Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The topic is about gender discrimination among Uber employees. (contemporary HRM problems facing real organizations)
3 pages
Background (what is the company)
    When it started
    How many people use it
    An introduction to the problems we will be examining
    The things we will be covering in the report


Task: Develop a value proposition for a new venture of anti-aging products. This venture value proposition should identify appropriate fit between product and market and be evidence based. The evidence base should employ desk research (e.g. to observe trends), and potential customer interviews or surveys (e.g. to isolate their needs or problems).
The value proposition should
1. clearly prioritise customer problems/needs/issues and list any alternative solutions currently available;
2. identify targeted customer segments and the characteristics of potential early adopters;
3. articulate a clear and compelling message that reveals a unique value proposition

Outcome: Prepare a Report that outlines the potential of the technology or business concept for your venture that communicates the value proposition and delineates a realistic customer profile. Make your recommendations clear and articulate these based on the conclusions drawn from your investigations and analysis. The report should fully outline the reasons for and rationale underlying this assessment to the reader of the report.

Scope: This is not a full business plan or a developed business model but a comprehensive, yet early stage, elaboration of a business idea/concept that recommends whether the venture (as represented by its value proposition) provides an arguable case to proceed with further development, and elaboration as a complete business development undertaking, and potentially leading to subsequent business start-up activity.

NCR Country Club Business Research Case Study 2

Case Assignment must use current APA format with a cover page, 1 margins, 12-point font, content, in-text citations, and a reference page. No abstract is required; simply type the questions as headings and respond. In addition, you must incorporate 4 scholarly peer-reviewed research articles in your response.

Answer case discussion questions 3-4  below based on the attached document(see page 5 of the case attached also)

3 Describe the sampling strategy. How appropriate were the various sampling design decisions?

4 What, if any, problems did you find with the questionnaire as a whole?
Consider structure, directions, question order, question phrasing, appropriateness of response strategy chosen, etc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Microsoft document  that i uploaded .All of the thirteen questions needs to be answered.

This is the  essay question i have been given

Given todays pandemic situation, select an individual and write a short essay describing how they are using coaching principles to influence positive change. Some areas you might want to investigate in your essay:

This is how long my essay needs to be  length: 1000-1500-word . Double space.Font 12

This is what i am being marked on

Grading Rubrics

1.    Student has selected an appropriate example of an individual utilizing coaching principles.

2.    Student has illustrated a minimum of 3 coaching principles.

3.    Student makes a compelling case for the individual.

4.    Student highlights area(s) of improvement.

5.    Student has approached the assignment with creativity.

6.    Student has incorporated coaching towards a real-world scenario.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide feedback to the attached document discussion.

– must include 2 peer-review journals as support
– Include 1 bible verse
– Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

Financial Discussion D2 R1

Provide feedback to the attached document discussion.

– must include 2 peer-review journals as support
– Include 1 bible verse
– Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide a 500-word thoughtful response to AlSayyadN Chapter 5 in depth. In your response, refer to Davis M Ch4 City of Quartz  as well in less depth but to show your understanding. Avoid plagiarism. Give credit for ideas you are in dialogue with and cite quotes with (Last Name Author, page).

Research Project

Students will research team effectiveness in a selected organization and develop an intervention in the form of enhanced group/team effectiveness and skill training program to improve team effectiveness. They will make a presentation to the class describing this process. The intervention should provide group, organizational, culture factors, and skills designed to enhance team dynamics.

Utilizing a variety of approaches and training techniques students drawing from course materials, experience, scholarly and practical considerations, students will formulate an approach to facilitate and design a training program. Consideration should be given to factors that enhance effectiveness, productivity, trust and cohesion, and team synergy. Special attention should be paid to issues of organizational culture and diversity when designing this program/approach.

Your paper and presentation should include the following:
1.    Title page
2.    Executive summary
3.    A brief description of the organization you have selected for this project
4.    A brief description of the groups or teams you have selected for this project
5.    A brief explanation of why you have chosen this group or team for this project
6.    A detailed description of the initial presenting concern or challenge that the group or team wants to address
7.    A summary of your data collecting techniques and results
8.    A detailed summary of your policy intervention; strategy and plan
9.    A detailed summary of your training intervention: sample exercise with class participation
10.    References

PS: I would also need a power-point presentation after the paper is written.

ethical dilemma

In fact, you only need to connect 3 drafts and write 3 pages. Write a title you think is appropriate

Draft #4:  Consider and reflect how the models and theories impacted you, make a decision on which side of your ethical dilemma you determine to be the most ethical. 
Title Page
Page 1 2:  Personal Reflection on who or what influenced your ability to decide right and wrong    (Draft #1)
Page 3 – 4:  Stating your Ethical Dilemma and how it is applied to the Rational, Creative and Intuitive decision models            (Draft #2)
Page 5 – 8:  Discuss how the moral dilemma could be decided using the ethical theories of Duty, Consequentialism, and Cultural Relativism  (Draft #3)
Page 7 – 9:  Present your decision on the most ethical side of your ethical dilemma. Reflect on the decision model and ethical theory that particularly impacted your decision.        (Final)

    Reference Page:  This will include the references used in each draft
    Page Total:  7 9  (not including Title and Reference Pages)

Business Research

Why is it important to discuss your research ideas with other people?
What makes business and management research different from basic research?

1. Your posting must respond to the 2 questions above in full and be at least 200 words long
2. The word  is 200-300 words maximum,.
3.Reference is needed
4. An open question should be asked at the end of the post
5.Low similarity