Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Submit a thread of at least 500 words examining the relationship between the selected techniques/concepts and strategic allocation of financial resources with respect to capital budgeting decisions. Support your thread by citing at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list.

Overview of Public Administration Organizations

Organizations can be categorized into three basic categories: public, private and charitable organizations.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 2-3 pages:

    Compose descriptions of each category of organization and briefly describe what services, goods, or activities each organization provides.
        Define the components of the Iron Triangle.
        What major theorists have shaped public administration theory? Name at least 3.
        What are the differences between a profit-making private organization, a public or governmental organization, and a nonprofit organization?
    Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Internal Applications of Public Administration

When a public administrator is hired, he/she is typically hired due to outstanding skills and experience along with other factors such as attitude, achievements and leadership style. In many instances public administrators hold a variety of skills that may be different from the private sector.

Assignment Guidelines

In this assignment you will locate a recent article or news release regarding the hiring of a public administrator at any local government organization. You will discover the real-life skills, experience and traits of public administrators at the local level.

Task: Please use at least one local online or print news source and /or a press release from the hiring government agency. In your own words write 3-4 pages in which you will:

    Identify the position that was filled;
    List the reason for the vacancy;
    Disclose the person that was selected/hired, including listing their professional background, education and previous employment;
    Discuss how the person was selected, for example was the hiring decision made with public input (a citizens panel, a Board, or committee) or was the decision made without public input?
    What are the professional or personal goals of the person who was hired?
    Next, briefly describe the position salary and benefits.
    Remember to support all of your arguments with scholarly resources.
    Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Assignment TIPS: Several new hire positions you might want to look for, a new City Manager, Fire or Police Chief, or new department head (Parks Dir. Library Dir. etc.) at a city. Or a new school principal, coordinator, or superintendent at a school district. A simple internet search for phrases such as list of new city managers, new police chief or Q&A with new city manager or similar search will yield good results.

Specific Assignment Resources:

Careers In Government, Executive Recruiters, A directory of executive search firms specializing in Public Administration positions,

Bloomington Penagraph, A Q&A with Bloomington’s new city manager, 2018.

For this assignment, choose one peer-reviewed or scholarly article to review from the CSU Online Library or a resource from a credible professional website, such as EMS World or the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS), which discusses a current i

For this assignment, choose one peer-reviewed or scholarly article to review from the CSU Online Library or a resource from a credible professional website, such as EMS World or the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS), which discusses a current issue specific to an emergency medical services (EMS) system. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to practice reviewing professional literature for application in your own agency/industry. By developing an understanding of how to interpret articles for best practices or industry standards, you can avoid repeating the mistakes of others as well as enhance your own efforts to transition your EMS agency to a progressive role in your community. You will also continue to use this skill as you draft research papers and other scholarly writings in the future.

Use the following guidelines to prepare your article review.

Summarize the main issue covered in the article.
Identify the author’s intended audience.
Discuss how the article relates to this course.
You will only need to cite and reference the article you are reviewing for this assignment; however, ensure that it is cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. Your article review should be at least two pages in length.

Policy Making and Ethics of Public Administration Agencies

The process of creating an annual budget for any government organization can take a great deal of time and the process usually involves many groups, priorities and extraordinary planning.

Assignment Guidelines

In this assignment you will consider and discuss several duties and responsibilities of the public administrator within the budgeting process.

Task: In your own words, write 4-5 pages in which you will:

    Describe who is involved in the open budgeting process. Why are they important to the process?
    Explain the importance of planning in the budgeting process.
    List and explain one benefit and one disadvantage of economic upturns and downturns in the budget process.
    Illustrate how outsourcing, privatization and P3 agreements (Public, Private Partnerships) might help control costs when creating a government budget.

Assignment TIPS:

Try to use the information you have learned from throughout this course of Public Administration within your responses in order to demonstrate overall course-long learning.

Specific Assignment Resources:

National League of Cities, The Public Budget,
ACG, The Construction Association, Public Private Partnership (P3) Basics,

Use the attached PDF as a reference and additional guidance for creating a written budget plan.


1. What target marketing strategy is Budweiser using for their product?
A.) Discuss the different options available with regards to target market strategy for the company. What strategy is the company using with regards to the products caategories? Explain!
B.)Who is the products primary target segment? 
    1. What are the demographic segments of your products customers? Specifically discuss age, gender, income, and family life cycle.
      2. What are the psychological segments of the products customers? Specifically discuss motives and lifestyles.
    3. Are there any benefits or usage segmentation done by the company? Explain!
C.) What do you think is the rationale for selecting this as the primary target market?
D.) Who is the secondary target segment (when applicable)? Briefly explain their demographic, psycho graphic, usage, or benefit sought.

Social and Academic Peer Pressure of the Middle Schooler

Step 3. Research your topic and report your findings in a scholarly research paper. The paper should be at least 10 double-spaced pages long, 12-font (Times New Roman), and should utilize at least 10 current (no source older than 10 years 2006-2017) references unless you are making reference in a historical perspective. Your research paper should present an objective look at all sides of the issue.

Step 4. Follow the general guidelines listed below to prevent deductions based on mistakes regarding APA formatting or grammatical/mechanical errors. Papers may be submitted to Turnitin to verify originality. This is at the professors discretion.  Plagiarism is unacceptable and a grade of zero will be earned if plagiarism is greater than 20% on the original candidates report.  Reports will be compared to both professional publications and former teacher candidates work.

Finance Regulation&Ethics

General Instructions on Case Write-Ups
Your write-up should be 1 to 2 pages, single-spaced, at standard typeface (12 or 14 point).
It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case.  These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to the final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court or a Federal District court.
What is much more important is the issue at law the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
What was the majority of the courts decision in the case, and more importantly what was the basic reasoning behind this decision?
If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
Do you agree or disagree with the courts decision?  Explain why.
To avoid even the appearance of plagiarism, references should be clearly connected to the text through parentheses (Smith, 2016) or footnotes.  It is not enough to put your references at the end of the paper, with no way to see what text connects with each reference.
Direct quotes should be in quotation marks or, if more than one sentence, in an indented paragraph.  Material which is a close paraphrase of another work, although not a direct quote, should be referenced and explicitly acknowledged with the expressions like ‘paraphrase,’ ‘in other words,’ ‘to put it another way,’ or something similar.

1)    Chiarella v. U.S. (1980)
2)    U.S. v. OHagan (only through p. 666 of opinion)
3)    Dirks v. SEC
4)    United States v. Martoma (2d Cir. 2017) (dissent only)

Write up 1 of the above 4 cases

quantitative article

1. Title of your Article
Quantitative article
Not more than 5 years old 
Reliable Site
2. What is the PICOT in this article?
3.What is the Hypothesis?
4. What is the  Characteristic of this Quantitative Design?
5. What is the Population in this article?
6. What is the Data Collection in this article?
7. What is the Measurement / Scales/Statistical Analytic Testing in this article?

Loan agreement of a Conventional bank in BAHRAIN and an Islamic financing contract

Compare and contrast the standard clauses in the lending agreements of an actual Conventional bank and the terms and conditions in an actual Islamic financing contract with reference to default, security, charges, disputes and how these safeguard the interests of the banks concerned. (You may refer to the LMA lending agreements and Islamic financing contracts)

Ill upload a Pdf file with clear instruction and grading scheme.