Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


You have been asked to select the new president of Bewise College. The two remaining candidates are Jane and John. The Bewise College summary (use summary #4) and the Word document indicating candidate background information is located under the Leadership topic. I would like for you to select between John or Jane for the new president of Bewise College. With your selection, I would also like for you to discuss :

1. Why you chose one candidate over the other. Please indicate why (with support).

2.  I would like for you to select a leadership style your candidate will need to use in order to be effective. Please indicate why you chose the leadership style over other styles and why it will be effective.

The submission should be between 200-300 words. this has 2 points mark and 0.75 is for the citation please use the book same as in the example document but if you can’t find the book please make sure to use peer reviewed article.

International healthcare systems

In International Profiles of Health Care Systems, 2017 (attached under To-do-list), select and read the health care system profile of one country other than the United States. After reading the profile of your selected country and that of the U.S. (pp.173-180), write an essay addressing the following:

An overview of your selected foreign health care system
Similarities between the two systems
Differences between the two systems
Reflection on how certain features of foreign system may benefit our system based on research findings, policy think tanks, and/or personal experience
Around 700-900 words, at least 3 references. Please follow APA style guidelines for this assignment and all assignments.

Applied Final Project: Setting the Scene

Scenario: Bedwetting

You should elaborate on the scenario by writing a letter to a relative or close friend or a diary/journal entry from the perspective of a parent writing about his or her child. Your letter/diary should explain what happened in detail, identify the issues you will need to consider and research in coming up with a solution, and a plan of action for how you will deal with the situation.

Your paper should be double spaced and use a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt)

APA 7 Format

Case Study

42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills. He says the pain is worse when he stands up and is somewhat relieved when he lies down. Vital signs T 104.0 F, pulse 138, respirations 24. PaO2 96% on room air. Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals the prostate to be enlarged, extremely tender, swollen, and warm to touch.

Transferring Innovation across National Boundaries Case Study 2

Read the attached case discussions for Chapter 4 and prepare a summary of the case and then dicusss the case with providing answers to the three case study questions. Support answers with supplemental sources from scholarly journal publications from the last 5 yrs. Cite all sources. Include the following headings: Introduction, Case Study Discussion and Conclusion.  Please use APA 7 format, 45 pages in length, not including the cover page, abstract, or reference pages. A paragraph must contain at least 5 sentences. Should have a minimum of 10 citations.

enterprise architecture

How does the [technology concept] project affect enterprise architecture? For your organization, design or identify a technical-based initiative for your company.

Review the project outline & plan. Milestone One is the drafting of Part I and II from the Course Project. This draft should follow APA reporting standards including both a title page and a page for References.
Part I. Your Business Environment
    State the basic facts of your chosen (or fictional) company; What is the purpose? Who are the constituents (customers or clients)? What is the product, the industry?
    What is the technology philosophy, vision, or mission of the company? Are there shared principles for the use of technology?
o    How does (or should) enterprise technology support, align, or drive the business?

Part II. Technology Concept Selection
    Identify the technology concept (Big Data, cloud computing, or Internet of Things) to be delivered to your company.
o    How will this chosen technology concept disrupt, or perhaps become, the business?
    Describe an instance where this concept has been implemented at other organizations.
o    Research and explain one example where this technology has been successful in the context of enterprise information architecture.

Articulation of Response for the Milestone
    Always include a title page with your name, the date, the course name/number, the title of the assignment or paper, and the revision (if applicable).
    In the body of the paper, use headings and sub-headings. Do not jump from subject to subject without providing some type of heading beforehand.
    Use correct grammar and punctuation. Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
    Make the report as professional as possible. Think, If someone were to look at this paper, what would they think? Sloppy papers may have correct answers, but they still leave an overall messy feeling when read.
    Make sure you cite reference material in APA style within the text of your submission (e.g., according to John, citing in text is a key concept in this course [Doe, 2013]).

See instructions

For this assignment, please choose a topic related to nursing that is near and dear to your heart. After choosing a topic that reflects an interest you have, create a 10-page slide show using Powerpoint. The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational PowerPoint that is appropriate for the population of your choice. Therefore, it is completely your choice what you decide to include in the 10 slides and how you decide you wish to organize your slides.

In addition to the slide show, please do a final slide by discussing 2 to 3 places in your community or other groups that would benefit from the information that you may present too. Discuss why this presentation would be important to share and why the audience would find interest in this topic.

*Topic: Compassion Fatigue in the Emergency Department Nurses
Resources are provided (See attached files) or you can use any scholarly sources within the past 5 years.
The PowerPoint slides presentation should include some of these key points: The introduction of compassion fatigue, what is it and how does it differ from burnout? What are the signs and symptoms? What are the risk factors that increase nurses’ risk of exposure to CF? What are the effects of it? Why nurses, especially in critical care and emergency departments experience it? How CF can be early assessed or recognized?  How can it be prevented or what are some of the evidenced-based practice interventions that nurses can do to prevent or minimize it? Coping methods? etc…

See instructions

For this assignment, please choose a topic related to nursing that is near and dear to your heart. After choosing a topic that reflects an interest you have, create a 10-page slide show using Powerpoint. The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational PowerPoint that is appropriate for the population of your choice. Therefore, it is completely your choice what you decide to include in the 10 slides and how you decide you wish to organize your slides.

In addition to the slide show, please do a final slide by discussing 2 to 3 places in your community or other groups that would benefit from the information that you may present too. Discuss why this presentation would be important to share and why the audience would find interest in this topic.

*Topic: Compassion Fatigue in the Emergency Department Nurses
Resources are provided (See attached files) or you can use any scholarly sources within the past 5 years.
The PowerPoint slides presentation should include some of these key points: The introduction of the compassion fatigue, what is it and how does it differ from burnout? What are the signs  and symptoms? What are the risk factors that increase nurses’ risk for exposure to CF? What are the effects of it? Why nurses, especially in critical care and emergency departments experience it? How CF can be early assessed or recognized?  How can it be prevented or what are some of evidenced based practice interventions that nurses can do to prevent or minimize it? Coping methods? etc…

1112050 DQ OCT 30 REP2


Readings and Discussion Post: Contemplative and Transpersonal Psychotherapies
20 20 unread replies. 30 30 replies.
Readings: Wedding & Corsini: Ch. 12

Lukoff, D., & Lu, F. (2005)


John Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., Mindfulness for Life (Links to an external site.)
James Hillman, Ph.D., On Archetypal Psychotherapy (Links to an external site.)

Discussion post:
Contrast and compare Contemplative & Transpersonal psychotherapies.



Contemplative therapies involve meditation, deliberation, yoga, and cultural practices. These techniques foster perceptive awareness and great acumen into the mind and oneself. The notion to know yourself is a seminal theme in contemplative traditions. The theory of personality herein views temperament under the headings of consciousness, identity, motivation, development, and higher capacities (Wedding & Corsini, 2014).

Contemplative psychologists believe that people are less aware of their cognitive processes than we perhaps assume, and meditative exercises can help one recognize and reduce falsifications that result from cognitive-perceptual distortions. The notion of identity attempts to answer fundamental and significant questions one asks about the state of their existence. Through developing contemplative awareness, the depths of the psyche can recognize and rid false self-images. Motivation in contemplative psychotherapies is organized hierarchically from strong to weak. Contemplative therapy focuses on normal pathology and is not designed to treat psychopathologies such as psychosis. The underlying theory is that the mind can be trained to rid itself of unhealthy characteristics and foster healthy qualities. The process of psychotherapy involves visualizing and breath mediation (Wedding & Corsini, 2014).

Transpersonal psychology embraces ones spiritual side and promotes finding spirituality as a conduit to finding meaning in life. Transpersonal psychology is employed to treat anxiety, depression, addictions, and behavioral problems. Both contemplative and transpersonal psychology have roots in humanistic psychology. Similar to contemplative therapies, transpersonal psychology utilizes meditation, guided visualization, and mindfulness practices. Yet, transpersonal therapy further uses techniques such as hypnotherapy, dreamwork, art, writing, and music.

Transpersonal psychology is additionally similar to contemplative practices, as they both recognize that humans are more than mind and body, and are comprised of transcendent factors as well. However, although contemplative disciplines can provoke growth on a transpersonal level, transpersonal therapy differs in that it involves analyzing the deeper recesses of the mind, probing existential dynamics, and seeking advanced levels of psychological and spiritual maturity. To master these skills, long-term commitment and practice would be necessary (Friedman, 2014).


Friedman, H. Finding meaning through transpersonal approaches in clinical psychology: Assessments and psychotherapies. International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy, 5(1), 45-49.

Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. (2014). Current psychotherapies. Cengage Learning. 

2025 dQ 0CT 30 DQ


Readings and Discussion Post: Contemplative and Transpersonal Psychotherapies
24 24 unread replies. 30 30 replies.
Readings: Wedding & Corsini: Ch. 12

Lukoff, D., & Lu, F. (2005)


John Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., Mindfulness for Life (Links to an external site.)
James Hillman, Ph.D., On Archetypal Psychotherapy (Links to an external site.)

Discussion post:
Contrast and compare Contemplative & Transpersonal psychotherapies