Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

nurses support the decision: write a letter

Directions: answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words and include at least two references.

Step 1: Read the articles and explore the assigned websites in the Required Reading list.

Step 2: Go to your state nursing organizations website. Look for their political action and advocacy information. Alternatively, you can look for national health issues at Review information that is provided in resources provided by your professional organization.

Step 3:  Decide where you stand on the issue. Typically, nurses support the decision that has been made by the nursing organization.

Step 4:  Write an approximately 150-word statement to your representative. Sample letters may be viewed at this link:  Remember, you are writing an email.

In the statement include the following:
The name of the person to whom you are writing, i.e. The Honorable _________________.
Identify the Bill or Issue you are addressing. 
Give the letter a bold title
Early in the note, let the person know you are a constituent and, if writing as a part of a group, that you are a nurse working with (may be your role, clients, etc.)
Discuss (briefly) why you support or dont support the issue.  Build your detail and you may include statistics if appropriate.
Include something related to a personal experience.
Close by again summarizing your hope (e.g., you hope the lawmaker votes YES on H.R. 178).

Step 5:  Submit your draft email to your faculty member for approval. Once approved, you must send the email. Add the faculty members email as a blind copy as this will document your completion of the assignment and the final grade can be awarded for the assignment.

Assignment Outcome Relationship to Outcomes and Standards

Healthcare Plans and Funding/Nursing Ethics and Workforce Advocacy


Choose 1 question in each grouping for a total of 2 questions to answer for your midterm examination. 
Respond to the questions using the key guiding questions as guidance for the direction of the question. 
You may use any notes and readings that you have to develop your response or additional materials you may find online. 
You have 3 hours to respond to the examination. 
Plan to spend approximately 1 hour responding to each question (total 2 hours) and 1 hour making corrections and formatting for submission. 
The response should have a title page with a subheading title for each question.  Cite information as appropriate. 
References should appear at the end of each question.  Submit via drop box for grading.

Choose 1 question from Group 1: Healthcare Plans and Funding

Group 1, Question 1: An Argument for Socialized Medicine

As a public health nurse and leader, you are a part of a group developing a socialized approach to the provision of health care in the United States.  Submit an argument for socialized medicine. Include in your presentation the following key elements:

The value of healthcare for the populations served.
Ethical issues address in the distribution of healthcare.
Economic effects of the plan.
Which healthcare system studied in the lessons would you pattern your health care system after (Canada, Switzerland, England, or Medicare)?

Group 1, Question 2: Advocacy Forum

In our role of advocacy in nursing, you are working on a forum to inform your community about the three major health care reform proposals developed in Fall of 2017Graham, Cassidy and Heller-Johnson; The Health Care Freedom Act; and the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.  For your presentations, address the following components:

The effect that each plan has on healthcare in general, Medicare, and Medicaid clients.
Will any of these plans provide comprehensive care for all? 
What are the ethical questions raised by each plan?
How will the healthcare markets be affected?

Choose 1 question from Group 2: Nursing Ethics and Workforce Advocacy

Group 2, Question 1: The Nurse Who Wants to Care for a Relative

The nurse is working the 7p-7a shift as the night charge nurse. On the last evening she worked, one of her peers challenged the nursing assignment for the shift because the charge nurse did not assign her to care for client John Doe. The nurse specifically requested to care for Mr. Doe because she felt with the staffing shortage, he would not receive good care and she wanted to avoid problems for the institution from her family. The charge nurse noted that the client was the nurses brother-in-law. 

The charge nurse refused to change the assignment and cautioned the nurse not to review the clients information nor ask to request confidential information from the care nurse as there were no signed documents giving her permission to access this information from the client. The nurse, after yelling and screaming in the report room at the charge nurse, then threatened to report the charge nurse to the nurse manager and to hospital administration for her dumb decisions.  Respond to the following questions about this situation.

Define the ethical theory which best defines the motives of the nurse who desires to care for her brother-in-law in this situation.
According to the nursing code of ethics, if the nurse had been allowed the assignment, what ethical violations would have occurred? Provide a brief explanation of why it was a violation.
What were the ethical responsibilities of the Charge Nurse according to the ANA Code of ethics?  Provide a brief explanation of why this was a responsibility in this case.
How might the Charge Nurse address the repetitive staffing shortage issues?

Group 2, Question 2: Appropriately Refusing an Assignment

A nurse has to report to work on the night shift (11 p.m.) after being called in to work because of staffing issues. The nurse is receiving his or her assignments and now considers the assignments to be inappropriate. The nurse decides to refuse the assignment but does not seek to get someone else to take the assignment. Answer the following questions about this situation.

What questions should the nurse have considered prior to making the decision to accept or reject the assignment?
Using your state laws or your work environment policy, identify the procedure for refusing an assignment according to the nurse practice act in your state.
According to the ANA code of ethics, what components of the code allow the nurse to make this decision?
This nurse gets approval from his nurse manager to do an in-service for his peers on issues related to accepting an assignment. Outline the content you would include in this presentation noting that you will save 10 minutes for questions.

Assignment Outcome Relationship to Outcomes and Standards

Literature Analysis

The student will write a 1012-page Literature Analysis on specific problem in criminal justice. It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. The paper must properly follow current APA style. Detailed instructions can be found in Blackboard. If a student is struggling with current APA format, he/she may refer to the Additional Information folder for help.Organize and format your paper according to APA style.  If you need more help understanding how to analyze scholastic literature consult the corresponding section in your APA manual.  Your paper will be due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.
Include the following elements in your paper:
    Title page including a running head
    Abstract and key words
The body of the paper consists of all of the questions a person would ask if you mentioned the hypothesis to them. What is it I am researching? What is the current problem? What is the solution? What do my critics say about the problem and my solution? What does the literature say about the problem and my solution? What gaps in the literature will my solution address? If successful, what are the implications of my research? And a conclusion. Conclusion (Make sure you reflect back upon your thesis statement and make adjustments as needed.)
Review the Literature Analysis Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.

nursing shortage/workforce tools being used in nursing/ opinion on the nursing shortage

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words and include at least two references.

Step 1: Read all of the articles and data sites listed in the Required Readings. Be familiar with the information and data on workforce advocacy, nursing shortages, and workforce projections. Collect data on the nursing shortage and projected nursing needs.
Step 2:  Write a 150-word summary based on the following questions:
What is being done to combat the nursing shortage?
How are the workforce tools being used in nursing?
What is your opinion on the nursing shortage?

You must cite, in APA format, at least two references within the summary and include these in an APA reference list. You must also include a title page that includes your name and student ID, course number and name, date, and title of the assignment indicating which of the two topics you chose.

Step 3:  Save and submit your assignment.

Incompetence among Peers/Informed Consent/Failure to Disclose a Medical Condition

Step 1: After reading all Required Reading Assignments, choose one of the following topics (scenarios) for your post (remember this is not a political discussion).


Scenario 1:  Incompetence among Peers

The nurse caring for clients to which she was assigned finds significant differences in the assessment findings from the preceding nurse in both assessment and documentation. This has been true for the past month when this nurse has assumed responsibility for Nurse Bs clients. She is concerned about the findings, the threat to patient safety, and the need to protect and support staff.

a.  What are the ethical principles of concern in this situation?

b.  What actions would you take to address this scenario? Support your decision based on theory and ethical standard.

c.  Relate this to a real-world experience.

Scenario 2:  Informed Consent

The nurse has just witnessed the physician obtain consent from a client for a new procedure. The nurse, who has worked in this specialty area for a long time and is considered to have expertise in the area, noted that there were disclosures about the procedure that the doctor did not make. In addition, the client has a diagnosed mental deficit and the family was not present for the discussion. The family has asked the nurse to explain what was said since the patient told the family he signed the form but I didnt really know what he was talking about. 

a.  What are the ethical principles of concern in this situation?

b.  What actions would you take to address this scenario? Support your decision based on theory and ethical standard.

c.  Relate this to a real-world experience.

Scenario 3:  Failure to Disclose a Medical Condition

The nurse is caring for a client who had been surrounded by caring family who have requested that the physician and staff not share with the client that he is dying. It is estimated that he has less than 1-2 months to live. The nurse has reviewed the clients chart and diagnoses and knows this to be a fact. The patient has said to the
nurse that he suspects that something is really wrong, and I have this feeling that I may not live much longer. Does the nurse honor the request of the family or honor the patients right to know?

a.  What are the ethical principles of concern in this situation?

b.  What actions would you take to address this scenario? Support your decision based on theory and ethical standard.

c.  Relate this to a real-world experience.

Scenario 4:  Bioethical Issue:  Downs syndrome CRISPR/Cas9 Genetic Treatment (Eliminating Genetic Disease through the Manipulation of DNA)

The nurse is working in an OB prenatal center in a major teaching center. She meets the Joneses, who have been told that they have a 50% chance of having a child that is severely affected by Downs Syndrome. They have been given the choice of abortion or trying a new technique being used in early pregnancy in which the doctor attempts to effect a change in the embryos early in development.  The Joneses are attempting to decide what to do. They ask what you, the nurse, would do? 

a.  What are the ethical principles of concern in this situation?

b.  What actions would you take to address this scenario?  Support your decision based on theory and ethical standard.

c.  Relate this to a real-world experience.

Step 2:  Write a 150-word summary of your response to one of the four scenarios, including information that responds to the questions. You must cite, in APA format, at least two references within the summary and include these in an APA reference list. You must also include a title page that includes your name and student ID, course number and name, date, and title of the assignment indicating which of the two topics you chose.

Step 3:  Save and submit your assignment.

Model 2 Fast Food Meal

Pick a fast food meal that is of interest to you. The meal needs to include at least 3 items. For an example, a meal is usually considered a sandwich or salad, starch (often French fries) and a drink.
Write a 1 page summary (in APA format) about the main food served at the restaurant and include a paragraph on choosing a nutritious meal there. In your report, for the meal you chose including all 3 items, you will need to include:
Total calories for the meal (add the calories for all 3 items)
Total fat calories (add all fat calories for all three items)
Percentage of fat calories (for example, if the meal is a total of 2400 calories and the fat calorie total is 800 the percentage of fat calories is 33%)
Total carbohydrate calories (add all three items carb calories)
Total sodium (in mgs) and total cholesterol (in mgs) for the meal
Please provide a copy of the menu on which your report is based. Some Websites provide a PDF version of their nutritional information which you can download and submit along with your report. Other options include taking a screenshot or using a camera/phone to take a picture of the screen. Whichever method you choose, just be sure that the nutritional information can be clearly read

Health and Human Rights

Now that you know that health is identified as a human right in the Declaration of Human Rights, what is 1 conclusion can you draw on the role of the health professional and policy maker in working to actively reduce health disparity? 

No header
No title
No paragraph titles
No page numbers
No name on the page
No header page
Times new roman
12 pt

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essay Question #10: Elections are ultimately about the choices that citizens make in a democracy. Describe the three factors that influence voters decisions.  In your answer, be sure to provide examples from recent elections of the role that each of these three factors played in determining how people voted.

Relevant sections of law

Scenario #1 – A potential client walks in….He says that he’d been pulled over and charged with Failing to Stop for a Stop Sign. The potential client says that there was no stop sign placed at the intersection and so he proceeded through it without stopping. You drove to the intersection for a look and see that there is in fact a stop sign placed at the intersection. Please find the relevant section of the Highway Traffic Act with respect to stop signs. Please also find any relevant regulations and/or bylaws that speak any requirements that must be followed regarding stop signs, eg. size, colour, visibilty. Please then locate case law that would support your client at trial.

Scenario #2 – A potential client walks in….She yells into your office and says that she has been charged with Assault under the Criminal Code and is in a panic. She has the Crown’s disclosure and you see that they have elected to proceed on Summary Conviction. The potential client says that in broad daylight, they witnessed someone attempting to steal an old lady’s purse right out of her hands. They ran across the street and proceeded to punch and kick the would-be robber and when he fell down, they sat on him to stop him from running away. When the police arrive, they arrest and charge the robber but they also charge your potential client with Assault. Please locate the relevant sections dealing with Assault and discuss whether the use of reasonable force can be contemplated by the Judge at trial. Please find supportive case law and discuss the elements that would constitute assault and whether it might be justifiable as a reasonable use of force. If you were the Crown Prosecutor in this case, what would be your argument to counter the defence of reasonable force?