Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* For the first project, during the regular lab period for Lab 6, groups will be given one large flask of cells to subculture into eight culture plates each at 1×105 viable cells/plate, with two replicate plates for each concentration of NGF. This completes day 1. Then on days 2, 3 and 4, exactly 100 cells in two representative fields of view per plate will be observed, and the number out of 100 that have neurite-like outgrowths will be recorded. This project will include medium changes to replenish the NGF on all days but the last. For the second project, groups will be given one or two large flasks of cells to subculture into eight culture plates, but each will contain as high a concentration of viable cells per plate as possible. This completes day 1. On days 2 and 3, NGF will be replenished by changing the medium. On the final day of the project, trypan blue exclusion assays will be done for each plate (in duplicate) to determine the total number of viable cells and the viability percentage for each condition. * no need for materials and method the paper will be ( introduction, Result, Discussion, and reference). * the text portion of the Results section. Always introduce the figure or table in the text of the Results before you show it to your reader. For example, Figure 1 should be inserted as soon as is feasible after noting that: A general trend showing dose-dependent differentiation was observed (Fig.1). The text and the visuals should form a coherent presentation of the data you obtained. When you discuss error bars (and you definitely should), note that whether or not you are able to draw statistical conclusions depends of the number of replicates used. If there are fewer than 6 replicates (2 independent data points from 3 independent experiments), you cannot reliably use error bars to draw conclusions regarding statistical significance. This will be the case for your project, because whereas we will gather 4 data points for each concentration for each point in time, these will not be generated by three independent experiments. Still, you will always be able to examine the error bars to draw conclusions regarding possible trends that could be confirmed or rejected if you were to repeat the experiment enough times, based on the following points: o if two error bars do not overlap, this suggests that more robust data would reveal statistical difference, and vice versa o if an error bar is small (e.g. 10% total) you can conclude that the data is of reasonable quality based on this lack of variation in the samples, and vice versa.

the paper should contain an introduction, result, and discussion where the result should interpret the data in the graphs and the error bar.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The topic is about gender discrimination among Uber employees. (contemporary HRM problems facing real organizations)
3 pages
Background (what is the company)
    When it started
    How many people use it
    An introduction to the problems we will be examining
    The things we will be covering in the report

reading analytics

When the Perks Fade 

Sean Neale is CEO of a robotics manufacturing firm located in the Midwestern United States. The company prospered in the 1990s sales revenue nearly tripled and the company’s workforce doubled. The price of the company’s stock rose from under $8 a share to more than $60. And his employees prospered because the firm had a pay-for-performance compensation system. Specifically, every year, 20 percent of the company’s profits were set aside in a bonus pool and used to reward employees. Profit sharing provided the typical employee with an extra $7,800 in 1998 and $9,400 in 1999. Then it dropped to just $2,750 in 2000. The company lost money in 2001 and 2002, so there were no profits to share. Meanwhile, Sean’s executive team was not spared from watching their profit-sharing bonuses disappear. The average executive bonus in 1999 was over $150,000. Like the company’s operating employees, in 2001 and 2002, executives got nothing over and above their basic salaries.

            Sean’s situation seems to be common among many firms. While employees in 2002 and 2003 were often glad to just have a job, the incentives they enjoyed in the 1990s were eroding. For instance, Ford Motor Company suspended contributions to salaried employees 401(k) retirement plans and merit raises for about 2,200 senior executives; Media company Tribune Co. in Chicago froze wages and cut 140 senior managers pay by 5 percent; and Hewlett-Packard eliminated profit sharing in 2001. 

The question is:

What implications can you draw from this case regarding pay-for-performance and what can you offer employees as an alternative to compensation that will not place an undue hardship on your organization’s bottom line? Be specific.

Source: This case is based on S. Jones, “When the Perks Fade”, Wall Street Journal, April 11, 2002, p. B12

Please support answers and refer more to chapter 2,3 and 4. An opinion alone is not enough

Reading Response

Write a 2 page reading response paper.
-Do not summarize. Think about the 2 readings together and make analytical points. Please read and write in an analytical manner.
-No need for introduction or conclusion-just enter start the reading response directly.
-Use APA citations when you quote and paraphrase (last name, year, p. #).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This chapter focuses on gangs specifically. Many attempts have been made to address this challenge in our communities and in the Criminal Justice System. Why do youths join gangs? How do we prevent it? How do we get them out, once they have joined?

Follow this link: Homeboy Industries.

Respond to every aspect of the prompt fully. Do not leave out any question in the prompt. This is the minimum requirement to get the equivalent of a C grade for this assignment. Essay style writing is sufficient. This is informal, however use proper grammar.

After spending some time exploring the website. Explain what this organization is, why it is woking, and what is unique about it compared to traditional programs. Relate this information back to the information provided in the chapter.

The Unreflective thinker

Each Journal Entry will address one of these stages. Your challenge is to examine a situation in your own life experience that can serve as an example for each of these stages. If you cannot think of a personal example then research the stage in question and journal about that material.

Each upload should be about one page.

Stage One

We Begin as Unreflective Thinkers

We all begin as largely unreflective thinkers, fundamentally unaware of the determining role that thinking is playing in our lives. We dont realize, at this stage, the many ways that problems in thinking are causing problems in our lives. We unconsciously think of ourselves as the source of truth. We assume our own beliefs to be true. We unreflectively take in many absurd beliefs merely because they are believed by those around us. We have no intellectual standards worthy of the name. Wish fulfillment plays a significant role in what we believe. Whatever we want, we believe we should have. We create and maintain pleasant illusions. If it feels good to believe something, we believe it.

At this stage, we may think well intuitively within certain domains of our lives. For example, we may have high-quality thinking skills with respect to our work, or we may be good at balancing our personal budget, etc. But when there are problems in our thinking, we usually fail to recognize them as such. We have no knowledge of the “moves” our minds are making. Therefore, we cannot correct its errors.

We begin to move beyond this stage when we develop real insight into the “flawed” nature of our own thinking. This insight, to be effective, must be concrete and specific. Virtually everyone will agree in the abstract that they have some “prejudices” and that their thinking is “not perfect.” But these unelaborated admissions have no functional value to those who concede them. They are not based on any real knowledge of the nature of thinking. They are not based on a realistic sense of the skills they would need to develop to improve. They are not based on an accurate appraisal of the kinds of motivation they would have to develop to improve over an extended period of time.

Read instructions

Field of Healthcare

For this week’s assignment,  I would like you to take some time and identify the process you would set up to evaluate at least one capital project that you as a healthcare manager would submit to your finance department during the capital request process for your organization.  This assignment is a maximum 3-page paper that identifies the process you would go through to develop and present your capital project request.  Include all the steps you would take into consideration so you could submit these projects to be considered by your organization. Also, identify why each of them is an important step in submitting your proposal to the finance department. 

Don’t expect that this paper can be done in less than at least two pages and I do not want the paper to exceed the three-page maximum.  Overall, outline the steps and process that you would have to submit your proposal to the finance department.

Individual Innovative Company Profile Report(opentable)

Individual Innovative Company Profile Report:(opentable)

should answer the following questions based on the research each student should do for the paper and also applying your own insights, experiences+perspectives where relevant:

(1) What are founding innovations for the existing company you have chosen?

(2) What are potential innovation directions in the existing company you have chosen as you think could be developed according to principles in The Innovators Method textbook?

(3) How can you apply an Innovation Capital and Innovation leadership perspective to the present or historic leadership of this company?

Each student should also provide at least 5 distinct (e.g. not just from the company website), credible (e.g. not a blog but a journalistic site with a reputation for accuracy and reliability), non-Wikipedia, clickable URL reference links in English. Use standard APA formatting for the paper and references. Provide a complete title page, use headers within your document to identify each question (and use any sub-headers as needed), use page numbers (it is required) and please be sure to spell-check and grammar-check your document.

Assignments are graded based on specific analytic responsiveness to each of the questions and also on the basis of incorporating and applying specific concepts from our textbooks and course. For each question, analyze and interpret the innovativeness of the company based on the accomplishments of the company and its leadership and also in relation to specific concepts in our course and to our Innovation Capital and Innovator’s Method textbooks.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Methods of Analysis and Description of the Organization : The methods
of analysis will be similar to the same section in this proposal, but more in depth.
Provide a brief introduction to the organization.
    What is it
    What change your doing
    Method: survey description, interview with Blake
    We collected data from your organization through a survey, the participants were; we had the following questions ; please refer to the appendix for the full survey; 1-5 of the scale means;
    2 methods: an interview for environmental scan quantitative (summary of the meeting no appendix for transcripts)
    and survey

find three examples of publications, articles, reports, or stories from each of these kinds of information sources. You will have a total of nine sources three for each information source type. The topic of the work is to be a specific crime within the C

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

One of the major forms of research conducted by criminologists is searching for and analyzing information in published materials. These materials include

peer-reviewed journal articles (articles published in academic journals)
government documents (reports such as those published by the National Institute of Justice [NIJ], FBI, etc.)
mass media reports (articles in major newspapers [The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.] and electronic media outlets [ABC, Fox, CNN, etc.])
Each of these kinds of information sources has its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the kind of research a criminologist is conducting, one of these may prove more useful than the others.

Your mission in this assignment is to find three examples of publications, articles, reports, or stories from each of these kinds of information sources. You will have a total of nine sources three for each information source type. The topic of the work is to be a specific crime within the CJS. 

Use the Internet to locate the government documents and mass media reports, and use the UMGC online library to obtain the peer-reviewed journal articles. Then, write a report on what you found. In your report, please do the following:

Provide an APA reference for each of the nine works.
Annotation- After each APA reference, provide a brief description of the work. Each of the nine descriptions should be at least 100 words in length. The description should tell your reader what the work is about.
Summary- After this, write an analysis of the value of each of the three types of information sources (article, report, media news item) from which you gathered examples. In other words, after describing each of the nine works, present a discussion of what you learned about the value to criminologists of peer-reviewed journal articles versus government documents versus mass media reports. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? We are looking for some critical thinking about these sources here!
Format Requirements

Paper should be in American Psychological Association (APA) format

Double space

12 pt. font

1 margins

Use APA citations for all sources

Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)

NOTE: Support materials are available in the classroom to assist you with APA formatting requirements.

Additionally –

Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)

Include your name

Course title and number

Project title

Date of submission