Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Civil Rights

This is the second part of the paper, the first part i was addressing Civil rights and its history and i will go ahead and attach that paper, and in this paper we are working on how to solve that problem and what should we do about it (civil rights)
Make an argument about what the federal governments policy should be about Civil Rights. What are the options we have, and which one is the best option and why?
Write 5-7 pages on options available to the American government to do (or not to do), and explain which one you prefer.

Case Review: OUTLINE

This is for the course POWER AND NEGOTIATION

-First read Instructions provided
-Read and analyze the case provided (Negotiating about Pandas for San Diego Zoo). 

PART 1 already complete: Here is the proposal:
“For my individual case review project, I decided to write about the case, Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo. The San Diego Zoo, located in California, is known to be one of the finest and biggest zoos in the world. This case really stood out to me due to my passion for exotic endangered animals within zoos. I actually visited the San Diego Zoo long ago and was one of my desired childhood memories. My love for animals is something I am truly passionate about. It is know to be one of the rarest Zoos in which contains and breeds the giant pandas. Through my research, I found it very interesting to find that the San Diego Zoo is known for their Giant Pandas and the long negotiating process that took place to make this happen. This case is relevant to this course because it goes through the whole process of how the Zoo worked with the Chinese Zoos to procure the exotic giant pandas. The negotiation between the two was to figure out what the exchange would be and how to make arrangements for payments to China. They were able to build a relationship with China, which allowed them to obtain unbelievable animals, such as the two pandas Basi and Yuan Yuan.”

PART 2: For this portion of the assignment, you will write an OUTLINE that demonstrates:

A structured writing plan for the final paper in Part 3
Sufficient headings to demonstrate a complete paper
Sufficient sub-headings to demonstrate the development of content

There is an example outline provided

EDM 402 Module 1 Case

You will be referring to the required readings, videos, and websites to address the assignments. Additionally, you can also research other professional sources available on the internet.

Case Assignment
From the NIPP of 2013, what is meant by Partnership Structure? Give an example.

Choose one of the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors and comment on its Sector Specific Plan. What other sectors is it closely linked to? Why? How?

Explain SCADA. Why is SCADA a popular target for terrorists? Explain and use quotations to support your statements.

Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

Required Reading
InfraGard factsheet. (2018). FBI: Office of Private Sector. Retrieved from

Krambeck, D. (2015). An introduction to SCADA systems. All About Circuits. Retrieved from

Mandel, M., & McCormick, E. (2018). FERC approves supply chain risk reliability standards. Troutman Sanders. Retrieved from

NIPP 2013: Partnering for infrastructure security and resilience. (2013). retrieved from Read pages 1-14

Resiliency rules: 7 Steps for critical infrastructure protection. (2007). Slideserve. Retrieved from

Required Websites
Critical Infrastructure Sectors.

Information Sharing: A Vital Resource for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.


National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

Required Videos
TV6 & FOX UP. (2017, August 9). InfraGard [Video file]. Retrieved from

RealPars. (2019, June 3). What is SCADA? [Video file]. Retrieved from
This is an 8-minute video.

The media should be restricted when reporting violent crime

The paper will be based on my three premises  as follows in order
Premises( 1)Relationship between crime news exposure and crime perceptions is influenced by what the media choose to include or exclude when reporting these crimes
Premises(2.) Crime showed on television may trigger individuals to commit the same crime at other times as seen on television thereby re-enforcing violent behaviors
Premises.(3) How the public views crime may lead to racial or ethical discrimination.
Paper Outline
1. These premises are the reasons why your argument is the right side to believe and should answer the statement because…  For my example in the Overview for the argument America Does Run on Dunkin, someone could say why and my 3 premises are because (Premise 1), because (Premise 2), and because (Premise 3).

2. The Premises must be written as statements that will then be placed directly in your term paper. Each premise should be a sentence that you can start a section of the paper with and then spend the next few paragraphs of the paper writing about the why the premise is true.

Nursing research

Qualitative Research

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and the reference page are required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment

Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Draft

In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments, you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique on two articles for each type of study (4 articles total). Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of each study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT question.

Refer to “Research Critiques and PICOT Guidelines – Final Draft.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

write a book critique of Bill Bryson’s In a Sunburned Country

What could you glean from the story about Aboriginal culture?  What did you learn about Australia’s treatment and view of the Aboriginals?  What did you learn about Aussie resilience?  What concerns did the book bring up?  What things did you not expect to hear?  Have your expectations changed since reading it?


this is the outline for the narrative essay .i want it to be perfect thanks
Your Story Begins

Now that you have considered several possible topics, it is time to explore the topic in more depth. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

My story is about: My childhood memory.________________.

My story takes place: In Jacmel, Haiti_____________ (where).
My story takes place :In 2000. (when).

In the opening,  a trip  happens.  The conflict in my story is: the car broke down.

The resolution of the conflict is: we rent another car .

The main point of the story is the adventure of a trip.

Part 3 – Organizing: Create an Outline

Consider your story with a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning informs the audience of the topic of the story either implicitly or explicitly. It is often best to be direct, particularly as you move forward in your studies to classes specific to your field of study. Be certain the reader has enough information to understand where you are going. The middle is where you describe the conflict and build to the climax, the moment when a decision must be made or a change occurs. In the end, the conflict is resolved, and a moment of reflection follows, often underlining the main point or theme of the story.

Complete the following:

Write one sentence introducing your topic/story

When i was a young child I would love to hear my parents tell me were going on a trip.

Write one sentence describing the scene when the story opens.

I would be full of excitement , because I knew that would be going to place that I never seen before , and meet other kids.

Write one sentence describing the conflict.

while we were on the road our car started to sputter and shake .

Write one sentence sharing how the conflict is resolved.

My parents  had to find a mechanics garage to drop our car ,and we end up renting another car.

Write one sentence describing what you learned.

I have learned no matter how much difficulty ,and obstacle we had in our family trip .That didn’t stop us to enjoyed ourselves .


Pathophysiology of Endocrine, Fluid and Electrolyte and Immune Systems

Select 1 diagnosis from the following list  and provide an in depth presentation on the  pathophysiology of the diagnosis; Pernicious anemia, thrombocytopenia,chronic myeloid leukemia, Hodgkins, Thallessemia. HIV, Aids, shock

Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Managerial Economics

For this final project, you will write a 6- to 10-page paper in which you research and analyze the market for a product or service produced by the company you work for, or by some other company that you know well. The paper will need to be in APA format. Throughout the paper, you will need to provide careful economic analysis of your chosen market using the economics concepts from the course. As a starting point, you should expect your audience to be familiar with these concepts, so there is no need to define basic concepts. Instead, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts by applying them competently.

You may support your analysis with no more than two figures, graphs, or tables (total) placed in the appendix. Do not include these in your paper unless you also write about them extensively in the main body. Any time you make a specific statement about the market or company, you will need to defend it with actual evidence. To accomplish this, you will need to cite that evidence using the APA in-text citation convention within the body of your paper as well as using the APA end-of-text citation convention in your references section.

There are a variety of issues that you could analyze. Choose three or four of the following and provide a thorough analysis. Your goal should be to teach us about this company or industry. Your final submission must not simply be a Wikipedia-quality reportthe emphasis must be on the economic analysis and readers should be able to learn something not easily discovered. Your final submission should be a fourth or fifth draft, not the first draft of what youve written.

Issues you may choose to review in depth:

What is the market? Who are the major competitors with close substitutes? How much market power does your particular company hold in this market? What barriers to entry reinforce your companys market power? If your company lacks market power, what are the major obstacles to gaining market power? Are rival firms doing largely the same thing or is there substantial product differentiation? Does product differentiation include related goods or services that are sold alongside your feature product?

What is the general market structure for your industry? Is it best thought of as a monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistic competition? What characteristics suggest this is one market or another? Is the price high enough to cover costs and do there appear to be above-normal profits? Is the market structure changing over time or expected to? What are the important barriers to entry?

What are the two or three major determinants of demand in the market? What are the relevant controllable and uncontrollable factors? Have the most important factors changed at all in recent years? Has anyone estimated price elasticity of demand for your product or the larger product categories? If not, see if you can collect some price and quantity points and perform your own analysis (holding all else besides price and quantity constant). If this isnt possible, describe which of the major demand shifters are the most dominanttell us which direction demand shifts and how far. There is no need to draw generic demand and supply curvesjust explain thoroughly in words and leave it up to the reader to recreate that simple diagram

What is the relevant cost structure for the industry and for your firm? How does your company avoid the sunk-cost fallacy and hidden-cost fallacy? What labor market skill sets are needed for your company and are there readily available workers to hire? What does the market for important inputs look like? Does your company have many or few options from which to source important inputs? Is the hold-up problem a concern? Are there economies of scale? Are there economies of scope or diseconomies of scope? Are there large fixed costs? How do the variable costs compare to the fixed costs in terms of relative size?

Is your firm able to practice price discrimination? What form of price discrimination is most relevant in this industry and are there other opportunities that your firm has not yet taken, and why? Remember, there is a difference between price differences caused by cost differences! If price discrimination is possible, how is your firm able to accomplish this effectively? Are there opportunities to enhance your firms ability to practice price discrimination?

Does your firm produce a product that is a substitute or a complement to goods or services produced by other firms? What implications does this have for the pricing decisions pertaining to your firms goods or services? How are your firms own products or services related to each other? Are they substitutes or complements? In what way does this underlying structure influence the possible pricing decisions for these products?

What is the influence of government on your company or market? Is there a heavy tax burden? Are there subsidies or price controls? Are there are other regulations that are relevant to the functioning of the market? This could include environmental regulations, taxes, tariffs, minimum wages, and so on. Describe the specific features of the regulation and their impact on your company or industry. Provide estimates of the impact on the market (e.g., prices, costs, or employment). Has this left room for businesses to exploit the inefficiency to create wealth?

What is the role of asymmetric information experienced by your company or in your industry? Are there issues of adverse selection and/or moral hazard in your company or market? Are incentives aligned between management and workers? Are incentives aligned between different divisions within the company, if applicable? Is there shirking of problems or other activities that self-interested agents pursue to the detriment of the principal? Clarify the relevant actors and the source of the problem as well as the results. How are these issues addressed, if at all?

Is there an application of the prisoners dilemma in your industry? Or are other game models more relevant? Should we think of strategic interactions as simultaneous or sequential? Clearly describe the relevant players, their strategies, and payoffs. What is each firms dominant strategy? What happens when each uses their nondominant strategy? What happens in equilibrium? What legal paths are there for the industry to avoid the Nash equilibrium that results from the game played once? Is there a repeated game structure? Does reputation matter?