Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Module 2 Discussion


Miami Florida is considered ground zero for climate change (link), in particular rising seas will not only drown coastal sections of the city but will disrupt our local supply of drinking water.

Based on what you have learned so far from this class, discuss the following:

Explain where the drinking water from South Florida primarily comes from and why would rising sea levels disrupt this supply?

What efforts can be made and are being made to mitigate the effects of rising seas on our drinking water?

If you were a local politician, what advice would you give to state and federal officials on the best way to ensure residents in South Florida had a steady supply of drinking water for many years to come?


Make sure to:

Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words (worth 80/100 points).

Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.

Address all questions.

Use proper grammar and punctuation.

If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.

Do not plagiarize.

You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell check before hitting post!

As part of the assignment, you must also reply to one (1) of your classmates with at least 150 words (worth 20/100 points).

You will have to post first to see your classmates’ postings. Make sure your replies are a thoughtful and relevant to what your classmate has posted.

Try to build the discussion and keep it going.

Concert Report

Title of the First Piece
Objective Description
Objective Descriptions are your description of what you observed in the music as it was performed. Describe each movement of the piecewrite a separate paragraph for each movement. Provide a narrative of your observations concerning such elements as melody, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation, texture, form, etc. Describe the major musical characteristics of the piece, including the solos, tempo, dynamics, instrumentation, or themes, etc. Note that a narrative is not a list or summary it is a sequential description of what occurred as the piece was played.

You must write about every piece performed on the concert.
You must describe all movements of each piece.
You must write a separate paragraph of objective description for each movement of multiple movement pieces. For example, if the piece has four movements you will write four paragraphs of objective description, one for each separate movement.
You should cover a wide range of important features of the music avoid focusing obsessively on only one or two aspects too much.
Keep in mind that the primary content of your paper is the objective description material. Other required components such as the subjective reaction and quality of performance sections should comprise a much smaller portion of the overall report.

RE: Discussion 1

Module 1 Discussion


The Tallahassee City Commission unanimously approved a resolution establishing a goal of powering municipal operations entirely with renewable sources (like wind and solar) by 2035, and community-wide by 2050 (link).

Based on what you have learned so far from this class, discuss the following:

What advantages and disadvantages are there to going to 100% renewable energy?
Assume Miami were to also go 100% renewable energy and you were in charge of the transition. Give a specific plan on how you would phase in the renewable energy and phase out the non-renewable energy and in what time frame.
Make sure to:

Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words (worth 80/100 points).
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
Address all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
Do not plagiarize.
You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell check before hitting post!
As part of the assignment, you must also reply to one (1) of your classmates with at least 150 words (worth 20/100 points).
You will have to post first to see your classmates’ postings. Make sure your replies are a thoughtful and relevant to what your classmate has posted.
Try to build the discussion and keep it going.

social psychology

In a Word Document present each question and then your response. 

Use at least a 12 point font.
Double Spaced is expected.
Use APA format for references.

In text
In a reference list at the end of the paper 
Question 1
  Compare and contrast the definitions of applied social psychology and social psychology.
Question 2
Identify and evaluate two social psychological theories from the list of social psychology theories posted on this website: (Links to an external site.)
  A.  Select two theories of interest to you.
Explain your choices.
  B.  Based on the descriptions and any additional research, which theory between the two you selected appears to be more understandable and applicable to real social problems? 
Explain your choice
Question 3
The applicability of applied social psychology extends beyond social problems as it also addresses practical problems.
  A.  Using the workplace setting, identify and describe one workplace practical problem that an applied social psychologist might address.
  B.  Use the five scientific goals of scientific understanding (Description, Prediction, Determining Causality, Explanation, and Control) related to your selected workplace problem above. 

Provide a corresponding research question aimed at addressing each goal.
For example, if your topic is employee burnout , for the scientific goal #1 of Description, a descriptive corresponding question might be What are the key features of employee burnout? 
Question 4
Be the consultant.  Watch the video clip in the Week 1 Required Resources of Your Body Language May Shape Who You Arepresented by Amy Cuddy.  Imagine you work as a consultant for Berkeley College Career Services. 
  A.  Given what you learned from watching the video, how would you create an intervention to help Berkeley College students prepare for their job interviews?
  B.  How will you know if it was effective?


week 6 discussion

This weeks discussion will be based on Case CP-1 on page 534 in the textbook.  Please read the brief case and respond to the following questions.

In what ways will the decision to change the equipments estimated useful life and estimated residual value affect earnings in the short term?  In the long term?  How does this change impact the usefulness of the companys net income for external decision makers?
If Mike and James make the change, are they acting in an ethical manner? Share your reasoning for your decision.
What would be an acceptable basis for making a change in useful life or estimated residual value for this equipment?

Corporate Performance Report

Review the information of the company Plug Power through Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms (Links to an external site.) page. From each section of previous chapters you have read in this class, you will be provided with a foundation to use in completing an assessment of the financial performance of a corporation.

In prior weeks, you learned about portions of the financial statements and how each is analyzed. This week, you will put it all together. Choose a publicly traded organization that is not used in the textbook and complete your own financial statement analysis.

In your paper,

Evaluate the past financial performance of the organization.
Determine the organizations future financial performance.
Assess the organizations financial statements to determine credit risk.
Conduct a screen for the potential investment in the organizations equity.
Choose an analyst adjustment to report the organizations financials.
Explain how the chosen analyst adjustment may help in determining the value of the business.
The Corporate Performance Report

Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style (Links to an external site.) guide.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Managing care in a Culturally Considerate manner


Patient Profile
F.M. is a 68-year-old white man who comes to the emergency department (ED) in the early afternoon with a 2-day history of severe chest pain. The pain started on wakening the previous day. The pain increased during the night, but his wife could not convince him to go to the hospital. He comes to the ED today because the pain is severe and no longer relieved by rest.

Subjective Data

Describes recurring chest pain for the past 6 months that was relieved by rest; the pain is a feeling of heaviness in chest with no radiating pain to arm or jaw or accompanying complaints of nausea or dizziness
Recently the chest pain has become severe and is no longer relieved by rest; is now complaining of being slightly nauseated
His father died of a heart attack at age 62
Denies alcohol or drug use
Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day
Describes his lifestyle as sedentary
Objective Data

Physical Examination

Blood pressure 180/96, pulse 98, temperature 99.8 F, respirations 20
Height 511, weight 210 lbs, BMI 29.3 kg/m2
Alert and oriented to person, place, and time
Skin diaphoretic and clammy
Heart rhythm regular, no murmurs or extra heart sounds
Lungs are clear to auscultation
Diagnostic Studies

Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
Chemistry panel is normal
Cardiac markers – pending
Electrocardiogram showing changes that correlate with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
Collaborative Care

9% NaCl infusing into IV catheter at 75 mL/hr
Nitroglycerin and morphine given with relief of pain

What are F.M.s modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD)? What are his non-modifiable risk factors?
What is the difference between chronic stable angina pain and pain associated with myocardial infarction?
What are diagnostic studies indicated for F.M.?
F.M. is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction (MI).What are the signs and symptoms of Myocardial Infarction?
What is the priority nursing care for F.M.?
What other interventions do you anticipate for F.M. at this time?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Managing care in a Culturally Considerate manner


Patient Profile
F.M. is a 68-year-old white man who comes to the emergency department (ED) in the early afternoon with a 2-day history of severe chest pain. The pain started on wakening the previous day. The pain increased during the night, but his wife could not convince him to go to the hospital. He comes to the ED today because the pain is severe and no longer relieved by rest.

Subjective Data

Describes recurring chest pain for the past 6 months that was relieved by rest; the pain is a feeling of heaviness in chest with no radiating pain to arm or jaw or accompanying complaints of nausea or dizziness
Recently the chest pain has become severe and is no longer relieved by rest; is now complaining of being slightly nauseated
His father died of a heart attack at age 62
Denies alcohol or drug use
Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day
Describes his lifestyle as sedentary
Objective Data

Physical Examination

Blood pressure 180/96, pulse 98, temperature 99.8 F, respirations 20
Height 511, weight 210 lbs, BMI 29.3 kg/m2
Alert and oriented to person, place, and time
Skin diaphoretic and clammy
Heart rhythm regular, no murmurs or extra heart sounds
Lungs are clear to auscultation
Diagnostic Studies

Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
Chemistry panel is normal
Cardiac markers – pending
Electrocardiogram showing changes that correlate with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
Collaborative Care

9% NaCl infusing into IV catheter at 75 mL/hr
Nitroglycerin and morphine given with relief of pain

What are F.M.s modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD)? What are his non-modifiable risk factors?
What is the difference between chronic stable angina pain and pain associated with myocardial infarction?
What are diagnostic studies indicated for F.M.?
F.M. is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction (MI).What are the signs and symptoms of Myocardial Infarction?
What is the priority nursing care for F.M.?
What other interventions do you anticipate for F.M. at this time?


You have three alternatives for this first paper: Grief, Illness, or Caregiving.


3-4 pages, drawn from your own personal experience (no research is necessary for this first draft).
This essay concerns an encounter you have had with death, loss or grief; with life-altering illness or disability; or with
caregiving. Reflect thoughtfully on how this experience has affected the social, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and
physical dimensions of your life. Consider how this has changed you, what you have learned, and what questions you may
have surrounding the experience. Where are you now in relation to this experience?

Concert Report

Title of the First Piece
Objective Description
Objective Descriptions are your description of what you observed in the music as it was performed. Describe each movement of the piecewrite a separate paragraph for each movement. Provide a narrative of your observations concerning such elements as melody, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation, texture, form, etc. Describe the major musical characteristics of the piece, including the solos, tempo, dynamics, instrumentation, or themes, etc. Note that a narrative is not a list or summary it is a sequential description of what occurred as the piece was played.

You must write about every piece performed on the concert.
You must describe all movements of each piece.
You must write a separate paragraph of objective description for each movement of multiple movement pieces. For example, if the piece has four movements you will write four paragraphs of objective description, one for each separate movement.
You should cover a wide range of important features of the music avoid focusing obsessively on only one or two aspects too much.
Keep in mind that the primary content of your paper is the objective description material. Other required components such as the subjective reaction and quality of performance sections should comprise a much smaller portion of the overall report.