Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Defination Essay on Biblical Term

Definition Essay Assignment

1. If reference is cited from a bible, then there is no citation required.  2. APA Essay format will be marked very carefully, so make sure the application of rue is correct.  3. Review page 53 from WRTG 101 Course Pack SP2020. And follow the guide line for this assigment.

4. Choose ONE term from the list below. Write a 1-2 page essay (APA format) to define the term using the Bible as the primary source of evidence.  The essay should include an introduction, 1 body paragraph based on the example story below, and a conclusion.

You can use additional sources (make sure they are authoritative/credible) to help you understand the term. Make sure to include citations for these sources if you use ideas from them in the discussion sections of your body paragraphs. 

A reference for the Bible is NOT necessary (i.e. if the Bible is your only source of evidence, no References page needed). 

TERMS To Choose from (Choose only one term, and the choice must come from the list below or have instructor approval.  Essays about terms other than on the list below without approval will not receive a grade):

Grace (Example Story: Laborers in the Vineyard, Matthew Chapter 20:1-16)
Peace (Example Story: The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew Chapter 5)
Repentance (Example Story: Jonah and the city of Nineveh, Jonah Chapter 1:1-2 & Jonah Chapter 3 & 4)
Resurrection (Example Story The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, Luke Chapter 22-24)
Idolatry (Example Story: The Golden Calf Exodus Chapter, 32)
Mercy (Example Story: The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, Matthew Chapter 18: 23-35)
Heaven (Example Story: A New Heaven and Earth, Revelation Chapter 21)

Hopi of Arizona & New Mexico

Use a question then answer format, followed by one long summary paragraph on how you thought the interview went, what you learned from it, what surprised about some of the answers, or not, etc. It should come to around 3 pages typed 1.5 spacing.  You write (transcribe/translate) their answers, not them.

1) What is your ethnicity or cultural background, along with your 1st language?  Do you have a subcultural, regional or tribal identity as well?

2) How much of your personality and identity is based in your ethnicity? (may need to define ethnicity for them; basic components of culture>language, religion, history, homeland, traditions)

3) What sort of activities or behavior do you engage in that represents your ethnicity (customs, traditions, religious events, annual events), and what activities have you left behind in your original homeland?

4) How much history of your ethnic group are you knowledgeable of, or aware of?  What piece of history stands out in your mind as important?

5) What are some of the major differences between your culture and American society that stand out in your mind?

6) Is there anything in the way of political or economic activity that is unique in your homeland culture?

7) Is your ethnicity or culture having trouble adapting to the changes of the 21st century? (equality for women, advanced technology, sexual orientation, etc.) if yes, give examples.

Before, or during the interview, you can come up with 1 or 2 extra questions of your own if you want to.  Just make sure they are sensitive, unbiased and not leading (questions that provoke a certain answer) in your questioning.

RE: Discussion – Week 3

4MAT Review Instructions
The 4MAT Review is a way of responding to readings, lectures, and life experiences that requires you, the learner, to interact with new ideas on several levels. You will write 2 separate reviews: 1 review for the Entwistle textbook and 1 review for the McMinn textbook. In preparing your 4MAT Reviews, use each of the 4 sections listed below with corresponding Level One headings in current APA format:

1.Provide a title page including only your name, the paper title (referring to the book title), and the institutional affiliation (Liberty University). Keep in mind that current APA standards recommend the title length not exceed 12 words. Also, keep in mind that the Running Head of your paper should be in the neighborhood of four to six words. All pages must include a running head and page number, and all pages are double spaced.  Please include an abstract on page 2.

2.Summary: After introducing the name of the book and author, summarize the book in approximately 2 pages. Be appropriately concise but also be adequately complete in your ideas. Prove that you comprehend the main ideas by writing a clear and succinct summary. The summary is not a commentary or listing of topics but rather a discussion of the core ideas (main ideas) in the entire book. If you miss the main ideas, you lack an understanding of the complete message of the book. The summary provides the foundation for the rest of your 4MAT paper. Cite the book in-text at least once per paragraph and include page numbers for direct quotations.

3.Concrete Responses: Be vulnerable. In approximately 1 page, write about a personal life episode that this book triggered in your memory. Relate your story in first person, describing action and quoting exact words you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is your own parable, case study, or personal connection to the main ideas of the book. Your comments in this section need to be clearly tied to main points from the book, not tangential ideas. Connect your comments to the main points for the reader.

4.Reflection: This section is a short critique or evaluation of the authors main ideas; include positives/negatives and strengths/weaknesses. You should consider new questions that arose for you in response to what you have read and explore concerns, implications, etc. Also, consider other sources that you have encountered in your life up to this point that relate to this book, such as other textbooks, journal articles, Scripture passages, and even ethical codes such as those in the ACA Code of Ethics (2014).  Provide this critique in approximately 1 page (sometimes additional length may be needed to provide an adequate critique).

5.Theological Interaction: This section is a significant part of your paper (25 points out of 125 points), and you are required to reflect on the question assigned to you, depending on the text you are reading for the particular 4MAT assignment.

Entwistle text. In approximately 2 pages, share with your reader/professor what model or models (enemies, spies, colonialists, rebuilders, neutral parties, or allies) you most personally resonate with and why.  Then create a solid argument to convince your reader/professor why this model is the best alternative.  You are encouraged to use passages of Scripture, Entwistles book, and other sources to describe why you took your position. 

McMinn text.  In approximately 2 pages, respond to the following issue: McMinn discusses guidelines when confronting sin during a counseling experience, and the lectures reviewed some factors as well.  Why can a sensitive Christian counselor not just automatically and quickly confront obvious sin in the life of the client?  Of the cautions mentioned by McMinn and other class sources, which ones to you think counselors most often overlook?  Why? You are also encouraged to share any passages or stories in Scripture that directly relate to this issue.  When identifying this story or stories, take time to clearly describe how this passage of Scripture directly relates to what you are communicating.

6. Action: What are you going to do about it? Develop action steps based on the core points of the book. This section must be a description of how the main ideas will affect your counseling. What professional changes will you implement and share with others? Be precise in summarizing your action steps and clearly connect your action steps to main points from the book. This section must be 1 page or less.

7.You are also required to create a references page; on this page, you must provide the complete reference citation for the book, along with other materials, in compliance with current APA standards.

Create and submit these assignments in a Microsoft Word document; these assignments must be written at the graduate level and must be in current APA format.
Note: Use quotations strategically and sparingly; in a paper this size, do not use longer (block) quotations.

You are highly encouraged to use the following website as a reference for proper APA formatting (This is a sample APA formatted paper):

Submit the 4MAT Review on the Entwistle textbook via SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.
Submit the 4MAT Review on the McMinn textbook via SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.

1080dq 14 res clara

Discussion 14,
4 replies.
What can we learn from history so we do not repeat it.  It seems in several places around the globe, the same rhetoric of what is right or who is included or excluded, accepted or departed, honored or exterminated, person or earth, was articulated at various times in history.  What happened?  Have we forgotten Elie Wiesels warning to never forget?  What are your comments about how our advice to learn from history so we may never repeat it, has failed, and what should a psychologist do from here?

Claras respond

It seems that to address this issue may require that psychologists examine their practice of psychology in relation to the debate over human science versus natural science. Especially where resolutions have not yet been found and subsequent harm has been done. For example, regarding systems of inquiry provided by Polkinghorne (1983), the issue becomes something possibly best addressed from a methodological standpoint where psychologists may face less than welcome fates regarding their use of problematic methodologies, to include their theoretical analyses.
One issue that seems important provided by Larsson (2017) is with regard to measurement of the mind to include psychological measurement, which would have included, historically, cranial measurement. Where psychological measurement, seems an area where we may have failed, to learn from history, such as in view of neuroscientific data utilized to draw conclusions regarding psychological well-being.
From our discussion on systems approaches, for example, it does seem important to wonder the extent to which these theoretical approaches such as General Systems Theory, can provide psychologists with the best sources upon which therapeutic care is then provided. For Larsson (2017) the origins of psychological measurement can include in the areas of psychometrics and psychological testing which involved quantifying mental life, and experimentation.
It can be that neuropsychological evaluations involve measuring physiological process which draw from standardized measurements from the past, however, for example, with the exception of cranial measurement, which has been abandoned in relation to phrenology and physiognomonic theories (Larsson, 2017). For Polkinghorne (1983) the deductive system of inquiry, for example, involved in experimentation and hypothesis testing can be seen to isolate observations that provide support for confirmed truths. This kind of reasoning is seen to have significant pitfalls regarding its ability to fully explain or represent what is considered accurate.
Larsson, P. (2017). Psychological healing: Historical and philosophical foundations of professional psychology. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.
Polkinghorne, D. (1983). Methodology for the human sciences: Systems of inquiry. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Choose ONE case study from Chapter 2 (Trait Approach), Chapter 5 (Situational Approach) and Chapter 7 (Leader-Member Exchange Theory) respectively, and answer the questions for them. Your response to each Case Study should be no more than one page double-spaced (three case studies = 3 pages in total). Label each Case Study (e.g. 3.1 for the first case study of Chapter 3) and submit all three Case Studies in ONE paper. Label the paper with your last name first, i.e. Smith-Case Studies. Be sure to put your name at the top of the paper and submit it in the dropbox.

chinese philosophy

Write 800-1,000 words answering the following questions based on the week’s reading.

Pleases read the daodejing section 39-81! and label each question.

1. Do you agree with Schwitzgebel that Laozi is hateful? Why or why not? Give evidence from the text.
2. What is another potential hateful thinker, philosopher or otherwise. Do you believe there is value in listening to their ideas?  Why?
3Schwitzgebel accuses Laozi of cheap paradox and sham profundity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Give three examples from the text (excluding examples already given by Schwitzgebel).
4.In comments, Justin Tiwald argues that these contradictions/paradoxes are tied into the main ideas of the text. What do you think he means by this? What are the main ideas hes referring to?
5.What is your favorite passage from the Daodejing? Why? What meaning does it have for you?
6.What is your least favorite passage from the Daodejing? Why? Whats so bad about it?
7.Why do you think the Daodejing has been so unbelievably influential over the last 2,500 years? What is it about the text that leads to such longstanding popularity and resonance?

one more source:

chinese philosophy

Write 800-1,000 words answering the following questions based on the week’s reading.

Pleases read the daodejing section 39-81! and label each question.

1. Do you agree with Schwitzgebel that Laozi is hateful? Why or why not? Give evidence from the text.
2. What is another potential hateful thinker, philosopher or otherwise. Do you believe there is value in listening to their ideas?  Why?
3Schwitzgebel accuses Laozi of cheap paradox and sham profundity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Give three examples from the text (excluding examples already given by Schwitzgebel).
4.In comments, Justin Tiwald argues that these contradictions/paradoxes are tied into the main ideas of the text. What do you think he means by this? What are the main ideas hes referring to?
5.What is your favorite passage from the Daodejing? Why? What meaning does it have for you?
6.What is your least favorite passage from the Daodejing? Why? Whats so bad about it?
7.Why do you think the Daodejing has been so unbelievably influential over the last 2,500 years? What is it about the text that leads to such longstanding popularity and resonance?

one more source:

Cause Or Effect

Please consider choosing from the potential topics in the attachment to write from.

Also before choosing a topic, consider a .org website as appropriate, depending on your topic.)  ProQuest and Academic One File are two useful research databases that cover all kinds of topics; Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher are also very useful databases with collections of sources on current social, political, environmental, and legal issues. 

Interpersonal Violence

A Practical Guide and Interpersonal Violence
Write a brief essay in which you apply key terms to your own life situation, past, present, or future.
    Essay with a reference to the textbook (citations/ references should be in APA style).
Your essay must meet the following criteria:
    Identified 2 key terms from the following list, defined, and explained them.
Key Terms
1.    aggressive communication
2.    Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
3.    Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)
4.    chilling effect
5.    common couple violence
6.    communication cognitions
7.    communication competence
8.    communicator personality trait
9.    culture of violence theory
10.    dialectical
11.    dialectical tensions
12.    ethnography
13.    general aggression model
14.    interpersonal violence
15.    interpersonal violence cycle
16.    intimate terrorism
17.    narratives
18.    nonverbally aggressive communication
19.    organizational culture
20.    participant observation
21.    patriarchal violence
22.    physical aggression
23.    qualitative methods
24.    relational controlmotivated aggression
25.    social construction theory
26.    unstructured interviews
27.    verbal abuse
28.    violence
29.    workplace violence

    Essay with a reference to the textbook (citations/ references should be in APA style).
    Written in the APA style using the correct grammar and spelling

Hollywood Old and new

Given what youve learned this term, would you say that Hollywood Cinema, has significantly evolved over time, or has it remained pretty consistent, in its predominant narratives, genres, structural conflicts, ideologies, aesthetic approaches, and engagement with prevailing social and political issues?
If you think its changed, then how? If you think it hasnt changed, but rather has remained consistent, than why?
(Respond with a convincing argument, and supporting examples, based on your learning throughout the course.)