Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Discussion – Control Systems

Due Saturday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discuss some control systems that help organizations manage performance, productivity, and quality.

When managing the control process of performance, one can utilize the four control process steps, which are (1) establish standards; (2) measure performance; (3) compare performance to standards; and (4) take corrective action, if necessary (Kinicki, Williams p.515) This tool gives the manager spelled out data to train the employee with and use when coaching an employee that needs to improve their performance. It removes any personal issues that might arise because it is based on facts.

    To set controls for quality, the PDCA cycle can be very effective. This is something I have experience with at my former job. The operations director would use this cycle with the different departments to create better efficiencies. The shipping department made many quality improvements due to using the PDCA cycle.

    Also, at my previous job, we had an ERP system that we used as a central hub for all departments. All of our reports were generated from the ERP. We could use the system to monitor sales and track inventory. One of my duties was managing the repair parts department. I would use the ERP to forecast sales of parts and time my orders to the factory so I had the right parts in stock at the right times of the year.



Kinicki, A., & Williams, B. K. (2016). Management: A practical introduction (7 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 3-4 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find some of the answers in the included attachments. In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.

Why You Should Strive to Be a Lifelong Learner:

Investigating Early Childhood Education Teachers perception of Teaching Children from Diverse Language Backgrounds in Early Childhood Educational Settings in Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands.

hello ! this is the statement of the problem that was written sooooooooooooo many time and still having problem with it . Base on the topic presented and the corrections made by my supervisor can you please read his comments in pink and correct the paper accordingly> Please take note of his comments


Installing malicious software, or malware, is a method a hacker might to gain access to personal information or access to a victim’s computer.

For this discussion, pick a specific malware, explain what type of malware it is, and how it might be used to compromise a victim. For example, i love you is a worm and it was able to self replicate. This allowed it to clog up systems and prevent users from working.

Then discuss if you have ever been a victim or know someone who was and how they recovered, if they did.

Performance-based hiring

    12 pt. font, double-spaced
    Includes: title page, abstract, introduction, content, conclusion, References page
    7-9 pgs (not including title or References page)
    Introduces subject, why chosen
    Explains research method
    In-depth exploration of topic.
    Uses examples of companies and their results to support position.
    Min 4 pg Max 6 pg
    Cites sources
    Ideas are arranged logically. Demonstrates an understanding and critical analysis of the research topic.
    Engaging conclusion which summarizes main points
    Conclusions based on evidence and not feeling.
    Ties back to introduction.
    APA format
    Reliable sources
    No errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, word usage. 
    Ideas/sentences flow smoothly.

Korean Military Term Project

See term project proposal for topic.
    Introduction: What is the project? What are your data (just general description)? What has motivated you to study this? (rationale, why this project?).
    Data: Describe your data in more detail, (what?, how? How many?, etc.)
    Discussion of any readings, theories, concepts, ideas that we have covered that might relate to this topic, if relevant.

Project plan

This assignment is to help guide your final project where you pick at least one concept/skill from our course and apply it to an area of your life (e.g., sport, performance, health, school, career, relationships) to strengthen or improve in that area.  (You could combine skills for best effects)
Examples of potential skills or concepts to apply include but are not limited to the following: (imagery, relaxation, mindfulness, goal setting, concentration, stress management, etc.),
3 good things and why daily reflection, gratitude journal daily reflection, go-to thoughts daily scripting, go to people, positive self-talk, or Self-determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), , Broaden and Build theory of positive emotion (Fredrickson, 2009), Flow (Czikzenmihalyi, 2005), etc.  Each week prior to the end of the semester, you will be asked to provide a reflection to your progress for your final project.  The plan does NOT need to be more than 1 page (double-space) unless you would like to use more space (up to you autonomy!).

A.  What?

– 3 good things  and why daily reflection, gratitude journal daily reflection, go-to thoughts daily scripting, go to people, positive self-talk, or Self-determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), ,
            – What do you plan on actually practicing each day?  Give a brief description and include  examples of how you will practice daily the skill/concept(s) in this important area of your life.
B.  So What?
– Why do you think this skill/area of interest resonates with you?  (i.e., looking to help tone down performance anxiety, build self-efficacy, experience positive emotions, etc.) from your practice of this skill or concept.  What do you think will happen?
C.  Now What?– (Planning for success)
            – What do you need to do NOW to ensure that you will be able to stick to your plan for the following weeks practice?  What could would make your practice of these skills and mindsets work better for you.  i.e When? Where? With whom? Etc.

*Your writing can be and we hope is INFORMAL.  Please use I statements and we encourage you to approach this in a way that best fits your own learning

Google Cloud-Systems Analysis and Design


You have been contacted by a CEO of a mid-sized 200 user family owned business to research options for cloud computing. They understand that the cloud isnt going anywhere anytime soon and feel its time to make the jump. They manage their firewall and have an on-prem server environment with AD, DC, DNS, and Exchange. They only use local backup for their server. There is no DR beyond that. They have a 50/10 coax pipe for internet. All computers were recently upgraded to Windows 10.

Your task is to research the following: Google Cloud. The CEO would like to know what would work best for them from an efficiency, security, and DR standpoint. The CEO is also interested in something he just learned about, an intranet!

You will provide an architecture checklist–SEE ATTACHMENT BECAUSE I HAVE COMPLETED THIS BUT THIS ATTACHMENT IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE TOPICS THAT MUST BE ADDRESSED IN THIS PAPER. You will write a minimum of three pages citing AT LEAST 5 SOURCES, not including the book. Please use APA format.

Dont just sell the CEO on what you think he should do, make him aware of both sides of the coin. If you think on-prem is the way to stay, make it known. If cloud is the way, be convincing. However, try to think of other scenarios or what-ifs that may come up. Keep in mind the users experience, i.e. learning curve. The CEO has no set budget so dont let that be a factor but also remain reasonable.


COMMENTS: I believe that the way to go for this scenario is the cloud.

Concept Map of the various benefits and other motivational factors that are provided to employees/members

sing MS PowerPoint to create your Concept Map.

Using your current organization (or an organization you are familiar with), design a Concept Map of the various benefits and other motivational factors that are provided to employees/members.  Be sure to include as much research as possible and thoroughly consider all experiences that could be used as motivators for employees/members.  You’ll need to link the components of your Concept Map to Maslow’s theory to illustrate how your organization meets the various levels of needs. 

Healthcare Operations Management

Option #1:  Failure Mode Effects Analysis
The deliverable for this assignment is a paper and a completed Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA). First, identify a common operational challenge (such as emergency room waiting time, operating room turn-over, timely patient discharge) in healthcare organizations and use the FMECA tool to identify potential failure modes. Then, for the top three modes, develop 2-3 tactics to prevent the failure. To assist you, here is a brief video on how to use a FMEA (Links to an external site.).

Your paper must meet the following requirements:

4-5 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Be clear and well-written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise. Be logical. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Tools for Effective Writing at the CSU-Global Library, accessible from the Librarys homepage.
Support your paper by using a minimum of two or three scholarly sources. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these resources.