Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Question 1:

Your company is considering the purchase of a second-hand scanning microscope at a cost of $10,500, with an estimated salvage value of $500 and a projected useful life of four years.

Determine the straight-line (SL), and double declining balance (DDB) depreciation schedules for year 1 to 4.

Question 2: Find attached questions

Please prepare and submit your solutions to questions of the case available at the end of chapter 5 “Vegetron’s CFO calls again”. Consider data from section 5.1 and additional instructions from pages 130 and 131 to answer questions 1) and 2). Within the latter, elaborate on your recommendations to opt for high or low temperature processes, based on your calculations of each option’s NPV and internal rate of return and any other selection criteria you consider applicable.


Critically assess the HR function of an organisation of your choice. To what extent do the HR processes reflect “best modern practice”? What recommendations would you make to the Director of HR?

The assignment should be approximately 1,500 – 2,000 words in length and be submitted by midnight on Sunday, April 5th.

Higher grades will be awarded for:

Use of course concepts, materials and examples
Evidence of research undertaken
The range of issues mentioned (Comprehensiveness)
Organisation and structure of the report, with section headings and paragraph titling (Clarity)
Academic standards of referencing and bibliography
Clear recommendations based on data and examples (Credibility)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is the assignment that replaces CA

Read the two articles below and summarize in your own words the arguments put forward for and against Wonder Woman being UN Ambassador. Then, provide your own opinion on the subject supported by your own arguments: should Wonder Woman have continued being the UN Ambassador (Why yes or why not)? Can she serve as a role model for women around the world, or maybe some women such as in the West  (Why yes or why not)? If so who could be role model for all women or what should be changed in Wonder Woman to represent all women?

The most important part is your own critical analysis.

Requirements: deadline is Sunday, April 5 class time; all late submissions will be penalized

word count: 500 words minimum; please add word count at the bottom of your submission

grading criteria: as per writing rubric

Safe Assign will be used, which is why it is important you rephrase ideas not copy directly


One less woman in politics_ Wonder Woman loses job as UN ambassador _ World news _ The Guardian.pdf                              Wonder Woman Should STILL be a UN Ambassador _ Inter Press Service.pdf

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Impediments to Economic Development

Discuss the contention that caste systems and patriarchal social systems are far more significant than poor natural resource endowments and corruption as impediments to economic development.
Your answer should be typed in double-line spacing and should not exceed 1600 words (references included). Avoid using extensive quotations from any of your sources. Apply theoretical perspectives from the course but also support your arguments with appropriate evidence.

Criteria & Marking:
Marks will be awarded for:
(i)  Evidence of the extent of relevant reading that has been undertaken, both in terms of breadth and depth, especially from the scholarly literate rather than merely referring to media reports and sources that have not been peer-reviewed (8 marks);
(ii)  Insight, critical thinking and creativity evident in applying theoretical perspectives to the topic (8 marks) ;
(iii)  Quality of writing (2 marks);
(iv)  Accuracy and consistency of referencing (2 marks). (It is recommended that you put your reference list together using EndNote and use the default APA format.)

I’ve attached some lecture handout for you, there are some theoretical perspectives you gonna apply in this essay and also a textbook you may find it useful.

Individual editorial project

Individual Editorial Project
Word count: 1,250 words

The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their understanding of an editor’s role in the production of texts, and to formulate a meaningful evaluation or piece of advice about the creation of a text.

Task description:

Students will write an editorial analysis of a professional or public document or text of their choice. It should be a text that is publicly availableor that has had identifying details removed if semi-public or organisational.

Using what you have learned thus far about the editorial process through class discussions and readings, you should comment on the features of your chosen text. This could include the rhetorical strategies used, what you have discovered about the editorial process that produced it, elements of invention, arrangement or style (selection and shaping), target audience and intended effects, the actual (or potential) effects, its formatting, design or delivery.

After analysing some of these features, you should indicate whether you feel the editor’s choices were effective, and if not, offer suggested changes to the document in question.

Your analysis will need to show:

knowledge of the editing process and/or rhetorical appeals, devices, etc.
a considered attempt to think critically about audience and how to determine whether a text meets the expectations of an audience
understanding of how texts areor could beedited for a particular meaning or effect
application/understanding of readings to date in support of your analysis
Your evaluation and/or editorial advice will need to show:

understanding of the editorial role in the text production process, and what sorts of interventions or changes editors should be responsible for
a considered attempt to address a context or rhetorical situation for the text
the use of persuasive strategies to convince the reader of the need or desirability of changes, while maintaining constructive editorial relationships
Formatting/referencing style: Any academic or professional format and style suitable to the field chosen. Please ensure that all relevant information is included, and that the style is consistent throughout.


In what circumstances would Quarantine against the spread of disease constitute breach of Human Rights?

What is the United Nations views and advice on this? Views of the International/European Court of Justice/Human Rights?

Summary of 8 to 10 most notable and representative cases of quarantine exercise (arising for the fear of the spread of disease) by governments in the world which were challenged in international courts or courts in those countries for breach of human rights.

Conclusion: where to draw the line between reasonable, necessary and legal quarantine And excessive, arbitrary or illegal restriction of human movement and hence breach of human right?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For me, it would all depend upon the type of data set that is in question. I wouldnt think data set relating to a specific clinic would be pertinent to public use. If it was regarding the data for a specific service, then I could see a better argument as to why it might be good to release to the public. The reason why, is that its more important to be able to compare like services against competition. While data for the specific clinic is really only important to the facility. Its something that the VA hospital system does, providing data pertinent to the type of care demanded (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2020). We dont share individual clinic data, which is more of the data that I work with. This is because its more important for me to know how were utilizing our clinics then it is for the public. I do understand how the micro level of data that I work with impacts the larger more general data. Regardless of the type of data released, if a person cant understand it then its worthless to them. Not properly understanding it can lead to potentially poor choices.


Department of Veterans Affairs (2020) Hospital compare data. Retrieved from

Agumentitive essay

Research Essay: Write a persuasive, argumentative, research essay on a topic of your choice. Your essay must cite a minimum 4-5 secondary sources (only scholarly essays or books found through the library catalogue count for this requirement), in addition to any other sources relevant to the essay topic. I am interested in your own ideas and how they are organized in your essay but also how you speak to and incorporate other opinions and ideas. Choose your topic carefully based on your current interests as an informed citizen of the world. Be specific in your topic and leave broad philosophical statements to philosophers. Avoid fallacies. If you are concerned whether your topic meets these requirements, come and speak to me EARLY in the composition process.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In many cases, clinical data is funded through public resources therefore there is a misconception that the data should be made available to the public. However, on the opposite side of the spectrum, the data also contains personal information on the clinical participants and should be protected. Private companies also analyze and collect clinical data and place proprietary value on the data they collect as intellectual property of the private organization (“Healthcare Data: Public Good or Private Property”, 2019). So it really comes down to a balancing act. If the clinical data is funded by taxpayer dollars then there should be an expectation that the data be made available to the public. However, if private organizations are supporting and contributing to the clinical data sets then their contributions should be allowed to stay privatized to a point due to intellectual property laws. Take pharmaceutical research for example. Not all clinical trials result in a drug being released to the public however not all clinical trial data is shared among researchers and scientists on what worked and what did not (“Clinical trial data should be open to public view”, 2015). In this case, if the data results were released at a high level, this may have helped other researchers collaborate and work together to find better efficiencies in their research process. The actual proprietary data that includes specific formula combinations and patient data can remain private but overall results and methods would be available to any interested party.

Clinical trial data should be open to public view(2015). Retrieved from

Cognitive psychology

Write a 15 page long (include the reference) double spaced paper about at least six recommendations for how students should study (or how teachers should teach) so that they will understand, remember and be able to apply what they learn better. The citations must include articles I provide and must Include at least 18 citations in APA format. Please see the detailed instructions in the file I attached.