Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Organizational Behaviour

Create a Learning Journal, a place where you collect your thoughts and provide your reflections on topics related to Organizational Behavior. The Learning Journal should contain:
    Answer the questions at the end of the page.
    Each answer should be 100-250 words.
    Clearly identify which questions you are answering by module and topic. (TIP: Copy and paste the questions you are answering.)
    If you use outside sources beyond the ones mentioned in the journal prompts, or if you use direct quotations from the prompts, you will need to cite the sources using APA format.
    Just as in the Final Project for this course, if you mention a current or previous employer or co-worker/manager in your journal, please change the name(s).
    Additional notes or reflections (optional)
Unlike other assignments you may have had in other college courses, this journal can be informally written. It is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, to say “I” or “we” in this assignment. Parts of the journal may even be hand-written or drawn (flow charts, mind maps, etc.); if you choose to do this for parts of your journal, you can use photographs of handwritten material.

Submit Assignment

1.    If you have participated in leadership development programs, how effective did you find them in (a) teaching you techniques and (b) giving you practical strategies you could use? What could they do better?
2.    Watch Stanley McChrystal’s video where he discusses his thoughts on the relationship of listening and leading. How important do you believe listening is to being an effective leader?. Why?
3.    Of the five ways to react to conflict as described in the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, which is the one that best describes your reactions in the workplace? Give at least one example.
4.    After watching the TED Talk by Yves Morieux, what is your take on the impact of workplace rules on getting things done?

5.    Thinking about Joanne Smith’s TED Talk, how can corporate culture be considered a competitive advantage?
6.    How does national culture affect what happens when an organizational culture is transported to another country?
7.    Thinking about If the World Were 100 People what surprised you the most?
8.    In “How diversity makes teams more innovative”, Roco Lorenzo discusses why she thinks that diversity can help drive innovation. What are some of these ways? Would they work if implemented in your workplace? Why or why not?
9.    After watching “TV 2 | All That We Share”, what were your immediate reactions?

Action Research

Title Page
Completed Body of the Action Research Proposal
Reference Page

(In the propose action section, you will describe and discuss three possible solutions (actions you might take) to the problem or issue you have selected for the focus of your AR. Your solutions should be based on the literature and original thoughts regarding possible actions or solutions. The solutions you present must be solutions that, from all appearances, could be used in the type of site where you are conducting your research. For example, you might find that a school in California tried a strategy related to your problem or issue. You believe the solution used in California could be used in your setting, so you include it in your proposal as a possible solution or strategy to implement. You will evaluate each possible solution in light of your work setting and fit with your AR question.

What if through all of your research you dont find solutions that you feel will work perfectly in your current situation? You are also free to devise strategies that have not been tried elsewhere.)

If you are willing to take this writing job, I will send you the research question and other information I already have. Thank you.

POLS 207

Question 1

Answer BOTH questions.

What is political participation?  Identify four types of political participation from the highest to the lowest.  Explain each type.
Why do we have low voter turnout in the United States? What are the voter suppression practices in the United States?  Explain how they work to reduce participation.

Question 2

There are 2 types of organized participation.  Describe each type and explain the similarities and differences.  What are the attributes that are needed in order to win for each organized participation? 

Question 3

We are currently facing a pandemic of epic proportions.  The executives in our federal system have acted or chose not to act.  Give examples of the actions undertaken by the executive at the federal level (President), state level (Governor) and local levels (County, Cities, School Districts).  Why is the date that the stay at home or shelter in place orders were issued important?  You can use examples from a single state or multiple states.

Bonus question (10 points)

Some countries have done a better job of tackling the Covid-19 crises than others.  Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea took drastic steps at the onset of the crises.  What are some of the measures that they took which helped them to contain infections and deaths.  Currently, Italy and Spain have higher infections and mortalities.  What are their missteps?  Which level of their government made the decisions to undertake those measures.  Based on what you have researched about Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Italy and Spain, what do you predict will happen in Brazil?

literature review & annotated bibliography

The following attachment is the rubric Research Proposal in the area of ethnography.

For this assignment is writing a literature review for this research proposal.

*Use 8-10 references

****Format options*****
First, these people said … (explained each one said it)
Then, these people debated with them… (explain how each one debate with the first group above)
here is what i want to tell them (based on finding from answering my research question)
put you in a table which has different groups of people with different argument,  guess where do you fit in and find other references to insert yourself based on your research topic.

*1&2 sentences for background and history

*An annotated bibliography is required for the first draft. An annotated bibliography is not required in the final submission. With each reference, state why you are using the book, chapter/article as reference.How does this work help answer your question?  Answer the following, what is the authors main point, what evidence did the author consider to make their main point.

*Use Chicago Manual for the bibliography and citations throughout the proposal.

Under Armour

I have attached the instruction with the parts that I will need completed. The case can be found on Chegg or in the text book

The title is below:

urban planning

Please complete an essay-type assignment (max. 1,000 words of text) in response to ONE of the two questions listed below:

Reflect on what Canadian urban planning means for you and/or your city.


If you were an urban planner, and could travel back in time to 1940-1950s, what advice based on what you learned in this course – would you give to the planners of that time, so as to avoid the mistakes of the past and/or plan and build, better and more sustainable cities?

Please identify at the top of the first page (e.g. instead of a title) what question the paper is answering to.

There is no need to use bibliographic sources and references, but free to use if you want (in that case, use references properly). The paper should demonstrate good engagement with the course material and the ability to apply course concepts and knowledge to the chosen topic.

Under Armour

I have attached the instruction with the parts that I will need completed. The case can be found on Chegg or in the text book

The title is below:

effective persuasive communication

Write three paragraphs describing effective persuasive communication in personal, professional, and academic contexts. In each of the three paragraphs, include at least one concrete example of effective persuasive writing that you have encountered or written yourself to illustrate your points, and consider issues like audience, speaker, text, purpose, and context. Also include information on tone, style, formality, voice, correctness, evidence, and word choice as you develop your responses to the prompts below.

In the first paragraph, describe an example of persuasive communication in personal contexts such as social media posts, emails to friends, or communications to your childs teachers and explain the considerations you must keep in mind to communicate effectively.

In the second paragraph, describe an example of effective persuasive communication in professional contexts. Consider your own field of study and the expectations for writing effectively in that field and explain how that communication example illustrates the expectations for professional persuasive communication.

In the third paragraph, describe an example of effective persuasive communication in an academic context like a discussion board, assignment, or group presentation. In this paragraph, consider how academic persuasive standards differ from personal and professional writing.

how the international students are dealing with the pandemic situation

I’m writing an article on how international students at Marymount university  who are stuck in the foreign country where they are studying at are going through this, what they are doing , how are they doing it and what have the school provided for them. i need a story about it in order to add three interview in it.

. In the light of the statement Gender stereotypes generally fall into four categories; personality traits, physical characteristics, behaviours and occupational status discuss how medias promotion of the idea of the oriental woman in the 1990s, co

. In the light of the statement Gender stereotypes generally fall into four categories; personality traits, physical characteristics, behaviours and occupational status discuss how medias promotion of the idea of the oriental woman in the 1990s, constructed as the opposite of the individualist western women could have impacted women in China/India and restricted social change.