Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your paper should allow you to reflect upon each of the themes in the chapters of the book. For example, you should focus on reflections of your growing understanding of what evolution is and what it is not. It should include your personal journey of discovery related to the concept of evolution. It should also include philosophical, theological, and sociological reflections, as well as a demonstration of a scientific understanding of evolution. Additionally, you should critique and evaluate the ideas presented in the book using your scientific understanding of the process of evolution.
The term paper is a major assignment for this course and so ought to evidence the following:
Understanding of the relevant science
The ability to use relevant literature in support of your conclusions
Your individual response to the material and readings. This may involve an assessment of what you found to be particularly compelling and/or problematic; your personal thoughts and/or reactions to what is being considered; consideration of implications implicit in the materials being addressed; an assessment of the strengths and/or shortcomings of particular points; etc…


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Community Needs Assessment
You will conduct a community needs assessment by choosing a specified population or community.  You are expected to submit a 5-10 page

You will conduct a community needs assessment by choosing a specified population or
community. Grades will be based on the guidelines listed. Papers submitted must be
typed using APA format. A PowerPoint presentation of community needs assessment
needs to be submitted through the drop box.
Community_____________________ Date______________
I) Overview
A) Description of the Community
i) History
ii) Type of community: urban, suburban, rural
II) Physical Environmental Considerations: The Community As a Place
A) Description: general identifying data
i) Location
ii) Topographical features
iii) Climate
B) Boundaries, area in square miles
C) Environment
i) Sanitation: water supply, sewage, garbage, trash
ii) Pollutants, toxic substances, animal reservoirs or vectors, flora and fauna
iii) Air quality: color, odor, particulates
iv) Food supply: sources, preparation
v) Potential disaster in the population
vi) Extent of disaster preparation in the population

Active Conservatio

Active Conservation: As technology progresses, we have increased capacity to actively intervene and engineer ecosystems. We have every reason to expect these capacities to continue to expand. For example, we can facilitate animal migration, introduce non-native species, revive long extinct species, genetically engineer extant species, and so on. Which of these interventions are justified and why? How should we decide whether and when to intervene? Is non-intervention even possible? Desirable? (Readings to consider: Emma Marris Rambunctious Garden; Clare Palmer `Saving Species but Losing Wildness’; C. Josh Donlan Restoring America’s Big Wild Animals; Ronald Sandler `The Ethics of Reviving Long Extinct Species’; Lilly-Marlene Russow `Why Do Species Matter?’)

please write a paper not longer than 1500 words addressing the topic. Please do not feel as though every question in your chosen topic needs to be explicitly addressed. Instead, think of the prompts as exactly thatprompts. A successful paper will demonstrate that you are grappling with the issues raised in that topic. That can be done by narrowing the focus to only one aspect of that topic and considering it carefully. The same goes for the readings to consider. I would say papers should explicitly engage with at least two readings, but beyond that only use readings as they are useful to you.

Citations: Students must cite appropriately. This means indicating where quotes and paraphrases come from. I don’t care about format . You may use outside sourcesthough I discourage it. If you use outside sources, you must include a bibliography. If you just use class readings and handouts, you do not need to include a bibliography, but it should be clear from the in-line citations what comes from where.

African Americans in the Civil War

Unit II Annotated Bibliography
Weight: 11% of course grade
Grading Rubric
Due: Tuesday, 04/07/2020 11:59 PM (CST)
Follow the directions below for the completion of the Annotated Bibliography assignment for Unit II. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.

Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support your research proposal project. These summaries help you to think about the complex arguments presented in your sources.
Description: In this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography consisting of seven sources. Each entry will consist of a reference list citation, a summary of the sources information, and a one-sentence assessment. Each annotation should be between 150 to 200 words. If an entry is shorter than 150 words, it is likely you have not fully developed your summary, and this lack of development can severely impact your grade for this assignment.
Example: Click here to access the annotated bibliography example.
As always, you may also seek out the guidance of the Writing Center; the Writing specialists are always there to assist you with your writing, comprehension, and APA formatting. Be advised that Writing Specialist require up to two business days to return requests. If you have questions concerning APA style or your writing assignment, you can contact the Writing Center at [email protected] or by phone at ext. 6538.

You may also seek help from the librarians at the CSU Online Library who are there to assist you with your research and information literacy, which is the ability to find and evaluate information to help you make sound decisions, whether for academic, professional, or personal purposes. Under the Resources tab in Blackboard, select My Library. You have the ability to chat with a librarian via the live chat on the right side of the screen, or you can access the contact information for the CSU Online Library.

Family Trauma Assessment

Compose a short (8-10 pages) current APA paper detailing the traumatic events that have occurred within your family. Include nature of each trauma, approximate age at which each trauma occurred, positive or negative outcomes/effects/coping skills applied, etc. For the effects, substantiate from the literature (e.g. auto accident led to alcohol abuse-as described by Piper). Include at least 5 substantiating references  Compose a short (8-10 pages) current APA paper detailing the traumatic events that have occurred within your family. Include nature of each trauma, approximate age at which each trauma occurred, positive or negative outcomes/effects/coping skills applied, etc. For the effects, substantiate from the literature (e.g. auto accident led to alcohol abuse-as described by Piper). Include at least 5 substantiating references .

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyze the same case you were assigned to with your team, in other words, your personal analysis through the 5 Steps of Ethical Decision Making in pharmacy ethics.  This will be an argumentative paper, with a clearly focused thesis backed up by evidence from your personal perspective and at least one more secondary source (as per the below description).
LENGTH: 300-700 words, typed (font Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spacing).
Feel free to type it as Step by Step (by paragraph and points) or as a whole essay.
Cite at least one secondary source. The preferred secondary source would be either a scholarly book or an essay published in a peer-reviewed journal.
CITATIONS: Citations from all sources should be given parenthetically just after the citation, with a Works Cited listing, preferably in MLA, AMA or APA.

Writing project

Hi, I attached 2 reviews that need rewriting along with the template for the format. My instructor wants me to focus on revising the problem and rationale and the body of the text/proposal to illuminate professional development and focus on the impact Reading comprehension on student standardized test scores. He wants me to focus on reading comprehension core skills and how it impacts students standardized test scores, wants me to emphasize that it is a local problem but regional and not a specific school. So it could be essentially a southern state. He wants me to focus my proposal on the district level to determine or see how many students are in the district, how many teachers are in the district, what is a performance on standardized test, what is the reading curriculum, and reading instructors in each school in the district. The entire paper needs to be edited in APA format. Check for grammar, punctuation, etc. There will be multiple edits and revisions that I will seek your assistance with. Thank you.

Applied Statistics

You should prepare a quantitative data set for data analysis with at least 50 observations and 5 variables for the essay (at least two variables with interval level measurement and at least one variable with categorical measurement). You should use descriptive statistics to summarize at least two interval level variables and use frequency distribution to summarize one categorical variable. You are also required to use multivariate linear regression and other two inferential analysis techniques you have learned from this course to address meaningful research questions. Your essay should answer the following questions successively:

1. What are your research questions, hypotheses, and observations (analysis units)? Please make sure you specify your dependent variable and independent variables in your hypotheses.

2. Describe the data set you are using: where did you get the data or how were the data collected? How many valid observations in the sample?

3. How is each of the variables in your hypotheses measured? What are the measurement unit and measurement level of each variable? If you recoded any variable or generated any new variable, how did you do that?

4. Use basic descriptive statistics to summarize at least two interval level variables and use frequency distribution to summarize one categorical level variable. You may create a nice table or chart to help you report the data distribution.

5. Which inferential technique (including multivariate linear regression) do you use to test your hypotheses? Why do you think the technique is appropriate? Please make sure you specify your dependent variable and independent variables in your inferential analyses.

6. Report the findings of your inferential analyses and discuss whether each of your hypotheses is supported or not.

7. Discuss implications of your results: How can your results provide suggestions to help improve performance in the field?

Hackers and Intellectual Property

A 2,000 word essay on….
Many of the hackers and organizations we have studied in this course are critical of intellectual property and copyright. Why? What are some of the ways in which hackers have intervened against intellectual property? Why is this important to both hackers and digital culture?

– Essays are expected to be supported by 6-8 scholarly sources including course readings as well as journal articles and scholarly books which the student will identify in the course of their research.
– Students are free to use secondary and primary sources including newspaper articles, magazines, websites and non-scholarly monographs can also be used, but do not count towards the scholarly bibliographical requirements above.
– All essays are expected to use properly formatted APA style citations and include an APA style reference page.

I have attached a couple of scholarly articles to use…
Coleman, G., & Golub, A. (2008). Hacker practice: Moral genres and the cultural articulation of liberalism. Anthropological Theory, 8(3), 255277.

Bretthauer, D. (2002). Open Source Software: A History. Information Technology and Libraries, 1(21), 310.

Brunton, F. (2013). Spam: A shadow history of the internet. MIT Press.

Wasiak, P. (2012). Illegal Guys A History of Digital Subcultures in Europe during the 1980s. Studies in Contemporary History, 9, 257276.

Lessig, Lawrence (1996). Intellectual Property and Code. Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development: Vol. 11 : Iss. 3 , Article 6.

3015 dq 8

Discussion 8:

Write about the readings and videos. What interests you about cognition and individual differences and why?

Kristens respond

Discussion 8
            Various theories have sought to present the means by which cognitive development occurs, particularly over the formative years in infancy through adolescence. Most notably, Piaget outlined the stages of progressively more complex cognitive processes that build upon those before through early adulthood and allow individuals to meet the increasing demands of life as they age (Crain, 2011). His perspectives have been expanded and challenged, as cognitive science seeks to address the specific ways we come to be equipped to engage in complex tasks and the means by which our abilities develop. Further, the process is quite obviously not entirely universal, as there are individual differences in aptitude that can be seen when comparing scores on standardized measures of IQ. While IQ tests have received critique, it still stands that individuals will differ on their abilities for different tasks; however, the factors that contribute to those differences are a matter unresolved in the literature.
            For instance, as a matter of sex, it has been shown that, in actuality, there are very few differences between men and women in regards to completion of commonly employed cognitive tasks (Galotti, 2017). Differences that do exist on a very small number of specific tasks, however this has yet to be thoroughly explained. As a matter of culture, it has been debated that various cognitive tasks may not be cross-culturally appropriate and may account for some individual differences; this has been proposed on the basis that cultural demands differ, as well as the environments, lending to the hypothesis that cognitive development necessarily occurs through environmental stimuli in a context-dependent way (Gardiner, 1998). However, this hypothesis has been challenged in studies indicating that cross-culturally participants from wildly different backgrounds can score similarly on cognitive tasks, even if the means by which they may approach the answer differs (Galotti, 2017). These findings are interesting and, more than suggesting a one-to-one development relationship between environment and cognition, instead suggest that context influences the particular processes one employs for a given task. Further, Galotti (2017) writes that while schooling may improve ones ability to verbalize the methods they use to complete a given task, it actually has been shown to have little bearing on the ability to complete tasks accurately.
            Ultimately, focusing on any one explanation will leave many blind spots, as human development is complex and occurs in conjunction with various factors that are both culture-specific and universal. It is difficult to thoroughly encapsulate the contributions to individual differences, and many factors will be uncontrollable by interventions meant to address disparity. Galotti (2017) does reference one study wherein results indicated SES accounted for a degree of the difference, and this seems an important area of focus in determining the degree to which we can help alleviate disparities through fostering equity in access to age-appropriate educational experiences, toys, and materials. So I suppose, if I were to answer what is most interesting about individual differences, it is how we come to identify those sources of difference that can be practically addressed and the means by which we go about doing so.
Crain, W. (2011). Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications (6th ed.). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
Galotti, K. M. (2017). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Gardiner, H. W., Mutter, J. D., & Kosmitzki, C. (1998). Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.