Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Altitude Mishap

surmise what was the most likely cause of the mishap/incident in question. Please provide sound evidence for your conclusion by supporting it with information from the article (or related articles) and your new found knowledge of altitude physiology.

Your analysis should include the following sections:

Summary of the case
Problem Statement What is the problem?
Significance of the Problem Why this is a problem?
Alternative Actions (2) How could it have been avoided?

6010 6 resp


The requirements for this Discussion Forum are slightly different, than the others.  Please read the instructions carefully.

Watch each of these videos -The Standing Rock Resistance (Links to an external site.)

An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter (Links to an external site.)

These two activist movements/organizations have gained much media attention. This has resulted in a mix narrative regarding these two groups. After watching  the videos. Please answer the following questions. What was your overall reaction to the video? What personal perceptions about these movements did the video confirm or challenge? What was the most impactful aspect(s) of the video?

After completing your initial post, please respond to at least one of your classmate’s post.


My overall reaction to ‘The Standing Rock Resistance’ video was that I surprised that Indigenous people seem to experience racism in similar ways to other minorities. Racism is commonly spoken about, but often I hear it in reference to Black and Latino communities, and I never really thought about Indigenous communities and the racism that they may endure. One in three Indigenous women is raped within her lifetime (Houska, 2017). Houska describes how an individual can go commit a crime on an Indian reservation and not be upheld to the same legal consequences (Houska, 2017). It seems to me that the Indigenous people were here before any of the rest of us and their traditions and practices should be honored. Indigenous people are doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists, engineers, and the fastest growing demographic in today’s society (Houska, 2017). In my own experience, common stereotypes of Indigenous people make them appear to be simple-minded and ignorant. Indigenous people have a strong cultural background and should be considered equal with all other humans, but Houska says that they are not viewed as real people (Houska, 2017). This video was impactful because it provoked me to think about how Indigenous people have been treated in our society and I would like to further examine how they have fared thus far, as new cultures have arrived and challenged their beliefs.

My overall reaction to ‘An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter’ video was that
I was surprised, and that I was very educated by the interview. First, when I heard about the Black Lives Matter movement, I just assumed that it was occurring in and based around the United States. When one of the founders discussed Haitian poverty, racism, and other disparities, it made me realize that Black Lives Matter is a global human rights movement. It was referred to by one of the founders as a tool for black existence and a tool for allies to show up differently for black individuals (Garza, Cullors, & Tometi, 2016). I also thought about the comments made that racism exists on a spectrum from white to black and that the closer an individual is to the white end of the spectrum, the less likely they are to experience racism (Garza et al., 2016). I believe that this is a great way to frame this information, because it seemingly demonstrates privilege by skin color. The other daunting statistic in the video was related to the work wage gap. It is said that women make about 78% of what men make in the workplace, and in the video it was revealed that these are statistics of white women and men (Garza et al., 2016). Black women make somewhere around 64% of what white men make, Latina women make somewhere around 58% of what white men make (Garza et al., 2016). If Indigenous women and Transwomen’s wages were examined, the numbers would continue to go down (Garza et al., 2016). This is a sad truth. This video is a great example of all of the racism and sexism present in society today.

Garza, A., Cullors, P., & Tometi, O. (2016). An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Houska, T. (2017). The Standing Rock resistance and our fight for indigenous rights. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

See instructions

Assignment Description & Rubric: The student will develop a Concept Map. The student will identify an ethical dilemma regarding a vulnerable patient. The student will analyze the issue, provide a diagram of the attributes of the ethical issue, and provide a summary. Each diagram will need:
    1 central concept/description of the problem (i.e. family insisting on aggressive care at end of life)
    4 related concepts/reasons for the problem (ie. fear, guilt, need for control, lack of knowledge)
    4 connectors or reasons the related concepts/reasons link to the central problem (i.e family insistence on aggressive care links to guilt because the family members have a sense of responsibility to do everything possible) 
    1 interrelationship that connects all 4 (i.e. poor coping connects to guilt, fear, lack of knowledge, and need for control)
    1 interrelationship that connects are least two others (i.e. religious beliefs might be the reason for the family to have fear and guilt).

Provide a summary description to explain the above bullet points in approximately 500 words. A sample is provided below (this is a very cursory concept map and creativity is acceptable to make it your own).

See instructions

Assignment Description & Rubric: The student will develop a Concept Map. The student will identify an ethical dilemma regarding a vulnerable patient. The student will analyze the issue, provide a diagram of the attributes of the ethical issue, and provide a summary. Each diagram will need:
    1 central concept/description of the problem (i.e. family insisting on aggressive care at end of life)
    4 related concepts/reasons for the problem (ie. fear, guilt, need for control, lack of knowledge)
    4 connectors or reasons the related concepts/reasons link to the central problem (i.e family insistence on aggressive care links to guilt because the family members have a sense of responsibility to do everything possible) 
    1 interrelationship that connects all 4 (i.e. poor coping connects to guilt, fear, lack of knowledge, and need for control)
    1 interrelationship that connects are least two others (i.e. religious beliefs might be the reason for the family to have fear and guilt).

Provide a summary description to explain the above bullet points in approximately 500 words. A sample is provided below (this is a very cursory concept map and creativity is acceptable to make it your own).

International business

The USMCA was preceded for many years by NAFTA. Using academic research on international trade, free trade agreements, international business, explain the principles and/or objectives of NAFTA, and the actual impact NAFTA had on US employment, economy, trade, and other national factors. Finally, provide your conclusions and some recommendations resulting from this research


-Please structure your submission as follows:
-Review of the literature
-Conclusion and Recommendations
Submission should be 5 – 6 pages long of content (not including cover page, references). APA style. Use at least 4 academic sources from 2005 to present. Incorporate findings from other sources like well as in the online library within academic literature. You can find excellent scholarly articles to support your opinion in the online library’s LIRN ProQuest database. In graduate work these sources are extremely important to use!

Biological Sex and Sexual Orientation: Nature vs. Nuture

The topic is on Biological sex and sexual orientation: Nature or Nurture?
The paper should talk about how different factors (biological or social) can effect sexual orientation. Some questions to consider answering include:
Which hormones are implicated in sexual development and how are they implicated? Discuss cases of sexual development beyond the common dichotomous lens of male/female. What are the physical and behavioral outcomes of variations in biological sex? Is sexual orientation biologically determined or learned? What is the evidence?
We are required to address the neurobiological underpinnings.

I have attached a guideline with more information and included a couple of references to be used in the paper to defend the theory. Not all the references need to be used, only the ones that help provide information for the topic. There should be at least minimum of 10 references used though.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims. 1500 words minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Include a title page and reference page in APA style. The case studies are posted below along with the questions. Please combine all of these responses into a single document. I have attached the case studies under Document

Here is the link of the textbook we are currently using (its an older version I found online) if needed:

Case Study 1

1.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 8 (Guido, p.133) which begins, The patient was hospitalized for extreme low back pain
    Was there informed consent for the initial medications given to the patient?
    How would you determine that informed consent had been given for the MRI and the medications needed for sedation for the test?
    Was the informed consent deficient to the degree that there was a lack of informed consent for the patient for the second dose of medications?
    How would you decide this case?

Case Study 2
2.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 9 (Guido, p. 150) which begins, Jimmy, a Floridian, has undergone two liver transplants.:
    What questions would you anticipate the judge to ask Jimmy to ascertain his level of maturity, understanding of the full consequences of his lack of action, and possible alternative reasons for requesting that he be allowed to make his own medical decisions?
    How should the judge evaluate the mothers response to her sons request?
    Does the state of residency factor into the judges decision?
    Are there additional issues that should be addressed prior to deciding the outcome of this case?
    How would you decide the case?

Case Study 3
    What do you do about the informed consent form?
    Who signs and why?
    Using the MORAL model, decide the best course of action for Jimmy from an ethical  perspective rather than a legal perspective.
    Now decide the best course of action based on a purely legal perspective.
    Did you come to the same conclusion using both an ethical and a legal approach?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims. 1500 words minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Include a title page and reference page in APA style. The case studies are posted below along with the questions. Please combine all of these responses into a single document. I have attached the case studies under Document

Here is the link of the textbook we are currently using (its an older version I found online) if needed:

Case Study 1

1.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 8 (Guido, p.133) which begins, The patient was hospitalized for extreme low back pain
    Was there informed consent for the initial medications given to the patient?
    How would you determine that informed consent had been given for the MRI and the medications needed for sedation for the test?
    Was the informed consent deficient to the degree that there was a lack of informed consent for the patient for the second dose of medications?
    How would you decide this case?

Case Study 2
2.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 9 (Guido, p. 150) which begins, Jimmy, a Floridian, has undergone two liver transplants.:
    What questions would you anticipate the judge to ask Jimmy to ascertain his level of maturity, understanding of the full consequences of his lack of action, and possible alternative reasons for requesting that he be allowed to make his own medical decisions?
    How should the judge evaluate the mothers response to her sons request?
    Does the state of residency factor into the judges decision?
    Are there additional issues that should be addressed prior to deciding the outcome of this case?
    How would you decide the case?

Case Study 3
    What do you do about the informed consent form?
    Who signs and why?
    Using the MORAL model, decide the best course of action for Jimmy from an ethical  perspective rather than a legal perspective.
    Now decide the best course of action based on a purely legal perspective.
    Did you come to the same conclusion using both an ethical and a legal approach?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims. 1500 words minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Include a title page and reference page in APA style. The case studies are posted below along with the questions. Please combine all of these responses into a single document. I have attached the case studies under Document

Here is the link of the textbook we are currently using (its an older version I found online) if needed:

Case Study 1

1.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 8 (Guido, p.133) which begins, The patient was hospitalized for extreme low back pain
    Was there informed consent for the initial medications given to the patient?
    How would you determine that informed consent had been given for the MRI and the medications needed for sedation for the test?
    Was the informed consent deficient to the degree that there was a lack of informed consent for the patient for the second dose of medications?
    How would you decide this case?

Case Study 2
2.)    Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 9 (Guido, p. 150) which begins, Jimmy, a Floridian, has undergone two liver transplants.:
    What questions would you anticipate the judge to ask Jimmy to ascertain his level of maturity, understanding of the full consequences of his lack of action, and possible alternative reasons for requesting that he be allowed to make his own medical decisions?
    How should the judge evaluate the mothers response to her sons request?
    Does the state of residency factor into the judges decision?
    Are there additional issues that should be addressed prior to deciding the outcome of this case?
    How would you decide the case?

Case Study 3
    What do you do about the informed consent form?
    Who signs and why?
    Using the MORAL model, decide the best course of action for Jimmy from an ethical  perspective rather than a legal perspective.
    Now decide the best course of action based on a purely legal perspective.
    Did you come to the same conclusion using both an ethical and a legal approach?

Family Education History

Construct a history of your familys experiences with formal education in the United States. Consider academic experiences, events, challenges, roadblock or struggles family members experienced including the impact of other family members and teachers.The first page should consist a family member of your choice. The second page is a comparison of your education history and the family member(s) of your choice.