Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Addressing Ethical Implications in the Treatment of ADHD

Generally, mental health professionals attempt to empower clients to care for their own problems by supporting client agency. However, in some cases clients may be stifled in their efforts to self-advocate. In other instances, clients may make dangerous, potentially lethal decisions out of misinformation or attempts to get high. Mental health professionals should be prepared to identify warning signs that might indicate a need to protect a client beyond asking that she or he take the necessary steps.

For this Assignment, review the ADHD case study of Junior in the Learning Resources. Consider the ethical implications of the clients presentation as well as the role of the mental health professional in treating this client. Plan steps to begin treatment of this clients condition.

By Day 7
In a 2- to 3-page, APA-formatted paper, include the following:

An explanation of what may be occurring in this case.
An explanation of the psychopharmacological interventions a mental health professional might recommend to treat this client and why these interventions might be necessary.
Address ethical implications that may be present in the clients presentation
Address larger ethical implications of medical treatment of ADHD by the mental health professional
Support your explanations with scholarly evidence and information from the DSM-5.

Thesis and Outline

Choose two people from the Humanities. These two people MUST be from the Humanities disciplines covered in this course. (art, music, film, theater, literature, religion, philosophy.) Your two people must be from different time periods, and be connected in some way. Perhaps one’s work influenced the other’s work, or they both addressed similar topics in their work.

Step 2: Using the outline template located in Course Materials, create your outline, due Sunday

you will identify two figures within the humanities from two different time periods around whom you’d like to build your course project. We explore some historical figures during our first week together – musicians, visual artists, actors, writers, architects, thinkers. Try to pick two figures who have something in common, such as a musician and an earlier poet they were influenced by, or an artist from today who was influenced by a jazz musician from the past, or two people from the same genre, different time periods.

Devise a one-page outline about these two figures, who will be the focus of your project. The outline should also include their contributions to the Humanities and any similarities and/or differences between them.

see below

Milestone 3: Final Paper

In Modules 3 and 5 you were asked to begin the preliminary work for your research paper. For this assignment, you are to complete writing a 5-page academic essay paper on the topic you selected in Module 3. Note this is not a letter to a president.  This is a research business paper.  This means it should written in formal English, your statements should be supported with evidence, and should give you an opportunity to apply concepts and theory learned in class.

For your research paper, be sure to include:

Title page (not included in the 5-page limit)
Introduction: a brief overview of topic selected, including why this topic is of importance to organizations (you may reuse the rationale in paper M3A1, but you need to edit the language to fit the introduction of your essay. Include a thesis statement/purpose for the paper.
Body of research paper: Develop the outline that you designed in M5A1. Make sure to use in-text citations in APA style.
Conclusion: Write a brief summary of your findings and a call to action. A call to action for at least one action or step you want the President to take after reading your research paper (you may use the items identify in the application for professional practice).
References: Insert a page with the references used for your paper, in APA style.

see below

Change Management

You are a consultant to an organization experiencing considerable change as a result of a major lay off. You learn that most of the remaining employees are resistant to any change the organization is making.  What would you do to assist the leadership of the organization in assisting employees working through the change?

see below

Strategic Planning Case Study Paper
For this assignment, you will be asked to read a case study and then answer some questions related to the case.  This case deals with assessing and evaluating programs within an organization.

Title: Case Study: Strategic Planning for a Youth Services Organization (Links to an external site.)

Robert Morris University Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management

Case Analysis
Based on this case answer the following questions:

What strategies used in this case do you believe can be used by other organizations?
If you had to consult with this organization, what 3 recommendations would you offer them on what to learn from this incident and apply it to subsequent issues with which they are dealing?
Identify 3 reasons you believe board members shifted into true governance.

see below

New Media Blog 4

One of the most widely practiced forms of new media is blogging, a form of communication with an audience where the most recent updates appear above previous updates. Blogs are incredibly diverse in both authorship and audience. In 2003, there were only 1 million blogs in the world, but today it is estimated that there are more than 150 million blogs, posting more than 1 million entries per day. More than one third of internet users read blogs. Now its your chance to practice blogging.

During our course, youll be asked to keep a blog in which you will explore new media and offer your thoughts on the new media you use. For each blog entry, you may submit your response as a written blog post, a recorded audio podcast, or a video blog (vlog). Be creative!

You will submit a blog entry in weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7.

For each of the four entries, you will need to do the following:

Select a new media site to try, preferably one you have not used before. New media sites might include social networks like Facebook or Twitter, photo sharing sites like Instagram and Pintrest, video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo, discussion forums such as Reddit, or special interest web communities such as Above Top Secret (for space alien enthusiasts) or (for fan fiction enthusiasts).
Use your chosen site for 3-4 days and make observations about your experience. How difficult was it to sign up or to log in? What did you like? What did you not like? Did you find it to be easy to use or challenging? Did you feel welcome?
Produce a blog post in which you review your chosen piece of new media and evaluate it. Describe it for your readers, explain what you see as the positive and negative aspects of the piece of new media, and conclude by either recommending or not recommending that others explore this piece of new media as well.
Your post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (if written) or 2-3 minutes in length (for audio or video).
There are specific requirements for each modules blog. For this activity, you will blog your thoughts on media and self-presentation.

For your final blog entry, select a new media site of your choice and consider how users can engage in self-presentation. How do they share information about their identities? Is there any way to know that the person is telling the truth? What could be done to help users determine whether others self-presentation is honest?

Developing Adult

Assignment: A 3-page essay, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, APA Style required, and use title page, but not an abstract. At least 3 full pages of text. Points are taken off for essays that are not the full length required. You MUST use at least TWO citations – feel free to use more.

I have downloaded research that may assist you with legitimizing your claims in your essay – this research is in the sub-Module below titled, Social & Personality Development in Late Adulthood Research. These are sources cited in the textbook (Feldman, 2014), lectures, and PowerPoints. Though reading one or two journal articles is recommended, you are not required to read or cite any of the journal articles that I have downloaded; however, two citations are still required. No ebooks were downloaded.

Recall what sorts of relationships are important in late adulthood.

Friendships are important in later life because they offer personal control, companionship, and social support.

Family relationships, especially with siblings and children, provide a great deal of emotional support for people in later life.

Although there is no single cause for the increasingly prevalent phenomenon of elder abuse, “it often is the result of a combination of economic, psychological, and social pressures on caregivers who must provide high levels of care 24 hours a day” (Feldman, 2014, p. 591) .

QUESTIONS/PROMPTS TO ANSWER: Think about yourself OR a person in your life who is currently in late adulthood and describe the person overall. Recall that Feldman (2014) stated, “there is no single way to age successfully” (p. 573). Of the three theories presented about successful aging (disengagement, activity, continuity), which theory (or another theory of which you have learned about in class) best represents the person you chose? Why does this theory apply to the person chosen?

What kinds of relationships does the person have? Are the relationships beneficial to the person or detrimental? Are there any age stratification issues that prevent this person from flourishing in relationships? If so, which age stratification issues? Describe what you think can be done, or what theory can be used, to improve the relationships, if needed? You do not have to specifically name an individual; please use a pseudonym.


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find most of the answers in the included attachments (the sources are attached in the best order to correspond with the questions). In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.


Read sections 1.1 and 1.2 from Unit 1, Introduction to Biology from Fowler, S.,  Roush R. & James, & Wise, J. (2013) Concepts of Biology. Houston, TX. Retrieved from

Rodriguez-Sedano, A., Paris, A., & Mut, M. (2011). People and Technology Today: Some Educational Implications. US-China Education Review, 8(5), 627-636.
Ready pages 627-636 to appreciate the vast opportunities that exist in the fields of science and technology.

Please read Stinson, S., Bogin, B., & O’Rourke, D. (Eds.). (2012). Human biology : An evolutionary and biocultural perspective.

Please read Chapter 5, sections 5.1-5.6, “Newtons Laws of Motion” from Moebs, W., Ling, S. & Sanny, J. (2016).  University Physics Volume I. Houston, TX. Retrieved

Please read chapter 1 An Introduction to the Human Body fsections 1.1-1.5 rom Aguilar-Roca, N. (2018). Essential Physiology. OpenStax CNX. retrived from[email protected].

Read chapter 1 sections 1.1-1.3 for a background into the science of psychology and its evolution, along with its application and impacts on daily life.  from Spielman, R., Dumper, K. Jenkins, W., et. al. (2019)  Psychology. OpenStax retrived from[email protected]:6HoLG-TA@12/Introduction

14.5 The Pursuit of Happiness from Spielman, R., Dumper, K. Jenkins, W., et. al. (2019)  Psychology. OpenStax retrived from[email protected]:6HoLG-TA@12/Introduction

Please read Chapter 30, sections 30.1-30.4 for an overview of the conditions that make Earth hospitable to life and the search for life beyond Earth from
Andrew Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D. & Wolf, S. (2016). Astronomy.

Knaier, R. G. (2017). Homeopathy on Trial: Allen V. Hylands, Inc. And a Failure of Evidentiary Gatekeeping. Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 57(3), 361396.


Technology has allowed even the smallest organization to operate internationally.  Along with this amazing opportunity comes many challenges.  I would like for you discuss a few of these challenges from an organizational behavior standpoint, meaning challenges within the organization itself.  You can either discuss the company you currently work for, or you can discuss a company that you are familiar with in some way.

discussing the implications of this addiction

One of the purposes of the original project was to help you become aware of how obsessed your peers are with their smart phones. Unfortunately, we lost that opportunity with the move to online delivery. Nevertheless, you probably knew before starting what you were going to see. As an alternative project, please read the article linked below. Think it through carefully and then write a paper discussing the implications of this addiction — which now extends beyond your generation — on society, relationships, and the workplace. I am looking for a couple of pages of thoughtful reflection. You now have until noon on Friday (April 17) to submit your project.

web link: