Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

What organization do you want to work and why?

Why do you like mission/vision of the organisation?
How your personal mission fits the companys mission?
How do you find this organisations corporate culture, values etc.?
How business communications can help you to become a professional team member?
Please describe a dream team.
How your skills/talents will help you in your work?
How this organisation can help you to develop your career?
How do you know you achieved a success after starting your job in a year?

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Imagine that you work for a family health organization. You have been asked to create a newsletter to hand out to expecting parents. The newsletter should consist of 500-750 words that will inform parents of issues related to prenatal development and infancy. In the newsletter, include the following:
List critical periods of prenatal development.
List teratogens that could impact prenatal development.
List and describe ways to have a healthy pregnancy and to reduce prenatal risks.
Describe infant risks and how to minimize those risks (e.g., SIDS, injury).
Address attachment issues during infancy.
Provide tips for fostering healthy development in the three areas of infant development.
Use two to four scholarly resources to support your information.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Financial Management

CASE STUDY: Encore International

In the world of trendsetting fashion, instinct and marketing savvy are prerequisites to
success. Jordan Ellis had both. During 2019, his international casual-wear company, Encore,
rocketed to $300 million in sales after 10 years in business. His fashion line covered the young
woman from head to toe with hats, sweaters, dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, sweatshirts, socks, and
shoes. In Manhattan, there was an Encore shop every five or six blocks, each featuring a different
color. Some shops showed the entire line in mauve, and others featured it in canary yellow.
Encore had made it. The companys historical growth was so spectacular that no one could
have predicted it. However, securities analysts speculated that Encore could not keep up the pace.
They warned that competition is fierce in the fashion industry and that the firm might encounter
little or no growth in the future. They estimated that stockholders also should expect no growth in
future dividends.
Contrary to the conservative securities analysts, Jordan Ellis felt that the company could
maintain a constant annual growth rate in dividends per share of 6% in the future, or possibly 8%
for the next 2 years and 6% thereafter. Ellis based his estimates on an established long-term
expansion plan into European and Latin American markets. Venturing into these markets was
expected to cause the risk of the firm, as measured by the risk premium on its stock, to increase
immediately from 8.8% to 10%. Currently, the risk-free rate is 6%.
In preparing the long-term financial plan, Encores chief financial officer has assigned a
junior financial analyst, Marc Scott, to evaluate the firms current stock price. He has asked Marc
to consider the conservative predictions of the securities analysts and the aggressive predictions of
the company founder, Jordan Ellis. Marc has compiled these 2019 financial data to aid his analysis:
Data item 2019 value
Earnings per share (EPS) $6.25
Current Market Price per share of common stock $40.00
Book value of common stock equity $60,000,000
Total common shares outstanding 2,500,000
Common stock dividend per share $4.00
3 / 4
a. What is the firms current book value per share?
b. What is the firms current P/E ratio?
c. (1) What is the current required return for Encore stock? (Assume a beta of 1)
(2) What will be the new required return for Encore stock assuming that they expand into
European and Latin American markets as planned? (Assume a beta of 1)
d. If the securities analysts are correct and there is no growth in future dividends, what will be the
value per share of the Encore stock? (Note: Use the new required return on the companys stock
e. (1) If Jordan Elliss predictions are correct, what will be the value per share of Encore stock if
the firm maintains a constant annual 6% growth rate in future dividends? (Note: Continue
to use the new required return here.)
(2) If Jordan Elliss predictions are correct, what will be the value per share of Encore stock if
the firm maintains a constant annual 8% growth rate in dividends per share over the next 2
years and 6% thereafter? (Note: Continue to use the new required return here.)
f. Compare the current (2019) price of the stock and the stock values found in parts a, d, and e.
Discuss why these values may differ. Which valuation method do you believe most clearly
represents the true value of the Encore stock?
The deadline for the assignment is on the 1
st of May, 2020. Please submit your assignment
electronically by uploading it on the Moodle server by the end of the day. No late submissions will
be accepted unless extenuating circumstances.
The course assignment should be completed by each student individually.
The font of the assignment should be 12pt (tables, graphs or appendices, if used, should be at least
10pt), with 1.5 spacing. There is no word limit and marks will be awarded to the appearance of the
4 / 4
Make sure you use references correctly and my advice is not to use Wikipedia, Investopedia,
Dikipedia or any other unsound website as a source of reference. Wikipedia is a starting point for
gathering information, and should be used just for that, and not as a valid source of reference.

2050: Food energy and gender

Write a research paper that address all those 3 issues: 2050: Food enegery and gender and should be plagiarism free.

Purpose of Assignment:
Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the aims of the assessment, the questions or issues it seeks to address, and the global context generally. An excellent report might also reference the course content, core and recommended readings or complimentary materials.

Content, Research and Sources
The quality, validity and reliability of materials, research and sources used for the arguments, views or facts as presented. An excellent report should demonstrate high critical literacy.

Presentation Quality
How clear, concise, professional and creative or innovative is the actual presentation and report. Criteria applies to all forms i.e. written, visual, audio, kinesthetic etc. An excellent report should be thoroughly well-planned and executed, abide by best practices for communication, carefully consider the reader or listener and/or use creativity or professionalism to great effect.

Overall cogency of argument, views, findings
How informed, rational or persuasive is the report or presentations overall position and/or findings including evidence of critical, creative or reflective thinking. An excellent report should omit no key issues or questions, nor make unwarranted assumptions.

Concepts in Business Logistics

The research paper should be based on a topic discussed in the readings (books, articles) or videos. The requirements of this paper include a cover sheet (course title and name, paper title, student name, and student ID), abstract, 5-8 numbered pages of text, and a reference page. The research paper requires at least five references.

Course Syllabus: Business Logistics is the set of activities involved in the    flow    of materials and products through an organization and through the    supply chain to the market. This course examines and    applies management tools and principles to these supply and distribution problems. Emphasis is first placed on developing a broad overview of the logistics    field: what are    its principal activities, decisions and how these activities    produce value    by supplying customer service through order fulfillment. Inter-functional coordination is reviewed by examining how logistics are coordinated or integrated with    marketing and    corporate    strategy.    Next, a thorough grounding in concepts, alternatives and tools for the primary activities of logistics: inventory, transportation, warehousing and order    processing are presented.This provides    the basis    for examining    issues in    logistics system design, including stock location, sourcing, number and location of facilities and flow management.   

New Forms of Recruiting

Discuss new innovative forms of recruiting that are becoming more popular nowadays. (for example, inclusive job adverts, programmatic advertising, video interviews, freelancer hiring, employer review sites/social media, virtual reality)
talk about which ones are more popular, which ones are more effective, their pros/cons, where/why they are being used, their purpose and how it aligns with certain types of organisations ; give some examples
compare these new ways with more traditional methods of recruitment
talk about whether you think they will eventually overtake the traditional methods of recruitment completely, whether they could be considered more effective than the traditional ones

The essay should follow the common structure:
-Introduction and Motivating the Topic (why it is relevant) -Main Part/Discussion
– Conclusion with personal view/perspective
– Literature Overview

Understand and explain the different strategical approaches within human resource management
Advise on different models of HR practice that are in line with the aim and purpose of the organisation
Recognize common HR policies and processes and how they build up to form a solid and successful HR business plan

New product development

Please for further information check the uploaded doc.

The student will have to identify an organizational need for the development of a new innovative product and describe the New Product Development process for its implementation and presentation in the market. The organization can be of any type: administrative, distribution, finance, production, customer management, etc. The organization can be an existing organization or a hypothetical organization of any type and in any place.  The new product can be of any type or service.  The student shall address the NPD process with creativity and effectiveness.  The approach and the expected results have to be documented.  The student has the freedom to develop the product based on the type of implementation strategy he/she selects. Success indexes shall be associated with the expected results where needed, and the overall implementation approach shall include graphs, charts and or tables that can present the strategy architecture and thinking. There should be a clear delivery of the students own creativity on the NPD strategy selection

Grading Criteria:  (What constitutes a good assignment?): This should be a 1200-2000 words report, well referenced, that will describe the NPD process used in contribute towards the effective development of a new product.  The report shall also demonstrate external reading and analysis.  It is important to critically assess the NPD strategy selected not only from the students experience and beliefs but also from the related literature that indicates or states the need for such decisions.  The student has to use tables and charts in order to present the relations between the various elements of corporate operations that will be involved in the strategy execution.  The student shall also use any diagramming technique he/she feels more comfortable with, in order to develop a high lever diagram / figure of the NPD strategy or the decision process to select the specific strategy

political problem and policy solution research paper

political problem: Political Problem: Suicide is a major cause of death in the united states, and it’s a problem that goes beyond one person, as it can have a long-lasting effect on communities. We have a significant disparity in how mental health is treated compared to physical conditions, as people with mental health issues do not have suitable care.

my policy solution; The government has to step in and create campaigns to raise awareness, mainly awareness of the sources available to help suicidal civilians. There are not effective and lowcost reachable services and sources of help, there needs to be a health insurance policy in which people with a mental health condition can have more accessible coverage.

I uploaded a document with the guidelines of the assignment name POL101 FPA#4


Caine, E. D. (2013). Forging an Agenda for Suicide Prevention in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 103(5), 822829. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301078

Carey, B. (2018, June 7). Defying Prevention Efforts, Suicide Rates Are Climbing Across the Nation. The new york times. Retrieved from                                      

Hassan, A. (2019, March 7). Deaths From Drugs and Suicide Reach a Record in the U.S. Retrieved from                                                                                

Mckinley, J. (2006, August 11). Golden Gate Bridge may get suicide barrier – Americas – International Herald Tribune. The new york times. Retrieved from      

ONE paragraph about

Students should write a ONE paragraph about the chapter describing useful information about your next speech (value persuasive). 

students are also required to respond to one other students post.

I should have the one paragraph in order to see other students’ paragraph to respond

Lastly leave a question about the chapter and i will respond

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Private Security Officer Selection and Training Guideline is a 2010 ASIS International document that offers state regulatory agencies with consistent minimum qualifications to improve the performance of private security officers and the quality of security services. After thoroughly reviewing this document, describe how you, as a corporate security operative, would react to the ASIS guidance and state whether or not you would support the guidelines relating to the regulation of security and pre-assignment, post assignment, and annual training requirements.  More importantly, explain your rationale and the justification you would provide to the organization’s CEO for the added annual expense that likely would result. 

Also, you are asked to research your home state’s private security training requirements and report it in this discussion and comment on its potential effectiveness for improving security operative performance and professionalism.


Describe how you, as a corporate security operative, would react to the ASIS guidance and state whether or not you would support the guidelines relating to the regulation of security and pre-assignment, post assignment, and annual training requirements.
More importantly, explain your rationale and the justification you would provide to the organization’s CEO for the added annual expense that likely would result. 
Also, you are asked to research your home state’s private security training requirements and
Report it in this discussion and comment on its potential effectiveness for improving security operative performance and professionalism.
REMEMBER: Be sure to cite your sources from both the Learning Materials and outside research.

Please post your initial Discussion response by Thursday.  Respond to the posts of two or more of your fellow students in a cogent and respectfully manner.


Private Security Officer Selection and Training – Guideline. (2010, 16 April). Retrieved January 30, 2020 from,


As the corporate security operative of XYZ corporation, you have been asked by the CEO to work with the Human Resources department in developing a new pre-employment screening proposal that would be more effective in hiring trustworthy personnel, thereby stemming the tide of internal theft– a problem that has been significantly increasing over the past few years and clearly impacting the organization’s “bottom line.” It is generally accepted in the security profession that hiring well is one of the most effective procedural controls available to protect an organizations assets.

After reviewing the Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices segment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) website, the Notice Employee Polygraph Protection Act segment of the U.S. Department of Labors website, the Facts About the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) segment of the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commissions website, and any other independently researched sources, outline the procedures you would propose to the CEOknowing there are costs attached to each procedureand explain why each procedure is important. The CEO will want to know your rationale.

Also incorporate into the response your understanding of employment law as delineated in the documents cited above and ensure you make it clear that your proposal complies with the various and legal requirements. 


Outline the procedures you would propose to the CEOknowing there are costs attached to each procedure.
Explain why each procedure is important. The CEO will want to know your rationale.
Also incorporate into the response your understanding of employment law as delineated in the documents cited above and,
Ensure you make it clear that your proposal complies with the various legal requirements.
REMEMBER: Be sure to cite your sources from both the Learning Materials and outside research.

Please post your initial Discussion response by Thursday.  Respond to the posts of two or more of your fellow students in a cogent and respectfully manner.


Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination Questions And Answers. (2009, November 21). Retrieved January 30, 2020 from,

Employment Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2020 from

US Equal Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Facts About the Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved January 30, 2020 from,