Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The final is a reflection paper on how you are suited to be a social worker. I would like you to focus around my 8 years in the military as a US Marine and the want to help military veterans. You should use the Super 8 for the structure of the paper and it should be 4 pages written in essay form.

Assess and reflect on:

Your knowledge about the field of social work.  In what ways do you feel prepared to enter this type of work?  In what aspects of child welfare practice do you need more knowledge?

Your personal values and the extent to which they fit with the social work practice;

Your comfort level with various types and forms of family groups;

Your ability to use a strength-based approach to this work;

Your attitude toward all members of a family in which there is family violence; and

The type of human service/social work employment setting in which you would like to be employed and why.

Natural Resources

1. According to OECD data which country spends the most on primary education? Use link:

2. According to OECD data which country has the highest poverty rate in children from 0-17? Use link:

3. Look at the same chart on poverty rate in children Use above link: . How many countries score better than USA?

4. Examine the pie chart. What does USA spend most of its mandatory spending money on? Use link:

5. Please explain what changes you (select one from pie chart) would you make (if any) to the USA total federal spending budget?

No cover page
No header
No title
No paragraph titles
No page numbers
No name on paper
Times New Roman
12 pt
Reference web pages and resources used

Effects of social media on business marketing

I need an annotated bibliography supporting my topic “Effects of social media on business marketing” -“Social media has a positive impact on the businesses marketing”.
This is the instructions I was given:In this activity you will write and upload an annotated bibliography about your topic. An annotated bibliography is a list of references with annotations following each reference citation. Annotations are notes that summarize this reference by covering (a) the focus/scope of a reference, (b) the argument it makes, and (c) the evidence  it offers to support this argument, (d) how you can use this reference in your paper. You need to include at least 7 references in your annotated bibliography.

I will also attach examples of how this annotated bibliography should look like.

Financial Returns and Capital Constraints

I have chosen H&M as my company of research. They are a clothing company originating in Sweden, but they are very popular in the U.S. I do not quite understand everything and need a bit of help.

Include the following content in this section.

    Formulate the expected financial returns and associated risks by completing the following calculations.
        Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
        Calculate the Constant Growth Stock Valuation (CGSV) and compare it to the current stock price.
    Research your companys industry and evaluate what type(s) of capital constraints your company must consider in order to be competitive in the market. Explain the appropriate financial techniques that would be used in this evaluation.

A wedding plan

You are the Event Leader and planner of your event, and your course project should encompass the following items in the following sequence (use this as an outline for your project).

1.    Title page
2.    Table of content
3.    Introduction
4.    Expectations of the event planners, client, attendees, and other stakeholders. What are their goals? Then, review how you will meet those goals.
5.    Describe the concept and theme that you have selected based on the stakeholders expectations. Present any background or facts that will enable the reader to clearly understand the issues. Explain why you chose that concept and theme, and how it supports the goals of the event. Include the number of attendees, exhibitors (if any), location, date, staff, and any sub-events, as appropriate.
6.    Prepare the event budget and describe how you will realistically acquire needed funds (if through sponsorship, attendance, etc). Also include if this is a for-profit, break-even, or not-for-profit event.
7.    Review the contracts, permits, and ethical issues you may encounter. Explain any potential legal implications.
8.    Choose a location for this event. Research the Internet for various possibilities. Give a brief analysis and description of the location. Include a detailed description of dcor, furniture, fixtures, or any special requirements.
9.    Describe how you will set this event. Include a timeline, which works backwards from the start time detailing the load-in factors and set-up times.
10.    Explain how you plan to market the event. How would you create interest with the potential attendees of the event? What type of pre-event communications might be used to motivate the guests or attendees?
11.    How will your guests or attendees be arriving? How are they traveling to the event? How will they be greeted when they arrive to the event site?
12.    Describe the event atmosphere and physical environment at the event site. Explain the venue at the event site.
13.    Describe your plan for any food or beverages served at the event: menu, serving style. Explain how the menu and serving style correlate with the concept and theme of the event.
14.    Describe your plan for activities at the event. Thoroughly explain the activities and what you require for this event. What type of entertainment will you have? An event is like a theatrical play; it has a plot, message, and characters (event components).
15.    When an event is over, all that is left are memories. What amenities might you give to your guests; a giveaway that will provide a tangible memory?
16.    Review the vendors you will be using to handle aspects of your event (such as catering).
17.    Detail technology you will be using — audio/visual, interactive, communications, or other special technology required for your event.
18.    Review safety and security policies, and procedures you would incorporate into the event.
19.    What accommodations do you need for special needs of your guests?
20.    Detail how you would manage the cleaning and breakdown of the event.
21.    Include a summary and/or conclusion for your project.
22.    Include a reference page.

Description: Individual task. Answer the following questions in a single document using the material and information given to you throughout the course. Once you have decided which country you will be working in, the UK, Canada or the USA, you must re

Individual task.
Answer the following questions in a single document using the material and information given to you throughout the course. Once you have decided which
country you will be working in, the UK, Canada or the USA, you must research and find the laws or regulations that correspond to the questions that you are
answering. Remember to use Harvard citations in the document and to provide a reference page at the end.
1. Jim who recently quit his job after receiving a very large bonus payment is interested in forming his own business. He is not sure how to begin and he has
asked you to help him identify and analyze what company formation options he has available. He can set up his business in the UK, Canada or the USA,
he will go where you decide.
a. Please advise him on what it means to be unincorporated, the advantages and disadvantages
b. Then explain to him the significance of opening an incorporated business? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business?
c. Then explain to him what is a Limited Liability Partnership? What responsibilities and liabilities do the partners have for themselves individually, to
the firm/to each other in the firm and to the public?
d. Explain to Jim if he needs additional capital to begin his new company what are some ways he could finance his new company?
2. 5 years later Jim has done very well but he is facing competition from 4 other similar businesses, he is considering the idea of merging with one of his
competitors or trying to acquire one of them.
a. Explain to Jim what a merger is. Then identify and explain the steps that he and the other party would need to take to merge together remember
this will vary country to country.
b. Jim was able to convince Bob to merge their companies together, explain to Jim what three separate groups of professionals are recommended to
be consulted to assist him with this merger.
c. Explain to Jim and Bob what issues they will need to agree to when the two comes merge into one new company. For example, who will be the
Director, etc
3. (In case Jim cannot merge with someone) Jim soon realizes that none of his competitors want to merge with him but still facing stiff competition, so he
asks you to assist him in acquiring one of the competitors to give him a bigger advantage in the market.
a. Explain to Jim what is an acquisition and then explain to him the different ways he can acquire one of his competitors company.
b. Explain to Jim what the significance of him acquiring a competitors company would be in relations to control of the company, decision making,
directors, etc
4. If Jim cannot merge with a competitor is there the possibility of a Strategic Alliance or Joint Venture between the parties?
a. Explain what is a Strategic Alliance? What are the main characteristics of a strategic alliance and the advantages/disadvantages?
b. Explain what is a Joint Venture? What are the main characteristics of a joint venture and the advantages/disadvantages?

How Coronavirus will effect work in the future

Address how, due to the corona, HRM will be changed as a system and how it will affect strategy development. How will human resources be planned (eg laying off jobs, reducing the number of employees or using other programs), the recruitment mechanism and setting salaries, administrative development, employee motivation and motivation after the implications of human resources … in general the future of human resources

Please answer both questions in addition to analyzing the situation in terms of human resources

It is important to explain some comments with diagrams and charts


Review the Assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the Assignment tab at the top of your screen, and then selecting each Unit# – Assignment, reviewing the description, type, and deliverables. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1 – 4? What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? Although not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.

Explain the differences between domestic banks and international banks.

How do U.S. companies use international banks?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 10 page resource paper. Deadline April 26th
HEALTH RESOURCES/REFERRALS KIT PROJECT ( Handout for the final one day training design)
Training TOPIC: Alcohol abuse prevention
Target Audience :Parents
1. If you were a health educator, counselor or other health professional and a client, consumer or other person in need came to you with a health problem, and you wanted to refer them for help, what would you need? Would you want to be familiar with the resource/referral? Is it still in operation? Is there a reliable contact person (if applicable)? What information is needed for the consumer to contact the agency: address, phone number, email, url, contact person, transportation provided, health insurance accepted, etc.? This kit is for and about your design topic.
2.  Collect 7 items for your health topic. Confirm that the items are currently active. You may not include: catalogues, journal articles, magazines, papers or class notes, textbooks or copied pages from textbooks. You may not include news and information web resources like WebMD.  PLEASE include a variety of health agencies, support programs and community based organizations in New York US especially places where clients can go to. As a part of contact information, please include website links to places your clients can go. Be specific.
3. Prepare your 8-page kit with a title page with your topic and any other relevant information you deem necessary to introduce your kit.
Then prepare 1 (one) page for each resource and list the resource title, how to access the resource and whatever information you as the referring agent and the consumer might need. For each resource, write a blurb of 100-200 words identifying and describing the resource, explaining how it is appropriate for the population selected and what it provides.
    five different types of resources – 7 resources total
    appropriateness of materials for selected population
    currency of materials (2015 and newer) or evidence of recent confirmation
    usefulness of resources
    a variety of different types of materials/resources are selected
    quality, credibility and proximity of resources
    blurb is descriptive and informative
    organization, ease of finding materials

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Wall Street Journal article Samsungs New Challenge: Rising Component Costs, and the Business Insider article Samsung Introduced 10 Times as Many Phones as Apple Last Year, but Its Mobile Division Made

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Wall Street Journal article Samsungs New Challenge: Rising Component Costs, and the Business Insider article Samsung Introduced 10 Times as Many Phones as Apple Last Year, but Its Mobile Division Made Half as Much Revenue
(Links to an external site.)
In a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) assess how Samsungs technological smartphone innovation accounts for the companys sales growth of mobile devices worldwide.
In your paper, determine whether Samsung could benefit by implementing a global product line-up strategy to pursue profitability. To make the determination go to official website and locate the Investor Relations link to retrieve Samsungs financial statements. Utilize the SEC filings and annual reports to summarize Samsungs principal goods and services, market share, geographic locations where it operates, and major competitors.
Samsung is a leading smartphone vendor worldwide. In 2017, Samsungs market share of the global smartphone market was at around 21.6% with Apple as its closest competitor in the market. As the worlds biggest smartphone maker, Samsung tries to keep profits up in its mainstay mobile phone business, but the rising costs of the components that go into its devices proves to be a challenge.
In your paper,
Assess whether Samsung could benefit by using Activity Based Costing (ABC). Your evaluation should include
factor(s) that influenced your decision,
the ramifications of implementing ABC in the Global smartphone market, and
how you would structure the distribution of costs using ABC for Samsung.
Assess whether Samsung could benefit by using a standard cost system. Your evaluation should include
the factor(s) that influenced your decision,
the ramifications of costs, quantity, and variances, and
the ramifications of using standard costs in the global smartphone market.
Explain how Samsung could benefit by product pricing in terms of cost-plus concepts. This explanation should include
Samsungs future plans, such as, expansion, consolidation, and downsizing, and
how costs concepts could be used in the decision making.
The Samsungs New Challenge: Rising Component Costs Final Paper
Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style resource
(Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013
(Links to an external site.)
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice
(Links to an external site.)
resource for additional guidance.
Must include an Introduction and Conclusion paragraph. In the introduction paragraph indicate the purpose of your paper and provide an overview of the research design used. Introduce the various topics that will be addressed in the research paper. Identify the method(s) that will be used to collect the data for the topics and how that data will be evaluated.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions
(Links to an external site.)
as well as Writing a Thesis Statement
(Links to an external site.)
, refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must add an APA heading (Level 1 or Level 2) for each one of the topics discussed in the research paper as shown:
Introduction (APA Level 1)
Samsungs Principle Goods and Services (APA Level 1)
Global Market Share (APA Level 1)
Geographic Locations (APA Level 1)
Major Competitors (APA Level 1)
Activity Based Costing (ABC) (APA Level 1)
Production Costs of Cellphones (APA Level 2)
Samsung’s New Challenge: Cellphones Rising Component Costs (APA Level 2)
Standard Cost System (APA Level 1)
Cost-Plus Concepts (APA Level 1)
Samsungs Future Plans (APA Level 1)
Use the following APA Style blog to read about the APA Five Levels of Headings
(Links to an external site.)
Must use at least five scholarly and/or credible articles from ProQuest Business, industry databases and, and comprehensive accounting databases FASB codification, AICPA, and SEC reference library sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources
(Links to an external site.)
table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper guide.
(Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List
(Links to an external site.)
resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric
(Links to an external site.)
for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.