Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Trichomonas vaginalis

Discuss Trichomonas vaginalis and tell what type of microbe it is, what disease it causes, where and when it was discovered, the signs and symptoms of disease, transmission, course of disease, virulence factors, laboratory diagnosis, treatments, preventions and sequelae. paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources, minimum elaboration on the topic of a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 400 words. cite your credible academic reference sources with parenthetical in text citations and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.

Personal Theoretical Framework For Advanced Practice Nursing

You have spent six weeks exploring theories of nursing. These represent the how of what we do as nurses. This week we enter a higher level of thought and explore the why of what we do. Present a personal nursing philosophy. Apply what you have read throughout the course and explore the literature on nursing philosophy. While Fawcett was not a nursing theorist, she is a nursing philosopher and her Metaparadigm of Nursing approaches philosophy over theory. Once you have discussed your philosophy, identify a theoretical framework (not the middle-range theories but the underlying assumptions in that framework) that fits your philosophy. Compare and contrast your philosophy and the chosen framework.  Describe a possible situation in which the framework may conflict or not fit your philosophy. While it is an important skill to be able to match a theory with a situation, it is also critical to understand when a theory or framework does not fit a situation.

Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
Format: APA 7th edition
Length: 5 pages, excluding title and reference pages

Literature Review Reply 716 CH

his is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached classmate  paper.
PLEASE READ GRADING RUBRIC BEFORE STARTING THIS REPLY.  The reply must include 2 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached. I have also attached the article my peer used as an FYI for you. You don’t need a cover page for this assignment.  I have also attached books from the class.

You will not bash the classmate, you will add knowledge to their paper.

Please make sure you use APA 7 format for references and the paper.

Peer Paper Attached: 716 Reply CH wk3.docx

Case Study #1-Which Insurance is best?

Case Study #1 Which Insurance is best?

For each scenario below, pick the health insurance that would best meet their needs and provide your justification. The insurance options you have to choose from is provided here in the 2020 Benefits GuidePreview the document.

Scenario 1: Marc Jacob, who lives in South Florida just got a new job and he needs to enroll in health insurance. He has 90 days to make his selection. Marc is a 30-year-old male, with no underlying health conditions. He does travel for his job for 2-3 weeks at a time. When he is not traveling, he works at the office. What health insurance plan should he enroll in that would provide him with the best coverage? Thoroughly provide your justification and keep in mind the items listed below. Also, reasonable assumptions can be made to justify your selection of the best health insurance plan for Marc. 

Please include these assumptions you make in your answer.

Think about the contracted service areas (i.e., state only or nationwide)
Coverage for individual versus family
Annual deductibles
Monthly premiums

Scenario 2: Arya Stark is married with 4-year-old twin boys and lives with her family in South Florida. She recently got a new job as a Director of Operations of a large healthcare organization. She has 90 days to make her healthcare insurance selection. She does travel on occasion for business, but she also takes family trips during the summer when her kids are out of school. Her husband is a diabetic and also a cancer survivor, but herself and her kids are healthy individuals with no underlying health conditions.  The twins are active with sports and are involved with swimming, martial arts and gymnastics. What health insurance plan should she enroll in that would provide her and her family with the best coverage? Thoroughly provide your justification and keep in mind the items listed below. Also, reasonable assumptions can be made to justify your selection of the best health insurance plan for Arya. Please include these assumptions you make in your answer.

Think about the contracted service areas (i.e., state only or nationwide)
Coverage for individual versus family
Annual deductibles
Monthly premiums


Department of Management Services. (2020).  Benefits guide 2020 plan year.  Retrieved from

In-text citation would be: (Department of Management Services, 2020).

Getting a valid sample in educational setting

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion. 

evaluate your data

Using Appendix C (atached) in The Practical Guide to Analytics complete the Evaluate Your Data exercise.
o Complete Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o Turn your work into a paper with each step as its own paragraph or section.
o You may include the table as suggested in step 4.
o Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.
o Cite course materials in developing your answer (readings, videos, and discussion boards). You may cite outside the course materials as secondary sources.

An introductory paragraph of what you are writing about and the importance
The body of the paper should be broken out by paragraphs and/or sections.
Each idea or argument you present needs to be supported by research material.
Research material may include lectures, readings, videos, and outside research.
A concluding paragraph summarizing your research and your personal thoughts
In-text Citation and Bibliography (In-text citation is required even if it is course material.)
format apa 7

please read the two attachments. Please use direct quotes from these two attachments and cite in text citations in paper. example “……….” (……,……). Please only use 1 outside source. Do not use more than one and again direct quotes only. But the two attached must be used!

You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point. but again, must be cited!

5 pages minimum


For this task, you will read three news articles intended for a general audience reporting the results from correlational studies. You can find the links to these articles under your weekly resources. For each of the articles, you will answer the following questions and provide justifications for your answers:

    Provide a brief summary of the topic of the article.
    Determine which variables are the focus of the research.
    Describe how the results of the correlational analyses are presented.
    Does the author of the article present the results as causal? In other words, does the author make statements that one variable causes the other?
    Can you think of any additional variables that were not included in this study that may be important to consider?  Please describe the variables.
    Based on what you know about correlational research, does it make sense to make lifestyle changes based on the research presented in this article? Please explain your answer.
    Use one of the news articles to locate, and then read the primary source article in the NCU library. Did the news article accurately represent the research conducted? Please explain your answer.                           

Length:3-5 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Personal Ethics Statement (Workplace Ethics)

1.    Read Chapter 5 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership.
2.    In the book, locate and complete Self-Assessment 5.2: The Self Report Altruism Scale  (completed assessment will not be submitted as part of the assignment).
3.    With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and answer the following questions:
a.    What does your score on the Self-Assessment 5.2 (on the page 429) reveal about your willingness to help others?
b.    Reflect on the article Workplace Helping: Interactive Effects of Personality and Momentary Positive Affect. Have you experienced an emotional change after helping someone? If you had a positive emotional affect did this encourage you to act this way again?
c.    How can you engage in more altruistic behavior?
d.    Explain whether you believe your identified changes in behavior impact the work ethics of others.
4.    Your reflection should include at least two scholarly sources.


Discussion Question:

Please respond to ONE of the following prompts. 

Provide an illustrative example of a negligence suit that meets all of the required elements (using a hypothetical situation)

Which classifications of law are more commonly applied to professional nursing? From a current media source (e.g. Internet, newspaper article) describe a health-care related incident that depicts one of the classifications of law.