Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Cognitive psychology

Write a paper about at least six recommendations for how students should study (or how teachers should teach) so that they will understand, remember and be able to apply what they learn better. The citations must include articles I provide and must Include at least 18 citations in APA format. Please see the detailed instructions in the file I attached.

Financial management

Financial management is about making decisions with regards to investment in assets, the raising of capital to pay for these investments, and the creation of value for companies.

Explain the term financial management in detail, and discuss why financial managers need to understand the concept of the time value of money in addition to financial instruments such as bonds and stocks. Please use examples to illustrate your explanations.

Word limit: 1,500-2,000

Diagnostic Tool for Monogenic Diabetes

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice.
Create a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.
Include the following:
!. Describe the intervention or treatment tool and the specific patient population used in the study.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Gender Bias in North American

I already finish the introduction, background paragraph and one body paragraph. Based on the body paragraph I wrote, write the next three paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. I already choose the key words for the next three paragraph (lack of promotions to higher levels, lack of decision-making power, more women is losing jobs.) You can use the website that I found or you can use other that base on Gender bias in North American.

Diversity Training Individual Final Project

For your final project, you will apply what you have learned this semester to create a short diversity training program. (Diversity in the workplace, microaggression, discrimination, prejudice, stereotype, race, LGBTQ, age discrimination, disabilities, religions)

Training programs are usually conducted after a needs analysis (the process that involves identifying what skill or concept needs to be trained on) is performed in an organization.

You will first create a hypothetical situation under which the training will be needed. You can feel free to draw from your own experiences as well as examples from the media (e.g., news, television, movies, podcasts, etc.) in order to create the situation.

Next, you will create an actual training that you will write about.

The focus of the training can be as broad or specific as you would like. For example, you can focus on topics like discrimination, teamwork in diverse groups, or diversity awareness broadly, or focus on addressing issues within a specific social identity group (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation, age, etc.). However, the training you create should only cover a narrow part of the topic, given the time/space limits.
o For instance, If the focus of your training is teamwork in diverse groups, after a very brief introduction to the broader topic, you could make the training about 1-2 specific conflict management strategies or 1-2 communication strategies. If the focus of your training is sexual orientation in the workplace, after a very brief introduction on this topic, you could make the training about how an organization can implement 1-2 inclusive policies, 1-2 ways coworkers can be more inclusive towards people who arent heterosexual, or 1-2 ways managers can address microaggressions towards people who arent heterosexual. (These are just examples to illustrate how narrow in scope your training should be, you could present on other things.)

The targets of your training are employees in the organization your hypothetical scenario is about. If you are writing about your training, the audience would just be the employees in the hypothetical organization.

There are various methods of training (e.g., lecture, modeling, role-playing, simulations, etc.) and training can include many interactive elements (e.g., exercises, pre- and post-tests to show acquisition of knowledge, etc.).

o If you are writing a paper about your training, you can design and write about a method that would take a little longer to implement in class (e.g., role-playing, simulation, exercises) since you dont have to actually do everything within the 5-minute time limit. Given the page limit, I would just include one method to teach all the training content (e.g., 1-2 communication strategies).

Whether you present your training or write a paper about your training, you will need to conduct research to obtain the content of your training. You should plan to use at least 3 scholarly sources (class reading assignments as well as other journal articles and book chapters that you find through your own research). You may utilize other sources in putting together the training (e.g., websites, magazines, etc.), but these sources do not count towards the reference requirement.

Immigration, Deportation and Detention

I don’t need editing or rewriting, I simply need to add 4 more pages to my essay. I will send the instruction bellow  and will upload the essay

Conduct and write a policy analysis paper on your previously selected problem. The primary focus will be on defining the problem, providing necessary context, determining criteria for evaluation, and constructing policy alternatives. The actual forecasting and decision making portions will utilize a research proposal approach.

The full paper should be 15-20 double-space pages (not including references). The Salmon Fishery analyses on Canvas can serve as useful examples and templates for how to proceed.

Specifics on the component parts are below:

Executive summary
This is a one page summary of the most important elements of your analysis. The executive summary should stand on its own and be interpretable to the reader without having to refer to any of the larger report. This is one of the most important parts of the entire analysis. Spend considerable time making it clear and comprehensive.
Problem analysis
This section introduces the larger report and includes the problem definition and description, background and context, and symptom assessment. This should provide readers with a clear and factually accurate understanding of the problem under consideration, be grounded in research and backed by reliable references.  An assessment of the causes and consequences of the problem should also be included here. 
The inclusion of a problem diagram is optional. While it is an important foundational when beginning an analysis, problem diagrams are not typically included in final policy analysis reports. That said, if it helps you communicate the problem dynamic you are addressing, by all means include it.
Policy goals (criteria) and impact categories
Here you will identify and describe the goals (criteria) and impact categories which you will use to assess each policy alternative. Do careful, thoughtful work here. Make sure your goals make sense.  Explain them and justify why they are important.  Identify concrete measurable impact categories as necessary to flesh out each goal. Be explicit about the relative importance of each goal and justify any weights that you use.  Use as many goals and impact categories as are appropriate for your particular problem. Please provide a summary of alternative in terms of policy goals (see Salmon Fishery).
Policy alternatives
Identify and describe 3 policy alternatives that have the potential to mitigate the problem you are examining.  These should be perceived as among the top choices out of all the interventions possible. Given this, briefly describe the potential of each policy and your rationale for its inclusion.
Make sure that you identify the policy tool that each alternative utilizes and calibrate the tool as necessary.  Provide enough specific detail about each alternative so that they are able to be forecasted. 
Note: Be careful with policies that contain multiple different tools: they can get muddy. I recommend that you only combine multiple tools into a single alternative if you have strong reason to believe that their combination provides a value-added that could not be achieved by each individually.
Policy Recommendation
In this part of the analysis you are going to give you recommendation as to which policy alternative would be best moving forward. Technically, you could say the status quo is the recommended policy, but keep in mind that you are usually commissioned to do an analysis in an effort to strategize change. Most employers would be frustrated to pay for an analysis that said, We like what we are doing now. Explain and justify why you believe the policy alternative you choose ought to be implemented. You are not hired to implement the policy. You do not need to describe how you would carry out the alternative, however, if a shallow explanation about how an aspect of the implementation help lead you to your decision, than you may address it. 

Writing style
This analysis should be polished and flow smoothly from section to section. I recommend the use of headings for each section.
Proper citations are expected throughout and a works cited should be included at the end. Please use any one of standard citation styles (i.e. APSA, APA, and Chicago). I am ambivalent as to which you select, but be consistent in your usage.
15-20 pages (Times New Roman, Size 12, 1in. Margins) should provide sufficient space for the assessment requested, but this is a hard limit so work to make your writing concise.


1. Visit SuperCourse(SC) (Links–> ). Search the keyword or topic index of this site for specific epidemiological areas and pick one topic to review.  Share a summary of the topic with the class, and be sure to cite your references.
( Please cite with at least 2 references)

Make your initial post by 23:59 EST Tuesday.
Respond to other classmates’ posts by 23:59 EST Saturday.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric that is attached.


you must turn in a list of the top five (at least your list can be longer) most important insights from your assigned readings- textbook reading is chapter 4 and 5. The rest of the readings are attached.  for that week. These are the five most important insights TO YOU, not to the class or the world or the managers in general, but to YOU specifically. Your insights can derive from something positive you learned, a negative reaction to what you read, some controversy you see in the readings, a disagreement with the materials, etc. Try relating them to something that has happened to you, to a family member, or to friends, or at work. 

Write out the sentence, statement, or quotation you are reacting to. State whether it is from the text or a reading.  If it is from a reading, name it.  Explain why it caught your attention, why you think it is important. 

When I read, I tend to highlight items, sentences, phrases, or ideas that make me go hmmmmm  This is a good idea.  When you are finished reading for that day, you can go back over the readings and find your highlighted items and decide which to use in your Top 5 paper.

You must rank order your list and indicate why each item is important to you specifically. As long as you express why the insight is important to YOU, you can also (if you want) discuss why you feel the insight is also important to the class, to managers and leaders in general, and/or to the world.  For your most important item, you must indicate why you chose that item as  # 1. What is it that makes that particular insight the most important to you this week? Failure to identify why your number 1 is THE most important item will result in loss of 10 points.

When thinking about why a certain item is important, it may help to relate it to something that has happened in your life, your family or friends lives, or in the news.  I will be most interested in how you justify your choice of the five items, and in particular, your number one top item!

You do not need to have one insight from each assigned reading.  However, they should not all be just from the text reading. That will make me think you arent reading the other articles.

Graduate Admission

The personal statement should be a 500-1000 word essay that answers the questions below. Please provide detailed and specific examples from academia, industry or research when possible.

What makes you interested in the MCIT program?
How will you benefit from the program?
Why will you succeed in the program?
How will you contribute to the MCIT community?
Please describe your career goals and how the MCIT Online curriculum will help to achieve them.
Given that the program is designed for people without a CS background, if you feel that your resume could be perceived as overqualified, please explain why MCIT Online is right for you.

Research Article critique

Find a current and relevant news or academic article (NOT A BLOG POST!) focused on sexuality or gender and follow the format below (should be 4-5 complete pages for full points). Please follow the format EXACTLY, including the underlined headers for each section. Failure to do so will result in a loss of points for the assignment. You may turn in your paper early, however turning in after the due date will result in a 0 on your paper.

Article Summary: (2-3 paragraphs- no more!)
Relevance: (3-4 paragraphs) Discuss what makes this article relevant to current issues around sexuality and or gender.
Theory Application: (3-4 paragraphs) Apply ONE sociological theory to the information from this article. Be certain to use clear examples from the article to support your discussion.
Your Opinion/Critique: (2+ paragraphs) This should be the main focus of your writing and this assignment. Be clear and specific. Answer questions like: What facts about the topic have been presented? What made you interested in this article? What social relevance does this article have? How does this article add to the academic literature on this subject?
Article Citation: Using standard ASA or APA format, cite your article. Hyperlinks are not citations.