Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Criminological Perspectives

Describe the core arguments of each of the following criminological perspectives
Trait (biological/psychological)
Social (structure/process)
Classical/Choice (deterrence)
Support an argument for which of the two sentencing models (determinate or indeterminate) you feel is most likely to be effective at addressing crime from each of the three perspectives.
Determine, based on the totality of information youve gathered over the last two units, which sentencing model you believe is likely to have the greatest potential to reduce crime and why.
Format your work consistent with APA guidelines and include a title and reference page. Cite a minimum of three reliable sources within the body of your paper using in-text citations where appropriate.


The focus on the first part of this project is to select a new innovative technology or application concept (something new and not currently on the market) for a specific technology or application that will be developed and ultimately marketed. The new technology or application concept selected for this paper will be used as focus for the remaining written assignments. You will write a 23 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include three or more references.

– Describe the ideation process (e.g. generating, filtering and validating ideas) to come up with a new specific technology or application
-Alternative solutions or concepts considered through the process
– Overview of the technology or application concept selected

Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice where information processing and management was used to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, acc

This essay needs to be a reflection of my experience, so it needs to be more personalized. I will upload a previous essay(Labeled Reflection essay 1, which you previously wrote, I just had to edit it to be more personalized) that can be used as an example to help guide you. Please no plagiarism, APA format, no references are needed. You can use words like “I” since it is my reflection from my previous papers from 3 different courses.

******Please make sure that the essay cites at least three excellent and diverse artifacts (that are uploaded) that validate the student’s ability to integrate the use of information technology and the values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care. A well-written reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.****

Assignment per professor: to give an idea of what is needed

Title of Essay: Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice where information processing and management was used to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, culturally and racially-competent care.
Nurses reflect on how they process and manage information and how they integrate values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care, regardless of racial origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and personal beliefs and convictions.

Masters of Science Goals Covered: 1. Use information technology to design, implement, deliver, and evaluate health care. 2. Value and demonstrate integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, and cultural competence in all aspects of nursing

Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice whereinformation processing and management wasused to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, accoun

This essay needs to be a reflection of my experience, so it needs to be more personalized. I will upload a previous essay(Labeled Reflection essay 1, which you previously wrote, I just had to edit it to be more personalized) that can be used as an example to help guide you. Please no plagiarism, APA format, no references are needed. You can use words like “I” since it is my reflection from my previous papers from 3 different courses.

******Please make sure that the essay cites at least three excellent and diverse artifacts (that are uploaded) that validate the student’s ability to integrate the use of information technology and the values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care. A well-written reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.****

Assignment per professor: to give an idea of what is needed

Title of Essay: Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice where information processing and management was used to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, culturally and racially-competent care.
Nurses reflect on how they process and manage information and how they integrate values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care, regardless of racial origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and personal beliefs and convictions.

Masters of Science Goals Covered: 1. Use information technology to design, implement, deliver, and evaluate health care. 2. Value and demonstrate integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, and cultural competence in all aspects of nursing

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read and carefully review Chapter#4 “Measuring Performance Metrics” and the 2-supplemental articles on Metrics and Benchmarking. Please develop a well written response summarizing the information (key points) as described in the assigned reading materials. Specifically, focus on benchmarks/metrics that one would consider significant in the provision of Respiratory Care related services. Your focus can be either on adult or pediatric populations and general inpatient or critical care environments.


ch 4:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the article and use as resource.

Think about a recent situation that caused change in your life and you had to communicate it to someone (moving, taking a new job, having a baby, buying a new car, allowing your teen to drive with a permit, trying a new sport, etc.). From a communication management perspective, what worked effectively and what could you have done differently? Why?

Health Care

The New York City Community Health Profiles capture the health of 59 community districts across the city. They contain over 50 measures of neighborhood health, emphasizing that our health starts where we live, work and play. These reports highlight the disparities among neighborhoods and can be used by policymakers, community groups, health professionals, researchers and residents to encourage community engagement and action.

Go to

Scroll down to find your NYC community/neighborhood. If you do not live in NYC, choose a random neighborhood. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Upload this assignment to blackboard.

Operational Plan

a.    Create a restaurant training manual outline to assist in orientation and training Use the following headings: restaurant knowledge, mission, history (should you consider you restaurant a new concept rather than established you can focus on the importance of the location), staff roles, steps of service for FOH & BOH, menu description for staff.
i.    Provide an opening paragraph (at least 200 words) that will provide a brief overview of your restaurant concept, level of service (fine, upscale, casual/family), location and market.  This will be a good introduction to your new staff and to help them focus on the Orientation and Training in your manual. (Consider this just a very brief recap of your Restaurant Concept developed in Section #1).
ii.    For each heading: provide 2 points or necessary components for that section (approximately 100-200 words for each point).  Consider the question: Why is it important for the new employee to know purpose of your point?
b.    The chosen format will be useful in training sessions and must include a Table of Contents, separated into sections, and have a professional/attractive style.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Briefly summarize your theoretical understanding of globalization (its definition, processes, and effects) based on the theoretical readings

Analyze the two stories referenced below to explain how attributes such as sex, class, race, location, culture, and religion impact peoples individual and collective experiences of and responses to globalization. Your analysis should discuss specific people/characters, events, and actions.

Reflect on how the stories you have analyzed have enriched your understanding of globalization. For example, how do they complicate, illustrate, humanize and even challenge the theoretical formulations presented in scholarly readings

The majority of your paper should be devoted to the second and third bullet points above


Discussion on Common Client Payor Systems and Funding Sources; Continuum of Care

After you have completed your assigned readings and reviewed the lecture content, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following case.

You are a clinician in an OASAS Licensed Program. Richard Ortegada (Ricky) has seen you for 5 individual sessions of treatment for his opioid use disorder (in early remission). He is a very charming , persuasive and likable 32 year old Puerto Rican American male. He is married with 3 pre-school children and has a good union job providing heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) services to the Marriott hotel chain in the NYC Burroughs. Despite wearing steel toe boots, he managed to break 3 toes on his left foot last year and was out of work for 4 months debt has piled up. He was over prescribed an opioid medication and became dependent. He began buying pills from a coworker before he went back to work, so that he could go back to work (every step still hurts) and start getting full paychecks to support his family again (workers comp was only paying two-thirds of his salary).

Recently Ricky was arrested for possession of opioid Rx pain pills. He is on pre-trial probation for felony possession of a controlled substance and is due back in court next month; you have a signed consent form to communicate with his probation officer (who you know well from previous shared cases you have a trusting relationship). If he violates his probation or gets convicted he will lose his job. Ricky is required to maintain participation in treatment as part of his probation deal, otherwise they would hold him in jail until his next court date. I cant break my kids hearts I am not my Dad. He reports that he forgot to fill out the continuing case report for workers comp and “it has raised hell with everything”, including his insurance coverage which is temporarily cancelled, but starts again in 10 days he shows you the paper. He knows you need to get paid for visits at the agency and figures it would be ok if he sees you this week, like he has to, but you just date the visit for next week so he doesnt blow his probation and lose his job. Or maybe he could just skip the visit but you can still tell probation that he is in compliance with pre-trial weekly counseling anyway because he will be good to go next week. His wife is being seen at the clinic as well and maybe you could bill this as a family session for a couple of weeks.

Discussion Questions
How do you respond? What are the options for you both here? Discuss your dialog with him including anticipated reactions from him. Start your discussion with him right after he tells you all this and asks So what do you think? Whats your first response? Where do you go from there? How does this end?

readings, video: