Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each section has its own criteria, please help me edit to meet the criteria.

Theoretical foundations/ conceptual framework and review of the literature/themes: This is way too long. One paragraph per theory

In the theory section of the prospectus, please develop one paragraph for each theory, and in each paragraph include the following information:
1.    One sentence to provide an overview of this theory. Include who developed.
2.    Three to five sentences to introduce the conceptual components that are embedded in the theory
3.    One to two sentences to clearly describe how the theory and its components connect to your study how they will be used in your study. If there is an existing instrument that was developed based on the selected theory and will be used in your study, this would be a good place to mention the instrument. 



This Life-in-a-Day will comprise autobiographical account of one day in your own life. You must relate (some of) the experience and incidents in which you are involved during the course of the day. You should discuss and analyse these in terms of the concepts and ideas from 3 theoretical perspectives.

The focus of the Life in a Day is thus yourself and how your own actions, words and behaviour can be analysed in terms of the module’s different perspectives.

Advice: You may find it easiest to focus on a small number of key incidents from your day, rather than trying to write an account of everything that happened to you. You could apply one perspective to each incident, or alternatively you might analyse each incident in terms of all four perspectives. You need not to agree with the perspectives you choose, but you must demonstrate how they can be applied to your self.

The theory you need to use are:
Gabriel, Y. & Lang T. (2015)  ‘Chapter 5 : The consumer as identity-seeker’, in The unmanageable consumer, 3rd edition, p. 86-107  

M. McLuhan and W. Terrence Gordon
Corte Madera, CA : Gingko Press, 2003
Introduction + Chapter 4

Dawkins, R. (2006). The Selfish Gene. 30th Anniversary Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 189-201, note on pp. 322-32 (Chapter 11)


We need to find a new concept that is followong the trend and to do a 3ms video showong …
The video produced should be no more than 3 minutes in duration and should include the following topic areas:

Geographical location (if relevant)
Outline of restaurant style planned
Examples of products offered (both food and beverage) Service style of each outlet
Number of covers available
Anticipated number of guests per outlet
Description of environment (decoration and ambience style) Market analysis – Identification of target market
Positioning in the market (Strategy Clock)
Description of competitive advantage
Summary of the key facts related to project and key outcomes (including justification related to research undertaken)

ECO 333 DBQ #9

Respond to both questions

1. What are your Takeways from the economic issues discussed in the  UNSDSN eConference Economics of the Coronavirus?

2. What are your Takeaways from the relationship of the destruction of habitat and climate change and infectious disease, epidemics and pandemics?

Accounting for Managers

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A: Using CVP analysis to find breakeven points and target profit volumes

Mimi Incorporated has a targeted operating income of $518,000 for the upcoming year. The selling price of its single product is $40.50 each, while the variable cost per unit is $12.50. Fixed costs total $182,000.

Calculate the following:
a.    Contribution margin per unit
b.    Breakeven point in units
c.    Units to be sold to earn the targeted operating income

Part B: Factoring resource constraints into product mix decisions

Rose Incorporated manufactures two types of vases, small and large. The following per-unit data are available.

                    Small Vase    Large Vase
Sale price                    $60    $100
Variable costs                    $35    $60
Machine hours required for 1 vase        1    2

Total fixed costs are $600,000, and Rose Incorporated can sell a maximum of 25,000 units of each type of vase annually. Machine hour capacity is 50,000 hours per year.

a.    Determine the contribution margin per unit for each type of vase.
b.    Determine the contribution margin per machine hour for each type of vase.
c.    Determine the number of units of each style of vase that Rose Incorporated should produce to maximize operating income.
d.    What is the dollar amount of the maximum operating income as calculated in C above?

Part C: Deciding whether to discontinue a product, department, or store

The income statement for Germain Appliances is divided by its two product lines, Toasters and Microwaves, as follows:

If Germain Appliances can eliminate fixed costs of $34,000 and increase the sale of Toasters by 6300 units at a selling price of $30 per unit and a contribution margin of $12 per unit, then discontinuing the Microwaves should result in what difference in total operating income

Accounting for Managers

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A: Financial Statement Analysis
The following information relates to Harris Corporation.
Account    Current year    Prior year
Net sales (all credit)    $520,125    $499,500
Cost of goods sold     $375,960    $353,600
Gross profit     $144,165    $145,900
Income from operations    $ 95,500    $ 79,900
Interest expense    $ 23,500    $ 19,500
Net income    $ 57,600    $ 51,600
Cash     $ 30,600    $ 15,900
Accounts receivable, net    $ 33,800    $ 23,200
Inventory     $ 42,000    $ 30,300
Prepaid expenses    $ 2,000    $ 1,500
Total current assets    $ 108,400    $ 70,900
Total long-term assets    $ 62,000    $ 38,000
Total current liabilities    $ 46,000    $ 41,600
Total long-term liabilities    $ 20,000    $ 22,700
Common stock, no par,
3,000 shares, value $50/share    $ 30,000    $ 30,000
a.    What is the acid-test ratio for the current year?
b.    What is the inventory turnover for the current year?
c.    What is days’ sales in receivables for the current year?
d.    What is the book value per share of common stock for the current year?
e.    What is the price-earnings ratio for the current year?
f.    What is the rate of return on total assets for the current year?
g.    What is the times-interest-earned ratio for the current year?
h.    What is the current ratio for the current year?
Part B: Sustainability and Business Value
The following questions relate to Gluck Metal Works.
a. Gluck Metal Works stamps sheet metal into blanks that are used in a variety of consumer products. The average cost for sheet metal is $100 per ton. Gluck’s waste disposal company charges $55 per ton to dispose of manufacturing waste. The stamping process currently employed by Gluck generates an average of 120 tons of waste per month.
What is the annual cost of stamping waste, including both the materials cost and the disposal cost?
A.    $223,200
B.    $18,600
C.    $144,000
D.    $79,200
b. Gluck Metal Works stamps sheet metal into blanks that are used in a variety of consumer products. The average cost for sheet metal is $85 per ton. Gluck’s waste disposal company charges $65 per ton to dispose of manufacturing waste. The stamping process currently employed by Gluck generates an average of 150 tons of waste per month.
What is the net amount Gluck would save per year if stamping waste could be sold to a recycler for $33 per ton?
A.    $12,750
B.    $117,000
C.    $176,400
D.    $59,400
c. Gluck Metal Works stamps sheet metal into blanks that are used in a variety of consumer products. The average cost for sheet metal is $80 per ton. Gluck’s waste disposal company charges $70 per ton to dispose of manufacturing waste. The stamping process currently employed by Gluck generates an average of 170 tons of waste per month.
Gluck has developed a new system that would increase the efficiency of its stamping process. The new system has an annual cost of $50,000, but would reduce stamping waste by 50%, the remaining waste would be sold to a recycler for $35 per ton. What is the net savings if Gluck implements this new system?
A.    $210,100
B.    $260,100
C.    $142,800
D.    $35,700

Part C: Calculating Costs
Serenity Now Industries manufactures custom fiberglass hulls for luxury yachts and pleasure boats. The current cost accounting system uses machine hours to allocate manufacturing overhead to each job. Serenity estimates that in the coming year it will incur $600,000 in manufacturing overhead costs and use 8,000 machine hours.
Depending on the specifications requested by the customer, the hull may use hazardous chemicals that incur greater disposal costs. Serenity’s traditional accounting system includes the cost of hazardous waste disposal in with total manufacturing overhead. Serenity is planning to implement an activity based costing system to more accurately assign hazardous waste disposal costs to each job.
Expected usage and costs for manufacturing overhead are as follows:

During the year, Yacht #633 was started and completed:
DM cost per lb.    $55
Lbs. of DM used on job    170
DL cost per hr.    $20.00
DLH used    50
a.    Calculate the cost of Yacht #633 using the Serenity’s current method of allocating manufacturing overhead.
b.    Calculate the cost of Yacht #633 using the proposed activity based costing system. How is this information useful to an environmental management accounting (EMA) system?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A: Using CVP analysis to find breakeven points and target profit volumes

Mimi Incorporated has a targeted operating income of $518,000 for the upcoming year. The selling price of its single product is $40.50 each, while the variable cost per unit is $12.50. Fixed costs total $182,000.

Calculate the following:
a.    Contribution margin per unit
b.    Breakeven point in units
c.    Units to be sold to earn the targeted operating income

Part B: Factoring resource constraints into product mix decisions

Rose Incorporated manufactures two types of vases, small and large. The following per-unit data are available.

                    Small Vase    Large Vase
Sale price                    $60    $100
Variable costs                    $35    $60
Machine hours required for 1 vase        1    2

Total fixed costs are $600,000, and Rose Incorporated can sell a maximum of 25,000 units of each type of vase annually. Machine hour capacity is 50,000 hours per year.

a.    Determine the contribution margin per unit for each type of vase.
b.    Determine the contribution margin per machine hour for each type of vase.
c.    Determine the number of units of each style of vase that Rose Incorporated should produce to maximize operating income.
d.    What is the dollar amount of the maximum operating income as calculated in C above?

Part C: Deciding whether to discontinue a product, department, or store

The income statement for Germain Appliances is divided by its two product lines, Toasters and Microwaves, as follows:

If Germain Appliances can eliminate fixed costs of $34,000 and increase the sale of Toasters by 6300 units at a selling price of $30 per unit and a contribution margin of $12 per unit, then discontinuing the Microwaves should result in what difference in total operating income

Critically reflect upon what the English language means to you

Critically reflect upon what the English language means to you as a second language. (first language is FRENCH). Using the theoretical and conceptual lenses considered during the module and your own experiences of learning, using and taking ownership of it as a medium, reflexively evaluate the way it shapes who you are and the self you perform in different contexts. 

Essay length 1000 words.  13 references.
you need to argue and defend your specific response to the essay question, not describe and list literature relevant to the topic under headings.
For the essay, you need to concentrate on short paragraphs each developing a main point in your argument. Keep introductions and conclusions brief but substantive.Dont forget you can cluster several references in one citation e.g. (Dows 2019; Jones et al 2016, p.13; Zebedee 2011)

You can use some of the references below but you need to use new ones as well.

Well-structured and presented:Introduction which provides an incisive mini-synopsis of the essay , and a thesis statement that contextualises your argument and topic. Clearly written and presented paragraphs and argument. Referenced correctly.
Comprehensive: Covering the various areas and issues indicated in the title, plus any other issues or area that seem relevant or interesting. All key terms defined in relation to the relevant literature.

Based on sufficient evidence :Supporting all general claims with evidence from a range of academic perspectives or everyday social practices. Using a wide range of background reading to explain and develop argument and points made.

Nuanced, analytical and scholarly: Demonstrating a nuanced awareness of the complex and contested nature of English use in todays globalised world. Revealing an understanding of literature in the field beyond that evidenced in quotes used to build your argument. The final result of multiple drafts and editing.

Linking essay to module: Using not only your own arguments and evidence but also those discussed in weekly teaching sessions.

you can use this and use NEW ones as well

English and (Second) Language Teaching
Baker, C. & Prys-Jones S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Belibi, P.R. (2013) Teaching a Standard Variety of English or a Local Standard: The Case of Cameroon, International Journal of English Language Education, 1(3), pp. 172-185. Accessed on World Wide Web 6.1.16 at:
Block, D. & Cameron, D. (eds.) (2001): Globalization and Language Teaching. New York: Routledge
Canagarajah, A.S. (2005) Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice. NY; London: Routledge
Davies, A. (2002) The Native Speaker: Myth and Reality. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Du Hui (2001) The Globalisation of the English Language: Reflections on the teaching of English in China, International Education Journal 2 ( 4), 2001 Educational Research Conference 2001 Special Issue. Accessed online 28.1209 at
Ferguson, G. (2006) Language Planning and Education. Chapters 5 and 6. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Holliday, A. (2005) The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Jenkins, J. (2006) Current perspectives on teaching World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. TESOL Quarterly. 40(1), pp. 157-81
Kirkpatrick, A. (2014) English in Southeast Asia: Pedagogical and Policy Implications, World Englishes,  33(4), pp. 426-438 
Kirkpatrick, A. (2007) World Englishes: Implications for international communication and English Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Leung, C. & Street, B.V. (eds.) English A Changing Medium for Education. Bristol; Buffalo; Toronto: Multilingual Matters
Morris Jones, B. & Singh Ghuman, P.A. (eds.) (1995) Bilingualism, Education and Identity. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
McKay, S. (2002) Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press
O’Regan, J.P. (2014) English as a Lingua Franca: An Immanent Critique, Applied Linguistics, 35(2), pp.1-21
Pakir, A. (2009) English as a lingua franca: analyzing research frameworks in international English, world Englishes, and ELF. World Englishes, 28(2), pp.224-235. Accessed on World Wide Web 6.1.16 at:
Saxena, M. & Omoniyi, T. (2010) Contending with Globalization in World Englishes. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
Sewell, A. (2013) English as a lingua franca: ontology and ideology.  67(1),ELT: English Language Teachers Journal. 67(1), pp.3-10
Sharifian, F. (2009) English as an International Language: Perspectives and Pedagogical Issues. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Young, T.J. & Walsh, S. (2010) Which English? Whose English? An investigation of non-native teachers beliefs about target varieties. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 23(2), pp. 123-137

Syrian war and the US foreign policy (compare both administrations)

Title of paper: US foreign policy during the Syrian civil war. A comparative study of the Obama administration and the Trump administration interference.

    Discuss the war in Syria
    The different parties involved (FSA)
    American FP evolving unipolar especially after UUSR
    Timeline of events what was happening during that time
    Obama administration foreign policy
    Obama interference in Syria
    Timeline of events what was happening during that time
    Trump administration foreign policy
    Trump interference in Syria
    Comparison of both

useful readings:,-Quietism,-and-Dissent

what I have attached are just experts taken from different articles but they are not rephrased they are copy and pasted

Marketing Plan (digital)

prepareing a presentation of 4 slides preparing a marketing campaign for the month of ramadan to sell BIKES (bmw motorrad Bikes) in saudi arabia.

i have prepare the slides i need to add more ideas and more theory and strategy for the marketing side.