Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

population health: Week 4 Module 2 – Discussion Board

Week 4 Module 2 – Discussion Board: Being Mortal

How have the central issues of Being Mortal (i.e. mortality, end-of-life care, aging, and death) affected your life?

What are the author’s main critiques of nursing homes? What do you think about the tensions between keeping older adults safe and helping them live their best lives?

Recall the story of Peg Bachelder’s decision to try hospice and have as many good days as possible before she died. Peg’s definition of a good day meant something very specific to her: teach music lessons and interacting with her students. What would your good day look like?

-Gawande, A. (2014). Being Mortal. NY, NY: Metropolitan Books

population health:Week 4, Module 2- Annotated Bibliography Assignment

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to help you evaluate an article to determine whether the work cited is relevant to a specific research topic or line of inquiry. An annotated bibliography should be concise and well-written.

Choose one article that you will be using for your population health paper.
This article should be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal, with the first author a nurse.
The article needs to have been published within the past 5 years (2016 to present).
Using the annotated bibliography form, complete an evaluation of that article using the RADAR guidelines.
You must also upload the article you have chosen for this assignment, along with the annotated bib form.


The goal of this paper is to stimulate critical thinking about population health and the role of the community health nurse. Students will identify a community health issue and describe how nurses can develop, plan and implement strategies to address community health problems.

-Select a community of interest ( it should be a town in Massachusetts or use The town of RANDOLPH ,MA). Identify the Healthy People  2030 number objective to be addressed in the paper.
-paper  guidelines attached

Population Health Paper

The goal of this paper is to stimulate critical thinking about population health and the role of the community health nurse. Students will identify a community health issue and describe how nurses can develop, plan and implement strategies to address community health problems.

-Select a community of interest ( it should be a town in Massachusetts or use The town of RANDOLPH ,MA). Identify the Healthy People  2030 number objective to be addressed in the paper.
-paper  guidelines attached

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

1) What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?
2) Name each level and state what goes in each level.

Conduct a brief research following APA style 7th edition in no more than 3 pages in a word document. Please, take into consideration that plagiarism will NOT be accepted.


What roles do social institutions play in your life? In society as a whole? For this assignment, you will evaluate each of the three sociological perspectives (functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionism) on social institutions.

To prepare for this Rough Draft Essay Worksheet:
    Read the articles and complete the Interactive Units referenced above.
    Review the three major theoretical perspectives: functionalist, conflict, and interactionist.
    Review social institutions and select a specific social institution to analyze.
    Reflect on your relationship to social institutions and how that might affect your perspective on them.
    Review the Final Essay requirements and rubric, as this Worksheet is designed to help you better understand the three sociological perspectives and social institutions, and to help you organize your thoughts forand writing for the Final Essay assignmentdue in Week 6.

The Assignment:
    Download the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet document listed in the Required Media for this assignment.
    Consider the 4 prompts presented in the black boxes of the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet document and respond to them in the white boxes immediately following each prompt. Note that you should present your responses in paragraph form as complete sentences, and each of your responses should be approximately 2 paragraphs in length.
    Keep in mind that this Worksheet will help to shape the Final Essay that you will write at the end of the course.

population health :Week 3, Module 2: Data Assignment

Evidenced- based practice requires data. In this assignment, you will explore state and national data on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) using the CDC Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2018  (Links to an external site.)report.

1. What trends about STIs are noted in this report?

2. Which states have the highest number of chlamydia diagnoses?

3. Which states have the lowest?

4. What might be responsible for the differences?

5. What ages have the highest rates of chlamydia? Why do you think this is?

6. Describe the trends in syphilis rates. What is of particular concern to pregnant women?

100 Best Companies

100 Best Companies
Read 100 Best Companies to Work For Article:
Review the list of companies, explore individual companies’ websites to learn more about: (a)organizational structure; (b) overall leadership teams; (c) company culture; (d) workplace benefits; (e) and the companies corporate social responsibly plan.
In a 1-2 page paper using narrative form, report similarities, and differences among the different companies’ practices on the list. Share a list of five criteria that you feel are pertinent to enjoying your workplace organization and select five organizations from the 100 best companies list that fit your criteria. Share these three items in the paper. Do not forget to use APA formatting for your assignment.


I chose a Roomba. You will choose your own topic (with exception of the not allowed technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, digital thermostat, Roomba, CPAP machine, blender, food processor, etc.). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

Audience and Content Requirements
Your primary audience would be someone who has little experience with the object that you are describing (e.g., if you select a stapler, then you need to imagine an audience of people who have little experience with the object, perhaps children).

Regardless of the object, your final paper should be at least 500 words; you must include ALL of the following contents in your description (given in order of how the content should appear in your paper):

-Introduction (DO NOT label the introduction “introduction” per APA guidelines)
Orient your audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object (first sentence)
Preview its various parts (2-3 sentences)
Discuss its uses and functions (1-2 sentences)
Preview the content of your description (1 sentence)

-Detailed Description of the Object
Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation other parts (2-3 paragraphs)
Use the present tense
When introducing a new concept or term, you do need to provide a brief definition for a non-technical audience, e.g.:
“The bezel, or outer ring connecting to the lugs, allows the wearer to set a different time zone”
You will notice in this sentence the definition for the term “bezel” is a subordinate clause and is not its own separate sentence. You can also use parenthesis for definitions in the same sentence.

Re-state the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness of the object
Note: Do not use the second person POV or personal pronouns in an object description.

Document Design and Illustrations
Give careful thought to illustrations and design elements:

-Use headings and sub-headings throughout the document. Mark the body and conclusion of your document with headings (again, do not mark the introduction per APA guidelines). Use sub-headings to indicate the beginning of each part/component of the object you are describing.

-Do not write large chunks of text without headings and sub-headings
-Single-space the text
-You must include at least two illustrations.
-You may create your own, use illustrations from other sources or adapt illustrations from other sources.
-Make sure you provide source information for all illustrations immediately below each illustration using APA guidelines (see lesson 2.4 for more information).
-Apply as many of the four basic design principles as possible (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity) to enhance the reader’s orientation and understanding of the document.
-Use serif and sans-serif typefaces for the header and body;
-Use up to two complementary colors;
-Place like content in proximity to each other; and,
Make sure all of the elements have alignment.
-Design your document for consistency (grid patterns, margins, justification, white space, indentation, font style and size). Review pages 128-131 in the course textbook
-Keep in mind that your purpose is to describe the object yourself, not rely upon external sources to do the work for you. (Inclusion of cited manufacture specifications will result in a 20-point deduction).
-Using one of the objects that is not allowed will result in 10-point deduction.
-Minimum word requirement: 500 words (Failure to meet the minimum word count will result in a 5-point deduction)
-Make sure to include URLs for citations, as needed (Failure to include working URLs will result in a 5-point deduction)

Critical Thinking

In a coherent, integrated essay, please provide the following advice to Georgia and Loren.  Please organize your essay with appropriate headings so that it is easy to follow your advice and understand the basis supporting it.

Georgia and Loren do not yet have any sort of company or business organization together. They have worked together in an informal collaboration creating Phoebe. They are considering one of the following:  (1)  C-Corp; (2) S-Corp; (3) Limited Liability Company (LLC); (4) General Partnership.  In your essay,

Define each of these four (4)  business organizations;
Explain the pros and cons of each for Georgia and Loren;
Then, recommend one of these four as the best choice for Georgia and Loren; and
Explain why that selection is your recommendation.
Georgia and Loren know they need to protect their proprietary rights to their invention through use of intellectual property (IP) protection.  Three types of IP that might apply are:  (1) patent; (2) copyright; (3) trademark.  For your essay,

Select TWO (2) of these three IP to recommend for protecting their interest in Phoebe.

For EACH ONE that you select, provide the following information for Georgia and Loren:
definition of the IP;
describe how the IP applies to Phoebe;
explain in what way the IP protects their interest in Phoebe;
include length of time the protection lasts; and
explain how they go about acquiring the IP. 

The Six Sigma Certification for Human Resources Manager

The Six Sigma Certification
The paper intends to explore the types of Six Sigma certifications and how this certification would assist and train a Human Resources Manager in better handle hiring talent, perfect their paperwork and reimbursement processes, improve upon calculating over time and help the company hire the best possible talent for their employment needs as well as retain employees in order to reduce waste, in this case employee loss and turnover in Healthcare setting.
1.    Types of Six Sigma certification (White, Yellow, Green belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, Champions).
2.    Research which and why this certification fits for Human resources manager who would lead the project in the company. Green belt certification would train and certify the Human Resources Manager who would directly participate in Six Sigma projects. The training develops enhanced problem-solving skills and teaches participants to apply statistical methods for process improvement. Green Belt training is ideal for anyone looking to get the most out of their career. Improving the quality of processes and experiences has long been effective within all industries and environments. Employees trained in Six Sigma effectively improve customer satisfaction and consistently increase profitability.
3.    Minimum 1 scholar reference and include the in-text citations.