Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level

1. Our road map in the Leader’s Handbook begins and ends with the six practices of leadership. Even though these steps are interdependent and are not sequential, developing a vision and strategy is an incredibly difficult task. In many ways, if you think of this from a competitive standpoint, you are creating a future, rather than following one. That takes a substantial amount of risk! For this week, critically analyze your company’s vision and strategy. Look at both the content and activities and then use the ‘five tests for your strategy’ and offer your opinion on creating a sustainable competitive advantage.

2. Life as we know it is busy and there is no shortage of items and activities that draw our attention and use up our time. As Master’s students, there is no shortage of things to do! Yet, our spiritual health is incredibly important. Do you have a strategy for managing your spiritual health? Do share but please, back your words up with His Words. Share with us your go to scriptures and those that help you find peace amidst the hurried environment we live.

Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level

From our readings this week, you will be required to write a brief summary for each of the theoretical models or concepts covered. The key here is to develop an inventory or reference guide to help you apply the theory/concept to a given situation. Each concept covered should at minimum be accompanied by a definition, and a paragraph explaining its application. You would be advised to include more pertinent information although this can easily be retrievable in the readings if it is referenced. See the example provided for you to serve as a template.

Discuss the Crimea/Donbass conflict between Ukraine and Russia and analyze it

Select a disagreement or a conflict between two or more international actors and analyze it using the following criteria:
1. Discuss each actors position on the issue in some detail.
2. Why has the actor adopted this position? What interests does the position serve?
3. On what is the disagreement between the two actors based? What is the incompatibility of interests?
4. Why is ones actor position perceived as harmful by the other actor?
5. What is each actors perception of the other? In other words, when discussed by the political leaders or the mass media of the actor in question, how is the adversary described?
6. Is that an accurate or fair depiction?
7.Try to propose a possible solution to overcome the incompatibility that does not require either side to make a fundamental realignment of interests. Is such a solution possible, in your estimate? 

see below

Final Project-Creating an Online Community

New York Stock Exchange As you have seen throughout the course, new media holds the power to bring people together as communities. Businesses and organizations around the world have recognized the importance of such communities, and developing online spaces for people to come together is now big business. In your Proposal and Annotated Bibliography, you selected a topic for a multimedia presentation proposing a New Media venture that will use what you have learned (during this course) to create a community for your chosen group. Now its time to present what you have learned as a multimedia presentation to potential investors in your new media venture to convince them why your new media venture will succeed.

To help you think about how you might present a pitch for your new media venture, you may want to review pitches that entrepreneurs have offered on the TV Shark Tank such as this one, Cate App (Links to an external site.) [Video file, 11:07 minutes] 

This assignment requires you to create a multimedia presentation. Imagine that you are presenting a pitch to investors to convince them to fund your new media product. Your multimedia presentation may be presented in the form of a slideshow using presentation software such as PowerPoint (Links to an external site.) or Prezi (Links to an external site.), a video, a podcast (Links to an external site.), or another form that is appropriate to your topic and allows for the use of more than one medium, such as text, video, audio, etc. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

Writing Requirements:

An introduction providing an overview of your topic and your new media venture. Why should investors be interested in your product or service?
A discussion of who your audience will be and why they need your product or service. What do you know about the audiences demographics? How will you use what you know to tailor your product or service to their needs and their expectations about new media? What research supports the need for this product or service?
An analysis of how your new media venture will build a community. What elements will help it succeed? How can you use what youve learned about communities to make your product or service more effective?
An identification of at least one ethical concern that might arise from your new media venture and an analysis of how you plan to address that concern. Some potential issues might include the potential for cyberbullying, the digital divide, catfishing, etc.
A conclusion that sums up your product or service and tries to convince investors to finance you.
Technical Requirements:

Present a slideshow of 10-12 slides, a video or podcast of no less than 6 minutes, or an equivalent presentation in another format.
Use at least one multimedia element such as an information-rich visual aid (such as a graph or chart), an audio component (such as a sound bite), or an embedded video.
Please refer to subject guide (Links to an external site.) in the Excelsior Library to help you perform research. Find 5 resources outside the course to support or develop your ideas. You may use the resources from your M4A1 Annotated Bibliography.
In addition, use and cite at least 2-3 resources from the course in your presentation as well.
Cite the text, specified readings, and research (with page numbers) and reference them at the end of the presentation using APA style.


Response to Instructor Discussion Questions

The Instructor will post between 2-4 Discussion Questions for each Module. You are required to respond to ONE question of your choice.
Your response to Instructor Discussion Questions should be at least 2-3 paragraphs long, with each paragraph consisting of 5-7 complete sentences. It will include a thoughtful and critical discussion
of the topic. Use of correct spelling and grammar is required.
Cite textbook sources thoroughly, i.e. (Stein 37).
You MUST LABEL your post as follows: Instructor Question #[Tell me which number you are responding to] Response
Instructor Question Due by 11:59pm Sunday, April 1

Precision Language

Objective: Develop an understanding of a prospective career path and a strategy for success using principles of research and media literacy.

Using your knowledge of informal, institutional, scholarly and journalistic sources, write a case study about your chosen career/field of study.

Your report must use the following outline and answer the following questions:

1. Introduction

Identify your chosen career and give an overview of your findings.

2. Key organizations

What are the three largest companies in Memphis (or your hometown, or a city you’d like to move to) in your industry? What do these companies do that others don’t? Why did you choose them? Be specific. Name at least three companies or organizations and give a brief summary of each.

3. Key skills

What are the key skills you need to succeed in this career? List and discuss the skills employers are seeking. Name at least five skills.

4. Current status (About 500 words)

What is the state of the industry? What is changing? What innovations are affecting the industry? What is the current, ongoing conversation about the industry?

5. Key influencers

Who are the key influencers in the industry? What are they saying about the industry? Follow them on social media. Name at least three influencers.

6. Conclusion

What do you plan to do in your professional life, considering this information.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

eing a child or an adolescent is not simply a biological stage of development.  It is a social identity.  Peoples experiences with this identity emerge from a particular cultural and historical context as well as the process of socialization that takes place within their families.  But many other social institutions assist in the process of raising children, often in ways that arent immediately apparent.

            To see firsthand how such socialization works, visit a large shopping mall.  Most malls today have childrens clothing stores (for example, Baby Gap).  If yours doesnt, go to one of the large department stores and find the childrens clothing section.  Start with the infants clothes.  Is there a difference between girls clothes and boys clothes?  Note the differences in style, color, and texture of boys versus girls clothes.  Collect the same information for clothes designed for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary school age children.

            Now find a store that specializes in clothes for preteens and teenagers.  How do clothing styles differ along gender lines at this age level?

            After collecting your data, try to interpret the differences you noticed.  Why do they exist?  What do these differences say about the kinds of social activities in which boys and girls are expected or encouraged to engage?  For instance, which clothes are rugged and which are dainty? How do such differences reinforce our cultural conceptions of masculinity and femininity? Turning your attention to teenagers, how do popular clothing styles encourage sexuality?

            The next stop on your sociological shopping trip is a toy store.  Can you detect a boys section and a girls section? How do you know?  How do the toys differ?  What sorts of interactions with other children do the toys encourage? Competition? Cooperation? Which toys are designed for active play?  Which seem to encourage passive play?  For what sorts of adult roles do the toys prepare children? Provide specific examples.

            Finally find a bookstore that has a childrens book section.  Which books are more likely to interest boys?  Which will interest girls?  Are there different sections for boy and girl books?  What are the differences in the sorts of characters and plots that are portrayed?  Does the bookstore have a section that contains books designed to help adolescents through puberty?  If so, do these books offer different advice to adolescent boys and girls?

            Use your findings in all these areas clothing, toys, and books, — to analyze the role that consumer products play in socializing children into appropriate gender roles.  Is there more or less gender segregation as children get older?  Do you think manufacturers, publishers, retail outlets, and so on are simply responding to market demands (that is, do they make gender specific products because thats what people want), or do they play a role in creating those demands.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find all of the answers in the included attachments and references (the sources are attached in the best order to correspond with the questions). In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.


The Year Leading To A Supereruption:

Fowler, S., Roush, R., & Wise, J. (2019). Section 1.2: The process of science. OpenStax Concepts of Biology.

Evaluating Scientific Information from Belk, C., & Maier, V. B. (2013). Biology: Science for life with physiology (4th ed., pp. 2-21). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.

Research Misconduct from Flynn, L. R., & Goldsmith, R. E. (2013). Case studies for ethics in academic research in the social sciences (1st ed., pp. 1-3). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Derry, G.N. (1999). Chapter 12: Questions of authenticity: science, pseudoscience, and how to tell the difference. In What science is and how it works. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Pew Research Center. (2015). Public and scientists’ views on science and society.

Bourgeois, D.T. (2019). Globalization and the digital divide. In Information systems for business and beyond.

De Cruz, H. (2017). Science and religion. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

National Academies Press. (2016). Science literacy and health literacy: rationales, definitions, and measurement.


Read the attach worksheet and answer the questions.
20/20 What Happened to Jackie? | UVA Rape Case [2020 Full Doc]

The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment)

Diaz vs. Carcamo Legal Analysis

The California Supreme Court ruled that an employer will be liable for injuries sustained by individuals due to the negligent driving of one of its employees, stating the following: A person injured by someone driving a car in the course of employment may sue not only the driver but also that driver’s employer. The employer can be sued on two legal theories based on tort principles: respondeat superior and negligent entrustment.

Respondeat superior, a form of vicarious liability, makes an employer liable, irrespective of fault, for negligent driving by its employee in the scope of employment. The theory of negligent entrustment makes an employer liable for its own negligence in choosing an employee to drive a vehicle.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, written in the third-person voice, that addresses the following:

Explore different types of principal-agency relationships, and determine what type of relationship exists in this case between the driver, Jose Carcamo, and the company, Sugar Transport of the Northwest, LLC.
What course of action do you recommend with respect to the lawsuit and Carcamo’s employment?
Does Sugar Transport’s HR department have any responsibility for their role in hiring Carcamo? If so, what other employment law issues do you find legally problematic concerning the hiring of Carcamo? Identify them and explain the legal issues and laws that were violated.

Include justification for your responses by citing applicable laws and/or legal cases in your discussion.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include headings that appropriately signal topics and that keep your document organized.

Never use the first- or second- person perspective in APA style writing, including annotations (e.g., I, me, my, you, your, we, us, our).

Use a minimum of three different sources within the paper in addition to the laws and legal cases required above, and provide in-text citations. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included in the References page.