Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Discussion: Pay-Offs and Risks of Capital Investments

a brief description of a major capital investment, e.g., property, buildings, building additions, equipment, software, or technology that will last more than a year, that you might recommend for the public organization. Discuss how the use of cost benefit analysis could be use to determine if this investement is a financially sound one for the organization. Then, analyze its potential pay-offs and risks, and explain how the organization might mitigate those risks.

Profile of a leader

Final Project Guidelines
Profile of a Leader
As a future public administrator, you will want to familiarize yourself with what constitutes excellence in public and nonprofit sector leadership. In this Final Project, you write a profile of a leader who may or may not embody these characteristics of excellence. To do so, select an individual who is especially interesting to you and use what you have explored in this course as a foundation. You may select any contemporary leader of a public (e.g., government), or nonprofit organization (including your own organization) as long as it is someone for whom there is sufficient information to provide an effective analysis of successful management and leadership in public and nonprofit organizations. The leader you interview can function at any management level of the organization, from supervisor to president of the board of trustees.
The Final Project 
(1518 pages, not including title page and references)
The Final Project is a synthesis of the elements of successful leadership covered in the weekly assignments, including any recommendations given by the Instructor and student colleagues.  The Final Project is to be completed in three parts:
Week 1: Interview Consent Form
Secure the permission to interview your selected leader in the public or nonprofit sector for your Final Project using the Interview Consent Form provided in this weeks Learning Resources. The Interview Consent Form should be submitted in Week 4 along with the Final Project Proposal.
Week 4: Final Project Proposal 
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper describing the leader you propose to interview and why you chose this leader. Also submit a list of interview questions you have created to ask him or her. Submit no later than Day 7 of Week 4. Incorporate Instructor feedback into your Final Project in Week 10. 
Note: Together with the leader you are interviewing, you will create a pseudonym to protect his or her confidentiality, and inform the interviewee that his or her real name will not be used. In addition, no personal information other than professional credentials (e.g., education, leadership role, job history) will be shared either in this proposal or the Final Project. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Anthropologists study many different aspects of humanity in order to fully understand the diversity of the human species.  One of these aspects concerns our development as a species, both physically and culturally.  For the assignment, the student will first discuss and investigate evolution as viewed by physical anthropology, and then the student will investigate and discuss evolution from one other subfield cultural, linguistic, or archaeological.

In a 4-6 page written assignment, answer the following questions.

1) Define evolution using the course materials. 
2) Define physical anthropology.  Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution.
3) Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. the Human Genome Project).  Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution.  Conduct original research, do not use the genome project because that example is given in class.  Be sure to cite your source.
4) Choose and define a second subfield of anthropology (cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or archaeology).
5) Discuss some of the general ways an anthropologist in this second subfield investigates evolution.
*Remember, evolution can apply to both physical and societal changes, so things like language and customs can evolve just as much as bodies and brains can.
6) Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which anthropologists in this second subfield are studying evolution. Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution.  For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that change (conduct your own original research, do not use this example).  Be sure to cite your source.
8) Discuss how the study of evolution between physical anthropology and your chosen subfield compares and contrasts.
9) Conclude by discussing and reflecting on one new piece of information you learned about evolution.

Coaching: Finding articles to use for this Assignment
Review this screencast or script to help you learn to locate appropriate college-level sources using the search tool in our Library.
Review this FAQ page from our Librarian: How do I find the full text of publications associated with active anthropological research projects that focus on evolution or culture?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Scholarly Paper
Final Project: Updated (80 points total)

The final project allows students to develop a case conceptualization of a client and its application in the area of helping relationships and counseling skills. The aim of this project is to learn about the helping professions in greater depth by applying it to a client of your choosing.  Topics will revolve around areas noted in our text such as essential counseling skills that will enhance the helping relationship (i.e. empathy and empathic responses; probing and summarizing; challenging self and client; helping clients tell their stories; helping clients establish and reach their goals).

You can use a TV, movie, celebrity or book character for this project.  Please find at least three scholarly journals to supplement the textbook in your rationale of working with the individual. Be sure to cite correctly with APA when using scholarly resources as plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in a zero for the assignment. Proper spelling, grammar are expected as well. The case conceptualization should be 6 pages double spaced minimum in length. You may write the project up in narrative form, following the headers below.

Background information In your paper identify the TV/book/movie setting, individuals, family members and any other important relationships of your identified client. Include demographic information, such as age, grade in school, employment status, and other history (e.g., military history, current or past legal problems) that seems relevant to the presenting problem and strengths of the client.

Multicultural considerations: CACREP 2.F.2.c, CMH 5.C.2.j;Describe the cultural background (using every letter) of your client using either the RESPECTFUL or ADDRESSING model. Describe at least one multicultural counseling skill you will use to address this consideration.

Presenting Problem:  Describe the reason the individual is seeking counseling at this particular time (i.e., the presenting problem). Why did the client come to you (from the clients perspective or other referring stakeholder)? How long has the problem(s) persisted? Note the intensity, frequency and duration of symptoms.

Resources and Strengths : Describe the resources that are already available to the client (individual, family, friends, spiritual, community supports). Describe additional resources that would benefit and support fostering wellness in the client.

Role as a counselor : CACREP 2.F.5.f; 2.F..5.n; Identify two ways you will build rapport to enhance a strong working alliance. Describe your role as a counselor with this particular individual. (If this is a group project, this part must be done individually for each group member and copy and pasted in the final project.)  Identify specific counselor characteristics and cultural factors that may influence the process. Analyze areas for growth for you to consult about and competently best treat this client. What is involved with your current self-care plan? How do you plan to manage your ongoing self-care?

Therapeutic Dialogue :  CACREP 2.F.5.g Share pieces of an actual dialogue from the movie, tv, book with the character and then create a mock response from you (or your team) as a counselor as it relates to each of these:

Identify how and when you would use one nonverbal prompt in session

Create one empathic response to the client

Create one probing prompt to the client

Create an open ended question to ask the client

Provide a summary to something the client has said in the dialogue

Treatment planning CACREP 2.F.5.d , 2.F.5.g; Formulate a tentative treatment plan for the individual based upon your book and at least one evidenced based journal article:

How will you help the client tell their story? What is the clients story, real story, and right story? (5 points)

Where in the stages of change is the client? You are also to identify trouble spots you might encounter while working with this particular individual, including reluctant and resistant behaviors to self defeating thoughts & behaviors. Students will identify how they would address any issues presented.

How will you help clients design and set goals? Apply SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) and identify two goals for the client.

How might you establish a feedback loop in counseling? How to you help clients design the way forward? (5 points)

Community resources (5 points) CACREP  2.F.5.k, 2.F.5m; Identify three resources in your local community as it relates to this topic as well as three national or international level resources and how you would refer your client. 

Ethical considerations (5 points)  CACREP 2.F.1.i , CMH 5.C.2.l;  Students will apply and cite two ACA Code of Ethics in this section. Describe any ethical or legal issues that pertain to the case and their impact. Examples of ethical issues that could be considered are: transference/countertransference, court-referred clients, informed consent, boundary violations, poor self-care, limits of confidentiality, and any mandated reporting required (e.g. Child or Adult Protective Services).

Professionalism & scholarly resources(10 points total) You must use at least three scholarly articles or resources (in addition to our book), one specifically in the treatment section and the other two in other sections of your choosing. Be sure to cite correctly with APA when using scholarly resources as plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in a zero for the assignment. Professionalism, proper spelling, grammar are expected as well.


Laurie Clarke. (2020, February 12). Report on AI in UK public sector: Some transparency on how government uses it to govern us would be nice. The Register.

You will be
required to summarise and analyse it with regards to:
the evidence and sources its key arguments are based on, 
the societal benefits and/or risks it raises, and
alignment with ethical technological design principles.

Ability to clearly describe in your own words the article’s content and
Ability to identify the key arguments and explain the underpinning
Ability to critically evaluate the arguments and evidence, using an
ethical technological design framework. 
Ability to appropriately cite and reference your sources.

submission should answer the following questions:
A. Who has written the article? Where has it been published? What is the
expertise/reputation of the publication venue? When was it published?
B. What is the article about? Summarise the key argument(s) in your own words 
C. What evidence (e.g. academic research, government report, company statement, etc.) is
referred to, described, and/or otherwise used to support the key argument(s)?
D. Where do you agree and where do you disagree with the key arguments? What evidence
supports your views?
2020  2
E. Which principle(s) of Beard & Longstaffs Ethical Design Framework are most relevant to
the issues discussed in this article? How does this framework help to evaluate the articles
key arguments?

Professional identity is defined as ones professional self-concept based on attributes, beliefs, values, motives and experiences (Ibarra, 1999; Schein 1978 as cited in Slay, Smith, Khapova, & Arthur, 2011, p. 1). Identify three (3) attributes of pr

Respond to the essay question which is based on content that has been presented and discussed in Enquiry 1.

Professional identity is defined as ones professional self-concept based on attributes, beliefs, values, motives and experiences (Ibarra, 1999; Schein 1978 as cited in Slay, Smith, Khapova, & Arthur, 2011, p. 1).

Identify three (3) attributes of professional identity; and discuss how each attribute guides the provision of safe and effective client care within healthcare settings.


The work submitted will include a (10 minute) audio recording with the following components/ a written speech 850 words
    A clearly identified client with whom you intend to work, together with the client details and a summary of the presenting issues. Do not merely provide the description of the Case Scenario as provided to you.
    Describe the problem(s) according to your assessment of the situation and provide a Case or Problem Formulation. This formulation needs to be couched in language that leads logically to the choice of a Solution-focussed intervention for working with the client.
    Provide a rationale for using Solution-focussed intervention and describe the process of intervention you would undertake with the client, together with your reasoning.
    Provide a critically reflective commentary on your responses to this scenario which should include reference to you values, beliefs, experiences and sense of self in this scenario.

Marks will be awarded as follows:
Clarity of case description with clearly identified client, together with provision of client details as required in case notes, PLUS clarity of description of an identified presenting problem with a statement of the case formulation. 8/30
Discussion of the philosophy/underlying principles of Solution Focussed Therapy PLUS a well-articulated rationale for the use of this approach. 10/30
Critically reflective commentary that encompasses observations of self in terms of values, preferences, aspects of the case that might be difficult and responses you would have to this case scenario. 8/30
Referencing, clarity of arguments and discussion, structure of audio presentation. 4/30


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find some of the answers in the included attachments. In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.

There is a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration from Ashkenas, R. (2015) Harvard

Berg, R. (2008). Business process improvement: Seven steps to operational excellence. Perr & Knight, Insurance Technology Group. Retrieved from

Kumar, S., & Strehlow, R. (2004). Business Process redesign as a tool for organizational development. College of Business, University of St Thomas. Received from

Flanigan, E., & Scott, J. (1995). Process Improvement: Enhancing Your Organization’s Effectiveness. Seattle, WA: Crisp Publications, Inc.

S. Limam Mansar, H.A. Reijers, (2007) “Best practices in business process redesign: use and impact, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 13 Issue: 2, pp.193-213, https://

Payam Hanafizadeh, Morteza Moosakhani, and Javad Bakhshi, (2009) “Selecting the best strategic practices for business process redesign”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 15 Issue: 4, pp.609-627,


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find some of the answers in the included attachments. In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.

Creativity and Innovation in Organizations from Amabile, T.M. (1996, Jan). Creativity and Innovation in Organizations. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 1-15.
Developing creativity and innovation in organizations (pp. 1-15).

How to Kill Creativity from Amabile, T.M. (Sep/Oct 98). How to Kill Creativity. Harvard Business Review, 76(5), pp. 76-87. Identifies which managerial practices snuff out creativity (pp. 76-87).

McIntyre, S. (1998) Obstacles to Corporate Innovation. Business Horizons, 23-28.

Shelton, R., & Percival, D. (2013). Breakthrough innovation and growth. Retrieved from ;

What stands for ethical sales practices in the Middle East?

Marketing Forum
What stands for ethical sales practices in the Middle East?

Please add your discussion in your own words. If your answer is based on a source (book/website/article), you need to paraphrase the words and cite the original author.

The word count ranges from 100 to 150 words.