Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Cover Letter

I want the writer to write the Cover letter for the job attached.
I have attached my resume to include some skills in the cover letter. This cover letter is being written to the recruiter. Please write the cover letter in simple English; I am not a great writer.
Since I have minor experience in the position that I am applying, I want to show that I am capable of learning the skills and would be able to handle the job. Make the cover letter relevant to the position from my expertise. Ask me if you have any questions.


World Christian class summary

Please follow the instructions, use the syllabus to write me a good summary for this religious course.

Also, please make sure you only cite from the textbook I attached, no other sources are allowed.

Please follow all the instructions listed for this writing assignment.

Animal Law New Zealand

Paper instructions:
This gets the student-researcher started on articulating research topic and gathering sources, gives chance for early feedback re feasibility, refinement and direction. Should be a 6-10 page roadmap of what the student intends to research, methodology of research, the issues it raises and how the research paper will be organised.

Thesis: Animal Welfare Act New Zealand, how can New Zealand better enforce animal welfare standards?

Following are the subheadings/plan for the proposal

-Thesis Statement
-Current Animal law legislation
-how NZ enforces animal welfare currently
-What are the NZ animal welfare issues
-compare it globally e.g. china – and a country with good animal welfare enforcement
-International standards/treaties
– how we can use examples from other countries and international standards/treaties for NZ
– The resources I will use in my research
– what i want to achieve in the research and how i will adapt if the research goes another direction

Globalizing an Organization

Select a company that has made significant changes in its organization in order to globalize. Describe the changes this company made in all of the four organizational features.

1) Organization structure comprises the reporting relationships in a businessthe boxes and lines.
2) Management processes comprise the activities such as planning and budgeting that make the business run.
3) People comprise the human resources of the worldwide business and include both managers and all other employees.
4) Culture comprises the values and rules that guide behavior in a corporation.

Assignment based on chapters 8 and 9 in attached material


The essay must include an Abstract that summarizes the paper
An Overview explaining the various aspects of the topic like, historical context, research findings, causes and effects of the disability and current trends
-Issues for teachers in the clasroom
-Issues for parents and students

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read my work and answer the following question:

What do you think are the five most important financial statistics for your colleagues to know about your chosen company and Why? Did you follow the sample Financial Guidelines?

make a 4 slides PPT using the one i provide

Cybersecurity Analysts and YOU!

For this first assignment, I want you to go out and find a job announcement for a cybersecurity analyst position.  Once you find the position, I want you to thoroughly review it and match your current qualifications to this position and then discuss where you feel you fall short.  I then want you to write about how you could fill any gaps you have with what the company is looking for in the position you find.

The reason being is with the PISCES project you will be working with, you will be gaining more experience in this field and something you would then be able to put on your resume when you complete the course.

Crisis Management and International Standards in IR/DR/BC

The following activity is designed to help you understand, reinforce, and retain concepts learned from Chapter 12, Crisis Management and International Standards in IR/DR/BC.  Specifically, students will apply critical thinking skills to analyze, assess, and discuss information and services made available to organizations to help with Continuity Management (CM) planning.

Chapter 12 Real-World Exercise 12-4:

Using the Internet, visit the Department of Homeland Security’s Web site.
Review and analyze the material found and answer the questions identified in the exercise.

Responses should exhibit understanding of the material covered.
Incorporate a Biblical or spiritual perspective on the topic.

People, Processes, and Technology

Writing Guidelines:

For this writing assignment, I want you to focus on the education of the workforce.  The article required for this module will help you develop your thoughts on the role of security awareness and education on ensuring the enterprise defense program is robust.

The Venn Diagram in the picture can help you decide how the “people” portion of the security illustration does cross over into the process and technology areas.  You may want to touch on these aspects as well in your paper.

The main question I want you to write about in your assignment is “How can the role of education and cybersecurity awareness help meet the cybersecurity challenges being levied on organizations and enterprises today?”

The paper should be between 2-4 pages in length. Double spaced and Times New Roman, 12-pt. 

If you use any other articles or reference material besides the textbook and the article provided, ensure you use the APA style to cite your resources.

Crisis Management and International Standards in IR/DR/BC

The following activity is designed to help you understand, reinforce, and retain concepts learned from Chapter 12, Crisis Management and International Standards in IR/DR/BC.  Specifically, students will have the opportunity to describe concepts covered in the text by responding in narrative form to a series of questions.

Chapter 12 Review Questions 1-20:

Answer each question using one to two substantive paragraphs.
Responses should exhibit understanding of the material covered.
Utilize one or more references to support your narrative.
List each question prior to answering.

Use APA 6th edition formatting.