Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Question 1:
Frankfort-Nachmias and Leon-Guerrero (2018) noted that the precision of a confidence interval can be enhanced by increasing the sample size.
Write a 275- to 300-word response to the following:
    How does sample size affect validity of a study?
    What factors determine the size of an ideal sample?
    How is the sample size calculated?
Reference: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Question 2:
Write a 275 – to 300-word response to the following:
    Select one of the sampling designs introduced in this weeks readings.
    Give a brief introduction of the sampling design and explain where you might apply it most successfully.

The reading is Chapter 6:  Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

The Voices Of Googlers

This report aims to study and identify the motivational strategy, in close relation to the process and content motivational theories that renowned theorists have developed and which, Google has undertaken to achieve its corporate goals through its employees. Despite the efforts Google has put in to win the hearts of their employees, there have always been people who were never completely won over by Google. This report also touches on the various factors which Googles employees are unsatisfied with and the eventual reason why some of these employees chose to leave the organization. Along with this study, we have also made some recommendations that Google can adopt together with their existing motivational strategies to successfully manage their diversified workforce

Hewlett-Packard Case Study Analysis

Hewlett-Packard Case Study Analysis

Hewlett-Packard Is Counting on Organization Change to Boost Revenue Growth
Meg Whitman became CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) in 2011. Since the time HPs revenue peaked in 2011 at $127 billion, it has dropped every subsequent year. On the positive side, the company had two consecutive quarters of growth in 2014. HP also is trying to right-size and reduce costs by planning to lay off 16,000 employees. HP earlier decided to lay off 34,000 people, resulting in a total reduction of 50,000 employees.100
Whitman described the job cuts as an opportunity to streamline the company further and make it more nim- ble. An expected $1 billion in cost savings in fiscal 2016 would allow HP to invest in new technologies and skills to revive growth. Others, like UBS analyst Steven Milunovich, believe that these job cuts will erode employee morale and may lead to increased turnover.101
But fixing the worlds biggest tech companywith $120 billion in annual revenues and 330,000 employees is a herculean task. Bloated by more than 70 acquisitions in the past 15 years, HP isnt just sprawling and stalled out; it may actually be running in reverse.102
Whitman decided to change the organizational structure to fuel growth. She created two clusters of businesses. One focuses on corporate technology customers. This group, which sells servers, storage, and networking, delivered 43% of the companys overall operating profits according to Forbes. Unfortunately, the software and services that accompany all this hardware have not been as successful. HP tried to build the software side of the business via acquisitions, which according to Forbes have not been very successful. The magazine noted that when it comes to software acquisitions, Autonomy [HPs enterprise software company] was merely the most high-profit misstep. All told, over the past decade HP squandered nearly $19 billion to buy myriad outfits that contribute only 7% to overall profit. The services unit, which staffs other companies tech projects, is barely at breakeven.103 HP is currently looking for small to midsize acquisition candidates in cloud computing, security, and analytics software.104
The second structural cluster sells printers, PCs, laptops, and mobile devices to people worldwide. This segment of the business contributed 29% of operating profits in 2013. The problem here is that the lucrative printer business is shrinking. Technology is simply moving more toward ink-free photo and document sharing, which benefits companies like Google, Face book, and Dropbox.
Strategically, HP also is trying to get back into the fast-growing tablet market. The company attempted to gain entry in this market in 2011 with the TouchPad model, but it was a failure. Since February 2013, the company has introduced new models, and they are being well received in the market. In a similar vein, HP has created an overall vice president for design. This was done to create a strategic focus on product development.
H-P didnt stop at just a reorganization or a new tablet strategy, according to Forbes. A survey of the companys 20,000 salespeople revealed that employees rated the internal sales tools a mere 7 on a scale of 1 to 100. For example, it took HP as much as three weeks to prepare a sales quote, when competitors could do it in a matter of days. The company decided to upgrade its sales process by using new tools from
Whitman also took to the road to reassure custom- ers that HP was doing the right things. In the last year, she conducted 305 one-on-one meetings with customers or sales-channel partners, aides say, as well as another 42 roundtable chats with small groups around the world.
It did not take Whitman long to realize that the organizational culture also needed to be changed to foster consistency between the companys strategies and culture. According to Forbes, she eliminated the barbed wire fence and locked gates that separated parking lots for the executives and the general employee population. We should enter the building the same way everyone else does, she said. She also decided to work from a cubicle, like most employees, instead of from a larger, more private location. She keeps a picture of her mother in her office. She also role models when she travels by staying at more modestly priced hotels.
While HP is positive about the changes taking place, some analysts are more skeptical. Bill Shope, an analyst from Goldman Sachs, concluded that serial restructuring cannot solve HPs secular challenges, particularly following years of underinvestment. He forecasts that HPs revenue might fall to $107 billion in fiscal 2015.

Source: Hewlett-Packard is Counting on Organizational Change to Bookst Revenue Growth. In Kinicki, A., Williams, B.K. (Eds.), Management: A Practical Introduction (pp. 333). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Case Analysis Questions

Answer the following 175- words each:

1.    Describe supertrends that are driving HP to change.

2.    Assess which forces for change are causing HP to undertake major organizational change.

3.    Recommend how Meg Whitman could use Lewins and Kotters models of change to increase the probability of achieving positive organizational change.


4.    Determine how HP is following the four steps for fostering innovation.

5.    What has happened with HP since this case was written?  Determine whether the implementation of these changes has been successful.  Explain what could have been done differently.

Goals & standards
6.1 Assess change management and innovations.

Goal Set & Category
6.2, Examine factors affecting the manager’s role in the changing business environment.


Toyota strategic problem

Toyota Corporation is a largest car maker in the World which has main headquarter in Japan. Toyota has significantly large employees network in the world. Toyota employed approximately more than 300,000 employees around the world. Toyota is also well-known for heaviest in US auto sales. GM was America’s biggest automaker before year 2005 but after year 2008 Toyota discharged GM and turned as World’s biggest automaker for US and also in the World. Toyota has built up to large multinational groups of businesses and boomed to different worldwide markets and countries. Toyota got entitle for most lucrative automaker (more than $10 billion in year 2006) in US and other countries. Toyota motor has launched 3 brands and more than 1200 dealership showrooms in North America. In comparison with Toyota, GM has 8 brands and more than 12000 dealership showrooms in North America. So if we think about North America only then Toyota is facing a huge competition with GM Corporation.

the effect of NGF on PC -12 cell line

* For the first project, during the regular lab period for Lab 6, groups will be given one large flask of cells to subculture into eight culture plates each at 1×105 viable cells/plate, with two replicate plates for each concentration of NGF. This completes day 1. Then on days 2, 3 and 4, exactly 100 cells in two representative fields of view per plate will be observed, and the number out of 100 that have neurite-like outgrowths will be recorded. This project will include medium changes to replenish the NGF on all days but the last. For the second project, groups will be given one or two large flasks of cells to subculture into eight culture plates, but each will contain as high a concentration of viable cells per plate as possible. This completes day 1. On days 2 and 3, NGF will be replenished by changing the medium. On the final day of the project, trypan blue exclusion assays will be done for each plate (in duplicate) to determine the total number of viable cells and the viability percentage for each condition. * no need for materials and method the paper will be ( introduction, Result, Discussion, and reference). * the text portion of the Results section. Always introduce the figure or table in the text of the Results before you show it to your reader. For example, Figure 1 should be inserted as soon as is feasible after noting that: A general trend showing dose-dependent differentiation was observed (Fig.1). The text and the visuals should form a coherent presentation of the data you obtained. When you discuss error bars (and you definitely should), note that whether or not you are able to draw statistical conclusions depends of the number of replicates used. If there are fewer than 6 replicates (2 independent data points from 3 independent experiments), you cannot reliably use error bars to draw conclusions regarding statistical significance. This will be the case for your project, because whereas we will gather 4 data points for each concentration for each point in time, these will not be generated by three independent experiments. Still, you will always be able to examine the error bars to draw conclusions regarding possible trends that could be confirmed or rejected if you were to repeat the experiment enough times, based on the following points: o if two error bars do not overlap, this suggests that more robust data would reveal statistical difference, and vice versa o if an error bar is small (e.g. 10% total) you can conclude that the data is of reasonable quality based on this lack of variation in the samples, and vice versa.

I just need the result and discussion section on these 3 pages, also I attach the fig and table to analyze the data. without any quoting in the paragraphs.

Uk National Ethics At Work Survey

In March the New York Times published an article outlining an interview with Greg Smith. Greg Smith was resigning that day as a Goldman Sachs executive director and head of the firms United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest investment banks in the world, had a big stake in the cause of the financial crisis. Firms like Goldman Sachs gambled with confidence on risky CDOs only because they bought insurance from the risk-laden AIG-bank, which they knew was drastically under-capitalized (Crotty, 2009). Greg Smith stated:

It makes me ill how callously people talk about ripping their clients off. Over the last 12 months I have seen five different managing directors refer to their own clients as “muppets,” sometimes over internal e-mail. Now project 10 years into the future: You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the junior analyst sitting quietly in the corner of the room hearing about “muppets,” “ripping eyeballs out” and “getting paid” doesnt exactly turn into a model citizen. (New York Times, 14-3-2012)

outh Unemployment Blessing Or A Curse Business Essay


he global economy is falling into a huge crisis that made the whole world vulnerable as far as economic remediation is concerned .It has become a general fact, that different economies across the globe are no longer able to fight against this consistently rising dilemma.


GER Assessment elements reviewed:
1. All identifying information regarding the pieces included in the concert. Such as: Context of the concert presentation – where, when, who played or sang, works performed, etc.
2. Identify the music you heard by composer and title and speak to details presented in the music to include terms, concepts, and historical context as discussed in class.
3. Discuss the presentation of the music to include performance details such as arrangement of the performers, ensemble makeup, presence of conductor or not, or the overall impact of the performance; did they play (or sing) well or badly, did they use distracting mannerisms, did they handle themselves well on stage, etc. 4. Which piece did you like the most, and the least, and why? Identify contrasting in the work or performance that may have contributed or detracted from your enjoyment. What, if anything, did this music mean to you and tell your opinion of it. If there are many different works on the program, discuss a few that struck you the most, making it clear to me that you attended the whole concert.

you should listen to these two videos and write a review.

The Life Of Benjamin Franklin Cultural Studies Essay

Benjamin Franklin was a man who wore many hats in his lifetime. He was a husband, father, author, publisher, inventor, scientist, diplomat, and a Founding Father of America. Benjamin grew up in a very big and religious family. He made a name for himself that we will never forget.

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was born in his family home on Milk Street. The family home was located right next to the Old South Church. Benjamins father was Josiah Franklin. His mothers name was Abiah Folger.

Hypothesis Testing Application

Example: Compared the smoking cessation rates for smokers randomly assigned to use a nicotine patch versus a placebo patch.

Null: There is no difference in smoking rates from smokers who were randomly assigned to a nicotine patch and those assigned to a placebo patch.

Alternative: There is a difference in smoking rates from smokers who were randomly assigned to a nicotine patch and those assigned to a placebo patch.

Using your dissertation work, develop your null and alternative hypotheses that are written in correct form and measurable.

Once these have been developed, determine the descriptive and inferential statistics you will use.

Include a brief written explanation of how this might be analyzed.