Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

promoting rational and critical debate

THE VOICE OF THE PUBLIC(S): In May of 2019, the Canadian/American cartoon Arthur made the news. The wildly popular childrens series, which can be found on PBS in the US and CBC in Canada (and many more stations around the world), aired an episode (Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone) that featured a same-sex wedding. While many applauded the move, Alabama Public Television banned the episode. In response, a church in Birmingham, Alabama decided to screen the episode for the community. Drawing on at least three course authors, how might you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a program like Arthur in promoting rational-critical debate?

Presentation-Country Italy

Section I presentation will describe the country demographics, healthcare stats of the population, system of healthcare (government, nonprofit, mixed or private-run hospital, providers, and clinics) along with the level of medical logistics are in place to serve the countrys health.

Have a reference slide after each section discussed.  Each persons section should take 4-5 minutes of the total recorded presentation time (meet max and minimum time). Each section should have a title slide showing the section and the name of the presenter covering the section.  You should have approximately 4 slides along with your transition and reference slide.

The presentation itself:  Requirements listed  (example slide attached)  MAKE SURE TO MEET GUIDELINES IN THE ATTACHED.       

I have attached the references that we added as a group. I have also attached the PowerPoint design to be used.

Ensure to add notes for each slide.


Principles of Management

Produce a 1500 word individual essay (+/- 10%)
The essay must apply one or two appropriate theories to justify a statement
Must present work in an academic style: justified pagination, page numbers, student name and ID on each page, correct citation and referencing on the back page(s) (APA referencing style)
-Must cite at least 10 academic sources
Minimum 7 refereed quality journal articles; no more than 1 book

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Create a current state map for the mailroom operation for categories 1-3 (page 6). Start your value stream map with delivery of the mail to ING.

Additional information:
Assume 1000 pieces of mail for your inventory calculations
Receiving and transporting the mail to the mailrooms take 5 min each
Creating the calculator tapes takes 5 minutes, in 20% of the cases the totals of the two  tapes are different
Manual verification takes 1 minute, totals are rarely wrong.
Use a weighted average for the processing time of CIFing
You do not have to calculate total lead time and processing time since some of the processes are performed at the same time, but you need to show the timeline.
Show how you calculated your times

Detecting corona virus using molecular and biochemical methods

How can you detect corona virus using the different molecular and biochemical techniques that you have learned this semester.

DNA extraction, PCR, Electrophoresis, ELISA, Western blot.

* You have to do literature search on the current posted findings.

Expected from me to write:

1.Introduction (Overview of the disease)

2.Methodologies used in detecting the virus, if any of our techniques aren’t used you can include it as suggestion!

3.Current findings

4. conclusion

5. Citation

english df response

Respond to each students post. Please respond by name.

Meghan wrote:
I feel that the primary stressor in David and Giovanni’s relationship is David himself. He so badly wants to be in love with Giovanni, but he just can’t let himself do it. As David stated “Giovanni’s face, which I had memorized so many mornings, noons, and nights, hardened before my eyes, began to give in secret places, began to crack. The light in the eyes became a glitter; the wide and beautiful brow began to suggest the skull beneath. The sensual lips turned inward, busy with the sorrow overflowing from his heart. It became a stranger’s face- or it made me so guilty to look on him that I wished it were a stranger’s face (Baldwin, pg 75)”. He looks back on their relationship and although he seems to be “murdering him” he can’t help but to love him. Although he knows its not right (for David) he can’t resist. He knows that Hella is coming back, but doesn’t want to be with her. He want’s Giovanni and I believe that is another cause for stress as he knows he’s going to leave him for her. At one point he had sex with a lady named Sue to forget about both of his significant others, but it did not work. “Sue was not Hella and she did not lessen my terror of what would happen when Hella came: she increased it, she made it more real than it had been before (Baldwin, pg100)”. David was scared about what was going to happen to his life and to everyone else’s. Although he tried to escape the thoughts they still followed him everywhere he went.

Baldwin, J. (2016). Giovannis room. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Grace wrote:

Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma ( This intern makes me believe that certain circumstances warrant the need for euthanasia and I do feel that it is the patients choice! For example, if a patient is in the hospital dying from cancer that has attacked their whole body and they are in pain everyday, not being able to function or communicate much, and they express the need to hurry the dying process up with a medication, I do feel as though they have this right. I think it is much of a family issue when it comes down to it, because they do not want to see or hear their loved ones ready to give up the fight. Sometimes people can only do so much before they cant do it anymore. Another example would be if a person is doing alright now dying from a deadly disease, but in a short period of time they are in pain and suffering the choice to end their life early so, maybe his/her child does not have to see them in a vegetative state, is their option.

I do feel as though it is hard for a family member to call the shots for someone to be euthanized if they cannot speak for themselves. I think this is where the situations become hard and sticky. It comes down to everyone having their own rights, and if thats what a person wants to do if they met a certain criteria or requirement to be euthanized then that is their option.

Child and Adoloscent Development

The Instructions and guidelines are provided below.
For the Scenario and Data Set I have selected the first scenario which is included in the scenarios and data sets PDF. In addition I have also attached a template which can be used as an example for forming the analysis.

Western Equestrian Fraud Assignment

1.    How much cash is missing according to your estimate/calculation? Show your calculations and approach.
2.    What kind of corporate governance related changes would you make, especially as related to the Boards fiduciary duties? Make recommendations as to how they should change in order to meet the fiduciary requirements of a Board. Please review the enclosed Board of Directors document.

Attached are some reference

Facebook as an effective communication platform (for internal communication)

1. I need to develop a critique of the essay that I’ll attach and need to follow the instruction provided below on the second point (275 – 300 words), present any reference (min of 2 academic references)

2. Analyse characteristics of Facebook as a business communication tool to replace emails. In other words, what features and characteristics make Facebook an effective communication platform for business communication.

To do well in this assessment, students are expected to highlight the characteristics/features of Facebook which help in effective communication for the employees/organizations. It would be even better to include some of the challenges/hindrances presented by Facebook platform to make your evaluation more critical. You would need to conduct some research to support your arguments (a minimum of two references for each of the three posts). To make your arguments stronger, you may compare traditional communication methods (such as – F2F meetings, telephone, email etc.) with Facebook to prove/support your arguments.

variables/ research question

Outline a research question and hypothesis that interests you, (I selected does physical attractiveness impact sentecing within the legal system?) The writer may change it to something similar on the same topic if necessary. Describe the key variables. How could these variables be operationalized? Are there any ethical issues that arise when studying this topic? Also, be sure to label the independent and dependent variables. When responding to your classmates, suggest other ways that the variables in their research question could be operationally defined. and add references please.